Saturday, September 30, 2023

Up In Smoke

"Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing
ever grows without a seed, and nothing
ever changes without a dream."
Debby Boone

We project scenarios that will bring us prosperity and joy. We think in terms of 'some day' while struggling with the current. As we grow and change, our visions often fall by the wayside.  There are numerous reasons for our dreams to go up in smoke. Relationships, investments and interests once held dear can evaporate unexpectedly.

We have choice as to whether we will forever mourn the loss of a dream or welcome seeds of inspiration. Instead of remaining stuck in awareness of what is no longer available, we can open our thoughts to planting new seeds.  Removing the focus of what is not available, we can invest in what is possible.

Creating an image of a dream is not enough. We must nurture it until it is ready to unfold. Without loving care it will not materialize. As we continuously add to the dream, we begin to see sprouts followed by beautiful blossoms. We are able to flourish only to the extent we have invested. Dreams aligned with the soul stimulate aspects of the human spirit. 


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