Sunday, September 3, 2023

Isolation in the Midst of Life

"Sometimes being surrounded by everyone is the loneliest,
because you'll realize you have no one to turn to."

Standing in the midst of a gathering, yet feeling totally alone can be disheartening. We can find ourselves at a festival, family gathering or friendly cookout, and yet experience the sense of isolation. Awareness can be heightened by viewing what surrounds us ... two cats, two dogs, two birds, two fish, etc.  

Time spent alone can be exceptionally beneficial, but as there is always opposite ends to the spectrum, we may find our lovely selves struggling for connection.  Then we remember that we have choice. Instead of focusing on the self, we can turn our attention to giving rather than receiving.

We may feel less isolated when we are away from the maddening crowd. We can snuggle with our favorite blanket, and a favorite snack in preparedness for a new book or movie. We can grab our walking shoes and head out the door to experience the vibes in nature. Jot in a journal to determine what would best meet current needs. Follow through with action.

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