Monday, November 30, 2015

Miracles of the Divine

"Don't look for miracles.
You yourself are the miracle."
Henry Miller

THE WOUNDED WARRIOR: CHRION was the title of a class offered by Ruth Souther.  I wasn't sure what material would be covered, but Ruth is a well versed teacher who deeply guides us through our own mysteries.  

During this four week class, I was able to understand the importance of my most devastating life experiences.  Instead of dwelling on the sadness, I was able to recognize the strength it took for me to navigate through misfortune.  While sharing with classmates, they too had their wounds, but it was interesting to learn how we all had survived through differing skills.  

In fact, we were all miraculous.  To recognize our personal magic, we had to shift our perspective and apply deeper understanding.  We had to be willing to break out of the old criticisms in order to highlight the gifts of surviving.  In doing so, we can greet each day with mindfulness that we are truly   miracles of the Divine.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Empowered, Not Overwhelmed

"Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to see 
the whole staircase.  Just take the first step."
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr

At birth, if we were given a preview of the challenges ahead, we would more than likely crawl back into the womb.  This is similar to facing our lives every day.  If we speculate too far into our future, we can be overwhelmed and become stuck right where we stand.  If we look too frequently at our past, we can be bogged down by sadness or regret.  The key, of course, is to remain in the moment.

"Just for today," is a lovely preface  to our daily agendas:

Just for today, I will not be afraid.
Just for today, I will be kind to myself.
Just for today, I will be happy.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will be mindful.
Just for today, I will count my blessings.

In this way, we are not fear driven.  We can focus on a positive and attract more of the same into our lives.  Slowly, one step at a time, we address the challenges in our lives.  We will find ourselves empowered rather than overwhelmed.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Radiant and Glow

   We don't get wise by staying in a room 
with all the doors and windows closed.  
Pema Chodron

Relationship to others, places, and things is the learning scale for life.  We cannot successfully turn into a lovely blossom without receiving care from the gardener, rich soil, the sun and even the rain.  We learn through withstanding storms and heavy winds.  It is through experience we learn our depths, boundaries, and risks of living.

Decide on one action that will begin to infuse  passion.  Start out simply and then increase the efforts  Take a short walk in the neighborhood.  Increase the walk into a longer stroll.  Allow all senses to be touched by nature. 

It is through interaction with life that we learn our lessons.  We will not reach our potential by withdrawing. If we remain hidden in the dark, we will miss the human experience to be radiant and glow. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Tiny Raindrop

"Some changes look negative on the surface,
but you will soon realize that space is being created
in your life for something new to emerge.

Eckhart Tolle

Fear is usually the resistance behind change.  We feel safer if things stay the same which of course is impossible.  We can feel hesitant even if it is a dream come true.  It is the fear of the unknown.  If we can change our fear into positive expectation, we can smoothly move through any transition.

When we are lured out of our comfort zone whether work or play, we can be frightened which of course will impede our performance.  If we realize we are being called to stand in our own power we can give ourselves a pep talk.  If we are beckoned to the unfamiliar, we can anticipate the opportunity to experience something new or different.  

When we attempt to stay 'safe' in our little puddle of knowledge, we become stagnant.  When we allow ourselves to step into deeper water, we can catch a wave and move with the flow.  We will then discover floating on calm waters to be a deeply gratifying experience by observing what we normally would not see.  We can't stay a tiny rain drop forever!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bountiful Harvest of Friends

"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled
by a spark from another person.  Each of us has
cause to think with deep gratitude of those who
have lighted the flame within us."
Albert Schweitzer

On this day of Thanksgiving, I find myself to be joyful for my bountiful harvest of friends, opportunities, and health.  I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices others have made for me, and deeply appreciative for all of the blessings others have brought into my life.

In a warm gathering of friends, I gaze into the eyes and hearts of others.  I focus on personal strengths and notice the expansion of each personal spirit.  My inner light grows strong with the connection of the flames of these dear ones.  

It is good to be me, although not easy.  I am so blessed by the beautification of nature, the gifts of all arts, and the honor of being surrounded by those who love me.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Imagine and Fear

"Worry is an extension of fear and
can also set you up for attracting
that which you don't want in your life."
Madisyn Taylor

While unpacking an old box, I came across my worry jar.  I unscrewed the lid and pulled out a few of the notes.  I sat down in a rocking chair by the window to examine each message scrawled across the paper.  

Unfolding these random scraps, I found  statements reflecting a particular concern, worry, or fear. As I lined up all of the pieces in a row, I began to recall what prompted the cause for each concern.  It was an amazing insight to now realize none of them ever came true.

The importance was to place a fear outside of ourselves, into a jar,  and clamp it down with a lid.  The intention was to leave it there rather than to drag it around.  At the end of each week, the scribbled notes were retrieved to see how many actually transpired.  The lesson is clear.  What we worry about rarely is as bad as we imagine and what we fear seldom happens.  Whatever we cling too, however, attracts like energy into our lives.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Messages in Dreams

"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the
freedom of your soul."

Dreams are the language of the soul and by not remembering our nocturnal escapades, we miss significant messages.  The soul offers guidance through our dreams and the dreams reflect our personal wishes, desires, and fears.  

In the Native American Culture, there were tribes who gathered the children every morning with a teacher to discuss the messages in their dreams.  Elder Native American women were an integral part of unfolding tribal plans.  Their dreams and visions influenced the direction of the tribe.

Our dreams are no less important.  What we repress during the day, comes out to play in the night.  When we are critical of ourselves, it is reflected in the drama of our fantasy.  We can even receive a sense of foreboding or great joy.  Everyone dreams, but not all remember.

Monday, November 23, 2015

We Were Born Brave

"Scared is what you're feeling.
Brave is what you're doing."

Emma Donoghue

We observe the outside appearance of our heroes appearing fearless. We rarely tune in to their inner struggles, their demons, and their personal upsets.  If an individual arrives on the tip of their expectations without experiencing challenge, sacrifice and fear, his or her stay will be shortly lived.

It is the passage through our difficult times that carves our character, expands our imagination, and builds self esteem.  It is important to remember there is no easy path for anyone.  We all experience an element of fear, but it is not a reason to stop pursuing what is important to us.  

We were born brave entering into our physical life.  It took fearlessness to attempt crawling, and to master walking.   We experienced fear when separated from our family, but we developed bravery to continue on.  It is a given that we will experience fear throughout the passages of our life. When we focus on our courage, however, we will accelerate through turmoil driven by our fearless passion.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Like the Sun, We Can Rise Again

"The sun is a daily reminder 
that we too can rise again
from  the  darkness,
that we too can shine
 our own light."
s. ajna

As we follow the spiral of our life, we wonder if we will ever feel whole.  Then miraculously, we do feel our light grow, but it seems to last momentarily.  Before we know it, we are spiraling once again along life's circulating path with only a flicker to guide us.  We wonder if we will ever be radiant again .

As a human being, life is a series of ups and downs.  No one is granted a 'get home free' pass.  The goal of life is to embrace and gain knowledge from both the calm and the challenge.  We continue to grow more peaceful and compassionate as we implant our learned knowledge into our active life.

We can feel stronger by viewing our past challenges and remembering how we succeeded in spite of fears or obstacles.  It is our choice to rise again with confidence and kindness believing Divine Spirit will always assist us in making our light stronger so we can rise again. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Falls and Trips

"Most important thing in life
is learning how to fall."
Jeannette Walls, Half Broke Horses

Not long ago, my foot dropped into a hole in the asphalt in the parking lot of  a strip mall.  Hands filled with packages, I was not able to brace myself, resulting in the wind being knocked out of me.  When I was finally able to roll onto my back, there were two nurses with me and a paramedic.  My glasses were broken, but no bones.  After this event, I knew the waking dream was showing me in life we fall, but there are kind people to surround us.

A short time later, while walking Bella, I stepped on a 'gum ball' from the street lining tree.  This too rattled my bones, but carefully placed ice packs seemed to work just fine.  This waking dream was reminding me that I will fall when alone, but that I can get up and take care of my lovely self.

Life continues to move forward, and once again I have fallen bringing blood to my elbows, knees, and hands.  I sit quietly trying to imagine why this has happened while tripping through the fallen leaves.   The message finally dawns on me.  The last thing I remember is looking over my shoulder while moving forward.  For me, looking backwards is a deadly trap.  It overwhelms me and binds me in depression.  Maybe when winter arrives, I'll learn a new way to learn my making angels in the snow!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Gift Behind The Quest

"With unfailing kindness, 
your life always presents what you need to learn.  
Whether you stay home or work in an office or whatever, 
the next teacher is going to pop right up."  Charlotte Joko Beck

Teachers arrive when we least expect them and rarely do they appear in the manner in which we anticipated.  Some of our most difficult lessons come from those who are hardest on us.  A true teacher encourages us to deepen our journey and follow our passions.  Exceptional leaders encourage us to sharpen our own skills and to find tools to carve our own patterns.

Life extends various lessons that do not always appear to be gifts.  Challenges can appear to be a helping hand or feel like a slap in the face.  When we ask, "What am I to learn from this?" we begin to decipher the message.  It can be intricate and complicated or inspiring as a falling star.

Unfortunately, the kindness of an act is not always immediate.  It may take years for us to understand the gift behind the quest.  We become more confident and develop a stronger connection to all there is when we embrace whatever comes.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

No Shame in Authentic Emotions

"Never apologize for showing feeling.
When you do so, you apologize
for the truth."
Benjamin Disraeli

Truth is not always the same for each of us.  We may perceive life in a different way or cling to certain beliefs.   We cannot help how we feel, although we can help how we act.   When we regard each other with integrity, there is space for numerous thoughts.  It is through diversity we learn to expand our understanding.

Our automatic response to truth also differs amongst us.  Our triggers are so different, we may find ourselves deeply moved by an action that no one else even observed.   We can find ourselves weeping while all others are dry eyed.   We must accept our own inner sensitivities and not apologize for them.    There is no shame in authentic emotions and they need not be repressed.

In both our truth telling and sensitive responses, it is important to show everyone involved respect, but primarily self-respect.  We cannot help how we feel, and yet we can control our emotions.  The priority is to never repress important statements  nor shame ourselves for doing so.  If we take pause to gather ourselves into unconditional love and not angrily act out, we will help to maintain our ability to remain present in every moment.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This or Something Greater!

"Decide what you want.  Begin taking steps to get what you want.  Just do something, anything you think will lead in the direction of what you want.  It doesn't matter if it is a correct step or not.  Once the Universe sees you have taken the initiative it will then step in and start guiding your steps."  Paradigm Shift

As we take steps towards correction, it is advisable to begin slowly, increasing our actions as our confidence grows.  We can have the best course of action written down in our journal, but simple tears or an unexpected storm can damage the entire page.  

When we progress at a lesser speed, we become aware of options not previously considered.  With an open heart, our flexibility increases the range of choice.  Opportunities may come to us from the strangest places, but we have to be actively seeking, not sitting at home waiting for someone to come to our door.

When we visualize our plan or when we pray for particular resolve, it is important to tag this phrase on the end:  "This or something greater."  When we are buried deeply into problems, we may not have the self-esteem to project all of our needs.  If we are too specific in our desires, we may be eliminating the greater good of what the Universe could provide.



Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Design of Difficulty

"It seems that difficulty is woven into the design of life,
so that we need the presence of others
to help us through and bring each other alive."

Trent Gillis

Once we override thoughts of withdrawal, we can reach out to trusted relationships when life drops a surprise package of problems in our laps. Friends create an emotional place of safety whenever life presents us with a challenge. We carry solutions within ourselves, and we need others to listen as we process our thoughts.  We will hear our truth and will be empowered to move forward.

To be empowered does not mean we travel through crisis at lightning speed, but it does give us a sense of direction and confidence to see our situation through.  As long as we view challenge as darkness falling down upon us, we will remain a victim.  When we can visualize a plan of action, we move into solving our dilemma to arrive safely on the other side.

When we are the person asked to support our friend, there is an increased need to truly listen so we can feed back what we have heard.  We must not be the problem solver, but the assistant in finding the way for our loved one.  It is important not to be the caretaker of the person or to own the challenge personally.  We best help others by being a safe port during the storm.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Under Renovation

"If you feel shy or awkward in social situations, 
know that many others are probably
feeling the same way too."

Madisyn Taylor

While we are enduring the shedding of old patterns and welcoming the new, people will ask, "So what you are doing?"  This can be very intimidating, especially if it is someone who isn't a kindred spirit.  Besides, as we go through transitions, we don't always understand them ourselves, so it is impossible to explain our movements to others.  It is quite helpful to remember this reply as it is accurate:  "I am under renovation!"  The response is offered without causing ourselves embarrassment or being vulnerable prematurely.

As we evolve, we change both internally and externally.  What once was dominant in our personality may now retreat towards the back. The opposite can happen, an introvert becoming a social butterfly.  We have to trust the process of change and not become frightened by the observations of others.  

There are those we love who do not notice our shift, while others may notice immediately.  Not everyone will be happy with any alteration to who we have been.  For their own security, they want us to stay exactly the same.  "Yes, go ahead and change! Just don't change anything about you and me!"


Sunday, November 15, 2015

In Silence

"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak."
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Quieting the mind can be as complicated as we want to make it.  We can pressure ourselves into months of a rigid practice only to find the monkeys are still making noises in our heads.  If we can distract our mind, there is enough silence for the soul to speak.

In therapy, we may ask a child to color while they talk or an elder to pet an animal as they speak, which enables the mind to be distracted, allowing the wisdom in silence to be heard.  Walking in nature or playing music can serve us as well.  Nature offers just enough of a distraction and music brings the right amount of calm, to allow streams of messages from the inner realms.

At first, we may not understand what we hear, but if we maintain awareness throughout our day, there will be more signs or needed clues.  We seek answers through prayer or contemplation, but then fail to be open for answers differing from our expectations.  The amazing thing about silence is it is consistently present within each of us, just waiting to be heard.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Give Up Our Search

"Flow with whatever is happening and
let your mind be free.  Stay centered by
accepting whatever you are doing.
This is the ultimate."
Chuang Tzu

In the absence of control, we use awareness; intentions; schedules; visions; and prayer.  In effort to gain some element of power, we swim upstream, resist currents, or lavishly apply avoidance and denial to our estimated yields.   If we give up our search for absolute control, the past dissolves and the future becomes transparent, leaving us in the present moment.

It is in this very moment we begin our safe passage.  To go with the flow, accepting rough waters, avoiding large boulders, and simply staying afloat where we happen to be, can offer a very rewarding existence.  

We remain active without pushing and shoving, by absorbing the sunshine, and noticing the dance of trees.  In the pause of the moment, we begin to see the  beauty of life, the grace of surrender, and the exuberance of working with the Divine.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Million Different Ways

"What you do makes a difference, and
you have to decide what kind of difference
you want to make."

Jane Goodall

In our community, acts of kindness are being prepared as winter draws near.  There is a group entitled WARM HEARTS who are making hats, gloves, and scarves out of yarn to be donated to local shelters.  (Those who do not knit or crochet are using looms or simply donating yarn for others to use.) There are additional individuals who are keeping bags in their cars with warm socks, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, energy bars, bottle of water, and whatever else they choose to give.  Then when they happen by someone in need, they can simply give them one of the bags from the car.

We are consistently given the opportunity to touch the lives of others.   When we make a gesture of kindness, the quality of life increases for all involved; but a small negative action on our part can deeply harm the mind of the other.  

Thomas Moore, author of A RELIGION OF ONE'S OWN,  mentions the difference in the depth of compassion between our kindness to friends and gestures to people who are out of our comfort zone.  It is somewhat easier to reach out to a neighbor in need than it is to assist an unknown homeless person.  

Let us each determine a way to make a difference  in the lives of others.  Give away unused or outgrown coats. Donate new jackets and hats to a local shelter.  Make up little baggies with small bottles of shampoo and lotion.   Come on, there are a million different ways!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Depths of the Soul

"Will we ever stop being afraid of nights and death?"
Ray Bradbury

Diverse authors are discussing how our culture has removed itself too far from the presence of  darkness.  Our eyes are captivated by computers, iPads, smart phones and we are spending extended hours with these bright technologies.  The margin for how long it takes us to fall asleep has been lengthened by the time needed for our eyes to adjust to darkness.  

Darkness is also getting attention from spiritualists, educators, and theologians.  Philosophies are presenting darkness as the negative and light as the positive when in fact, there is much to be gained in the darkness.    No matter how uplifted we become, there will always be both dark and light present.

It is in the darkness we can see stars and meteors.  It is in the presence of darkness we can escape our fast paced schedules.   Just as the bright morning sun fills us with energy, the lovely moon invites us to be calm.  In this calming darkness, we can feel ourselves falling into the depths of our souls.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Supporting the Mind, Healing the Body, and Unleashing Spirit

"It is the mind that makes one wise or
 ignorant, bound or emancipated."

Sri Ramakrishna

When a mother is mentally wounded, the unhealed woman impacts the emotional makeup of the child.  The child observes the behavior without having life experience to realize he or she is not the cause for such actions.   The child will try to excel, fix, or heal the parent which results in decay of self-worth.  The other parent may avoid his responsibility for tending to the mother, and focus his anger on the children.  The father's expectations of the children are frequently entirely beyond the scope of any child's  capability.

When the father consistently badgers the wounded mother, telling her she is ignorant or unattractive, her smallest segment of value crumbles. She feels bound against her will and captive. She loses ability to care for anyone and sinks further into her debilitated mental health.  Trapped in an unsupportive environment, she cannot think for herself and sadly believes what she hears.

The human spirit is resilient.  If this same woman can be given an opportunity to rebuild her self-esteem by addressing emotional or physical abuse, she begins to accept responsibility for her self.  She starts to understand why she ran into the cage, and discovers the door can be unlocked.  When we uncover our personal worth, we begin to shed what limits us, and with diligence, we move forward down the path of wisdom, supporting the mind, healing the body, and unleashing the spirit.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pause Inside and Outside

"Every moment happens twice:
inside and outside,
and they are two different histories."

Zadie Smith

Filled with joy, I turn to my partner to express my excitement which fades in the telling, impacted by his body language and facial expression. The reverse can be true as well.  I can receive notification in the mail exciting me, but as the significance sinks in, excitement can turn to fear.   In another way of processing, I can feel an emotion inside of me, perhaps simple happiness; but after a few moments, emotional triggers may set me off  by what happened in my past.  The emotion can go from one extreme to the other as it is impacted by our personal histories.

What appears to me in the initial moment, may not be the same after I have looked at the larger picture.  What appears to be a blessing this morning, may be a curse by nightfall.   If I think to remove my rose colored glasses and examine my situation in black and white, things may not be as rosy as they first appeared.

My heart allows me to feel deeply, while my mind helps to discern how the emotion is best processed.  I can choose to keep emotions to myself or decide to share safely with my journal.  If I have embraced my feelings, but realize I need feedback, I can choose a trusted friend, mentor or professional.  I purposely try to find pause to explore my reaction on both the inside and outside, visiting the moment twice.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Veil Between Us

"They all dreamed of each other that night, as was natural, considering how close
the partitions were between them, and how strangely they had been lifted off
the earth to sit next to each other in mid-ocean, and see every detail of each 
others' faces, and hear whatever they chanced to say."

Virginia Woolf
The Voyage Out

Deciphering Dreams has been a long time passion of mine.  Over the years, I have learned definitions, symbols, and themes to better understand the life I live.  I maintained a dream journal for seven years, and I have made community, college, and private presentations. Dreams are truly a language speaking to us.

Thomas Moore, author, musician, and spiritualist, (Care of the Soul; Dark Nights of the Soul; and A Religion of One's Own) visited the subject of dreams recently during an interview with Oprah.  The one time monk, university professor, and psychotherapist, refers to dreams as the language of the soul.  He describes our dreams as returning home to the 'womb of the spirit'.

By not understanding the meanings of our dreams, we are missing significant information which would propel us further into the depths of life.  Through symbolism and portrayal of characters, we come to educate ourselves in a very colorful way.  When we are observing our dreams, we have a broader perspective of each individual piece as well as the overall significance.  When we share our dreams with others, we become more aware of the thin veil between us.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Seeking Home

"I have no place left to live
but in my own heart."

Anne Enright

Gypsy blood tends to run through my veins.  I have lived in many places and wandered across boundaries, hoping to discover home.  In the magical places such as Sedona, Arizona or on Maui, I have felt at home by the energy at the vortexes or by the waves crashing into the sandy shore.  Without a doubt, however, I knew these places were not my home.

As with my life, I have found myself disengaging from formalized religion and embracing freedom of Spirituality.  My childhood faith of a conditional God with rules and doomed sinners has given way to the compassion of all things living.  Life is filled with musical rhapsody and living color, sweeping my existence into a union with both seen and unseen.

By opening my eyes to the glory of life, I have found myself sinking deeper and deeper into the sanctuary of my heart.  In this temple, I know and feel Divine Presence.  When I clear out old wounds and cleanse my perspective I find my heart to be the home I have always been seeking.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ravaging Through Materialism

"Wanting something I couldn't have
would only lead to unhappiness,
so I tried to be content with what I had."

Lisa Mangum

During the unfolding process of living,  we experience disappointment and disillusion.  We fill our  lives with things we think we want, only to discover they do not fill our need at all.   We begin to  disregard and stockpile what we once coveted, as material things do not sustain us with a sense of authentic worth.  As we acquire additional items, our search can extend to unrealistic treasures.  

When we are born, we want to be fed, to be comforted, and to sleep peacefully.  No matter what our age, when these three basic needs are met, we can gather authentic happiness into our lives.  We begin to find meaning through esoteric experiences instead of material gain.  

There is nothing wrong with having abundance unless we are trying to fill an inner void.  When our basic needs are satisfactorily met,  we can use our excess to help others.  As we remain thankful and grateful for blessings, while generously sharing with others, hoarding or excessive waste will decline.   We begin to once again appreciate experiences in life to be shared with others rather than ravaging through materialism.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Adventurous Series

"There is no real ending.  It's just
the place where you stop the story."

Frank Herbert

The transition from ending to beginning is a matter of perspective.  We can hide behind words or we can defiantly forge forward with slogans as armor.  We can hover in fear or we can embrace opportunity.  We can become stuck within the ending or grasp at a positive beginning

During childhood developments, classes in school, and progression with career, there are constant shifts happening.  An ending can abruptly appear leaving us totally unprepared, or an anticipated ending can be bitter sweet.  Various emotions can occur, ranging from great sorrow to tender joy.

The story may end when there is a physical ending, but in  time, the very essence of the person, place or thing, spiritually resurfaces.   When we embrace the essence, we are free to move forward and create a new chapter, story or adventurous series.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Express the Knowings ...

"There is in all visible things ... a hidden wholeness."

Thomas Merton

My gaze wanders up from the page and all of my senses slip into hyper alert.  There is magic in the air, and the veil between worlds begins to billow and gather energies around me.  I open my mind to this sacred presence, to deeply understand whatever can be shared with me.  I pry open my heart with humility, praying this experience will explain eternity.  

My mind is being unpacked, sorting out my varied beliefs.  Hidden meanings are seeping deeper and yet more graphically  in front of me.  I begin to connect the dots of my random thoughts, stringing them together as the thread flows around the spiral, circling within and outside of me. 

There are volumes to be understood behind each written word, soothing my questions, doubts, and fears.  Sitting perfectly still, memorizing every hue, shape, and vibration, my spirit continues to blend into all there is.  By tomorrow it will all be gone.  The colors will have faded, shapes distorted, and vibration toned back down.  There will not be a language to express the knowings, now safely planted in my heart.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Will Journey

"If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your eye and the internal dialogue.  Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge.  Those are the three things the ego is doing all of the time.  It is very important to be aware of them every time they come up."   Deepak Chopra

Allow the self to be vulnerable in order to face the unknown without any sense of control.  This requires us to gather our strengths and lower our boundaries.  As we embrace our imperfections, we are ready to encounter the challenges in life.  We move forward with curiosity, realizing we are not indestructible.  We will encounter pain, disappointment, and illusion, but we can choose to step through barriers and arrive in outer realms.

Awareness is crucial to our passage.  We must know ourselves down to the bone to discern what is important and what is not.  When we hold our selves accountable for errors, we respond with correction faster and with greater creativity.  Creative expression increases our progress.

We will experience bliss in rare forms, some remembered and some without definition.  When we get out of our way, let go, and open our hearts and minds, we will journey.  This is the passage towards bliss.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Create A Vessel

"We shall be the mouthpieces
of the Divine Spirit."

Virginia Woolf

There are times we are prompted to spontaneously string some words together even though they have no particular meaning to us.  Then we are nudged to share a resource for no apparent reason.  A simple smile may dash across our face deliberately intended for a passing stranger.

In spite of obvious physical differences, our hearts know the language of Divine Spirit.  Our words, unknowingly, become vital messages for others.  Intentions of the Divine Spirit are carried within our innocent words directed for the listener's heart.

"Thank you for sharing those words with me."
"What you told me changed my perspective entirely."
"I don't know what I would have done if you had not acted so kindly."

These words are given to us and we may not have any idea what the person is referring to.  There is no memory of the  exchange.  These are the times Divine Spirit has worked through us in spite of our babbling.  It is a blessing when deeper meaning flows with our utterances in effort to help another.  When we allow ourselves to be open and compassionate we create a vessel for Divine Spirit to use for messages.

Monday, November 2, 2015

What We Practice

"Only in the depths of the soul can we realize
that quarreling and fighting are not natural at all.
What is natural is loving everybody,
seeing everybody as one."

Eknath Easwaran

When we begin working with the concept of oneness, we understand we are a mirror to each other.  What is triggered in me by you, is a reflection of myself.  If I resent you for your gregariousness, perhaps I am just as gregarious myself or I may need to become more gregarious.  If I an unnerved by the way you treat others, it may be an excellent time to review how I treat others or be encouraged to treat others better.

And if I am a mirror to someone else, then I may want to step up my game.  I may strive to be more accountable or a better listener.  What we practice becomes a natural part of our automatic actions.

If we are one in the same, then why would I want to hurt you physically or emotionally? It would make no sense.  If I embrace the imperfection in myself, I will be less likely to judge the imperfection in you.  If I want to be self-evolving, perhaps you can join with me instead of against me.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Time Out Chair

"The ego is a prison you have built around yourself,
and now it holds you captive within its walls."

Deepak Chopra

A mixture of emotion filled me when I had been asked to make a presentation at a retreat for divorced and single Catholics.  As I am not Catholic, the request came as a surprise and a challenge.  My presentation had to be presented to the Chair of the Committee prior to the retreat.

For several evenings, I compiled impressive quotes, biblical references, and psychological factors to support my theories.    It was well documented and professional.  So when I met with the Chairman, I was excited and confident.  He read through my written presentation slowly.  My eyes never left his face as I was seeking a reflection of his opinion.   He finally responded by saying, "This is excellent, but I was hoping for something more from your heart."  I was stunned.

As I recreated my presentation, I instructed my ego to have a seat on a time out chair.  I began writing from my heart and perfect harmony flew through my words.  My thoughts were stimulating and inspiring as I wrote them and equally so  at the retreat during my presentation.

To this day,  I deliberately set my ego aside, whether I am speaking or writing.  My words become more authentic and spirit inspired, and easily find their way to the hearts of others.  I especially believe my words are not as important as the message the listener hears from Spirit speaking through me.  And I believe this is true for anyone willing to set the ego in a time out chair.