Monday, October 31, 2022

Slipping The Mask Off


"We understand how dangerous a mask can be.
We all become what we pretend to be."
Patrick Rothfuss

I have been contemplating just how many masks I have worn over my life time.  There have been so many, and I never understood the damage being done to me.  My obsession for understanding others, allowed me to see beyond the facade of others, which postponed me from observing my own.

Each mask restrained me in one way or another.  It minimized my ability to write, create, and truly be who I was always meant to be.  Blinded, I was led further down paths where I was never meant to be ... not right nor wrong, just not supportive of me.

Dismantling years of criticism and self-sabotage, I began to appreciate how good it felt to slip the mask off and stand vulnerable in spite of fear. I actually began to like my self and began to decorate my heart, my space, and my soul.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Do You Understand?


"The most convincing sign that someone genuinely
cares for you is they seek to understand."
Samantha Jo Gabardi

While relating a very old story from my repertoire, a respected mentor interrupted me and questioned how this tale made me feel.  I had been accustomed to hiding behind my words, not being seen. I was caught off guard and cried.

From that point forward, I listened differently to both friends and foe.  I began to see beyond the telling and into the emotional relevance. Questioning the storyteller, allowed me to see deeper into the emotional makeup.

We long to be seen without the risk of judgment.  It is not so much the story we tell, but the impact it has had upon our body, mind, and soul.  Details cease to be important as we begin to understand how experience alters meaning in our lives.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Partnership With A Clause

"A good relationship is a constant dance
of merging and separation."
Shakti Gawain

Life is created through the interaction with others and enhanced by our inner work, alone.  Both are important, bending and challenging our energies. The presence of others can lift our vibrations creating bliss, but we must not lose our sense of personal identity.

Healthy emotional and physical lifestyles include flexible boundaries with the ability to lower and raise them based upon our intentions and safety.  We have choice and a sense of empowerment to utilize it.

This is not about judgment of others, but rather entertaining what best nurtures our body, mind and soul.  We welcome partnership that includes a clause regarding the need for separateness.  When we are locked together, neither thrive.  It is in the dance we survive. 


Friday, October 28, 2022

Freedom From Restraints


"Creativity ... letting go to surprise yourself,
letting go to allow miracles is what this is about."
Sheila Reynolds

We project blocks to our own desires based on inner fears.  It is imperative to get out of our own way!  We get stuck in our heads over thinking, negating, and aborting our own attempts.  It is when we push through our own defenses, creativity begins to flow.

From the simple to the detailed, loosen up restrictions.  Be slightly daring in daily tasks to spontaneous opportunities.  We begin to feel freedom from our restraints and confidence begins to build.  

As we step into our true nature, we begin to realize the beauty and abundance that persistently surrounds us, just waiting to be seen.  Get excited! Side step the beaten path and explore the delight in new discovery. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Do Not Do This Alone ...

"The real problem you have is 
you're trying to do it alone."
Neale Donald Walsch

The spiritual path calls for us to go within to connect with our heart's desire.  We travel alone on the inner, but it is then necessary to reach out and participate with others to learn how to become who we are meant to be.  

We explore our challenge from the inside, imaging our best life and then from the outside, obtaining necessary skills.  We gather information about our deepest truths and act accordingly through relationship with others.  Sincerely, we are not here to exist alone.

As we unite with the Divine and engage with others, the gap between body, mind and soul is healed.  The gained wisdom shifts our focus from what is lacking to deep appreciation for the abundance previously unseen. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Healthy Cadence

"We do not need to fill up every 
empty space with sound.
Silence heals."
Debbie Lynn

Once you address the need to slow down, empty spaces are more noticeable.  In quietude,  you realize it might have been these times of loneliness that originally prompted the rapid pace.  Constant activity acts as a buffer between your internal and external growth.

It is within the realms of silence that repressed feelings can be unleashed and once surfaced, addressed.  You cannot heal what is avoided, ignored, and minimized.  Cultivating courage to face your inner self, leads you to empowerment, freedom, and creativity.

In your moments of silence, let there be no judgment or criticism.  Use your energy to calculate new ways of refreshing the old. Through the use of imagination, reframe new ways of meeting criteria.   As silence heals, notice your life shifting with a healthier cadence.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Not Arrogance


"When people show you who they are ...  believe them."
Soul Expansion

There comes a time when we must quit deluding our lovely selves, and face the fact that we cannot change others unless they want to be changed.  And even then, they must take steps towards healing and  reconstruction without being carried by us.  

We sense or feel negativity, but tell our selves to take the higher ground, so we minimize.  Even when we are harmed emotionally or physically or spiritually, we try to be brave little soldiers ignoring our fear.

There is no arrogance in stepping back, refiguring and protecting.  When we choose to honor our selves rather than being a victim or a martyr, we no longer enable the wounded.  When we make the decision to walk away, we are respecting all involved to find honesty and truth.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Navigating Transportation


"Be a loner ... wonder, search for the truth.  
Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living."
Albert Einstein

To be a loner does not intend for one to be restricted to sitting in darkness and isolation.  An individualist pulls invested energy back into his or her being. A creative process is experienced, shedding perceptions, and opinions, and unexamined beliefs.

When we allow the collective to dictate our means of transportation through life, our authentic experience is delayed.  Navigation is enhanced when we cast our own course, follow inner guidance, and embrace the unknown.

Layers of beauty consistently surround us to be perceived with an individualistic view.  Creativity is ours to see and orchestrate in our own way.  It is within authenticity that our soul thrives.  Seek with curiosity and be open to the unveiling.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Shine, Baby, Shine


"Each encounter offers you the opportunity 
to shine your most divine self and to honor
and reflect the most divine self of the other."
Peggy Black

Too often, we believe exhibiting our glow as being egotistic.  Maybe we are concerned that showing our true self is being a braggart.  Conversely, how will anyone see or hear our truth if we do not let it shine? 

As we open a door into our lovely selves, we offer an invitation to others to enter.  If they choose to browse, we too, have opportunity for impressions of the value they offer to the world.  Without intention to dominate, we are able to blend together with respect and honor.

As we create an equal platform, allowing space for diversity while eliminating criticism and judgment, the world shines brighter.  Individually, as well as together, we project a light for all to see which accelerates human growth and development. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Soul Within Stillness

"Let the silence of your soul hold you in peace.
Let the stillness of your heart bathe you in love."
Mitch Davidowitz 

There is an expansion of the self when we are able to embrace the concept of soul, and to come to a realization that we, indeed, are spiritually complex beings.  When we are able to make the connection between the body, mind, and soul, life takes on a new depth of living.

If we can explore beyond the limitations of being human, and increase perceptions of the meaning or purpose to life, thoughts shift. Harm in any form is unacceptable and chaos is always present; therefore, we adapt by setting intention from our soul connection.  

As we sit in stillness, a communication can be formed within the silence.  Gradually, our heart opens and our connection is strengthened by strong sensations of love. With the realization that we are not truly alone, life ceases to be a chore and becomes an adventure.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Opening of Spiritual Door


"I believe the spiritual door has been opened to our 
immortality because to deny us this knowledge 
has proven to be counterproductive."
Michael Newton

Early in life, our concepts regarding life and death are shaped by religious doctrine, family heritage, and overheard conversations.  Eventually, we gain access to outside sources triggering free thought and speculation.

As we explore, we are prompted by inner knowings that resonate with certain threads of wisdom.  We get to choose which we find to be fact or fiction.  No longer curbed by age or society, we find our spirits pulled into differing directions.

Documentation of life after death now floods across diverse resources.  There are increased encounters with spiritual guides disclosing insights to our triggers, blocks, and pre-conditioned responses. It is time to seek and discover, as the door is open.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Veering Off ...


"Whatever our situation ... sudden or gradual ...
remember to let go and to trust the process."
Stephen Levine

Resistance blocks our progress and diverts our attention from positive to negative.  Digging our feet in, refusing to open to broader speculation, and to stop listening to inner guidance, all contribute to veering off the intended path.

Any force creating diversion is not necessarily bad.  Often times, it is a means towards an unpredicted outcome.  When we are closed minded, rejecting any new opportunities, sudden shifts are intended to guide us towards new direction and altered action.

We get so set in our ways, perhaps stubborn, as the familiar is more comfortable that the risk of change.  We ask for completion of goals and yet resist redirection.  Fear gains control and we fall farther from completion.  Lean in, embracing new routes to escort us closer to home.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Vehicles Upon A Journey

"An open heart and mind are helpful in this journey through life."
Phillip B. Chute

As we travel upon uncharted courses, we can either be filled with fear or curiosity.  It is not enough to keep our minds open to the passing scenery.  There is so much more when we   open our hearts to  increase the depth of our journey.

When we choose to wear rose colored glasses, we set ourselves up for disappointment and perhaps even failure. Failure to see what is anxiously awaiting our attention because we have framed our expectations and how they should look.  

As we travel in our 'vehicles',  open the windows, roll back the sun roof, and lower the speed.  Allow all of the senses to partake in the journey, not just the ego and preconceived ideas.  Refrain from selective viewing, and be open to what appears!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Inhalation of the Magic of Fall

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious 
as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house."
Nathaniel Hawthorne 

Fall offers us a time to build a relationship with nature, and to silently communicate with everything surrounding us.  As we breathe in an essence of creativity, our bodies fill with inspiration and the desire to release and gently float in the autumn harmony. 

We are offered the opportunity to align with our inner and outer awareness, to embrace the unknown and to find comfort wherever we are led.  Gracefully, the colorful leaves gently let go, providing us with encouragement to do the same. 

As we hold close precious mementos, and release stagnant debris, our autumn journey becomes deliberate and intentional. With each inhalation of the magic of fall, we receive clarity and guidance of what it may mean after all. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Tender Child in Awe


"Let yourself feel joy in the smallest of encounters
and in the beauty of each moment."
Sheila Reynolds

Whether you glance out a window to see a colorful leaf falling from a tree or you step outside and hear the crackle of leaves beneath your feet, autumn consistently reminds us of its presence.  Beauty of the season is enhanced by green, yellow and red apples and all things pumpkin ... doughnuts, muffins, lattes, and carved faces.

Autumn longs to make a smile creep across your lovely face.  It wants you to use all of your senses to embrace this season.  It intends to stir inspiration within your mind and nudge the passion loitering in your heart. It calls for you to venture outside and breathe in the beauty.

In each moment, fall offers you a kaleidoscope of sensations, prompting a reaction to feel alive and connected to all things whether past, present or future.  It encourages you to experience creativity of the body, mind, and soul. Please, allow yourself joy as though you were a tender child in awe of all things.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Journey of Souls


"People associate death as losing our life force, when actually 
the opposite is true. Death is not darkness, but light."
Michael Newton 

Michael Newton, Ph.D. is the author of JOURNEY OF SOULS which documents sessions with clients encompassing the religious, spiritually uncommitted and those in between.  All of these express a remarkable consistency in answering questions about the spiritual world.

Questions explored in this book, embrace what purpose individuals might have on earth and where we go after death. Is there an ongoing existence after death and before rebirth?  It provokes questions regarding the purpose behind life choices and living eternally.

There are remarkable consistencies on this topic spanning from ancient scrolls,  archaic cultures and medieval histories.  Information, today,  runs parallel with documentation from the endless research.  There is a thread running through the tapestry of our lives.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Walking Away, Mentally or Physically

"Time to surrender your worries and attachments
to the past, and open your heart to accept all of 
your incredible self as you are."
Gasper Dolinar 

Too often, we mentally walk away from a troubling situation which does not address correction and healing.  There are times we gently close our eyes, secretly hoping that all will be changed when we reopen them. Of course, this does not facilitate a positive outcome.

When we believe there is nothing we can do, we will continue to be affronted by the negative situation.  It will bury us deeper into a world of dismay.  What if, however, we simply visualize what life might look like if we stepped away, for real.

Visualization can build strength and hope for a healthier living modality.  Whether we are facing a toxic person or an unhealthy life style, change may not be as difficult as we fear.  Instead of using our courage to hold our sanity in place, we can use it to initiate positive steps.  Listen ... that is the sound of walking away.  

Friday, October 14, 2022

Combining Opposites


"Indeed what makes one wise is the willingness
to be humble, to embrace our dark corners, and
to learn from our mistakes."
Amy Wright Glenn

If we are able to balance all parts of the self, the world becomes easier to navigate.  Rather than disputing which side has control, we can blend opposing aspects to form harmony. Not enough of one thing can equal having too much of one other. 

If we are ungrounded, projecting a singular spiritual profile, we lose touch with reality.  If we are overwhelmed by chaos either personally or collectively, we are confined in darkness. Both sides to the coin are needed to trigger change, resolution, and advancement.

When we choose to face our fears with vulnerability, we can broaden our understanding of the lesson presenting before us.  If we can humbly greet opposition, we can establish a middle ground for better comprehension. Extending love is not an affirmation, but a gesture of peace between humans. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022


"What would life be like if I could accept life ~
this moment ~ exactly as it is?
Tara Brach 

The reactions we choose in each moment can dictate our emotional level of simply being.  If we could eliminate judgment and criticism of our lovely selves, we would increase our ability to take in the beauty of life personally, collectively and globally. 

Imagine the energy we would gain if we stepped out of fear, replacing it with curiosity.  We would be able to recognize healthy opportunities, step into healing light, and create a sense of oneness.  We would discover new resolutions, alter behaviors, and uplift our spirits.

When we cleanse our lenses of thought, expectation and evaluation, we begin to embrace the natural attributes of being human.  Our awareness of earth itself glistens and we become elevated in all aspects of the life we now choose to live.


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Avoid Through Choice


"It is no secret that the world is going through some 
major changes.  There is turmoil and chaos."
Amanda Shertzer

Drama rushes in and grabs our energy, stirring turmoil and chaos. Simply stop.  Refrain from fueling what presents itself without censoring.  Boundaries that are flexible can be raised or lowered with every decision we face.  It is imperative to remain centered.

Drama presents fear, triggering confusion and a sense of  helplessness.  Step back.  The scenario snowballing before us, do we really want to engage?  Our energy is best used in shoring up our own strength and calibrating movement forward.

Drama stimulates conflict, side tracking where we are truly meant to go. Select direction. When we focus on intentions with affirmations, we raise our vibrations. We are then propelled further into who we are meant to be.  We set ourselves as an example of how we all could be.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

With Eyes Wide Open


"Whatever our situation, the progression ~ sudden or gradual ~
is the same to remember, to let go and to trust the process."
Stephen Levine 

This morning, I am setting my ego on a time-out chair, releasing the illusion that I have any sense of control. There is a strong sense of vulnerability when we decide to give up our preconceived expectations, allowing to let situations to simply unfold.

How foolish of me to think I know better than the prompts written across the face of a stranger or to ignore the wisdom floating in the wind.  Why do I request intervention when I mindlessly move forward in automatic pilot mode?

If I choose to truly regroup, this requires me to stop resisting and to refrain from using my creative juices to paint all situations with fear.  Removing my armor, I can choose to open my heart and to lean in, trusting Sacred Spirit has a plan for me.  With eyes wide open, I will see beyond my misperceptions and with my bare feet, gently tread upon the new path opening before me..

Monday, October 10, 2022

Delete Measures


"Do I make a difference?"
Sharon McErlone

Success often comes at the price of losing unique essence, but we do not have to sell our soul to be recognized and make our mark upon the world.  When we firmly ground our human being and open to the higher self, we will find the ability to soar.

When we fine tune our authentic nature, our energy grows stronger and our presence not only impacts others, it also draws others and  what we need to know towards us. Rather than hiding what we feel is unique, we can shine to better see the true spirit within one and other.  Instead of competing, we begin to admire and gather together.

As our awakened identity begins to flow, we can ask through prayer, meditation, or visualization, for guidance.  As we follow our hearts, we begin to merge with greater frequencies. There is no need to measure our worth when we are filled by compassion and admiration for our lovely selves and others.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Stepping Out


"Our impulse to self-sabotage or hold ourselves back
is really a misguided attempt at trying to stay safe."
Bethany Webster 

When we step out of our comfort zone, we are opening to knowledge that can either strengthen or alter our thought process. If we stand still, cloistered in our thoughts alone, we will grow stagnant and not reach our potential. 

When we are unexpectedly inspired, we may revel in wonderment until we begin to down play the experience.  We choose to minimize the insight and convince our lovely selves that our ideas are foolish.  All this in guise of staying safe.

In learning, however, one is required to step out of his or her comfort zone which aught not be equated with dangerous activity.  Of course, we abide by caution, but when we engage with new vision and opportunities, we truly continue to unfold.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Deliberate Silence

"It takes a sensitive ear to tune into
the silence of the heart, but it is
there in each of us."
Daily Om

The recommendation to carve out time for the self assumes you understand that this newly designated time does not get equally filled with craziness.  Yes, you can prosper from an artists date or a spa day, but the calm of the heart is readily available moment to moment.

Your worst enemy is mind chatter.  It can dominate every peaceful moment until you understand how to quiet the endless mutterings.  When you create deliberate intention and repeatedly slow the breath, you begin to truly listen.

When you master the art of listening to your heart, you are able to make numerous interruptions throughout your day.  No matter the chaos, you can briefly check into your heart space.  In spite of the business, these mini retreats into your self will support and sustain an element of peace. 


Friday, October 7, 2022



"There isn't one journey that's right for everyone."
Katie Couric 

Connection is a vibrant element of living as it leads to experiences, wisdom, and a sense of belonging.  It is important, however, to remember that we are not here to duplicate the life of someone else.  We are here on our own behalf to lead an authentic life.

We strive to become fully engaged with our personal strengths so that our contribution to the world is the best it can be.  We are influenced by others, but we blend these outside resources with our inner perspectives. 

As a community, we band together bringing our individual essence.  Just as each beautiful autumn leaf reflects its own color, it contributes to the glorification of the tree. It is when we can peacefully blend with preservation of authenticity that true benefits of living shine!

Thursday, October 6, 2022


"We as a society, have much to gain from research into 
the mysteries of the mind, the soul, the continuation of life 
after death, and the influence of our past-life experiences."
Dr Brian Weiss

In his 1988 publication,  Many Lives, Many Masters, Dr Brian Weiss shared documentation of past life regressions. As a psychotherapist and scientist, he was skeptical of this topic, but was unexpectedly exposed to a past life during a therapy session with a client. With due diligence, he studied, explored, and documented numerous past life accounts with clients.

Dr. Weiss proceeded inspired by the expansion of the mind, the depth of memory, and the additions to our five senses.  His intentions were to reduce the fear of death which encourages us to live life to the fullest and to seek harmony and peace with others.

In these earlier years, doctors and scientists publised their experiences with fear of losing their careers. No matter how highly credentialed or deep the documentation, breaking through preconceived barriers was paramount.  From the writings of Raymond Moody, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and Helen Wambach my belief system developed. This of course was in the late 1960's into the the 1970's and the topic has continued to explode into main stream thinking. 


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

On the Rocks

"Once you pour your love into starting something,
you have to be open to learning, growing, and iterating."
Katie Couric 

Growing up in Chicago, a safe place where I could sort out life was on the "Rocks" which was a designated area along Lake Michigan.  It was where I would go to escape, create, and be surrounded by my favorite element ... water.

On these rock formations, I had choices throughout the seasons such as dangling my feet in the cold water  or watching ice formations sluggishly float by. There was unspoken confirmation that no matter what happened in my life, there was a rock solid formation beneath me.

There was peace as the cleansing water nudged the rough surfaces, reminding me of the ever present spiritual presence that I needed to trust.  The on going movement encouraged me to let things float by with an open heart.  As I gazed out into the never ending horizon, I learned to trust that which I could not see.



Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"Just for Today"


"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are
or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think."
Dale Carnegie

Happiness need not be a goal, something to chase after.  If we view our surroundings, we will see an abundance of things, and if they are no longer supporting a current mindset, then let them go.  Happiness found in things is usually short lived.

Slowly we come to understand that our thoughts of today spill into the makings of tomorrow.  If we anticipate failure, disappointment or pain, then the Universe provides.  By holding appreciation of what we have, does not eliminate challenge, but it sure lessens pain.

As the saying goes, 'just for today' I will hold hope and confidence.  We can build a platform of happiness which will assist us in facing lessons of life. Adjust our eyes to see through love rather than fear. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Acquaintance by Chance?

"Consider every angle. And then speak
from your heart. You've not been drawn
into anyone's life by chance."
The Universe

You may find your lovely self challenged in keeping healthy boundaries.  Whether we are responding to a beloved friend or our worst enemy, our words need to come from our heart.  Now, that doesn't mean being 'soft' or acquiescing.  It means, our words need to be aligned.

The reality of both 'no' and 'yes' having equal worth can be liberating.  Saying no or declining an invite is not negative if it is coming after careful thought.  Just as saying yes is not positive if it is going against every thing you believe in.

We are faced with challenge stemming from an assortment of people and none of them are 'accidental'.  Each present as a lesson to be learned.  All the more reason to make certain we are stating what we really believe, reflecting our intention to carry through.


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sticky Web

"Your emotions are not negative or positive
until you judge yourself."
Nicky Hamid 

The way you speak to yourself is more harmful than what others might say.  You may perceive, incorrectly, how others evaluate you, which can corral behaviors.  You cannot avoid challenging situations, but you can release negative reaction prior to them becoming toxic.

At times, you allow your emotional awareness to become a net just waiting for derogatory remarks.  This net captures every negative feeling flitting across your mind.  As the webbing thickens, you become shadowed by its darkness and you can no longer see the bright side.

How you feel innocently reaches the surface and it is your judgment of self that depicts whether this feeling is negative or positive.  Feelings surface and rather than judging them, decipher where they came from, what are they reflecting, and how you can best release them.  Then you need to proceed without judgment. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

THE LIGHT BEYOND by Raymond Moody


"What happens after death is so unspeakably glorious
that our imaginations and our feelings do not suffice
to form even an approximate conception of it."
C. J. Jung

In 1988, Dr Raymond Moody published his book, THE LIGHT BEYOND, which was an extension of his previous documentations. Over one thousand documented cases, including those with Near Death Experiences (NDE) confirmed his theories on afterlife. 

Dr Moody experienced his own Near Death Experience which deepened his growing interest in untapped abilities and narrow perceptions on death. He was intrigued how NDE drastically altered life patterns after having a glimpse of the beyond and passage to another reality.

Information on life beyond life, afterlife, and past lives has grown considerably as people no longer fear judgment of family and doctors.  (Some, however, feel it is such a highly personable journey, they do not want to share it.)  Our minds continue to expand and embrace information now available to support these concepts creating peace about death.

BOOKS by Raymond Moody: Life After Life; Reflections on After Life; The Light Beyond