Saturday, December 12, 2015

Resistance to Dismantle

"Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego
 develop the spirit of surrender.  You will experience bliss."
Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Resistance is one of the first feelings we experience (other than fear) when we are called to dismantle all of the barriers we have so carefully put in place,.  To be vulnerable is often times a great challenge, but to lay down our armor and surrender totally feels like an impossibility.

Surrender ultimately does not mean to give up.  It is an action to open ourselves to higher purpose and Divine guidance.  When we stop defending ourselves,  we are led to enhanced concepts to live more fully.  Our perception of life shifts to embracing those we have been keeping out.  We recognize the greatness we are all uniquely equipped to expand.  Together, we can live in the light of goodness rather than hiding behind closed doors.

Once acquiesced, it is amazing how much energy we are no longer using to hold up our defense.  No longer obsessed with borders, we can explore fully what is waiting inside.  We begin the journey towards discovering our true nature when we are no longer distracted by fear.


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