Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Time Out Chair

"The ego is a prison you have built around yourself,
and now it holds you captive within its walls."

Deepak Chopra

A mixture of emotion filled me when I had been asked to make a presentation at a retreat for divorced and single Catholics.  As I am not Catholic, the request came as a surprise and a challenge.  My presentation had to be presented to the Chair of the Committee prior to the retreat.

For several evenings, I compiled impressive quotes, biblical references, and psychological factors to support my theories.    It was well documented and professional.  So when I met with the Chairman, I was excited and confident.  He read through my written presentation slowly.  My eyes never left his face as I was seeking a reflection of his opinion.   He finally responded by saying, "This is excellent, but I was hoping for something more from your heart."  I was stunned.

As I recreated my presentation, I instructed my ego to have a seat on a time out chair.  I began writing from my heart and perfect harmony flew through my words.  My thoughts were stimulating and inspiring as I wrote them and equally so  at the retreat during my presentation.

To this day,  I deliberately set my ego aside, whether I am speaking or writing.  My words become more authentic and spirit inspired, and easily find their way to the hearts of others.  I especially believe my words are not as important as the message the listener hears from Spirit speaking through me.  And I believe this is true for anyone willing to set the ego in a time out chair.

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