Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sticks and Stones

"Creativity takes courage."
Henri Matisse

Creativity soars as we are children and it is fostered during those years.  We don't realize there is an invisible point where our peers begin to shape our future. Judgment from ourselves tends to feel more kind than negative words from one other.  We are our own worst critic, and we hold fear of outside exposure.

At what point do we decide we no longer care about those negative words and focus all of our energy into our passion?  Do we wait until after our careers are over and move into retirement with passion we snuffed out previously?  Brilliant minds are often not honored while the person is living and it is not until after death that recognition is given.

Successful musicians, authors, and artists reflect years of trying to perfect a gift discovered early on.  They will detail numerous rejections and harsh words prior to finding a personal Nirvana.  Creativity is a difficult path to travel.  It takes courage to overcome the resistance we face.  "Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," said by me, never!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Where Our Souls Are Fed

In certain circumstances, being outside, not fitting in, 
can be a source of satisfaction, even pleasure.
There are kinds of solitude that provide a respite from loneliness,  
a holiday if not a cure.  
   Olivia Laing

When we are feeling especially lonely, it may be the perfect time to indulge in the solitude of an art gallery, monastery, park or library.  Solitude can be experienced without total withdrawal into darkness.  We can be taken on a solo adventure through a movie or play or concert or a scenic drive.  Visiting an isolated spot in nature is just as rewarding.

If we experience the sense that we do not fit in, it may be a blessing in disguise.  When we find ourselves outside of a group, it is an opportunity to review what qualities of association are truly meaningful to ourselves.  As we invest in gatherings which do not inspire or rejuvenate our spirit, we are giving without restoration.  It is far wiser to spend our time where our souls are fed.

To discover our core belief system or values or principles, we seek and attract others who can share, enhance and enjoy our offerings.  Expectations to fit into all groups at all times in every imaginable situation, calls upon us to be spread so thin we are bland.  Far better to foster our roots to grow healthier and expand towards our heart's desire.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Intrigue, Wonderment, and Beauty

"In the total darkness,
poetry is still there,
and it is there for you."
Abbas Kiarostami

Khalil Gibran captivated me in my early years.  I would read his poems, but I was also intrigued by his seemingly dark life.  Otherwise, I was thoroughly steeped in literature not favoring any other poet.   I would eventually learn of Hafiz and Rumi who became kindred spirits.  In later years, author of the book, Restorative Yoga,  Nancy Hodge Long introduced me to numerous poets.

There are those who say poetry isn't for everyone, but I disagree.  I believe one must search for a resonating poet just as one does for a favorite author.  In yoga class, my teacher and dear friend, Nancy Hodge Long, reads poems by Mary Oliver, David Whyte and John O'Donohue.  Perhaps it is the cadence she uses while reading, but  poetic words across her lips become a relaxing tonic.

The amount of time spent in search of a poet is well spent, as the poet opens the heart to a world of wonderment and beauty.  The words will calm and inspire, allowing present day experience to remain at bay.  Poetic phrases wrap the reader in a nurturing cloak, lifting vibrations to easily face another  unfolding day. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Options, Choice, and Consequences

"We choose our own tribes."
Seth Godin

We may be born into a family and be taught a certain way to live life, but we ultimately choose our own tribe.  In youth, our selection may be limited, but as we gain momentum out into the world, more opportunities allow us to stray from imposed family expectations of where or how we survive.

If we gravitate towards negative means of survival, the outcome will be in contrast to the choice of positive  intentions.   Where we invest our time is in direct correlation to how we navigate life. When we significantly experience like attracting like, we may be too encumbered to change directions.

Members of our tribe may be diverse, but it is vitally important that everyone in the clan feels supported and encouraged.  We thrive in a village where there is clean shelter, healthy food, and a sense of belonging.  Change is difficult for all peoples, but if we can be individually inspired to take corrective action, everyone will benefit.  

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Silently Give Away

"Continue drawing from your inner source of loving kindness
and let it flow toward someone about whom you feel neutral
or indifferent,  a stranger."
Richard Rohr

For years, I have traveled a route taking me by a prison.  I forget about it until it grabs my attention in a clearing with high fences in the middle of no where.  My eyes immediately glance up to the guard house to see silhouettes of  two men.  This is when I begin my banter with the Divine.  "Please, let them be safe.  Let all of the men be safe.  Allow inspiration to visit someone and hope bubble up in a dream."  

I never used to do this.  At one time I would feel claustrophobic, creepy solitude, and descending depression.  This of course was a total waste of energy!  I began to channel good wishes as I passed, truly believing the men in the yard would receive a shift of energy.

Actually, I am inspired to do this energy-giving daily.  There is plenty of invisible kindness for the bird in the back yard or a wilting flower or the mailman or a stranger in the news.      I offer them positive energy as they unknowingly come into my view.  Loving kindness is easy to silently give away.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Living in Delusion

"People who are only willing to look at or to be aware of
one portion of themselves are essentially living in delusion ~
well-intended though that delusion might be."
Douglas Mosely and Naomi Mosely
The Shadow Side of Intimate Relationships

Fishing on Facebook is a memoir written by yoga teacher Suza Francina. (Thanks Nancy Hodge Long for sharing it!)  It is a novel based on Suza's personal journal, blog site, and yoga practice.  This writing captivates for several hours, as the reader moves  from the first page straight to the end. It reflects women who over extend compassion at a personal cost in emotionally abusive relationships.  

Pathological liars and narcissists are not restricted to males, but in abusive intimate relationships, men appear to be predominant offenders.  Educated and life experienced women subject themselves  to falsehoods trusting the partner will get better.   Women ignore red flags in the midst of deceit and will falsely accept responsibility for creating discord when the abuser is clearly at fault. 

Women seek peace and calm at all cost, forgetting the person who owns the problem can only elicit change and "you gotta wanna".  They believe they can overcome the shortcomings of a mate to secure a happy ending.  The heartbreaking overview is what breaks a connection in the end is clearly present early in the beginning of  the relationship.  If we could "trust our gut" instincts, pay attention to the awareness in all parts of our lovely selves,  and focus on our own needs, we would experience far less heartbreak.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Wounded Storyteller

"The more you know about another's story,
the less fearsome and more human that person becomes.
It's equally true that the better we understand our own stories,
the more human we become."
Parker Palmer

Serving families involved with Children Protective Services and the Juvenile Court System is challenging.  Education in Sociology and Psychology assists in understanding structures, boundaries, and consequences.  It is helpful to have a way with the written word to represent the actions of a family for the reports presented to the court.  Then it is important to have the verbal ability to explain legal jargon to the struggling family.

In preparation for serving a family, there are court reports and social histories. Developing a successful working relationship with a family, a person needs to both comprehend and set information aside, in order to begin where the family perceives themselves to be.   Professional perception of the problem is mandatory, but walking in their shoes advances understanding.

Resistance is met when authority talks down and minimizes resources with an abundance of judgment.  The words to serve indicate a flexibility in responses to offer encouragement, recognition, and elevation of existing status.  Each family is different, experiencing a history unique onto themselves.  It is through these stories that light can be shed upon the darkness of a wounded storyteller by simply saying, "I see you."

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Alignment Fosters Freedom

"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me:
I am a free human being with an independent will."
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre


Independence allows us to follow the call of our heart's desire.  When we can stand in our own power, we can follow the wisdom of others without being engulfed.  We are able to blend or integrate with groups without losing a sense of independence.

Not to confuse independence with arrogance, integrity calls us to open our hearts to the voices of others, as we learn from each other.  The wisdom coming from outside of our lovely selves, is to be respected whether or not we completely agree.  

When we thoroughly know ourselves, both strength and weakness, we are grounded and aligned.  We honor our truth while listening to the truth of others.  We cultivate a strength with the Divine which allows us to face the painful areas of life.  Using this freedom, we creatively design the life we chose to live.  

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Perfect In Spite of Imperfection

"A 'perfect' person ends up being one who can consciously forgive
and include imperfection rather than one who thinks he or she is
totally above and beyond imperfection."
Richard Rohr

Beware of the person claiming to be above and beyond imperfection, as we are all flawed with the potential to forgive and accept. The person to admit to weaknesses and willing owns the error of his or her ways, has learned to accept and forgive.  

We come to revere someone and model our behavior upon what they share.  It is natural to identify with wise teachers as long as we do not view them as perfection.  As a living human being, we strive to overcome, not ignore, our shortcomings and expand our goodness.  

An individual stimulating the creation of goodness based upon what he or she has processed, might advance our understanding better than someone who has not dealt with their own issues.  It is through the exchange of forgiveness we learn to accept ourselves as well as others.  We are all perfect in spite of our imperfection.

Friday, July 22, 2016

We Are Not Transparent

"Three things cannot be long hidden:
the sun, the moon, and the truth."

We choose to hide our lovely selves, even when others can see us.  We believe we are transparent.  When we deliberately hide parts of our selves, we often project a believable mask, but at what cost?  How long can the truth be hidden before it spills out in uncontrollable emotion or physical illness?

For most of our lives, we can  believe we are  magnificent magicians hiding emotions, only to learn the audience sometimes simply doesn't care.  Dishonoring the inner spirit, deceiving those around us, and not fulfilling earthly intentions lead us terribly astray.

When we stop loathing our physical bodies or emotional challenges, and truly give praise and thanksgiving for the blessings we do have, only then does truth set us free.  When the truth becomes apparent and we accept it, we then focus on what special goodness we are meant to offer to our world.  Blending the strength and the weakness increases our ability to navigate through life with honesty and integrity.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hidden Treasures

"I am like everyone else
in that I'm different, too."
Robert Lopez

Ego snares us into obsessions about our peculiarities.  It goes to great length to devise masks or barriers when it could be using this energy to applaud individual strengths.  Out of fear, we hide what is different rather than honoring by devoted attention.  A sense of pride needs to replace our self-criticism about our gifts.

How does anyone benefit from hidden treasure, if we cannot share our selves with others?  We can improve by what an individual demonstrates to us,  (a new approach, a unique remedy, an awareness) and we can broaden their life experience by illustrating what we have to offer.

When we no longer hide our treasures, we will no longer feel separate.  We experience collaboration and cooperation with a respect what once divided us.  No longer involved with competition, each person feels a sense of value that can be contributed to form the whole.  We are Divine blessings to ourselves, others, and the world. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Align Masculine and Feminine Energies

"Each one of us needs to discover the proper balance
between the masculine and feminine energies,
between the active and the receptive."
Ravi Ravindra
The Wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Female energy is receptive and creative whereas masculine energy is giving and analytical.  Human beings, no matter female or male, contain both masculine and feminine energies.  As a woman, we are creative and sensitive with our feminine energy while absorbing the emotions and life experiences of others.  As a woman, we organize, focus, and project with our masculine energy.  In order to be grounded, one must align these energies.

If we rely singularly upon our feminine energies, we may tend to be dramatic or overly emotional.  If we rely upon our masculine energies singularly, we may tend to be very business orientated or deeply analytical.

When we blend the masculine with the feminine, we use energy creatively but with force to follow through.   We adapt to differing situations rather than responding in a stereotypical way.  We sense what is the appropriate course and follow through with compassion.   To be feminine does not mean to be weak.  The female blending both masculine and feminine energy is a force to be dealt with as she is empowered to elevate others rather than control.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Cultivating Vision

"Many famous artists and musicians were considered to be isolated loners
or disruptive troublemakers, or sometimes both, yet these people altered
history and contributed to the world an original vision or advances in our
understanding of the universe."
Madisyn Taylor

What buried passions would surface in life if we took deliberate time to be quiet and still?  Where would our focus be placed if we listened to our heart's desire?  When will we align our diverse yearnings?

We are on a journey learning to master many realms of thoughts and deeds.  We sometimes seek time alone to process away from the busyness of the world as distractions delay our genius.

Our culture labels people to better understand who we are.  Labeling, however, is an injustice to our identity. All of us wear different hats and it can be very uncomfortable stuck in one hat we have outgrown. We will be a better community, country, or world by focusing on our unique strengths  rather than depending upon the cultural habit of branding.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The One With The Deep Brown Eyes

 "I tiptoed away from 'Yes' for most of my life, 
till I got someplace far away 
from its tensions and its radiance. 
Tonight I am grateful for the harrowing, 
enlivening task of tiptoeing back."
Maddie Privott

A young woman, Madeline Privott, has blessed my life many times over.  Her ethnic beauty is readily noticeable, but her complex and creative thinking is often deeply hidden.  Quick to humor or lend a helping hand, she remains reserved around those who are not yet friends.

This young woman can be compared to the remarkable patterns in a kaleidoscope: professional level appearance yet self-conscious; withdrawn but particularly observant; seeking and receiving; humorous but in depth perceptions; and light hearted but cerebral.   Depending upon the twist of the kaleidoscope, differing and beautiful aspects appear.  The same is true about this exceptional soul.

When I observe sweet Maddie, I am amazed at all of the insight stored within her heart.  Musician, profound writer, and determined student with endless wisdom.  I cannot fathom how diverse the unfolding of her life will be, but I rest my endless hope for the next generation comfortably in her lovely artistic hands.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Breaking Barriers

"Your task is not to seek love,
but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it."

Breaking down barriers can be exhausting inner work.  The listed tools can help you on the outside.  Confidence:  Allow the yourself to settle deeply into the body with total acceptance of who you are in this very moment.  Consider yourself as a project under construction, and do not be anxious about being seen.  Let yourself be visible, knowing deep inside you are becoming more authentic.

Articulate:   You have the right to express your feelings and intentions without expectations of approval.  If this is difficult for you, begin by writing thoughts and values down until you feel strong enough to speak out loud.

Activate:  Begin to play with your imagination.  Have some fun through creative expression or being outside in nature.  Make a list of activities you know would be fun, like movies, books, destinations, or physical enjoyment.  Then pursue them.

Connection:  You need to feel connected. Develop a supportive relationship with someone you trust and engage them to be a listener of your progress.  Ask for encouragement and reminders of other tasks nearly completed or mastered.  Minimize contact with those who drain you.

Align:  Gradually integrate all that you do so that you feel whole.  If you are striving for integrity, make sure your employment or position in relationship enhances integrity.  Orchestrate life so that your outer life is in tune with your inner desires.  Replace shopping with visits to a library.  Substitude unhealthy eating with fresh produce from a local farmers market.

Energy:  When you are feeling low, get outside to stimulate good feelings and connection instead of withdrawing into nap time.  Refrain from being with people who do not make you feel good about yourself.  Seek out kindred spirits or those who inspire you.

Sacred:  Connect with whatever you deem to be sacred.  Open your heart to your definition of divinity and request sacred presence in your life.  Light a small candle in honor of your spirit.

Participate:  You must participate in orchestrating a meaningful future.  You cannot sit back and just expect it to magically happen.  You have to get out and greet it half way.

Open your heart and visualize goodness coming to you just as you extend goodness to others.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Empowerment in the Feminine Experience

"I do not think, sir, you have any right to command me, merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your claim to superiority depends on the use you have made of your time and experience."  Charlotte Bronte, JANE EYRE

Feminine power is an empowerment of the body, mind, and soul.  The strength of women encourages inner exploration, highlighting worthiness, value, and courage.  This leads to full expression through life changes, meaningful relationships and authentic presence.

Women experience minimal living until they make the choice to strengthen themselves and empower others as a living example.  Establishing a support system to comfortably express transitions will enhance the experience to self-realization.

The nature of a female is to nurture and nourish, but service to oneself is required prior to serving.  Too easily, the feminine spirit can be swallowed by the needs of others.  For a woman to live a well balanced life, she utilizes skills that heighten her own experience.  Any female, when standing in her own power, navigates through challenges with an awareness of power to succeed. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Ball of String

"Of the many factors that shape our lives ---
geographical location, family dynamics, resources and influence,
beliefs, self-concept, support systems, motivation, relationships,
luck, karma, or fate --- our sense of self-worth is the single most
important determinant of the health, abundance and joy
we allow into our life.
Dan Millman
Master of the Path of thee Peaceful Warrior

When we  begin to understand the relationship between self-worthiness and perceptions of the mind, we are able to improve our health, faith, and prosperity.  Expanding our vision, surveying the entire landscape, we begin to untangle the ball of string, noticing the start of the string is clutched in our own hand.

If we are unhappy in any given situation, we can ask ourselves what action we chose when we  began to knot our piece of string.  Did we accept a lesser than situation or settle for an undesirable position? Were we not attentive to the needs of  our body, mind or soul?  Have we ignored our passion or desire, honoring someone other than ourselves?  Where was our motivation or how accurate was our intention?

Admittedly, chaos can suddenly appear, but we begin to untangle the mess by leaning in ... towards our own abilities and strengths.   We are empowered to take action. We do not stay trapped in the role of a victim nor do we remain dependent upon others.  We make choices to create a more positive change or outcome.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blossoms on the Branch

"Burden and blessing ~
two blossoms
on the same branch.
To be so lost
in this radiant wilderness."
Gregory Orr

Complicated emotions are folded into creases of our daily experiences.  Our body suit detects wrinkles in our armor, but lengthy diligence may be required before the discomfort can be hammered out.  Even then, permanent dents may remain.

It is heart breaking to watch a soul wander in the wilderness in spite of the radiance.  The eyes are cast down towards the dark soil, distorting vision and increasing pain.  It is not until the song of the bird that one lifts the eyes toward the sky noticing hope blossoming on the branch.

Our damaged parts contribute to our over all well being.  What once was a scar can be polished into a unique marking with stories to be told.  It all comes down to choice and perception.  If we can discover positive outcomes in spite of our burdens, life will blossom.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Road to Literacy

"Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope." 
Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan states, "Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope."  When a picture book is placed into the starving child's hands, whether he or she can read or not, pictures will speak a thousand words.  Illustrated books increase the understanding of the child and opens doors into the realm of possibility.    The child can imagine and carry these thoughts into dreamtime which can ultimately lead to survival.  

Books can create relationships and awareness of culture as well as health and nutrition through illustrations.  A female can learn the appropriate way to care for her body or the well being of her children.  Even primitive drawings can spark insight into prevention and safety.

Literacy is a human right.  Modest survival is dependent upon it.  Development and progression stem from understanding actions and consequences.  To comprehend and utilize choices, one must first be aware.  In order to reach full potential, every human being must have access to the road of  literacy.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Time to Begin

"Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes,
that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts."
Paramahansa Yogananda

When we discern what it is we can individually offer to the world in terms of spreading kindness, we join world forces.  We do not have to be a billionaire to make a difference.  All we need is to activate our unique abilities.

Day to day contributions are needed and children, students, and adults are making considerable inventions based upon their own imaginative strengths.  Ideas are surfacing on many levels by every day people.  Donating flowers and vegetables from gardens to nursing homes, shelters, or struggling families is on the rise.  What do we offer to our community?

Make this an exciting time in life by paying it forward.  An extended hand to those who grieve, reading out loud to someone who no longer sees, volunteer just to be present or sharing a smile that passes through the heart and out through the eyes.  To simply extend our lovely selves can shift the sadness of one other.  The time to begin is now.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Shine, My Sweet Friend

"Don't assume, ask.
Be kind. Tell the truth.
Don't say anything you can't stand behind fully.
Have integrity.  Tell people how you feel."
Warsan Shire

Looking into the hearts of  spiritual friends, I caught a glimpse of  substance and power. They were bringing strength and freedom into the world.  Together, they were joined in the radiance of light, love, and energy.  

When one hand clasped the next, a bond coiled throughout the gathered souls.  Singular pieces designed with truth and integrity, merged together to form Divine Light for the world to find safe passage to peace and love.

Kindle the flame within, my love.  Let it dance in the beauty of both night and day.   Allow the surge of the fire restore passion and carry imagination on its way.   Interrupt dream time to embrace the twinkle of the stars.  Shine my sweet friend, for all others to see and find their way. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Language of Nature

"The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me."
Chief Dan George

In spite of growing up in a city apartment, my communication with nature blossomed early on.  My childhood is filled with memories of being outside with nature.  Idle hours were spent flat on my back in the small patch of grass, staring at the formations of clouds in the sky.  I listened to the birds singing songs and welcomed the breeze across my dirty little palms and filthy naked feet.

I collected rocks wherever I roamed and hid a treasure of tins, note pads, and books discarded in the building trash. My fortune was the wild freedom I felt whether stomping in the rain, gathering flowers, envying falling leaves or rolling in the snow.  I greeted the stars every night and followed the moon across the sky.  

Nature speaks a language that warms the tender heart, fills empty spaces, and heals unseen wounds.   It beckons me to discover connection in fields of flowers, rain forests and waterfalls.  It embraces me with ocean waves and whispers delight as the sun slowly presents each new day.  Nature is my constant companion never tiring of my questioning words.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Muck and Mire

"Our real blessings often appear to us in shape of pains,
losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and
we soon shall see them in proper figures."
Joseph Addison

Cycles have been prevalent in my life whether seasonal, biological, or mental.  To be aware of a cycle, one is more apt to view the big picture rather than small snapshots of life unfolding.  To maintain the larger view, one must stand back and not be stuck in the middle of the muddle.

Even though I am aware of my cycles, I tend to be distracted by details and silent nuances before I become aware that I am trudging through knee deep muck and mire.   It is necessary for me to pull back on my lens immediately in order to focus on higher ground.

Being of private nature, I depend upon myself for redirection.  I tell myself, "I know I did not come back for this; persevere, something better must be waiting ahead."  With hindsight, the cycle is readily recognized.  Many of my lessons are simply blessings in disguise.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Hidden by the Shade of a Willow

"Do you consider yourself a blessing
or just another person?" 
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Flowers add beauty to our lives, whether they are in a lovely garden, sprawling across a gate or precariously hanging on a trellis.  The mass of colors lift our spirits as though we are seeing the Divine.  The fragrances are simply waves of bliss.

Seeds of flowers can be randomly strewn across ditches or cultivated in botanical gardens.  Either way, the results are good for the soul.  Orchids, for example, might stand as they are so delicate and  challenging to grow.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, dandelions, killed by thousands, are the first choice snatched by young chubby hands.

We are all blessings in the Divine Garden whether we stand alone or are gathered in a meadow.  We can be noticed for our individual grace or gazed upon in an elegant arrangement.  Let there be no doubt in our minds, each of us contribute to the whole whether we are arranged in a crystal vase or hidden by the shade of a willow.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Discerning Needs

"By spending some time getting to know yourself better,
you will know what you have to offer and,
it will be easier to ask for what you want."
Nityananda Das, Divine Union

We tend to expect others to anticipate our needs.  In relationship, our partners are pressured into being mind readers as to what our heart desires.  If we pull in our focus, cease searching the outer  boundaries, and listen inside, we will recognize our needs with clarity.

If we do not recognize our inner essence it is impossible to clarify needs.  When we establish a sense of self, we can than proceed to build upon our dreams.  Who we truly are without masks or pretentious role playing, is vital to living a rich and full life.

Create a core with integrity, compassion and courage.  Inventory skills, weakness and wisdom.            Aided by acquired tools and projected outcomes navigation through challenges becomes  enlightenment.  To know thyself is key to any authentic living.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sacred Places

"Underneath the chaos of everyday living,
peace is patiently awaiting our discovery ...
go within."
Jaeda DeWalt

Where is your sacred place ... the safe harbor you seek when silence is needed?  Is it a physical structure like a temple or wooded area?  Do you retreat into music, reading, or writing?  Contemplation or guided imagery are perfect ports for hibernation to block out the busyness of the fast paced life.

We can stock pile vacation days for a perfect retreat or combine a business trip with pleasure.  We can spend a fortune or volunteer to participate in enshrined visitations.  All of this out sourcing, overlooking the most obvious sanctuary waiting within our very hearts.

The heart is a temple filled with overflowing love.  When we walk in reality, we sense the sacred through our open heart.  The wind, trees and birds become sacred, as does the water, stars and moon.  We begin to recognize the sacred within each human choosing to blend into one luminous light.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

To Love Better

"Please tell me how I can love you better."
Thich Nhat Hanh

I was reading an article by Omid Safi discussing "the challenge to think about and practice a generous type of love that transcends the tragedy and the suffering in the world right now."  It grows difficult to subject myself to any form of world wide or local news, as I want to maintain calm in the midst of chaos.

The answer to chaos is not found in aggression, but in delving into the basic needs of life to thrive.  We are called to do hard things, but when we join together the task can become peaceful.  Instead of invading with violence, can we not ask what is needed and truly listen?  

We are called to react with loving kindness, not fear.  We are beckoned to peaceful living. We are all children of a deity no matter the description.  Not alone, but together we must discover how we can best love each other.  We can establish peace together, not alone.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Imagination on Fire

"You are born  an artist or you are not.  And you stay an artist, dear, 
even if your voice is less of a fireworks.  The artist is always there."
Maria Callas

There is responsibility in honoring the artist within whether specializing in fishing lures or fashion design.  Setting a decorative dining table for twelve might be a joyful experience for one while a picnic in a park meets the creative needs of one other.

The focus is not on the talent itself, but whether  or not we use it.  No matter how great or small, the gifts we are born with are intended to be celebrated.  Authentic use of our imagination lights up our lives and ripples the creative energy out into the world.   The size of the audience, great or small, has absolutely nothing to do with our singular responsibility.

So what is it that we do well?  What talent do we have?  The compliments we receive, what do they pertain to ... a strength we take for granted.  Which action is it that lights up our skies or burns passion in the heart?  Find the spark, my friend, and set imagination on fire!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Honor the Moments

"Our capacity to love is marked by our willingness
to see ourselves in one another." 
Trent Gilliss

When we find ourselves annoyed by a person, it is helpful to discern if it is a reflection of our actions being mirrored to us.  If we do not own the particular behavior, then we can consider if our heart is closed to this person, and if so, why?

There is no need to interpret a person's deeper feelings, but it is wise to take notice of the struggle.  We have no need to offer solutions, but as a fellow human being, we can be open to the moment and offer space for expression.

As we embrace our own reality, we begin to see more of our qualities embedded in others.  We may use differing words or behaviors, but the underlying experience is triggering emotions we all endure.  We are called to relate to each other,  to extend compassion, and to honor the moments we share.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Anger, The Secondary Emotion

"Resentment is like taking poison
and waiting for the other person to die."
Malachy McCourt

With an open heart, we are vulnerable to the insensitivity's of others.  When we are filled with compassion, we can counter balance negative emotions thrown our way.  If we do not practise kind heartedness, perceived hurtful statements will begin to carve a  deep line of resentment in our emotional field.

Our first emotional response to an ill spoken word is quickly followed by a secondary emotion, anger.  As anger gathers, it begins to fester, and to pull us off center.  If we dwell upon what we perceived as judgment, our attitude will become worse than the original offender.  We will be harming ourselves while the speaker has long forgotten the incident.

To any offensive comment, the perfect mindset is: They must be having a terrible day!  We understand the attitude is not about us, but a reflection of them.  Instead of taking it personally, we can respond thoughtfully to them with "Are you having a bad day?"  Then watch the persona of the speaker shift.  

Friday, July 1, 2016

Open the Cover, Read the Page


"Social support is not the same as merely being in the presence of others.
The critical issue is reciprocity:  being truly heard and seen by people around us,
feeling that we are held in someone else's mind and heart."
Bessel Van Der Kolk

Individually, we have an important message, but the strength of the message grows with reciprocation.  Each one must be heard and each one must be listened to.  We can agree or agree to disagree, but we must be open to the dialogue.   A book may be filled with wisdom, but if the cover is not opened for the pages to be read, the brilliance remains in darkness.  

In the midst of a crowd, we can feel isolated  We are physically present, but without a gesture we feel adrift.  As others banter on, no one notices our withdrawal.  Without exchange, we wilt like a delicate flower, as our fragrance and beauty are lost upon unseeing eyes.

If we gather the courage to speak out loud, others may talk right over us, or return to a previous subject matter as though our words were not yet stated.  We patiently wait for a slit of silence, lingering eye contact,  and a space to be present.  We crave a sense of belonging and a permanency in just one other person's world.