Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Trappings of Censorship


"Somewhere between heart and throat, there's a 
graveyard of all the things we never said."
Passenger Post 

There is a vast field sprawling between our heart and our throat. The wind blows the tumbleweed around while the sun scorches the soil. There are crevices of darkness where we don't go to explore; thus, our throats become sore and the coughing begins. What has been trapped in this field, begins to emerge as a slight tickle or a deep hacking vibration.

Our heart is pierced by unthoughtful words and reactions raise up into our throat, but get trapped by thoughts of ... "Be nice. Don't hurt his or her feelings. It doesn't really matter anyway." This kind of censorship damages numerous aspects of freedom. It corrodes our sense of self and minimizes our worth.

We can speak our truth using words of calm and simplicity. There is no need to use force which will only add fuel to the opposition. We choose words that best represent our thoughts without fear of judgment. We have the right to be seen and heard, even if there is no one seated in the audience. 

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