Monday, December 21, 2015

Seeking Solitude

"The night walked down the sky
with the moon in her hand."
Frederick L. Knowles

The sun has been absent for several days and the rain has made it even more dreary.  Even at night, when I look up into the sky, I cannot see any of the stars nor the moon.  When I can get lost in the stars,  I have the comforting sense of security.  Staring at the moon settles the crazy ramblings in my head, and prepares me for a restful sleep.

During the holidays, it is the Christmas tree that settles me in at night.  With all of the lamps turned off, I sit in the presence of tiny white lights decorating the tree.  Even without ornaments, I can deeply enjoy the simplicity of a gracefully lighted tree.

It is important for me to gather myself near light.  Whether it is under the stars and magnificent moon, in front of a Christmas tree, or mesmerized by the dancing flame of a burning candle, it is where I can find peace at the end of my day.  There is something about gazing into light that connects me with all there is and all there was ever meant to be.

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