Sunday, September 10, 2023

Falling Down and Getting Back Up

"Falling down is part of life, 
getting back up is living."
Jose N. Harris 

Once upon a time, I was gifted with a pair of boots and told to 'walk my talk'. I'd like to believe that I have followed this directive by taking strides away from drama and following leads to in depth experiences. I paid attention to who treated me right and entered scenarios stimulating insight, depth and laughter. 

It feels uncomfortable to shed old skin and find the self naked in new situations. A motion of descent then encompasses me while I adjust to loss and sorrow. On the way back up, I discover an array of new interests. Exploring this unknown, I find magic hovering in the shadows illuminating my lingering desires.

These boots of mine were made for walking and gratefully, I have come a long way. Whether wading through water or shuffling through snow, they have supported me. At times I felt like a soldier going into war, but the boots wrapped my feet in confidence. New boot heals have been applied and shoelaces replaced, while my feet remain comfortably snug inside.  


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