Thursday, October 31, 2019

Deposits of Fear


"Nothing is more frightening than
a fear you cannot name."
Cornelia Funke

Concerns for our country, unanswered questions about climate change, and uncertainties about health or finances are certainly areas to worry about.  We can seek professional help or explore resources to make us feel secure.  Then there are unexplainable things that go bump in the night!

Fear is an emotion we carry deep within us not necessarily having a factual basis.  It changes form, appears when least expected, and often cannot be expressed with intelligent reasoning.  We feel powerless as we do not understand the basis for the trigger nor do we comprehend how it all started or how to make it go away.

When fear appears and we have a startled response, we can probably trace it back to the origin of a trauma or unpleasant experience when we were younger.  When we are young, we do not have life experience or factual knowledge to talk ourselves down.  We are like little sponges absorbing every nuance of unexplainable emotion and then repress it.  Inside our emotional bank, we have endless unprocessed deposits of fear ready to unexpectedly appear.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wading in the Water

"Now begins to rise in me the familiar rhythm;
words that have lain dormant now lift,
now toss their crests, and fall and rise,
and falls again."
Virginia Woolf

When we do not address our uneasiness, it is stashed in a pile with other unresolved feelings.  This pattern can be compared to waves in the water.   As we are mindlessly wading, the water builds, and the churning water turns into an overwhelming wave.

We wade through the shallowness of the water, feeling our problems like pebbles in the sand beneath our feet.  We are convinced we are in control and in time we will dive into the water and sort everything out.

Unfortunately, prior to focusing on deliberate resolution, our unaddressed feelings take the shape of a giant wave and wash over us, sometimes knocking us down or out.  If we ignore our emotions, they will only grow stronger and become more difficult to untangle.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Name It!

"What looks like weakness is actually where your strength lies.
And what looks like strength is often weakness, and attempt
to cover up fear."
Jon Kabat-Zinn

If we are aware of ourselves, we can early detect when we are upset.  Then we have choices as to how to react.  We can push the uneasiness down, burying it in our busyness or we can identify the feeling and trace it back.  Was it with me when I woke up?  Did I get off balance at work? Has a friend irritated me?

If we take the time to identify the actual feeling, and then trace it, we are more apt to learn and then let go.  This is a very short process that can grow into a healing tool assisting us in navigating smoothly through life itself.

When I am venting to my daughter, she tells me to  name it.  So I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and look beneath my complaints to give a name to the fear or pain triggering me.  Once I have reduced the drama to one segment, it is easier for me to see not only the problem, but also the resolve.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Authentic Presence Only

"The ornament of a house is the 
friends who frequent it."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

An invitation from my friend who is a school teacher was an offering for lunch out at her farm.  As word spread, I realized it wasn't just a select few, but an extended list including folks I didn't know.  We awaited the luncheon with great anticipation.

The teacher set up tables in all of the rooms of the farm house.  Each table was covered with a quilt and the place settings, well they simply didn't match.  China plates were all differing patterns. Each polished silver utensil was unusual and every drinking glass was unique.  Of course, no two cloth napkins were alike.

There was so much love gathered at this country home, I don't even remember what was served.  After dessert, everyone wandered outside and explored the magic in the gardens, both vegetable and flower.  It was positively the most lovely lunch I have ever attended.  No boundaries, no back biting, just individuality honored and explored.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Forming a Circle Once Again

"If I could reach up and hold a star
for every time you've made me smile,
the entire evening sky would be in the 
palm of my hand."

In off moments, my clattering mind comes across a memory of a dear friend of mine.  I am suddenly filled with laughter, wisdom, and the healing sense of presence even though I know she has moved on into other realms.  I sometimes see her winking from the sky as she knows I miss her still.

Years ago, a running buddy would wake me prior to getting the kids off to school. It was a time we set aside for each other, observed each other's clumsiness and respected our honest attempt to reach a runner's high.  Laughter, sharing, and routine kept us together.  I often wonder which star she is laughing down upon me from the well lighted sky.

As I cherish the memories of those who have gone before me, I grow aware of the humor which was present in each relationship, and yet times of great sorrow as well.  Emotions bound us together, and our stories often overlapped.  As I gaze up into the sky the silver stars shine down upon me, promising we will form a circle again.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Victim, Survivor, Heroine

"Above all, be the heroine of your life,
not the victim.'
Nora Ephron

We must decide if we are going to let life happen to us or if we are going to have a full life of our own choosing.  We all experience life differently and definitely do not have equality in numerous areas.  The bottom line is we all have choice.  Granted, we may not have as many choices as others, but we do have choice.

Culture has groomed women to be submissive and co-dependent, so breaking out of an emotional prison is costly.  Isolated from resources and responsibility for children often keep a woman from making her choice.  She may risk her lovely self, but not the lives of her children.

Highly creative women can wear a mask and disguise the hell where they currently live, and eventually arrive at a point in time where they can bare no more.  We must make our lovely selves strong so we can recognize self worth and gain independence.    Individual strength can change a woman's course of life from victim to survivor and on to heroine.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Garden of the Soul

"Every flower blooms at a different pace."
Suzy Kassem

How anticlimactic it would be if we were all blooming flowers that piqued at the very same time.  Even if we were the same plant but different colors, life would be an explosion of color and then what? As gardeners of life, we would miss so much and yet be overwhelmed.  How colorless the remainder of life would be.

As gardeners of life, we have the ability to bring numerous colors into our world.  One person may be content with a Bonsai plant where another fills an entire yard with all the old favorites like lily of the valley, peonies, holly hock, and lilacs. 

What makes us decide how our garden will be?  How do we decide on the landscape design?  Are we willing to pull the plant that fails to grow and replace it with a sturdier specimen?  Will we neatly align the colors or will we have a wildlife approach with colors randomly sprouting everywhere? Our personal gardens are created by the beauty which resides within the garden of our colorful soul.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mistakes, Not Failures

"Never confuse your mistakes 
with your value of as a human being."
St. Frances de Sales

As a human being, we learn through our mistakes.  Our largest errors may be the catapult to the next best situation in our lives.  We must never give up on our lovely selves, but invest time into creative solutions to our pending barriers.

Our experiences with error is too often associated with our worth.  We personally rant at our stupidity or failure to assess the negative, but none of this has anything to do with our personal value.  I am thinking of a basketball backboard ... basketballs are propelled towards it repeatedly and whether or not a basket is made, the backboard is still a backboard.

Making an error in decisions does not equate to being a failure.  Our energy needs to regroup and negotiate a different approach.  We can increase our perspective, expand our resources or start anew.  Not one of these scenarios particularly reflect upon our worth.  If anything, as we learn through our mistakes, our value increases.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Worst Battle

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's 
doing its best to make you somebody else, 
is to fight the hardest battle you are ever
going to fight."
e.e. cummings

As a young professional we are pushing really hard to portray our best performance and attempt to successfully embrace every suggestion offered.  At the same time, we have this inner battle going on, trying to convince our lovely selves that we can and will master the job.  

As we mature, we begin to invest more in ourselves so that we can make better offerings to the world. Often times, the outside pressure does not align with the direction our inner spirit is flowing.  With growing experience our confidence and curiosity pushes us forward into expanded parts of the self.

At some point in our life, we grow into the space where we are totally comfortable with who we are.  We treat our selves with respect and use our inner light to shine on the paths of others still trying to find his or her way.  We no longer use our energy to defend who we have become.  Instead, we use our energy for creative ways to return goodness back into our complicated world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sitting on our Hands

"Change your thinking to knowing
that your life matters, and
that you are important.
Madisyn Taylor

The world can be overwhelming, especially if we view others as being more powerful or smarter. It is an easy way to minimize our lovely selves and keep our existence small. We need to be aware of the attitudes we have towards others and most importantly towards ourselves.

If life feels like it is standing still, then it is time to make a change. Choose a movement whether it is physical or mental, and move forward. Change will be initiated towards transformation if we just begin.
Start with something simple, baby steps, until a sense of strength builds within to carry us farther.

We cannot sit at home waiting for the doorbell to ring. We cannot wait anticipating a mentor to suddenly appear. Action is required in the creating of the life we want for our selves. Take action by visiting a museum, taking in a matinee, attending a concert or enrolling in a 6 week class. Nothing is going to happen while we sit upon our hands.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Three Stances While on the Journey

"Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something.
Where are your choices taking your life?  What do your behaviors
demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?"
Eric Allennaugh

Choose to stand solidly on two feet facing the direction beckoning forward motion.  Keep eyes focused on the destination, while glancing down to the roadway avoiding potholes or traffic.  Glance up to be aware of location so not to get lost.

Thoughts remain mindful of what is pursued.  Idle chatter passes straight through without becoming a distraction.  Ears listen to the open heart for guidance and encouragement.  Eyes remain aligned with journey ignoring judgment or criticism in the eyes of others.

Determination drives intentions forward as a positive response to life.  Cloaked in self respect and self worth, value is reflected upon the path.   Communication in form of prayer or praise strengthens the connection between all that is holy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Doors Advance Pathways

"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors
 where there were only walls."
Joseph Campbell

It is necessary to be clear about our intentions as the Universe endeavors to orchestrate scenarios to help us along our way.  If we change our mind repeatedly, energy is scattered, not supporting us in a solid manner.  It is similar to settling into a cab and then directing the driver to a different address every fifteen minutes.

We discover a nugget of inspiration resonating within our bodies.  If it peaks our interest with body and soul, begin to focus.  Jot down a loose outline to create a general plan.  Visualize, create a collage or day dream with open ended possibilities.  Then we can proceed through our days with anticipation.

We hold clear our focus allowing for different scenarios.  What we desire may appear in unexpected opportunities supplied with our focus already advanced.  Be certain, however, not to impulsively embrace the first sighting of bliss.  If we are patient yet diligent with intentions, doors will open advancing our pathway.  It may take more than one door to open, but remain focused with forward movement.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Masters, Nonetheless


"All beings are vast multidimensional masters. They 
may be exploring divinity or limitation, but they are
masters nonetheless."
Ariel Tachi-ren

It is an inaccurate assumption that Masters in the world would be walking around in robes or standing on street corners pontificating.  The word itself master suggests a person elevated above others.  There is no secret hand shake, no special code to enter, nor a special gathering of a secret society.

Could it be God has made all of us a Master and equal at the core?  It just might be our choices for life purpose that positions our status in our space.  The resistance to embrace the idea of being a Master stems from fear, ego, and lack of self-worthiness; while others perception of being a Master misguides them off course, and misleading those who would follow.

Two business men walked out of professional headquarters to find a man in rags sitting on the sidewalk with a blissful smile.  While the men walked by, the seeming to be pauper wished them a good day.  The two men shared their thoughts:  one thought the vagrant was disgusting while the other believed the man was a Master who had offered to return with the life purpose of triggering compassion in others.  Observation and higher thinking propels us away from judgment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Perception of Happiness

"Happiness is not determined by what is happening around you,
 but rather what's happening inside you."

At some point in our development, we tell our lovely selves that when we grow up, we are always going to be happy.  We think of happiness as a space in our lives that we will control, filling it with joy, exuberance, and magic.  

Happiness, however, is a state of mind.  It is not dependent upon others as much as it is impacted by our thoughts.  How we feel inside impacts our perception of what is or is not happiness.  What makes one person happy, might trigger a sadness in one other.  We do not necessarily perceive happiness the same.

When we maintain a healthy connection with our inner life, we experience degrees of happiness.  If we live moment to moment, we are less likely to become stuck.  We enjoy frequent glimpses of happy emotions or thoughts, and allow them to bring meaning into our lives, but also let them go. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Constant Pruning

"It was like any relationship ... it took constant pruning,
and dedication, and vigilance, and if neither party wanted
to make the effort, why wouldn't it wither?"
Hanya Yanagihara

If we experience estrangement with family or friends, we feel an element of shame or guilt.  We may have concern that we will be judged by others and we apply critical judgment to our lovely selves.  Estrangements can occur over a long period of time, just drifting away by life changes.  Other estrangements can be abrupt and accompanied by emotional anguish.

If time has been the greater divider, there is the possibility of sending a card with a simple message just to reach out.  It doesn't have to be lengthy or apologetic.  The card offers the opportunity for reconnection.  By taking this action, we have moved heavy thoughts out of our bodies.

Family relationships tend to run far deeper generating great pain for years.  There is a heaviness within as we believe either we were at fault or falsely accused.  We may feel shame for the distance that has grown unsurmountable.  If this is the case, we must find a release to accept reality.  We can share our hidden darkness with a trusted friend; engage in counseling;  or find a special way to give the situation a respectful ending. One can float flowers on a small pond; write a heart felt letter never intended to be mailed; meditate in nature or a chapel sending sincere prayers for the healing of the situation.  Allow this gesture to remove the darkness and put an ending to repetitious negative thoughts  Let this be the final good bye.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

No Action Required


"In fact, I'm friends with a lot of people who 
don't share the same beliefs that I have."
Ellen DeGeneres 

Life would be boring if we thought the same thoughts and focused only on one thing. Diversity is healthy for us, not necessarily to change our personal belief system, but to be challenged and expanded. We do not have to agree, but if we would simply listen to each other, negativity would decline in the world.

As we grow deeper into our own belief system, we will not be as threatened by the thoughts of others. If we are insecure, we are much more likely to be challenged responding with negativity which drives people a part. 

Be still, allowing the other person time to fully express his or her self. We may find some of the information to pique our curiosity or simply reinforce our own thoughts. We are meant to be like the manly trees in the forest ... different species but standing alone, but together. Agree to disagree, but no action is required.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Exploring Masters

"All beings are vast multidimensional masters.
They may be exploring divinity or limitation, but
they are masters nonetheless."
Ariel Tachi-ren

Our culture would be so vibrantly different if we would recognize the master within each of us.      We are all born with a specialty supplied with gifts and tools.  As we inwardly grow our thoughts and expertise, we are focused upon contributing to the world.  Healthy competition taking the form of encouragement and sharing information for the sake of discovery would propel seekers at a more rapid pace.  Judgment often is a sign of jealousy, a lack of self-worth, and unclaimed destiny.

As unique human beings, we would not feel threatened by others if we were supported by praise and curiosity.  There would be no motivation to interfere in the growth of others.  With compassion and an open heart, honoring the work of another fellow human rekindles our joy in returning to our own creative projects.

As we follow our individual pathways, there is no need for judgment ... just an awareness of life unfolding.  When we pit our selves one against the other we are distracted from our own progress.  If passion fills our soul with imagination, drive, and dedication to creation, there is no reason to be threatened by the passion of others.   Honoring the gifts we see in each other would move our culture closer to a life of peace and loving kindness.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Screams Safely Onto the Page

"Vulnerability in writing is 
the enemy of grandiosity."
Julia Cameron

Maybe fifteen students were gathered for a meditation.  When completed, the leader asked for each person to write down a reflection from the experience.  Going around the circle, each vulnerable person shared.  Some had lists, while others had lengthy paragraphs.  One embarrassed person claimed she couldn't write at all, except, she had completed a two page pencil sketch!  It was lovely.

Not every person has the desire to become an author or poet, but everyone has the ability to compose  whether through words or sketches.  Stringing letters of the alphabet together whether in order or not is learning how to write.  Learning the position of nouns, verbs, or adverbs teaches us sentence structure.  These are elements of our education, but writing for personal pleasure has no boundaries or limitations.  Words, phrases, patterns or tears can be caught by the eager page that has no sense of editing.

Maintaining a personal journal is therapeutic.  The writer can just release whatever is being felt onto the page and leave it there.  The person can capture the words of his or her inner screams safely onto the page rather than into a person's face.  As the person browses back through earlier entries, he or she realizes how many times they have changed perspectives or survived troublesome situations.  It is a private testimony to help guide healing to the heart and clarity of thoughts.

Our Own Presence

"I didn't pay attention to times or distance, 
instead focusing on how it felt
just to be in motion, 
knowing it wasn't about the finish line 
but how I got there that mattered."
Sarah Dessen

Our sense of worthiness may be fleeting, but once felt, it can be bolstered and refined.  With respect and honor for ourselves, we will keep our awareness growing.  As the value grows within, we will seek a way to express more of who we are and claim our space in time.

Discovery can indicate research and travel, but as we train our selves to remain in each moment, we will find elements we may have otherwise missed.  It is easier to view relationship between particles, people, and nature, and make claim to what resonates.  The slower motion assists us in being more disciplined.

Sit still just for a moment and experience the elasticity of time. Tune in to the sound of a bell or the swishing noise of a water sprinkler.  If we can find absolute silence, we will hear or feel the unseen movement surrounding us.  It is healing to travel on these waves of silence and heighten the understanding of our own presence.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Equilibrium Once Again

"The more that is taken from us
the more capacity we have 
for compassion and appreciation."
Mary Pipher

There are numerous ways for things to be taken from us:  death, theft, or simple loss.  We choose our reaction:  grief, depression, acceptance, compassion or appreciation.  Without negating the depths of loss, if one can stretch personal compassion and appreciation, life will more rapidly realign.

We all grieve in our own way, but as in any other loss, the heaviness of negative emotion must be counter balanced.  We can force ourselves to visit a friend or a park, to give our selves a balance.  We can focus upon the loving memories rather than the loss itself.  If we can create small acts of kindness in honor of what had been taken away, we will heal more gently.

Any person who has experienced down sizing understands the appreciation of having less.  We are not as bound to material things which offers freedom for new adventures.  We grieve as our adult children leave to begin his or her own life, but we must grasp the opportunity to fill that space with something positive to assist in gaining equilibrium once again . 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Deliberate Imperfection

"You are your own worst enemy.  If you can learn
to stop expecting impossible perfection, in your
self and others, you may find the happiness that
has always eluded you."
Lisa Kleypas

Our culture tends to expect perfection from us, and if we cannot consistently perform unblemished, then the next hire will be selected.  With stress and pressure we use our energy striving for outside expectation.  Respect and honor of our own authentic being is eluded.  

How different it could be if we were allowed to advance at our own pace, exploring new ideas with job performance contributing to the performance of the whole.  Fresh contribution could extend the livelihood of a company more than a sterile environment. 

In the Japanese culture, if a piece of work becomes cracked, they fill the crack with gold to restore it to the level of beauty.  The Amish are exceptionally creative and yet they deliberately leave an imperfect stitch as nothing is perfect, but God.  In Native American culture, every thing created by human hands was embodied by the the spirit of God, so everything was perfect just as it was.   And so are you, my lovely ...  imperfectly beautiful just as you are.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Offer Up Goodness

When in pain, offer the suffering
as a sacrifice for a loved one.

Several years ago, my life was interrupted with a physical ailment.  I knew in time it would heal, but in the present moment, I felt pain.  Climbing stairs was especially painful, so I began to dedicate each stair to one of my children.  My focus shifted from the pain to  labeling a stair with the face of one of my kids.  I offered the pain in exchange for their safety.

There were thirty stairs to climb morning, noon and afternoon which my doctor insisted was the physical therapy I needed.  The repetitive behavior collided with my attention span, so I began to include the faces of friends offering them love or healing or understanding.  I didn't share this private routine with anyone.

Eventually, the pain went away, but I still had the daily stairs to climb.  I found great pleasure in maintaining my sacred climb as an offering to others, always beginning with my children.  To this day, I will offer up my effort for  goodness to others.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Imperative to Let Go

"Waiting hurts.  Forgetting hurts.  But 
not knowing which decision to take
can sometimes be the most painful."
Jose N. Harris

Waiting for results or answers can be a very painful period of time.  It can last a few minutes or a life time.  If we can wait no longer, we decide to push the memory or incident away,  This totally  drains our energy as we repress our unaddressed emotions.  

When we grow weary of this waiting, we may decide to make a decision.  Perhaps it is too early or  maybe even too late, but we can no longer tolerate being suspended in not knowing.  To make a decision not based upon all facts, can be harmful to all involved.

If we feel the need to move forward, it is beneficial to create some form of ending.   Whether we seek advice from a mentor; express in deep private writing; or silently in meditation, to have some sense of resolution will help create an ending.   If we are forcing the issue out of revenge or suffering there will be even more pressure and discord.  As it takes toll on body, mind, and spirit, it  becomes imperative to let go. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Redesign Our Package

"Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people
should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."
Paulo Coelho

The deepest struggle in life is finding a path that does not distract us from who we are meant to be or what we are here  to accomplish.  When we have the sense that we are right were life needs us to be, change occurs and illusion or fear may redesign our passage.

Negotiating with life about education, family, career, housing, and mounting debt, our concentration is pulled outside of our lovely selves to the expertise of others.  Instead of sustaining our creativity, we are detained by the guidelines meant for others.

As we gain some momentum, we begin to figure out it is not so much what we do, but how we do it.  Are we ruthless and cruel or are we compassionate and helpful?  It is in the manner in which we navigate through life that has more sway than the end result, but still arriving with abundance and joy. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Darkness of Growing Gossip

"You have your own inner worlds to conquer, 
your own inner gardens to water and hone.
You have your own inner gold to mine.  See
all, judge not, know thyself."
C. JoyBell C

The beautiful autumn day led us to a festival well attended by families, food vendors, and live music.  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught glimpse of a young man taking a mighty swing at an oblivious older gentleman.  In a struggle, the two men hit the ground as admirable by-standers successfully stopped the brawl.

The two men quickly evacuated the area, but the stunned festival attendees were sharing comments.  There were those who were appalled by a younger person assaulting an elder.  Some thought the older man had taken the first swing. Speculation spread as to whether or not these two were from the same family.  Questions about alcohol emerged. Judgment was being applied, layer after layer.

As my recently consumed festival food rolled in my stomach, I accepted the impossibility of ever knowing the truth of these two men which excused me from any judgment.  Positive energy is best used with the strength of the shining sun not in the darkness of  growing gossip.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Honor Thyself Anew

Every sunset, every mountain, every river, every passionate crowd, every concert, every drop of rain - that's you. So go find yourself. Go find your strength, find your beauty, find your purpose. Stop crafting your mask. Stop hiding. Stop lying to yourself and letting people lie to you. You're not lacking in anything except awareness. Everything you've ever wanted is already there, awaiting your attention, awaiting your time.” 
― Vironika Tugaleva

"Every sunset, every mountain, every river, every passionate crowd,
every concert, every drop or rain ... that's you."
Vironika Tugaleva

We are filled with a multitude of cells which continuously change.  Who we are is a composite of particles we have attracted and activated.  Stop pretending or hiding the true nature of the spirit.  With imagination, reach out to the stars, landscapes, oceans and other realms.  Stretch to the limits and then pick and choose the persona most wanted to be.

Be still and allow awareness to spread.  What we most desire is already there waiting for activation.  Discard distractions and welcome new ideas, routines, and perceptions that resonate with the soul.  Allow the pulse of life to begin the rhythm which will lead us to our sacred path.

To excel with our personal development, we can increase our communication with all there is and build relationships supporting not criticizing our intentions.  As an individual, experiments with music, art, meditation or yoga will propel us towards authentic expression.  Journal as the true essence begins to emerge and honor thy self anew.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

We Are Not Damaged Goods

"Study yourself; it should be the first subject you learn
and the one you revise each and every day."
Evan Sutter

When we are raised to believe we have original sin, can speak to God only through clergy, and recite prayers written in Latin, there is going to be a gap in our relationship with all things holy.  As we mature, our perspective broadens to embrace revisions such as we are not damaged goods; God is always listening for our thoughts and prayers; and informal praise and admiration can be offered through vibrant artistic works of art or silent retreats in nature.

God creates us to be individuals, to pick up the tools provided and to create a life uniquely our own. It may years to unpack the unnecessary layers of duplication taught to us, but unloading can become quite exciting.  The deeper we dig, the closer we move towards our inner strengths and the explosion of creativity.

As we adjust our focus and remove unnecessary distractions, our heart beats a little faster and hope festers within.  A sense of worthiness stirs applause for our individualism.  As all humans face challenges, we will be standing on a strong foundation with a God of love and we will  continue our journey forward. 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

From Behind Our Shadows

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation,
creativity, and change."
Brene Brown

As we unfold into an environment of criticism, it is not very likely that we will be eager to allow ourselves to step out from behind our shadows. When we feel a surge of power, we may choose to utter a few of our ideas, but when we are met with judgment, withdrawal commences.

If we develop relationships with trust and acceptance, we will begin to build a bridge where each person can cross over to the opposite side learning of differences, visions, and unique creativity.  This kind of union offers strength derived from listening and supporting.

Individuals tend to hide their creative side.  They may not see the magic in it as easily as an outsider would.  Why is there a reluctance to keep secret our best creative quality?  By allowing self worthiness to win out over fear, jealousy or small thinking, we learn to embrace vulnerability and succeed.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Children Are To Be Seen and Not Heard

"A crisis creates the opportunity to dip deep in the reservoirs
of our very being, to rise to levels of confidence, strength and
resolve that otherwise we didn't think we possessed."
Jon M. Huntsman, Sr

Praise is being given to those who have been overlooked for previous service or spontaneous support.  Young adults are being interviewed regarding new solutions to age old problems.  Even the very young are generating money to be given to the homeless  or collecting items in support of shelters.  

The old adage, Children are to be seen, not heard, is finally being replaced by respecting and encouraging all voices.  Children are no longer hidden from world, country, and community uprising.  Reality is beginning to seep through the cracks of all ages of vision.

Advanced communication allows individuals to reach across borders and learn human nature no matter which language is being spoken.  The general public not only views what atrocities are happening to others, but the part our government is playing as well.  Individuals of all ages are beginning to use the power of voice and hopefully, together, we will discover new ways.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Stepping Into

"There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood ...
Touch of manner, hint of mood; and my heart is like a rhyme,
With the yellow and the purple and crimson keeping time."
Bliss Carman

In the winter, I yearn for creative expression to be experienced in various ways.  In the spring, I feel excited about new growth and the freshness of the outdoors.  Then as summer follows, it seems to lengthen time, extend concentrated heat, and spark electricity in the air.

Autumn gently lowers a cloak of radiant color and slows time into a lullaby.  It triggers endless change and yet it is a soothing motion.  Unlike the  heaviness of winter, autumn stretches the sense of connection.  We are enveloped by a sense of tranquility.

It is during this season I deeply experience a sense of peace and well being.  In the midst of a forest, small animals scatter, the wings of birds flap in the breeze, and a gentle trickle of water  rushes over rocks in the stream.  It is in this space that I perhaps open my heart the widest and step into being one.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

As the Crow Perched ...

"On a bare branch a crow is perched ...
autumn evening."

Autumn, with all the vibrant colors continues to be my favorite season.  I find comfort in slipping a sweater back on or sitting by the fire ring.  There is something calming about watching the golden red leaves gently twirling to the ground.  Pumpkins, roasted marshmallows, and all thing apples tickle my taste buds.  The ritual of raking leaves gracefully assures me that everything is just right.  

Autumn brings a comfort, a sense of contentment. It is a time to explore what I have harvested during the last seasons.  Knowing that winter will soon come, generating hibernation or isolation, makes me appreciate being in the midst of an autumn breeze with leaves crunching beneath my feet.

A harvest moon brilliantly placed in the sky seems to generate rituals and celebrations.  As the farmer puts his crops to bed, and my sisters joyfully dance and sing, my heart tends to know it is time to settle in.  This soothing season brings the best out of me ... quilt, book, and candle.