Thursday, December 31, 2015

Stars In A Darkened Sky

"The key to the future of the world is finding the hopeful stories
and letting them be known.   Pete Seeger 

Promise your lovely self not to get bogged down in the sad stories of this past year.  Write upon your   beating heart to not walk through this coming year as though it were a land mine of unforeseen disasters.   Lift your head towards the sky and deeply breathe in the goodness of life.

If you were crossing an undulating body of water in a large old ship, surely you would not ask to be placed in the bottom bellows without windows or fresh air.  You would want to travel in comfortable style, perhaps not in a grandeur way, but with enjoyable safe passage.  You would take care to secure these plans and remain focused.

The same is true with your passage through life. You must set your sails for calm winds and a strong rudder to safely stay on course.  You remain aware of some darkness in the sky, but you travel towards the compelling shades of an orange and yellow hue.  You follow your chosen map and appreciate each salty breeze.  When you stay on course, you see only stars in a darkened sky.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Claim it! Be it! Live it!

"Are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and desires of little children; to remember the weaknesses on loneliness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you, and to ask yourself if you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear on their hearts; to trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you; to make a grave for your ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feelings, with the gate open?  Are you willing to do these things for a day?"  
Henry Van Dyke

New Year's Eve is a time for assessment and projection.  It is when we scan our past activities and evaluate how we have treated others as well as ourselves.  Have we been motivated by selfish greed or spreading radiance towards others?  What dreams have we lost, feelings repressed, and stepped away from our true nature?

No lists need to be made on this eve of the new year.  Just sit and open our heart to all that we yearn to be.  In this very moment, can we fill ourselves with love and be moved into a healthy direction?  Can we imagine our feet sinking into rich soil and our arms lifting up to the Divine?  If this connection can be made in this moment, we can continue to fill moments every day rather than having a false agenda that in time fades away.

For the new year, claim one word, just one and hold it dear to the heart.  We will be far more successful by managing one simple thing:  compassion, generosity, kindness, self-respect, honor, or extended love.  Claim it, be it, and live it!  Blessings for the journey about to begin.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Winter for Wonderment

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and the fields, that it kisses them so gently?
And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt;
and perhaps it says "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again."
Lewis Carroll

As the pace slows down from the holidays, we easily become vulnerable to bouts of sadness.  With less sleep, we may find we are especially sensitive.  We may feel satisfied about all we accomplished until we remember what remains undone.  We recall happy moments which then turn to  what may have gone amiss.  When our emotions become frozen with the chill of winter,  and our thoughts might be slipping and sliding.

We cannot help how we feel, but we can determine the length of time we are held emotionally captive.    Yes, we are sad and perhaps, rightly so; but, we must move along.  Sift out the good and hold it dear to our hearts.  Remember how resilient we are, how far we have traveled.  Create healthy visions of what we want to bring alive this spring.

Winter is but a cycle of glorious nature.  Mother Earth gently wraps blankets of snow lovingly around her trees.  We must follow her lead and cherish the quiet of winter by nurturing ourselves and extending kind deeds to ourselves as well as to others.  Make winter a time of wonderment.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Hibernation ... An Adventurous Phase

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned
that within me there lay an invincible summer."
Albert Camus

Winter offers the opportunity for enhanced hibernation.  We can creatively use this slower pace without entirely shutting ourselves down to the point of isolation.  Hibernating can be fun if we shift our thinking into how to nurture ourselves in our own space.  It would be similar to nesting or building a special fort, supplied with favorite blankets, lights, and cherished treasures.  It can be a comforting time for meeting our simple needs.

Establishing winter rituals can be enchanting, such as:  lighting evening candles, deliberately playing music, enrolling in an on line class or researching family history.  Begin to anticipate what hibernation will look like.  Will books be gathered, a special chair chosen, a cozy blanket, a special hot tea, and a candle to hold the presence of the warm light of the soul?

Name what excites you and begin to expand upon it.  Stretch it, grow it, and make it come alive! This year design winter as an adventurous phase, restoring body, mind, and soul. Care for the self as a guest every day.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Voice Yearns To Be Free

"Have you ever been told not to speak unless spoken to?  Or maybe someone told you never to speak unless you had something nice to say.  Many people ~ especially women ~ have been shamed into being quiet about something at some point in their lives."
Christiane Northrup M.D.

Children are to be seen and not heard; You are still wet behind the ears;  You don't know what you are talking about; and other adult directives filled our childhood years. There were inconsistencies when an adult was crying, but telling the children everything was wonderful.  And before family gatherings there were always instructions about not telling any one that Dad lost his job or Bobby got kicked out of college or mother had a disease.  These were the family rules of silence. The family's real secret, however, was never mentioned at all.

Children, especially girls, were often confused about what was appropriate and so they remained silent.  If they were brave enough to offer a statement they were anxious about the risk of speaking.  At what cost can one share their dreams, fears, or needs?

Women are currently stepping forward to finally express themselves, regardless of the price they pay.  Whether it be demotion, ridicule, harassment or punishment, the fear is no longer worse than the repression of the self.  After the years of silence accumulate, there comes a time when the voice can no longer be still.  It yearns to be free.  

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Remember To Choose

"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinions;
it is easy in solitude to live after your own;
but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd
keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is easy to feel overwhelmed during the holidays.  We are exposed to more people, different surroundings, and get less sleep.  It is no wonder our brains begin to feel fried.  When we do not replenish our selves, we are likely to explode in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person.

When we can offer ourselves a few minutes in a time out chair, we can sip some tea or practice breath work or read something brief but soothing.  We can close our eyes and imagine we are walking in the midst of a woodland and allow the solitude to relax our weary bones.  The rustle of small animals and the movement of a bird taking flight can distract our monkey mind from the endless chatter.  

In this way, we restore ourselves and can return to the chaos with more patience and cheer.  There may not be the luxury of down time, so we compensate with short visualizations to slow our bodies and minds down.  We must remember to choose to do so.  It is our responsibility to be aware of our own needs in the midst of the holidays.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Blessings To All Of You!


I extend blessings to all of you, hoping your personal beliefs will warm your heart and generate compassion.  Radiate your love to your family, neighbors and community, and then extend it farther out into the world for all peoples to experience at least a moment of peace. "v"

"I will honor Christmas in my heart
and try to keep it all the year."
Charles Dickens

"Christmas, my child, is love in action.
Every time we love, every time we give,
it's Christmas."
Dale Evans

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred,
and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become
a child again at Christmas-time."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

"Want to keep Christ in Christmas?  Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty,
welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your enemies, and do unto others
as you would have done unto you."
Steve Maraboli


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Light Into The World

"Twas the night before Christmas ... "
Clement Clarke Moore

Knowing I do not have the answers for world peace and accepting I have no control over violence, I do what I am led to do.  I send energetic light out into the world, to all countries, and to all peoples. My intention is for this light to bring some element of peace into the hearts open to receive it.  When this is complete, I end with the hope of one day, we will recognize each other with compassion, dropping every horrid word, weapon, and act against each other. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Extending Energy

"The refuge everyone seeks is not a place,
but a state of mind.  
Yield to your true spiritual nature
and you will become your sanctuary."

Ron Rathburn

How easily we forget that we come into this world with a voice, wisdom, and love.  In the desire to accommodate others, we sacrifice these elements.  It is time we begin to change our very existence by articulating our wisdom with love.  Stop what you are doing and create what is most meaningful to you.  When we honor ourselves, our pace equalizes and our energy can be generated towards appropriate intentions.

The holiday season can truly deplete us even though it is intended for a time of spiritual renewal.  The busyness of tending to family obligations and over commitments at work, exhausts us to the point of wishing to withdraw.  Our spirits are not soaring.

We can think of ourselves as a large electrical socket with cords piggy backing on each other, draining all of our energy.  To regain our power, we gently begin to untangle the cords and detach them, one by one, from the energy source.  How do we truly desire to extend our energy?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Empower Our Children

"Good parenting is not intellectual as much as 
emotional and intuitive."
Marianne Williamson

Children are aware of our cultural changes in friends at school or church or community. They are exposed to violence and hate by simply watching the 6:00 p.m. news.  We are not protecting them if we simply hide reality.  In the presence of the parent, the child will be healthier if he or she can ask all of their questions and express their fears.  We do not need to have all of the answers or hide truths of our culture.  We do not need to scare these children any more than they already are.

We must empower our children to feel worthy and of value so they can go into the world focused on positive things.  By listening to their thoughts, we can help them pursue what interests them, not what we determine they should be.  Children are resilient and deserve our love and respect, while supported by positive thinking and creativity.  We will do our best when we help their dreams come true.

As the structure of our family unit shifts, we must endeavor to be extremely committed to the children.  We must know them so well, we feel connected to their insights and dreams and be able to help ignite their passions.  We can anticipate their fears and ease their minds.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Seeking Solitude

"The night walked down the sky
with the moon in her hand."
Frederick L. Knowles

The sun has been absent for several days and the rain has made it even more dreary.  Even at night, when I look up into the sky, I cannot see any of the stars nor the moon.  When I can get lost in the stars,  I have the comforting sense of security.  Staring at the moon settles the crazy ramblings in my head, and prepares me for a restful sleep.

During the holidays, it is the Christmas tree that settles me in at night.  With all of the lamps turned off, I sit in the presence of tiny white lights decorating the tree.  Even without ornaments, I can deeply enjoy the simplicity of a gracefully lighted tree.

It is important for me to gather myself near light.  Whether it is under the stars and magnificent moon, in front of a Christmas tree, or mesmerized by the dancing flame of a burning candle, it is where I can find peace at the end of my day.  There is something about gazing into light that connects me with all there is and all there was ever meant to be.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Freedom in Movement

"Defining a self or becoming one's own person
is a task that one ultimately does alone."

Harriet Goldhor Lerner, Ph.D

Life is a dance and the steps lead us into community as well as solitude.  Although we find our true nature by ourselves, we still require interaction with others.  It is through relationship that we learn most about our nature.  We discover how we think and feel through our conversations and behaviors.

To be thorough, one must listen to personal conversations while paying attention to inner thoughts and then explore them both.  Change does not come quickly and although we may learn one dance step, the music begins to beat to a different rhythm and we begin to learn new steps.  

The vision of dancing projects a freedom and flow of a person at ease.  It reflects the ability to step sure footed even when the pace changes.  It is great fun to dance surrounded by a group of friends, but movement can be just as rewarding alone.  Dance and explore the freedom it brings.  Enjoy the movement of the physical body which unleashes mental thoughts, and we can connect with the Divine.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blending Landscapes

"You travel simultaneously through two landscapes ~
your external landscape and your internal landscape."

Gary Zukav and Linda Francis

When we can align our body, mind and spirit ... wait, what does that mean?  It means to have the capacity to be accepting of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  It is the ability to be fully present in any given situation and to be able to project our true nature in all things internally, externally, and the combination of both.  Alignment means to be grounded (connected with the earth or current reality) and secure in all levels of the self.

We are bombarded by reactions from both our external environment and our internal scenery.  The ideal is to align both reactions to our liking.  We can be triggered by lack of control in our surroundings or we can be secure with internal awareness of confidence.  There are those who are more comfortable being in the external so they can avoid what they are feeling on the inside, while others avoid the outside community in order to be comfortable in their isolated comfort.

The key of course is developing the ability to be truly our lovely self no matter where we happen to be.  We do not project different masks for different events.  We offer to all peoples our loving and kind nature.  There is no reason to hide parts of ourselves or to pretend.  We may choose to be silent rather than judge, but we remain whole no matter where we travel.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fertile Ground

"The day you decide you are more interested in being aware of your thoughts
than you are in the thoughts themselves ~ that is the day you will find your way out."
Michael Singer

There is wisdom in spending less time asking and more time alert to receive.  It does not benefit any one or any situation to petition without remaining aware for the result.  When I allow my mind to be still, it becomes fertile ground for receiving.  New seeds sprout and when bathed in attention, bloom full of knowledge.

Over time, I have conditioned my mind to be silent while washing dishes, vacuuming, or folding laundry.   Much to my surprise, I discovered by creating a quiet mind, I become relaxed and open.  This ability to be in the moment allows for creative thoughts, insightful visions, and answers to things I pondered.

I long for direction and guidance, but frequently forget to pay attention to receive it.  When I allow all of my senses to be awake to hear, see, taste, smell and touch, answers gently come towards me in a variety of ways.  A message can be found in reading, writing, or overhearing a conversation between others.  We may see an answer literally being acted out in nature whether it is in the sky or darkness of the forest.   

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Code for Success

"To succeed is nothing, it's an accident.
But to feel no doubts about oneself is
something very different: it is character."

Marie Leneru
1875 - 1940
French Writer and Playwright

I have never believed in the 'dog eat dog' concept for success.  Propelling one's self to the top by means of stepping on others, betraying contracts, and taking sole credit for all employees work, never resonated with me.  Being number one at all cost truly felt deplorable.  If this were the code for success, I wanted no part of it.

Then I came across  an article about a millionaire business owner who had not only maintained the core of his employees over the years, but had graduated them financially as well.  He invested in  college educations for the enhancement of employees under developed abilities.  They of course returned and found higher positions to apply those skills. When a worker shared an insight for better quality control, the person was recognized and honored for the contribution.  When the plant burned to the ground, the employees showed up every day to assist in the rebuilding, as they felt as though they were appreciated employees.  The owner maintained all salaries and insurance for his workers during this debilitating time.

Another vibrantly successful man stated his desire to care for his own and to treat each person with respect.  He found pleasure in watching workers unfold and then graduate through the company.  He willingly shared profits with everyone as he felt they were his family.  He bragged on the maintenance crew, the cafeteria workers, and the minds of those who helped to expand their offerings into the world.  This example of success recognizes the importance of everyone helping to push the wheel of discovery together.  An excellent code for success ... honor and respect for all!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Others Will Follow


"Change me Divine Beloved into One who 
honors my emotions.  Let me have my
feelings without judgment, and then release
them.  May I feel deserving to say no when
needed.  Show me how to be kind and loving
to the child inside who needs care."

Change Me Prayers

Holidays are an interlude of smashing one's personal agenda against the desires of family, friends, and work.  It is a season of trying to do the right thing, say the right thing, and be the right thing ... which never works out as these are very unrealistic goals.

Facing the demands of the holidays, we find ourselves up against numerous emotional scenarios, silently searching for the perfect answer to 'What should I do?" To minimize the emotional roller coaster ride, we are successful when we ask the more important question of "What am I feeling?"  

If we take the time to check in with our emotional state, we will make far better choices when we align our activities with our truth.  We dishonor our selves by acquiescing to the will of others when our heart is screaming "no".  Accept our emotions without judgment and then let go.  Do not waste valuable energy stressing over an obvious choice.  Respect one's self and others will follow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Power Over Others

"Power is not about exerting our will over others,
it is about being in complete truth with yourself."
Madisyn Taylor

When we feel secure in our personal truth, we easily open to the ideas and thoughts of others.  We are not rigid nor closed off from those who may disagree.  We welcome the challenge to explore our thoughts, knowing we may either remain steadfast or gain new knowledge.  

There is no reason to not share our truths unless we do not want to offend or endeavor to respect others.  If we are deliberately hiding our personal beliefs, perhaps we fear challenge.  Our personal knowledge needs to be challenged to help us continue to update and renew what we hold dear.

When we fully embody what we believe, we are willing to listen to the thoughts of others.  We do not feel threatened nor judgmental. We do not seek power over people as we are comfortable with ourselves, wishing the same for others.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Shut Your Eyes

"Shut your eyes and see."
James Joyce

When we close our eyes, our sense of being deepens.  We hear particular sounds which had been gray background noises.  Fragrances float by and our imagination kicks wide open.  Upon inhaling, we breathe in life and slow our lovely selves down.  As we exhale, we release residue from our day.

With our eyes closed, we can travel to any location, memory, or person to feel connected and less lonely.  We can visualize ourselves being happy, healthy, and joyful.  We can experience silence and the oneness of all things.

We must not wait until we are in meditative pose or yoga attire.  It is not necessary to be in a special situation to offer our bodies the rest it needs.  When we close our eyes, we alter the stimulants surrounding us, and even if just for a slight passing second, we restore our body, mind and soul.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Disruptions Occur

"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry,
the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness
which does not bow before children."  Kahlil Gibran

Dedicated to a spiritual life does not protect one from the harshness of life.  We all experience abrasions and pitfalls no matter how religious we strive to be.  Even if we protect ourselves in the strictest of sanctuaries, disruption continues to occur.

We are in this life to live it fully, to embrace our gifts, and to navigate through lessons.  Emphasis is not to be placed on the hardship itself, but upon our ability to use wisdom for solutions.  Unbuckled from fear, we are free to focus on the truth of the present moment.

When we set our ego aside and eliminate reactions of shame, guilt or sorrow, we are in a better position to see clearly to the other side of harshness.  Once we move through the unexpected debris littering our path, we can laugh like a Buddha, weep with gratitude, and humbly blend with all children of God.   


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Resistance to Dismantle

"Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego
 develop the spirit of surrender.  You will experience bliss."
Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Resistance is one of the first feelings we experience (other than fear) when we are called to dismantle all of the barriers we have so carefully put in place,.  To be vulnerable is often times a great challenge, but to lay down our armor and surrender totally feels like an impossibility.

Surrender ultimately does not mean to give up.  It is an action to open ourselves to higher purpose and Divine guidance.  When we stop defending ourselves,  we are led to enhanced concepts to live more fully.  Our perception of life shifts to embracing those we have been keeping out.  We recognize the greatness we are all uniquely equipped to expand.  Together, we can live in the light of goodness rather than hiding behind closed doors.

Once acquiesced, it is amazing how much energy we are no longer using to hold up our defense.  No longer obsessed with borders, we can explore fully what is waiting inside.  We begin the journey towards discovering our true nature when we are no longer distracted by fear.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Greatness Resides in Everyone

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition.  
Small people always do that, but the really great ones 
make you feel that you, too, can become great."  
Mark Twain

We all have the ability for greatness.  Deep within, our uniqueness longs to surface out into the world in any size, shape or color.  It waits for us to believe in our special gifts and to have the creativity to use them.  Greatness is not regulated strictly to stardom, medical history or scientific discovery.  It includes:  chivalry, dignity, generosity, imagination, merit, sublimity, and worthiness.

When we experience our nugget of greatness, it is usually something we take for granted.  As it is common to ourselves, we falsely assume anyone can do that!  Our culture encourages us to be more like others, when it should be supporting individual strengths. When we add kindling to our small spark of passion, it will expand not only outside of ourselves, but it will increase our sense of self as well.

Consider the greatness of the gardener displaying extraordinary hues in the garden; the quilter arranging mismatched pieces into an heirloom; the teacher who is willing to learn from her students; the friend who nurtures the individual strengths of others; the stay at home baker providing delicacies of love for families and friends.  Greatness resides in everyone...even you!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dragons and Princesses

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses
who are only waiting for us to act just once with beauty and courage."
Rainer Maria Rilke

It is a costly misconception to believe we are a better person if we acquiesce to someone else.  It may appear to be the easy way out, but the damage we do to our lovely selves triggers lack of self-respect, self-worth, and additional stress.

When we exert our personal power, we might fear the consequences; but in truth, we are frequently surprised by the strength it brings.  The more we practice our truth, the passages of time become more uplifting and less painful.  Our lives become enhanced with a better sense of self as we embrace both beauty and courage.

If we shift our perspective to consider options, instead of repeating the same patterns, we create a different scenario which may result in a new insight.  A new insight that can be carried into other areas of our lives, opening even more room for growth. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Paths Intertwine

"The only thing that isn't worthless:
to live this life out truthfully and rightly.
And be patient with those who don't."

It is disheartening to be in the presence of a loved one who is struggling.  With compassionate listening, we may become aware of the basis for the problem or sense the remedy.  It may be difficult to hold our knowings inside, but giving advice can sometimes do more harm than good.  

Our insights are based on our personal journey which is not exactly the same as the other person's.  We could be robbing them of a lesson they would need to repeat if we simply gave an answer. During a flood of emotions, the swimmer learns best by wading through muddy waters on their own with large doses of our encouragement and compassion.    
We can best assist others by allowing them to find their way.  Let them know we are willingly present or will keep pace beside them, but ultimately the lesson is his or hers.  What is right and truthful for each of us is discovered on our individual path.  Our paths may intertwine, but they are never identical in unfolding.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dream A Little Dream

"Whatever you create in your life
you must first create in your imagination."
Tycho Photiou

Intentionally, I create a picture of how I want a certain part of my life to be.  I might do this during a creative visualization or through the written word or painting with spontaneity.  Actually, I may bring my focus of illusion into all segments of my creativity.  It is carried in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

As children, our imagination runs rampant. There is a sense of freedom and joy, until we slowly eliminate our magical illusions.  If we choose to reinstate an element of fantasy back into life, we will once again experience this playfulness.  

Dare to dream of something new or improved.  Begin with something small but fun and light hearted.  See it in technicolor or primitively sketch it out.  Allow it to come alive by adding a background of music or by seeing it in the aliveness of nature.  Get excited about the forth coming delivery (with no added shipping).  Believe in this and in time, it will manifest in one fashion or another.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Get Out Of The Way

"I am a hole in the flute 
that the Christ's breath flows through,
listen to the music."  Hafiz

There is something to be said for speaking slowly with accentuated pauses.  This gives plenty of time for our filters to work silencing ego, choosing kindness, and allowing truth to flow with our words.  When we get out of our own way, nonsensical elements can be eliminated and room is available for Divine to speak through us.

When we rush, whether through annoyance or excitement, our words may be harsh or ill intended.  Our focus is not on the listener, but upon our selves.  When we reserve space for Spirit to speak through us, our emphasis is coated with compassion. Often, our words are not heard, but rather a significant message unspoken and unseen.  

When we open ourselves as a vessel for God to work through, our words transport meaning to others.  We may wonder why we spouted some random statement and surprisingly discover excitement over the face of the listener.  We might even forget what we said.  Again, ego is out of the way and our words can flow on  Christ's breath, creating music.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Slightest Movement

"There are no wrong turnings.
Only paths we had not known
we were meant to walk."
Guy Gavriel Kay

We are all meant to be travelers, exploring the avenues open to us as well as the hidden streets with undisclosed offerings.  When we recapture our childhood sense of adventure, we wander filled with curiosity.  Traveling the same road does offer security, but deep inside we yearn to travel a different path.

In our past, there are avenues we were not brave enough to walk down.  We may wonder how our lives might be different if we had taken different steps.  We may plan future travel to far away places, but unfortunately life does not always unfold as we planned.

In the present, there are still a variety of options.  It does a soul good to step out of routine and experience a fresh perspective that frequently ripples back into our life with vitality.  We can create ourselves anew, by altering our daily routines even by the slightest movement.


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lesson To Be Learned

"Deep feelings are often teachers we resist or turn away
from because of their intensity."

Mark Nepo

The choice to repress our feelings can be compared to stuffing trash into an already filled garbage can.  We keep on pushing down to make room for more, instead of taking it outside.  When we are careless with our emotions, they become entangled with each other, resulting in a gnarling mess.

If we make the choice to remain in the present moment, we are more likely to notice the discomfort of a feeling.  In that moment we can discern if it is something to sit with or pitch.  If we are not monitoring our feelings, we create a stack of kindling that will eventually create friction causing inner burning.

If we make a short list of our most intense feelings, we can decipher the lesson to be learned.  Break the list down in order of intensity.  With each one, disregard the drama itself, and lift out just the emotion. Eliminate people, places, and things, to clearly sense the intensity of the feeling. Be with the singular emotion and let it clarify the lesson to be learned.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Screeching Crows

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself
just as I am, then I can change."
Carl Rogers

Deep in thought, I wandered through a field.  The sun was invigorating on my face and the gentle breeze seemed to blow my blues away.  I became aware of an annoying noise coming from a leafless dead tree.  Perched upon the branches were crows screeching at each other.  Their harsh caws grated on my freshly established serenity.

I turned, seeking another direction hoping to regain my peaceful state of mind.  I looked up in to the blue sky watching the fluffy clouds gently pass by. A hawk caught my eye as it flew by.  The wings were stretched guiding the flight of this magnificent bird.  I felt the creature's sense of freedom, and I began to soar into the sky with it.  

As I followed the path back out of the field, I knew like the birds, life has its fair share of screeching crows.  My experience was a waking dream, showing me how I withdraw from screeching chaos and seek a path offering pauses of silence and freedom.  It is with this understanding that I can embrace myself, but still be open to the discoveries while traveling in different fields.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Emotional Elements Projected Unknowingly

"Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist,
for the  simple reason  that the eye  traffics in feelings, not thoughts."
Walker Evans

Every morning, I discover a  quote that strikes a chord within me, and I then select a photo to reflect the quote.  It is an important part of my writing process.  These two things, the quote and the picture set the mood for my message.  Within me, my fires begin to stir from the passions nudged by what my eyes have seen.

As a child, I was an emotional barometer.  When I entered any room, my eyes would scan who ever was present to determine the emotional climate.  Even as I grew older, my eyes were always surveying the emotional element people unknowingly project.  There seemed to be safety in knowing the temperature of those around me or to have my senses alerted to any unsuspected disharmony.

The simple observation of others sensitivity increases my study of human beings.  To be able to read people opens the door to greater connection or to avoid altogether.  My eyes, like a camera, focuses on individuals and as I adjust my vision like a lens, they capture an other wise missed essence.  It is not always easy nor pleasant to feel some one's raw emotions prior to meeting them at all, but it certainly activates compassion.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What's Your Story?

"Those who do not have power over the story that dominates
their lives.  the power to retell it.   rethink it.   deconstruct it.
joke about it.  and change it as times change.  truly are powerless,
because they cannot think new thoughts."
Salman Rushdie

Storytelling is not limited to a gender, an age, history, or culture.  Professional storytellers do exist, but all of us have a story whether we voice it or not.  We not only have an authentic tale within us, we have the ability to adjust either the beginning or the ending or the core or all of the above, to empower ourselves.

Our creative ability to alter our story can indeed be healing.  The suggestion is not about falsifying, but it is in direct reference to expanding the lens to see a bigger picture which would include overlooked positives from the past.  We may begin to observe the tools we used to navigate through our chapters or remember a significant supporter who was never identified.

By stretching the focus of our stories, we begin to identify our personal skills, resilience, and determination, giving them all value.  We build on our worthiness as we replace pain with small nuggets of good.  With gentleness we nurture our newly formed memories, and begin to attract more deserved happiness into our stories.  Any newly formed chapters can elevate our sense of being and regard ourselves as powerful authors. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Frequent Flier and Travel Agents

"But luxury has never appealed to me.
I like simple things, books, being alone
or with somebody who understands."
Daphne du Maurier

I am a frequent flier and my books are my travel agents, transporting me to imaginary places and existing countries.  They escort me into the lives of the famous and the stories of unsung heroes.  They delight me through simple stories of silliness and dig deeply into my soul with resources for spiritual discoveries.

Whether I am in a crowded restaurant or snuggled under my covers, my travel agents are waiting to intrigue me with diverse subjects.  There is simple joy in sharing my books with friends so we can follow up with discussions.  In this way, we are traveling together.  

It is humorous to me when I think of geographical places I have visited, my mind usually turns to what I was reading at that given point in time.  The written word seems to accentuate all of my travels with both fantasy and safe flight.