Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Align Masculine and Feminine Energies

"Each one of us needs to discover the proper balance
between the masculine and feminine energies,
between the active and the receptive."
Ravi Ravindra
The Wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Female energy is receptive and creative whereas masculine energy is giving and analytical.  Human beings, no matter female or male, contain both masculine and feminine energies.  As a woman, we are creative and sensitive with our feminine energy while absorbing the emotions and life experiences of others.  As a woman, we organize, focus, and project with our masculine energy.  In order to be grounded, one must align these energies.

If we rely singularly upon our feminine energies, we may tend to be dramatic or overly emotional.  If we rely upon our masculine energies singularly, we may tend to be very business orientated or deeply analytical.

When we blend the masculine with the feminine, we use energy creatively but with force to follow through.   We adapt to differing situations rather than responding in a stereotypical way.  We sense what is the appropriate course and follow through with compassion.   To be feminine does not mean to be weak.  The female blending both masculine and feminine energy is a force to be dealt with as she is empowered to elevate others rather than control.

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