Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"Just for Today"


"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are
or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think."
Dale Carnegie

Happiness need not be a goal, something to chase after.  If we view our surroundings, we will see an abundance of things, and if they are no longer supporting a current mindset, then let them go.  Happiness found in things is usually short lived.

Slowly we come to understand that our thoughts of today spill into the makings of tomorrow.  If we anticipate failure, disappointment or pain, then the Universe provides.  By holding appreciation of what we have, does not eliminate challenge, but it sure lessens pain.

As the saying goes, 'just for today' I will hold hope and confidence.  We can build a platform of happiness which will assist us in facing lessons of life. Adjust our eyes to see through love rather than fear. 

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