Thursday, September 7, 2023

Discovery of Love

"The more you love who you are, the less
you seek validations and approval."
Idil Ahmed

For as long as I can remember, I have yearned to be loved while seeking approval from others. My focus was entirely upon the other person's needs, and not my own. I thought if I could love them hard enough, they would never leave me. So in hot pursuit, I fed directly into narcisstic relationships.

It is only when we turn within becoming aware of our own negative patterns, choosing new ways of navigating in the emotional world, and healing wounds that we begin to prosper. Through trial and error, we create an intimate relationship with the self, experiencing the unconditional love we have externally pursued. 

At long last, we can look at our face reflected in a mirror and say, "Wow, I really like you in spite of flaws or shortcomings!" As we believe in our personal goodness, consistently reminding the self that it is unique and filled with amazing potential, we create a light within our own darkness. We become the love we so desperately seek.


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