Monday, December 31, 2012

Beyond the Ending


Closed Path

I thought that my voyage had come to its end
at the last limit of my power, 
...that the path before me was closed
that provisions were exhausted
and the time had come to take shelter in a silent obscurity.

But I find that they will knows no end in me. 
And when old words die out on the tongue,
new melodies break forth from the heart;
and where the old tracks are lost,
new country is revealed with its wonders.

Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, December 30, 2012

No Resolutions, Just One Promise

Go ahead, struggle through it.
Pick up the pen already and put it to the page and stop whining. Write.

Pick up the brush and be mean to yourself for a change, paint.

Dancers, put on the loose chemise, tie the ribbons in your hair,
at your waist, or on your ankles and tell the body to take it from there. Dance.

Actress, playwright, poet, musician, or any other.
Generally, just stop talking, Don’t say one more word unless you’re a singer.

Shut yourself in a room with  ceiling or in a clearing under the sky.

Do your art.

Generally, a thing cannot freeze if it is moving.
So move.
Keep moving.

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

As the end of the year approaches we can not help but recall some of the resolutions we made in previous years, but never followed through.  Some of us will have lists of anticipated mastering while others may only have a few.  Either way, seldom are we truly successful in following through.

Let me suggest not making any resolutions.  Just make one promise to our self, and if we mindfully honor it, all else will fall into place.  If we respectfully keep the promise, we will navigate through the year with numerous accomplishments and a greater sense of self.

And what is this magical promise?  To thine own self be true. 

Think about it!  If we are monitoring our selves and really  feeling deeply within  how situations or people impact our behaviors, we use our sense of self as the measuring stick.

If we pay attention to our thoughts:

I really do not enjoy my work.
Instead of a goal to discover new employment with our crazy economic situation, begin my visualizing the kind of job where you would be challenged, creative, and happy.  Be excited about it and network with others.  Experience how this makes you feel more in control of your life and how hope stimulates how you feel inside.

My living space is unacceptable.
Instead of making a goal, begin to imagine what you may want or need to feel comfortable.  In your mind's eye, see your self happy, safe, and inspired in a new surrounding.  Be aware of how this allows the experience of calm and contentment.  Tell others what you might want to find.  Take random walks or different routines of driving and you may just discover a sign. 

I have out grown my relationships, I need new friends.
It is important to acknowledge how people make you feel.  Do they drain you or excite you?  It seems judgmental to say your friends are no longer meeting your needs, but wanting to expand your circle is not wrong.  We develop new interests or long for deeper friendships.  Just pay attention to those you come in contact with in your daily routine.  Frequently we are simply overlooking someone as we do not take the time to respect or honor those around us.  Attempt to learn more about these people and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.  Let your feelings be your guide.

Whenever we set goals, they can almost feel burdensome from the get go.   We can make a list, misplace it, or forget about it entirely.  If we simply listen to our selves, we will know what we want and deal with it in the present moment.   It isn't about daily planners, calendars or time management.  If we remain present in the moment aware of our true nature, we will create a richer way of living by appreciating what we beckon into our life moment to moment.

Just one promise:  Be in the moment with your beautiful self!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Reach Out to Others!

I am feeling heartbroken for the people in Connecticut.  I'm turning off the TV and turning toward my family, faith and deeper prayer. 

        Lord, help me send love and light to those in pain.  Let me stay calm and openhearted while I manage my own fear and anger.  Help me to remember that news coverage is traumatizing for me, not healing, and that my children need safety and information, not more fear.

Brene Brown Ph.D

(Brene Brown is an excellent author, presenter, and professor.  She has contributed excellent information regarding the subject of shame and imperfection,  based on her research.  Please experience her on u tube, purchase one of her books, or explore her website.)

This holiday season has been greatly impacted by the passing of innocent lives, uncompleted lives, and one very disturbed life.  I encourage each of you to allow this horrible situation to be processed and not repressed.  Confide in friends, family, neighbors, ministers, therapists, in the privacy of your journal or creatively expressed through art.  Release your emotions through prayer, good deeds towards others, contemplation or communing with nature.  Accept your emotions as they are, but then release them.  Let your sadness or anger pass through you embracing loving thoughts of your loved ones.

Over the years, tragedy has touched your life in one way or another.  When something horrific occurs to someone else, your old memories will resurface.  Acknowledge how you feel, but then get busy.  Stay active, but get plenty of sleep.  Find a few activities to brighten your mood ... a movie, massage, coffee with a friend.  Join other families when you are invited or welcome other friends without family to join you. 

Do a lot of snuggling whether it is with your mate, girlfriends, children, grandchildren or favorite pet.  You cannot help how you feel but you can choose your behaviors.  So don't get stuck.  It is a difficult time, a time to reach out to others!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Offering Sacrifices

"Of course life is bizarre,
the more bizarre it gets,
the more interesting it is.
The only way to approach it
is to make yourself some popcorn
and enjoy the show."

Unknown Author

Right about now, we may need some laughter in our lives.  Some good old belly laughter like when we were kids.  While playing, a friend said something silly and we all giggled, and then we all were hysterically laughing over jumbled words we couldn't even remember.  Laughter is so good for the soul.

Television, movies, newspapers are constantly bombarding us with terrible happenings across the world.  Recently friends and neighbors may have died or  lost their job or home.  If we are fortunate to be happy, we may feel guilty which of course is not correct at all.

It is easy to become an overly serious adult during these challenging times, but we must balance the responsibility with play.  We need to bring laughter back into our body, mind, and soul.  

We can watch a comedy or read a funny book or observe  children at play.  We need to 'lighten up' and thankfully, I have learned just the thing to brighten my day!

Just as soon as I realize a situation is not going my way, and tension begins to spread up my neck, I say to myself, "I can do this!"  I immediately relax and offer this challenge up as a sacrifice for a child without food.  When I am caught in an endless line, I offer this slight up for a separated family.  I will park my car further down leaving an empty space for a person who may be worse off than I may be.  

Does this work?  I don't know of the end results for others, but the act of tolerating for the sake of others makes me feel more purposeful.  I am happier knowing that I am participating unaware to others.  These small sacrifices allow me to feel joyful and buoyant which triggers a laugh for sure! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Inward Gaze

Truth be told, the inward gaze is something she's not too fond of.  But there are secrets that lurk in the mind, and she doesn't want any of them sneaking up on her.  Sometimes it pays to take a deep look inside even if you get queasy gazing into those dark corners.
Alden Bell
The Reapers Are the Angels
We all repress unpleasant memories for a variety of reasons.  Who knows what really triggers one to unexpectedly surface.  We might respond with a fit of nervous laughter or a startling realization of the return of something thought to have been left in the past.  There may be a sense of foreboding or dread, but if something has surfaced, we need to take a look.
It is said with recalling memories, nothing will appear we are not prepared to examine.  If our mind feels certain we are capable of exploring, it will release what it is we need to know.
Exploring inner landscapes is not always a pleasant thing to do.  We find our selves discovering both shadow and light.  We search for words to articulate the silence held within and this is not an easy task.  In fact it takes courage and resilience to face what appears to be the unknown.
Our hidden truth is like a seed buried in the ground, pushing to sprout and be known.  When we are capable of  embracing whatever lurks under the surface, we will find our selves to be a creative master of our garden.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Good Day to Die ...

Your visions will become clear
only when you can look
into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.

C. G. Jung

Today is one of those good days, where I can find no fault with my self.  I feel whole, connected, and loved.  It is not often the stars align for me, so I glory in this day.  It is good to be me, and I am  grateful for my life, my teachers and lessons.  As the Native American Indians would say, "Today is a good day to die."

Years ago, I did not understand this concept of death.  Surely, it would not be a good day if I were physically dying.  Now, however, I have a greater sense of what is meant by this phrase.

There are just some days life is so perfect and fulfilling one feels that it will never be better than this moment in time.  If this time in space is the peak of all things, why go on?  Let go when everything is beautiful, peace, and calm. 

On this day I have no longings or yearnings to unbalance my day.  I am more than content with all of the blessings I have received.  I desire to enjoy each and every moment as this mystical sense of oneness will surely pass in short time.  My human ego will soon over ride my spiritual awareness, ushering me back into the chaos of real time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Spirit of Christmas 2012

 “What is the spirit of Christmas, you ask?  Let me give you the answer in a true story...
On a cold day in December, feeling especially warm in my heart for no other reason than it was the holiday season, I walked through the store sporting a big grin on my face.  Though most people were far too busy going about their business to notice me, one elderly gentleman in a wheelchair brought his eyes up to meet mine as we neared each other traveling opposite directions.  He slowed in passing just long enough to speak to me.
"Now that's a Christmas smile if I ever saw one," he said.
My lips stretched to their limit in response, and I thanked him for the compliment.  Then we went our separate ways. But, as I thought about the man and how sweetly he'd touched me, I realized something simply wonderful!  In that brief, passing interaction we'd exchanged heartfelt gifts!
And that, my friend, is the spirit of Christ~mas. ”

Richelle E. Goodrich

 I am thankful for all of my blessings.  I am deeply appreciative for all of those who have been a Santa to me, making me laugh and adorning me with presents.  I have nothing but admiration for those who have been Christ-like ...  humble and serving from the riches of their heart across all limitations and boundaries.  I am grateful for the time with my daughter being an invisible Santa to unknown others by  doing random acts of kindness ... the joy of Christmas! 

2012 has brought to me the greatest of my personal and spiritual transitions.  It has been a time with many unexplainable losses, eventually followed by surprised gains.  Throughout these last twelve months, life disclosed many challenges and lessons not all filled with delight.  With each new awareness, I my light grew stronger in my heart and soul.

We are all lights of love, to shine in celebration of the Divine, to reflect as a beacon for others, and to experience life in a most positive loving way.  Let us carry this Christmas Spirit into every future day.

Thank you for being a presence in my life, inspiring me to write.
Virginia Carlson

Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas ...

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories
and love of kindred,
and we are better throughout the year for having,
in spirit,
become a child again at Christmas time.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Christmas Eve was a magical time for me.  I loved the anticipation of Santa much more than the arrival of presents on Christmas morning. 

Christmas Eve we would go to a candle lighting service and sing carols.  I loved the church being dark, the joined voices, the music, and of course the little white candle dripping hot wax down my hand.  The features in the stained glass windows seemed to come alive.  The mystery of the Christ child was no less important than the coming of Santa.  Both seemed to be a vital part of the spirit of Christmas.

My parents allowed us to open one package on Christmas eve after church with the rest to follow in the morning.  Before bed, I would sit and stare at the lights on the tree.  It seemed to be a private time for thought, a quiet time.  It seemed to be a pause in my otherwise active life.  A time of wonderment.

Christmas eve continues to be my favorite of the season to return to childlike wonder.  Not about Santa, but of the mystery of life, the seen and the unseen, and the magic of candles in the dark.  A private time.  A quiet time. A time for child like wonderment.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Moving through Loneliness


When I get lonely these days, I think:  So BE lonely, Liz.  Learn your way around loneliness.  Make a map of it.  Sit with it, for once in your life.  Welcome to the human experience.  But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.

Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love

Loneliness impacts all of us from time to time.  It is a part of being human, but it does have a remedy for all levels of experiencing life.   Loneliness is especially present during the Christmas Holidays.

We may originally believe that loneliness comes to those who are physically alone, but this is not accurate at all.  There are many people who are surrounded by others and yet feel totally alone.  There are also those who live totally removed from all others and yet do not experience an over abundance of loneliness.

Let us just accept that loneliness is no stranger to anyone.  It is similar to being angry.  We all experience anger at some level and we have a choice as to what to do with it.  We know there are appropriate ways of releasing anger just as there are inappropriate ways.  The same holds true for loneliness.

Prior to being lonely, it is ideal to make a list of things to do:
1.  Take a leisurely bath with a candle, music, and good book.
2.  Buy yourself flowers.
3.  Invite friends over for a potluck.
4.  Go to a movie, museum, art gallery, library ...
5.  Curl up in your favorite chair and read.
6.  Settle in and meditate or pray.
7.  Journal
8.  Get out in nature.

When we normalize loneliness, we can move on to the remedy.  When we can see it as a state of being, accept it, and remind our selves that it won't stay forever, we already begin to feel encouraged.   It is helpful to be aware of when we most likely will have the sensation of loneliness.  Identify triggers like over working, unbalanced social and private time, not enough sleep, not eating correctly, or a particular time of the year. 

Granted, loneliness is experienced differently for each of us, but we all share in the experience.  If we but dare to embrace it with appropriate actions, we will not find ourselves in desperate situations that will be regretted immediately. 

Resolution resides inside each of us when we connect with Spirit and move past the illusion of separateness.  Spirit is always with us, but Divine wisdom is difficult to hear when we are self-absorbed.  We need to be patient with our  'self' and remember  loneliness shall pass.  It just passes more quickly if we honor and respect ourselves with appropriate behaviors.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


In order to see birds
it is necessary to become
part of the silence.
Robert Lynd

 Not that long ago in smaller towns, businesses would close for at least an hour at lunch time so people could go home for lunch and rest.  In the Mexican culture, there were Siestas every day.  The English have their tea time mid-afternoon.  Native American Indians experienced life unfolding on "Indian time" which meant the element of time had very broad boundaries.    And what can we say about our own culture in this time and space? 

Once I read in a business summary that American culture took a huge step forward by mastering the computer as it easily reduced the length of time necessary to perform daily tasks.  The unfortunate piece was instead of using the extra time to rest and refurbish, they just filled the open space with more work, taxing their bodies and minds even farther.

We have fast food, drive-up windows, and express lanes.  Do these help us have more quality time with our family and friends or do these conveniences simply provide time to over extend our already busy schedules.  The sad thing is we are not even necessarily aware of what we are doing to our bodies, minds, and spirits.  Fast has become the norm.

While visiting New York City this last summer with my daughter, the harsh noises were overwhelming ... grating on my nerves.  Every day we would walk miles and miles shopping, exploring, and wandering in Central Park.  The day we visited Central Park, I realized how long it had been since I had seen trees, heard birds, and actually saw the expanse of the sky.

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and I am thankful for the experience of living in such an exciting city with so many offerings for experiences,  entertainment and learning.  I realize though how much I have changed over the years, and how much more private or quiet time I need for my soul.  I now learn through silence in nature and the solitude of meditation or prayer.  Privacy to journal or reading is a requirement not a preference. 

Years are spent rushing around seeking what we finally find when we learn to be still.  To sit with our self and really listen to our heart's desire.  To comprehend that our body is screaming for us to stop and rest.  What we seek is found when we slow down.  What we have been searching for resides within.  Be still ... listen for the guidance of Divine Spirit ... relax into peace and calm.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The View

When we are caught in the trance of unworthiness, we do not clearly recognize what is happening inside us, nor do we feel kind. Our view of who we are is contorted and narrowed and our heart feels hardened against life.

Tara Brach
Radical Acceptance

Just a few days ago, I was into the holiday spirit and excited about how good life can be.  Yesterday, I noticed a loose string of emotions and I began to pull on it.  I was worried about my friend and her MRI, concerned about a surgery my grandson will face,  and how difficult the holidays will be for my friends who have faced the death of their loved ones.  Today, the string has not only become loose, it is well on its way to unraveling my neatly woven security.

My perception of life has altered considerably as it is based on what is happening inside of me.  My healthy attitude towards my self has slipped and instead of seeing technicolor, my world has turned to gray.  In place of feeling like a force of nature, fear has left me feeling like a puddle from the rain.

Whenever fear muddles my thoughts, leaving me fragmented and afraid, my perception of my life, my surroundings, and my friends and family shifts.  In defense, I throw up emotional blocks, rigid boundaries, and withdraw.  Isolation allows me to feel safe.

The problem with isolation, however, is that it creates such darkness I cannot see the beauty in anything, and I cannot receive the support I need.  This distorted view is created by my own thoughts of unworthiness, not by reality.

Looking back over the last few days, I realize I have not eaten correctly,  have not had enough sleep, and have not made the time for writing and reading affirmations.  I let my self down by ignoring my own support system.

The best way for me to pull my self out of the role of 'victim' is to look at my options.  What steps can I take to stitch my life back together?  Then I must follow through with action, one step at a time until my view has been stretched back unto the brilliant canvas of  life.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dialogue with the Divine

  I am not a religious person;
I am a spiritual person.
I want to have my dialogue with the divine.
Maybe that means a tree or a rock
or a magnificent being of light
that I cannot explain.

Lynn Andrews

In the heart of every person, there is a spark of the Divine.  I happen to believe that God placed light or energy inside of every thing as it was created.  So if a small glow exists in each and every person and thing, all needs to be revered ... treated with respect and honor. 

I do believe that Spirit talks to us through all objects and people.  When we look at an ocean, the beauty of it can take our breath away ... this is the language Divine speaks.  Messages are constantly being sent to us as we gaze upon the stars or glistening snow.  It is a matter of listening ... hearing the bird singing a song in the tree, feeling the sun shine on your face or feeling cleansed by a gentle rain.  Subtle, but inspiring.

It works the opposite way as well.  When I want to have a conversation with Spirit, I frequently go for a walk.  I sense the presence of God surrounding me.  The spark within me expands as I listen to a bird sing, I see a leaf float elegantly by, and a very interesting rock awaits my attention.  God is in all of these things and I feel joyfully surrounded by love, calm, and peace.  I feel totally connected with the light  in all things and know through this dialogue with the Divine, I am whole once again.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Three Days of Love

 The following message was shared with me by dear friend, Judith Corvin Blackburn, author of EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT.  Please pass the message by Stephan Dinan forward!


Judith Corvin Blackburn

 Dear friends of the Shift,

We are delighted to be launching an exciting global initiative with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Beckwith, Shiva Rea, and many other luminaries today

It's an experiment in creating a global movement of the heart to begin a new era with love, generosity, and kindness.

We invite you to join this "love movement" by personally committing to sharing words and actions of love for three days, from December 20-22. 

Imagine what will happen if people around the world commit to this: amazing acts of friendship, random gifts, hugs from strangers - we can remember ourselves as one human family!

So if you've been wondering what one thing you can do to make a difference, this is a potent and fun one.

Get details and sign your name to the pledge here: Three Days of Love

For these three days, we'll build a coherent field of love around the planet to connect people in a spirit of collaboration as thousands of events activate around the end of one Mayan calendar cycle (and the beginning of a new one).  It's an auspicious time for us to shift from fear to love.

Scientific studies have shown that a unified field of the human heart can effect change in real time and set a framework for cooperation and community building

Once you take the pledge, we then ask that you "Love it Forward" by passing along to your friends and also share your personal expressions of love via photos and videos on the Facebook page. The best ones will be featured on the Birth 2012 broadcast on Dec 21st and 22nd.

Other luminaries and founding signatories include Lynne Twist, Mastin Kipp, Jack Canfield, Joan Borysenko, Lynne McTaggart, Ervin Laszlo and many others.

Deepak Chopra says "Love is not a mere sentiment but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe."

And YOU are the heart of the universe!

This is one simple act you can take now to spread LOVE and make a difference.

Join us here: Three Days of Love
Stephen headshot Oct11 88x112.jpg   In the spirit of love,
Stephen Dinan


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So How's That Working Out For You?

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.

                                        Eckhart Tolle
                                 Oneness With All Life

Math, algebra, geometry, and numbers in general have never been my strength.  Somehow I never came up with the right equation, and in many ways this seems to be holding true in my life.

Every year I forewarn my self about the holiday season and how it impacts emotion which in turn triggers responses otherwise never intended to be spoken.  I tell my self to stay in the moment, not to wander into the sadness of the past nor stray into the unknown future.  I know these things to be true and time has taught me these simple precautions are vital.

Today, however, the world of unfairness had broken through my defenses and crowds of questions have rushed in trampling over my carefully placed safe guards.  They are demanding answers and no matter how I link the information, the equations are not coming out satisfactorily.  

Fear shakes me so violently, my rose colored glasses fly off and I see nothing but poverty, illness, violence and death.  Instead of seeing the beautiful spirit emanating light from the heart, I see hunger in the belly, and hatred in the eyes. 

I return to the safety of solitude and begin to mend the fences trampled down.  I pull my resources around me and begin to read passages of well worn books and journals.  Centering myself, I breathe in loving light and exhale the darkness of fear.  Thoughts, prayers, energy and light restore my sense of balance.

Through creative visualization, I begin to send  love, light, and energy out into the world of pain.  I become a deliberate vessel of light pouring brightness into the world of darkness.  I will hold this space in time for as long as I can, clinging to what I believe to be true and hugging the present moment.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Human Spirit

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside of us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.  Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

~E.E. Cummings
American poet 1894-1962

Remember to have compassion when we display our human ways.  We forget, repeat, stumble, and fall.  We soak up criticism more readily than compliments, and are challenged by lessons continuously.  It is no wonder we struggle to remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

So easily we forget we are truly a child of God or Divine Spirit or the Universe.  We can be so overwhelmed by the physical or material world, we get disconnected from our true intentions for living.

The fast pace of life whooshes by our ears, deafening the whispers from our soul.  We become so mesmerized by looking out into the world, we forget the sacredness within us.  The farther we reach out, greater is the distance between balance of body, mind, and spirit.  Then we feel so alone even though we never really are separated.

The human spirit travels out into the world for discovery, only to turn around and find the way back home to the shelter of the heart.  The journey has not been made in vain, as the life lessons have carved us into who we have become and who we have needed to be.

When we can remain aware of our inner connection with God, Divine Spirit, or the Universe, it is so much easier to let our human spirit unfold.  There is a greater sense of being a part of a spiritual team to help in decision making, spreading the light, and making the world a better place to be ... one human spirit at a time ... joining together ... and all becoming one. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Don't Own It!

" ... though these thoughts come through you, they are not who you are."  MARK NEPO, THE BOOK OF AWAKENING

Certainly we all have experienced a time when a truly dark thought has jetted across our mind, leaving us to question our selves, "Where did that come from?"  Seemingly out of no where, a darkness escapes and we are appalled.

We all have a shadow side we try to hide or suppress and then like a jack-in-the-box it jumps out and surprises us.  Rather than chastising our selves, we can simply recognize the passing of our dark side and not react.  Dark thoughts when not acted upon, do no harm.  To suppress them can eventually harm our body, mind or spirit. 

To stretch our mind, we may also consider dark thoughts randomly floating through our mind as 'collective' energy surrounding us.  We are capable of picking up the thoughts of others or collective consciousness, but these thoughts are not who we are.    Be aware of the experience and then let it go.  Don't own it.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Light at the End of the Tunnel


Believe that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Believe that you might be that light
for someone else.
Kobi Yamada

Our actions reflect our thoughts, just as our words express our feelings.  What we value is easily displayed in the way we live our lives.  Do we live with courage, integrity, and self-love?    Do we listen and embrace others even when we do not understand their passion?

How we handle our selves, reflects our inner perceptions of our spiritual development and concepts we hold of other human beings.  It is our essence that will either help or hinder  others.

Our acts of random kindness can change the life of a desperate person.  Just smiling may impact a life forever.  Unsolicited praise or encouragement may bolster the spirit of a person on the edge of giving up..  Setting an example of honoring diversity may challenge another person's perspective by enhancement.

In order to be a light for someone else, we must endeavor to truly know ourselves, improving our nature daily so we reflect passion, tolerance, and hope for all.  If we feel connected within our selves, friends and strangers alike will sense our calm and be encouraged to find  a personal peace of their own.

We may never know how many lives we have touched just by being comfortable in our own skin.  It is through example, in being a light, that others may find their way through the tunnel a little faster than expected!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Come Home


When someone we love dies, our grief is for the living. The  soul released from the body soars onward, going home.  For sometimes death is a kind friend; release from pain, release into the all-embracing light, is a reward, not a punishment. 

We too can come home when our loved one dies.  We can come home to a luminous acceptance of the truth about the light.  We can let the light embrace us and sustain us.  We can come home to our own faith, our own courage, our own light that shines within, without, and all around us as we move forward, released from pain as our loved one has been released, awaiting reunion and renewal, awaiting our own homecoming.


As a child, Christmas time was never an occasion to recall a loved one who had passed away or even moved away.  People came in and out of my young life, leaving impressions, but not necessarily remembered during the season of the Christ child's birth or the illusions of Santa Claus or reindeers.

This year, for whatever reason, the holidays have been highlighted by the deaths of many loved ones, family, friends and respected community members.    It is not difficult for me to celebrate the gifts I have received from those who have passed, but it is indeed challenging to face the sorrow of those left behind.

Each day I fill my inner self with light, calling upon the Divine for connection.  I then call to mind those who are struggling with the unanswered questions of life.  I cover them with light, and love, asking that they may feel protected and guided by the light. 

As one light goes out, we must remember that we still have our own light within.  Our light will sustain us and brighten our path to carry on with our own lives.  Not to forget those who are gone, but to celebrate their lives with honor and respect.  To be thankful for what they have left behind.  Then we  join our light with others, helping each other with compassion and courage until it is time to 'come home'. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Peace and Calm

You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output -- how much you produce -- not in terms of the quality of your life experiences. To be a soulful person means to go against all the pervasive, prove-yourself values of our culture and instead treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in yourself and your own personal evolution.

Jean Shinoda Bolen

We can only do our very best, but try we must.  In our own individual way, we create, set intention, and manifest our dreams.  There is no need to compare ourselves with others, as there is no race nor competition during the development of the soul.  Rather than repress others, we pull them along that they might also discover the soul within and the connection between us all.

We evolve in such subtle ways it is necessary to slow down to maintain a keen observation of ourselves ... our thoughts ... actions ... reactions ... feelings ... insights ... and the Divine presence dwelling within us all.

Things are not always as they seem.  We must broaden our vision and stretch our understanding by looking through the eyes of others, not just our own.  By understanding someone else's plight, we are not condoning nor condemning ... we are leaving judgment to the Divine.

Our greatest barrier is in the fear of letting go.   We must step through this illusion of fear which stunts us and discover our true nature waiting to unfold.  When we nurture our soul, we find the peace and calm we have been searching for.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


It's important to know that The Mayan Calendar was never keeping track of time as we know it; it was a meter for the evolution of consciousness across the span of this galaxy, and an instrument to help entrain into intuition and move out of the mind/ego.

To anyone reading this, the only thing you have to know is: what you put the focus of your attention on, you become conscious of; and what you become conscious of, you will manifest on a very literal scale. Kind of like a constant dream state that you're completely conscious of and have full control over.

Be in ethics -- compassionate, forthright, caring, loving, honest -- and an ethical reality will manifest. Be in fear, anger, propitiation, worry, dishonesty, prejudice, and your manifested reality is going to be a direct reflection of these emotions.

~Urban Dictionary

Reported by many, we have now just entered a special time from 12-12-12 to 12-21-12.  Opinions, observations and belief systems have similar qualities and yet somewhat different slants.

If we indeed are in time of a shift this means that a portal will be opening or an opportunity being created, where additional energy, awareness, awakenings will be experienced, not by just a few, but all living creatures.  Whether a person is aware of this shift or not, he or she will be impacted in some way on some level.  In other words, there are no special few who will be ascending ... a shift is for all peoples.  Granted, there will be great variance in how each person experiences this time and space.

There are many paths to spirituality and although they may be labeled differently, our one true nature leads to the Divine.  Each of us receive increased energy, light or love whether we are aware of it or not. 

Perhaps all we need to do is to remain well intentioned.  Keep our thoughts and actions governed by loving kindness.  With our eyes open, we may see life in a more hopeful way.  With an open heart, we may feel love in all peoples.  Focus more on the common elements amongst us and respect diversity as an artistic expression of the Divine.  Let us join together as one.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What Does It Mean ... 12-12-12

 The Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 12-12-2012 as the end of times as we know it, and the beginning of a new cycle of evolution for planet earth, humanity and the cosmos. Mayan elders say that the Ancients were informing the modern world to be ready for a giant transformation for the human race. Interestingly, traditions across the world including Buddhism, Tao, Hopi and Vedic knowledge predict a ‘Golden Age’ or ‘Satyug’ in their calendars around the same period. December 2012 is being looked upon as a significant spiritual event and a momentous shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.

~Body, Mind, Spirit Journeys

Being the humans that we are, there is a diverse response to the forthcoming 12-12-12.  There are many predictions with various reactions.  Some are planning a celebrational trip to Peru or Mexico while others are dreading destruction, death, and the end of the world.  The world will always have spiritual visionaries as well as doomsday negativity. 

Personally, I would like to look beyond the fear of catastrophe and invest my time, meditations, and thoughts into the realm of hope.  As portals will seemingly open, we will be offered a new beginning.  As in all shifts that occur, a space is created ...  an opportunity for change whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual.  Whether viewing the reports of Ancient Scrolls, Spiritualists such as Tom Kenyon, the Bible, or Scientific Research, interpretations are rarely accurate.  So the point need not be the right or wrong of timely prediction, but rather placing the emphasis on what is to be learned.  As always, what is the lesson?