Saturday, November 14, 2015

Give Up Our Search

"Flow with whatever is happening and
let your mind be free.  Stay centered by
accepting whatever you are doing.
This is the ultimate."
Chuang Tzu

In the absence of control, we use awareness; intentions; schedules; visions; and prayer.  In effort to gain some element of power, we swim upstream, resist currents, or lavishly apply avoidance and denial to our estimated yields.   If we give up our search for absolute control, the past dissolves and the future becomes transparent, leaving us in the present moment.

It is in this very moment we begin our safe passage.  To go with the flow, accepting rough waters, avoiding large boulders, and simply staying afloat where we happen to be, can offer a very rewarding existence.  

We remain active without pushing and shoving, by absorbing the sunshine, and noticing the dance of trees.  In the pause of the moment, we begin to see the  beauty of life, the grace of surrender, and the exuberance of working with the Divine.

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