"I've always loved the night, when everyone else is asleep 
and the world is all mine.  It's quiet and dark ... 
the perfect time for creativity."
Jonathan Harnisch 

When darkness draws near, the level of noise around the house tends to tone down.  It would seem objects return to appropriate places and the sounds of daily routine are tucked into bed.  My lovely Bella would lay down by the side, knowing, as dogs do, this was my favorite part of day filled with quiet and a shimmering candle.  

By the time darkness falls, my energy has ebbed and my mind can open to things that are unseen and hear the whispers not clearly spoken.  Pen in hand, I jot down thoughts I have never really had, but seem to be threaded through my belief system.  As I scan through a book, certain passages trigger ideas, and so I write some more.

Sleep comes easily with the sense of a presence loving me.  Hopefully, my dreams will be filled with mystery and fantasy. In the morning I will embrace the blue sky, feed the birds, greet the trees and anticipate strengthening my connectedness with all things, while patiently waiting for darkness to come.

(Sadly, Bella passed January 31, 2019)