Saturday, September 30, 2023

Up In Smoke

"Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing
ever grows without a seed, and nothing
ever changes without a dream."
Debby Boone

We project scenarios that will bring us prosperity and joy. We think in terms of 'some day' while struggling with the current. As we grow and change, our visions often fall by the wayside.  There are numerous reasons for our dreams to go up in smoke. Relationships, investments and interests once held dear can evaporate unexpectedly.

We have choice as to whether we will forever mourn the loss of a dream or welcome seeds of inspiration. Instead of remaining stuck in awareness of what is no longer available, we can open our thoughts to planting new seeds.  Removing the focus of what is not available, we can invest in what is possible.

Creating an image of a dream is not enough. We must nurture it until it is ready to unfold. Without loving care it will not materialize. As we continuously add to the dream, we begin to see sprouts followed by beautiful blossoms. We are able to flourish only to the extent we have invested. Dreams aligned with the soul stimulate aspects of the human spirit. 


Friday, September 29, 2023

Right Before You


"The power of gratitude lies in celebrating the 
peak moments and finding solace in the valleys, 
where lessons and strength await."
Alex Elle

Have you ever wandered around the house in search of your keys, knowing they are right in front of you? You can sense they are near, but for whatever reason, you simply are not seeing them. This is the very same scenario with gratitude. It is right before you, but you simply  overlook it.

When you are mindful of the small things sprinkled throughout your day, a gentle connection grows stronger. You begin to notice the sun's reflection or a bird in flight or the fragrance of freshly baked bread. When you react with gratitude, the bond with life strengthens and lifts your spirit.

Keeping a gratitude journal, maintains your awareness of the the positive aspects surrounding you. It can be a compass constantly reminding you of daily small blessings. Gratitude is a way of thanking the Universe for the ray of sunshine, the smell of rain, and the gently falling leaves. The yearning to belong is addressed by expressing your gratitude. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023


"When we are intentional, we are clear about the
purpose, meaning, and intent behind what we do."
Nedra Glover

Does it feel like you are simply existing, just going through the motions of living? If your routine feels lack-luster and boring, it is time to make change. To view where you go and who you see, there can be insight as to whether or not you are making choices to support your soul, or bury you in boredom.

You do not need to determine an exacting destination. Simple movement can trigger you to move in a new direction. By being open to change rather than feeling threatened, you begin to breathe deeply and inspiration begins to swirl. Explore just one intention that will stimulate you, creating new space within.

When you remember that life is right here in the present moment with no guarantees of how much time is remaining, your intentions become more purposeful. Maybe, today, you cannot afford your greatest dream, but your pockets are filled with coins meant to be spent on small pleasures. Step into your life and truly activate your heart's desire. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Runaway Train

"Another source of our drama are the assumptions we make
about other people. We need to ground these 'runaway trains
by checking out the illusion of them."
Mitch Davidowitz

Imaginary drama swirls our perception of truth. We begin to assume what others may be thinking, and our anger becomes turbulent like an unleashed force. We think we know the reactions of others even though they are not based in reality. Our engines are all fired up to run like a runaway train.

This kind of turbulance can be minimized once we realize our habit of assuming the worse. Instead of taking flight, we can stop right where we are and get grounded, releasing chaos in exchange for calm. We can silence the dialogue that in reality simply isn't happening. Once centered, we can explore truth, not the fallacies created in our mind.

Once we move from our mind and into our heart, a calmer scenario can be seen. Without blame or shame, we can see what is at the core of our reactions. At this point, we can explore a healthy way to respond that is respectful to ourselves and to all of those involved. By learning to calm the self, our perceptions shift and healthier decisions are made.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Remember Who You Are

"When it comes to wholeness, we're never quite
as close as we think, but we're also never
as far as we fear."
Gabor Mate

Compassion is the blanket that cradles both our pain and fear. Sometimes we need to pull it tightly over our heads, while other times, we can gently shawl it around us. In order for us to move forward, we must feel safe to identify what is tearing at our heart and messing with our head.

It is important to identify if we are feeling threatened by something real or imagined. When we can examine where the suffering is coming from, we are able to gather more information regarding the truth of the matter. One needs to decipher whether we are even consciously aware of both our actions and reactions.

Once our pain is identified, we can lift our boundaries and create healing scenarios. Remembering who we are is pivotal for healthy correction, gathering power, and accelerating positive growth. As we recall the courage and determination from our past and apply it to our present, wholeness begins to flow.


Monday, September 25, 2023

Sit This One Out

"It's okay to feel broken. You don't have to pretend
anymore. You don't have to be strong today."
Alex Elle

Life continuously brings us lessons that prompt us to respond through personal choice. Does our body stiffen against the odds or do we crumble and fall envisioning total ruin? The manner in which we choose to react not only impacts ourselves but those around us as well. Where is our compass leading after we have crashed and become broken?

Feeling broken is not the issue. What really is at hand is our response moving us forward. Do we want to gather broken pieces and cart them along or do we want to take a deep breath while we search for something new. Putting the pieces back together may not necessarily return to their original place. 

We do not have to be strong all of the time. If we are muscling ourselves forward, we are missing gifts that linger along the way. What would happen if we set the pause button and allowed Spirit to intervene? Just for today, let someone else take the lead. Take a time out or sit this one out.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Meal For The Ego

"How starved you must have been that my heart
became a meal for your ego."
Amanda Torroni

There are those who do not immediately present as a narcisstic personality. We may find them to be charismatic, not fully realizing the depth of their self-adoration. They are such experts at manipulation and control, we may not realize how we are being shifted by their charm. We innocently fall under their spell.

Specifically, men who are narcisstic thrive on relationships with women who are generally loving and caring. Innocent ladies wishing to please, lavish words and deeds not realizing they are feeding the ego of a self-absorbent male. They continue to give until trapped, slowly realizing they are now totally empty.

Gathering strength, the disillusioned woman approaches the narcisstic man about unfair treatment. Master at his game, he lavishes criticism and judgment upon his prey who then feel everything has been her fault. The cycle continues as the demoralized woman strives to do better. Unfortunately, the male continues to thrive while the woman is left broken.


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Fall Equinox

"The word 'equinox' simply means 'of equal length' and refers to the
twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness at this point in the year."
Carole Carlton

We are entering a segment of time frequently referred to as the Moon Season. We spend more time in darkness and the moon can be seen for longer periods of time. We are leaving the extroverted summer and entering the introverted period for solitude, reflection, rest and intimate connections.

This is a period where we can assess what we had planted, grown, and harvested for the self as well as for others. It is a time for gratitude and thanksgiving celebrated with apples, pumpkins and the magnificent showing of autumn's creative flair. Brisk walks in the cooler weather offers space for evaluation and new focus.

As we turn inward to our body, mind, and heart, there is reason to slow down ...  to listen for messages. Is the body suggesting a different pace? Is the mind needing clarity? Perhaps our heart needs healing. Embrace the magic that autumn brings, blending it with fresh perspectives of what this season brings.

Friday, September 22, 2023

"Can You Tell Me More?"

  • "On occasion we may be the person who insists on being
    right. When that happens we have to ask ourselves
    what that's about."
    Nedra Glover

    When we think we know best, it makes us feel good, but what's that really about? Are we honestly sharing knowledge for the benefit of others or are we stroking our ego? And what if we are wrong? How exactly does that feel?

    It is unfortunate when we feel lesser than if we do not have all of the answers. We can feel ourselves bristle, digging in to what we know rather than opening up to new information. Truly, it is a liberating experience when we can respond with "Can you tell me more?"

    We can be proud of what we know while remaining open to additional input. New information will either reinforce our beliefs or challenge them. Just because someone has a differing view does not make them wrong. It's okay not to have all of the answers!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Between The Cracks

"The world loves us when we choose to love the world."
Marianne Williamson 

Friction is created when we rub opportunity up against resistance. Even when the Universe touches us with inner knowing, we are too quick to dismiss the power it provides. It is not until we surrender our doubts and fears that we can embrace all that life provides. Chased to hell and back, we finally cave in and unfold into our true nature.

We are loving kindness on the inside, and we spread it across the realms of our existence. But, it is not until we apply it upon our lovely selves that we begin to thrive. We are the very shadow that blocks our view. We are the barrier we wish to dismantle. The power needed to break through the darkness resides within.

In the midst of chaos, we can choose to be confused by the overwhelm or we can become curious about lies between the cracks. If we allow fresh light to shine through, doubt and fear fall away while excitement of new possibility begins to play. In spite of swirling negativity, grasp love as it too resides there. 


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Silence, Not Secrecy


"Lately, I've been learning to choose silence."

My world is usually filled with treasured friends expressing his or her most inner secrets. I hold them close, offering a safe space where normally avoided subject matter can be shared. There is no pressure about finding correct responses, as all anyone ever really needs is a sounding board.

Most recently, unexpected joy began to flow into my solitary life. I would have thought I'd be shouting this news from the rooftop, but instead, I have been harboring it inside. I am basking in the beauty of this unanticipated gift, and somehow, the need for sheltering it is priority Just for now, my desire is to wallow in this sense of being seen..  

In silence, I will not allow worry and fear to diminish what is presenting before me. I am beginning to believe this unfolding in my life is quite intentional. It is an opportunity to release all of the love, light and prayer that has been trapped within me. Choosing to finally feel worthy, my heart swells as I know Spirit has had a hand in this.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Introduction To The Self

"Travel far enough, you meet yourself."
David Mitchell 

Access your lovely self with kindness. Have you changed during the last year? If so, what triggered you? Perhaps there was a process from disruption which eventually lead to improvement. What did it feel like for you to step out of your comfort zone? Maybe you moved out of denial or avoidance into the challenge of the unfamiliar.

While you navigate through the process of change are you mindful of who your teachers have been? With the passing of time are you able to see the significance of the pain you endured? When you look back, can you decipher a pattern that once helped you, but no longer serves a positive purpose?

Think of a person who brings you joy and create an expressive way to show them how much you appreciate them. Pinpoint a place where you feel nurtured and inspired. When was the last time you visited it? Orchestrate significant ways you can integrate these people and places into your life to enhance your daily living. 


Monday, September 18, 2023

Music, The Forever Friend

"I wish I could speak like music. I wish I could put
the swaying splendor of the fields into words, so that
you could hold the truth against your body and dance."

Music is gently floating in the background of life. It can be so soft, we may not even be aware of its presence. Whether in the solitude of a cafe or browsing in a store, rhythms are in the background. The obvious of course is the music played in the stillness of nature. Streams bubbling, birds chirping, and a refreshing breeze flowing brings comfort.

When old tunes surface, there is pleasure in simply recognizing the song. Maybe it is the lyrics that grab our attention or the chords of the song. It may pull us backwards into our personal history. We recall where we were living, who we were with, and how we were handling this particular passage of life.

There is such a wide variety of music to choose from whether we are seeking solitude or activity. If we are doing yoga or meditation, we lean in one direction while needing to hype ourselves up, we choose quite another. Music can be a forever friend, bending with us as we follow our life paths. It can be the perfect companion no matter our needs.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Trappings of Censorship


"Somewhere between heart and throat, there's a 
graveyard of all the things we never said."
Passenger Post 

There is a vast field sprawling between our heart and our throat. The wind blows the tumbleweed around while the sun scorches the soil. There are crevices of darkness where we don't go to explore; thus, our throats become sore and the coughing begins. What has been trapped in this field, begins to emerge as a slight tickle or a deep hacking vibration.

Our heart is pierced by unthoughtful words and reactions raise up into our throat, but get trapped by thoughts of ... "Be nice. Don't hurt his or her feelings. It doesn't really matter anyway." This kind of censorship damages numerous aspects of freedom. It corrodes our sense of self and minimizes our worth.

We can speak our truth using words of calm and simplicity. There is no need to use force which will only add fuel to the opposition. We choose words that best represent our thoughts without fear of judgment. We have the right to be seen and heard, even if there is no one seated in the audience. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Permission Granted!

"Today, I give myself permission to ..."
Corina Luna Dea

Just for today, what action can you take to enhance the quality of your life? What investment of time will create a space for a gust of pleasure and excitement? To do either, you must know your desire and be able to assess what brings you joy. You cannot obtain fulfillment when you do  not know what it looks like.

You can creatively make additions to your life that do not require new clothing, vacations, or life commitments. Keep it simple, avoiding all thoughts of not having time for yourself. You create space instantly for others, and if you do not refresh your own reservoirs, you will run dry and despondent.

So what's it going to be? Maybe a quick ice cream run. Time out with yoga?  Listen to your favorite play list and dance your heart out? Even if you just take five minutes to sit on the porch to appreciate solitude, peace will prevail. Alignment doesn't just happen. You must make choices to strengthen the soul.


Friday, September 15, 2023

Uncertainty of Departure

"When you know you need to move on from people and places,
that are no longer right for you, but you don't know what comes 
next because it's out of your control when the choices are so vast 
it seems like you've no option at all."    Iris Eve 

As we evolve, there is a tendency to outgrow relationships even though they  have been highly supportive. The release is not really about judgment, but rather about cleaning our inner space to participate in exploration and discovery. We need to create room for fresh approaches that ultimately lead to new acquaintances.

Our perception of this transition impacts the ease of which we move forward. If we start telling ourselves that we are being mean or insensitive to those we have admired and respected, we are going to sabotage our progression. We can continue to honor the gifts of others, while not allowing the distancing to seem negative.

The future is wide open which can seem quite uncomfortable. We have no sense of declared destination and certainly do not feel as though we have control. As we listen for new direction and observe presenting options, diverse levels of navigation appear. If we choose to trust life as it unfolds, our confidence and courage will carry us through.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Wounded Heart

"When we expand the lens of our heart with kindness,
we may see an aspect of it that we had not considered before."
Mitch Davidowitz

We cannot help how we feel, but we do have choice as to how we react. We may become defensive or critical rather than staying in the moment to explore what is triggering us. The generous kindness we offer to friends in need aught to be applied to the self as well. It is harmful to withhold or deny what we experience.

In support of others, we hold safe space where experiences can be expressed without censorship. As a good friend, we don't shame or blame. The very same aught to be true for ourselves. Just being quietly present can be healing in itself. There is a need to accept our deep feelings even though they are different from family or friends.

It is empowering to be in the presence of a listener who does not have an agenda. By extending love to us, we are able to share our deepest sorrows and how they impact the present moment. While being generous with compassion, safety and healing are offered to the wounded  heart. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Thin Veil

"During troublesome times in our lives, we have the tendency
to ask for guidance. Have the faith and humility to open yourself up 
to a variety of paths towards solutions."
Michael Newton

Grieving can be a scary process, but it is definitely a part of the human experience. When overwhelmed by things waiting to be done, we can give ourselves permission to rest. In spite of all we have to be grateful for, we can still experience anger. And when the sky seems to be falling, it is okay to experience an inappropriate laugh.

In times of loss, it is vital to listen to the guidance streaming through our dreams, meditations, and silence. Do not anticipate one exacting answer, as our guides or Divine Spirit will project numerous images for diverse passageways. We have the option to try one at a time or link them together, expanding possibilities.

The veil between realities can be quite thin which allows sacred communication. Quiet the mind and still the soul while opening to connections from departed loved ones or spiritual guides. Allow sorrow to slip away, and embrace creativity in mapping out an illuminated chart leading back to the sweetness of life. 



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Wisdom Sighs

"The mind of a creative writer is molded by his/her collective 
unconsciousness and able to tap deep emotional sources."
Carl Jung

Throughout my  life, writing has been an emotional outlet. Whether spontaneous jotting or prolonged structuring, years  have been spent with pen in hand. I have told myself numerous stories about not being able to write other than of an early morn or not being able to convey deep emotions while typing on a computer. Roadblocks can be very effective.

Out of nowhere, a creative prompt arrives and if I get out of my own way, the pen simply glides. With ego sitting over there upon a chair, inner beauty flows reflecting insights, and realizations that otherwise might be ignored. Breathing into passage ways, truths of my unconscious appear. 

Lofty words manage to caress me while memories of harsh judgments fade away. No longer am I a limited human, but rather a free spirit expressing emotions in a fanciful way. My mind bursts with imagery, traveling in realms of unlimited space, while wisdom sighs with bliss as my hand hits the page.


Monday, September 11, 2023

Breaking Free

"Forgive those that harmed you ...
For they were harmed too."
Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

We carry emotional burdens deep within us, but negativity also clings to us externally like roots climbing up a tree. The negative keeps us bound with feelings of entrapment and suffocation. We must use our courage to break out of any restriction preventing us from living fully as we were meant to be.

Breaking free, we begin to see life through eyes of love and peace rather than fear and turmoil. We learn to embrace the beauty life presents while releasing outgrown labels of not being good enough. Our distorted story of the past changes tone and welcomes new chapters of prosperity and bliss.

When we apply love and compassion out into the world, everyone benefits. Giving and receiving are joined together creating a sensation we all need. Distance is needed between yourself and those who harm you, whether they are loved ones or not. Forgive them, but love yourself enough to pursue relationships that kindle your soul, not snuff it out.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Falling Down and Getting Back Up

"Falling down is part of life, 
getting back up is living."
Jose N. Harris 

Once upon a time, I was gifted with a pair of boots and told to 'walk my talk'. I'd like to believe that I have followed this directive by taking strides away from drama and following leads to in depth experiences. I paid attention to who treated me right and entered scenarios stimulating insight, depth and laughter. 

It feels uncomfortable to shed old skin and find the self naked in new situations. A motion of descent then encompasses me while I adjust to loss and sorrow. On the way back up, I discover an array of new interests. Exploring this unknown, I find magic hovering in the shadows illuminating my lingering desires.

These boots of mine were made for walking and gratefully, I have come a long way. Whether wading through water or shuffling through snow, they have supported me. At times I felt like a soldier going into war, but the boots wrapped my feet in confidence. New boot heals have been applied and shoelaces replaced, while my feet remain comfortably snug inside.  


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Walk Forward With Beauty and Grace

"Try to enjoy the age you are at now, for each age
presents its own unique wisdom to savor."
Daily Om

When following a recipe, you follow steps for adding ingredients aiming for a delicious result. As an artist, you apply layers of paint, building depth and vision. A gardener, lovingly applies care to produce a delicious or fragrant result. Life offers the same process of stepping through layers with loving application, intending for you to have heightened experiences.  

The cook has dishes to clean up, the painter has dirty brushes, and the gardener has filthy hands. The movement towards any completion offers both positive and negative experiences. The integration between joy and sorrow carves your character and view of life. Wisdom is gained at every stage, and your ability to incorporate it into living practices, determines your enhanced outcome.

At each stage of life, curiosity, discovery, and renewal presents. Whether moving through joy or sorrow, you have the opportunity to apply a learned lesson. Gazing back, patterns surface and reminders of courage and resilience strengthen the present. Recall the past and ponder the future, but stay in the present moment to savor all that it has to offer. Walk slowly forward with beauty and grace. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Internal Communication

"How can we break free from the veil of ignorance and embark
on a path of introspection, recognizing areas that require
healing and improvement?"
Reiki Scoop

Shared conversations can bring awareness to hidden feelings. Discussions can broaden our understanding of personal avoidance. Testimonies of trusted friends can encourage us to face dilemmas with a new sense of courage.There are numerous techniques available that are user friendly and without cost.

During stressful times, we look out into the external world for solution. Remedies might appear becoming a temporary bandaid, and neglecting to correct the situation.  While outside help is advantageous, there is a needed step of self-assessment. The better we understand our feelings and triggers, resolution becomes individualized.

Releasing external validation, we can turn to internal spiritual and emotional practices. Effective techniques include: Reiki, Qi Gong, Yoga, Dowsing, Meditation, Journaling, and Spirit Guides. As we quiet the self and develop inner communication, we become the needed source to navigate our healing and improvement. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Discovery of Love

"The more you love who you are, the less
you seek validations and approval."
Idil Ahmed

For as long as I can remember, I have yearned to be loved while seeking approval from others. My focus was entirely upon the other person's needs, and not my own. I thought if I could love them hard enough, they would never leave me. So in hot pursuit, I fed directly into narcisstic relationships.

It is only when we turn within becoming aware of our own negative patterns, choosing new ways of navigating in the emotional world, and healing wounds that we begin to prosper. Through trial and error, we create an intimate relationship with the self, experiencing the unconditional love we have externally pursued. 

At long last, we can look at our face reflected in a mirror and say, "Wow, I really like you in spite of flaws or shortcomings!" As we believe in our personal goodness, consistently reminding the self that it is unique and filled with amazing potential, we create a light within our own darkness. We become the love we so desperately seek.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Create A Pause

"Listening deeply to the signs, experiences, and relationships
in your life can reveal everything you need to see and know."
Lee Harris

As we struggle to find the right words for connection, incoming messages may not be heard. If our mind is racing to create savvy language, significant proclamations may simply bounce off of us. When we drop our focus from our mind to our heart, we begin to relate in a different demeanor. 

Rather than recalling recent quotes or news headlines, listen to what the other person shares. Follow that lead, building upon his or her spoken words. Create a pause, resting in the heart to align with core feelings. Even in disagreement, we are called to speak our truth, and gently without provocation. 

There are times we realize others are not seeing us in the matter we want to be seen. If this happens, we may want to explore just how we are projecting ourselves. When we align our behavior with our inner spirit, connecting all of our dots, people will gain insight into our soul. If not, it is time to move along. Be brave enough to walk into a new horizon.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Gentle Offerings


"Show the world that our greatness is not in things
we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others."
Lisa Wingate

Every time we offer kindness to someone, our energy increases. Through gentle acts, we attract the element of positivity which then surrounds us. Random acts lift our spirits and we feel more connected. The world no longer feels so misshapen, damaged and overwhelming. Hope returns for the possibility of mankind. 

Acts of kindness can be as simple as pausing in our car so a pedestrian can safely walk before us. Actions can be quite ordinary like sharing tomatoes or other veggies from the garden. "Let me help you with that," can be magical words to an elder. Just opening a door for someone else to pass through, contributes brightness into our surroundings.

We may not feel comfortable acting on someone's behalf even though we experience feelings of compassion. There is a need to feel safe, but that doesn't mean we must curtail our personal generosity. We can tip our head with a smile, engaging in silent communication or we can say a quick prayer. When we give, we also receive a sense of joy.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Life's Jungles


"From life's jungles the fiercest lions, the scariest tigers,
and grizzliest bears, turn out to be the noblest teachers,
the bravest guides, and the dearest friends."
The Universe 

A jungle can be filled with melodious sounds from singing birds, swaying branches, or the gentle lapping of water. As we carefully place our feet, avoiding the unexpected roots of trees, we may hear rustling in the bushes. We have choice to either be curious or afraid. How will we interpret life as it surrounds us?

There may be a snake in the grass or an unexpected boulder blocking our way. There is choice as to how we will navigate our path. Simple awareness may all that is required to continue our momentum. Even when we find ourselves out of breath, there is choice to to retreat or rest and proceed.

Life can be similar to a jungle offering challenges, pushing us to stretch our boundaries. With maintained confidence, we can evaluate when we are safe and when we are in need of outside resources. This journey into the jungle is a learning experience where we can befriend the creatures we at first don't see. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Isolation in the Midst of Life

"Sometimes being surrounded by everyone is the loneliest,
because you'll realize you have no one to turn to."

Standing in the midst of a gathering, yet feeling totally alone can be disheartening. We can find ourselves at a festival, family gathering or friendly cookout, and yet experience the sense of isolation. Awareness can be heightened by viewing what surrounds us ... two cats, two dogs, two birds, two fish, etc.  

Time spent alone can be exceptionally beneficial, but as there is always opposite ends to the spectrum, we may find our lovely selves struggling for connection.  Then we remember that we have choice. Instead of focusing on the self, we can turn our attention to giving rather than receiving.

We may feel less isolated when we are away from the maddening crowd. We can snuggle with our favorite blanket, and a favorite snack in preparedness for a new book or movie. We can grab our walking shoes and head out the door to experience the vibes in nature. Jot in a journal to determine what would best meet current needs. Follow through with action.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Acquiescing to Needs


"To heal and grow, to live and love, 
boundaries are vital"
Lee Harris

Our boundaries need to be deeply rooted, prepared to face strong winds (blow hards), unexpected floods (emotions), and unnecessary excavations (invasive takers). The inner voice, however, can be the most damaging, triggering fear and disengagement. If we can become resilient to defending our personal truth, our growth prevails.

Declaring our personal boundaries is linked to truth telling.  It is imperative to say 'no' when we mean 'no' without acquiescing to the needs of others. Extending loving kindness is essential, but never at a cost of the self. The more we use our voice in alignment with body, mind, and soul, our energy strengthens.

Old patterns of discord will continuously appear, until we have cultivated our root system to withstand objection. Although it is necessary to be open to change, one must stand firmly in his or her belief system. In order to do so, one must have clarity regarding personal wants and needs. Truth increases energy to withstand the storms of life.