Friday, October 28, 2022

Freedom From Restraints


"Creativity ... letting go to surprise yourself,
letting go to allow miracles is what this is about."
Sheila Reynolds

We project blocks to our own desires based on inner fears.  It is imperative to get out of our own way!  We get stuck in our heads over thinking, negating, and aborting our own attempts.  It is when we push through our own defenses, creativity begins to flow.

From the simple to the detailed, loosen up restrictions.  Be slightly daring in daily tasks to spontaneous opportunities.  We begin to feel freedom from our restraints and confidence begins to build.  

As we step into our true nature, we begin to realize the beauty and abundance that persistently surrounds us, just waiting to be seen.  Get excited! Side step the beaten path and explore the delight in new discovery. 

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