Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Cultivating Vision

"Many famous artists and musicians were considered to be isolated loners
or disruptive troublemakers, or sometimes both, yet these people altered
history and contributed to the world an original vision or advances in our
understanding of the universe."
Madisyn Taylor

What buried passions would surface in life if we took deliberate time to be quiet and still?  Where would our focus be placed if we listened to our heart's desire?  When will we align our diverse yearnings?

We are on a journey learning to master many realms of thoughts and deeds.  We sometimes seek time alone to process away from the busyness of the world as distractions delay our genius.

Our culture labels people to better understand who we are.  Labeling, however, is an injustice to our identity. All of us wear different hats and it can be very uncomfortable stuck in one hat we have outgrown. We will be a better community, country, or world by focusing on our unique strengths  rather than depending upon the cultural habit of branding.

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