Monday, February 13, 2023

Get Out!


"Great works arise from a deep inspiration and
then expressed and brought into form."
Shakti Gawain

Creative inspiration flows into our subconscious, anxiously awaiting to fuse into our awakening thoughts.  In this sense, individuals channel genius into form.  Whether scientific formulas or artistic masterpieces, individuals reveal information from other realms.

When we declutter our mind, we are able to receive insights that can become expressed in a personally creative way.  In solitude, whether in nature or meditation, we step upon a private passageway.  

The key, of course, is getting out of our own way.  Releasing self-doubt and opening to possibility, we can be flooded with ideas as tools to our own brilliance.  Eliminating second-guessing, we open to potential contributions which are unique to our own nature.

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