Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Create A Pause

"Listening deeply to the signs, experiences, and relationships
in your life can reveal everything you need to see and know."
Lee Harris

As we struggle to find the right words for connection, incoming messages may not be heard. If our mind is racing to create savvy language, significant proclamations may simply bounce off of us. When we drop our focus from our mind to our heart, we begin to relate in a different demeanor. 

Rather than recalling recent quotes or news headlines, listen to what the other person shares. Follow that lead, building upon his or her spoken words. Create a pause, resting in the heart to align with core feelings. Even in disagreement, we are called to speak our truth, and gently without provocation. 

There are times we realize others are not seeing us in the matter we want to be seen. If this happens, we may want to explore just how we are projecting ourselves. When we align our behavior with our inner spirit, connecting all of our dots, people will gain insight into our soul. If not, it is time to move along. Be brave enough to walk into a new horizon.

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