Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Behind A Mask

"We understand how dangerous a mask can be.
We all become what we pretend to be."
Patrick Rothfuss

Halloween can be a time to hide in the dark and project images that are somewhat false to our identity. We may feel as though we have permission to release parts of our selves that are normally hidden from the human eye. If someone challenges our behavior, we can laugh and say it was all a part of our halloween disguise.

Wearing a mask can allow us to act out parts of our hidden nature or to hide them from view. The danger, of course, is lingering too long and allowing the disguise to become a permanent fixture. Those surrounding us may begin to expect the false aspect which then traps us in distorted behavior.

If we find ourselves wearing one mask socially, another professionally, and still another privately, we undoubtedly will be faced with emotional discord. A challenge in life is the ability to remove the mask while pulling all parts of the self together. When we can present authentically in all aspects of our lives, we have reached a major lesson.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Angels Amongst Us

"Angels walk among us and sometimes the only thing
we may not see are the wings upon their backs."
Molly Friedenfeld

Human angels come into our lives when we least expect them. They may be from a professional service or a personal mentor or a stranger idly crossing our path. They help us with clarity, resolution and inspiration. They may offer us a simple gesture like a smile, but his or her actions impact us. Ultimately, we benefit from this presence. 

Unrecognized angels give light to those in need. Through invisible connection, we may receive much needed energy to alter our direction. Although unknown to us, this angel can be at the right place at exactly the right time bringing a sense of peace, instilling hope, and stimulating positive outcome. 

There are times we, too, become angels by following our instincts to lend a hand, offer support, or become a silent listener.  We often react without previous thought, impulsively connecting with a stranger. Perhaps we recognize a pain in someone else that we are experiencing in our own heart. When nudged, we can unfurl our wings. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Art Of Stretching

"We stretch when we step out of our comfort zone 
of opinions and beliefs."
Mitch Davidowitz 

Our sense of balance may be interrupted when we are entering new territory which is necessary for our growth.  Remaining in alignment, we are perfectly able to stretch without impending doom. There is more to be gained with movement than remaining perfectly still. Even though our stretch may be temporary, benefits abound.

As we stretch our body, mind, and spirit, we enter fertile ground if we can set our preconceived ideas aside. When we loosen our stance, releasing poses of rigidity, life enters in unsuspecting ways. With an open heart, there is fresh consideration for diversity which can lead to broader perspectives.

As we stretch, we have the opportunity to reenforce our belief system and to enhance it. New information can minimize our shame and blame, leaving open spaces for deeper understanding of the life we long to live. When we cease to be threatened by what we do not know, we open to a greater sense of self.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Power In The Full Moon

"I don't understand it all, but when Heaven decides 
to invade earth, who are we to argue?"
Rachel Hauck

As the full moon hangs in the sky, the opportunity to see our shadow side increases. The energy penetrating from the sky, disturbs elements of the body, mind, and soul. We may not understand what is prompting feelings of uncertainty, but truth tends to shake loose and demand our attention.

The power of the full moon stirs us to reevaluate our perceptions, goals and relationships. There is a call to bring heightened authenticity into our daily living. There is an opening for us to reach out and receive guidance from all whom we deem holy. Once heard, channeled information can create new pathways to a higher sense of living.

Trusting intuition, we venture forward with a stronger sense of empowerment. Clarity presents redefining both our pathways and destinations. The light shining down from the sky fills us with gratitude for the gifts being sent our way. With thanksgiving, we offer praises for all peoples, places, and things. Amen.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Choices Create Anxiety


"When you create you are constantly choosing,
which means that a certain amount of anxiety will,
most likely always attend as you create."
Jeff Crist 

In attempts to be authentic, we will face resistance of those who surround us. In these moments, we need to honor the self more than we crave the acceptance of others. To initiate change, as in shifting the direction of our journey, the inner voice needs to be heard above the roar of opposition.

If our emphasis is upon living a safe life, we will have fewer choices than if we step outside of our comfort zone. Listening to the advice of others can add to our perspectives, but the choices we make are of a higher nature when aligned with our individual expectations. Seeking clarity will direct us proficiently as we shed judgment of others.

Experiencing anxiety is inevitable when we chart new courses. Making new decisions can be frightening, but this does not mean we need to remain in a given place. As we feel anxious, recite positive affirmations rather than backsliding into fear. Reach out to the Divine in prayer or mantra to remain steady upon the new course.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Dictated By Fear

"My fear traveled alongside me as an almost constant companion. 
It caused me to doubt myself all the time, to hesitate, 
to second guess my decisions."
Summer Shultz

Throughout my life, I have been constricted by fear. No matter how brave I have become, the act of stepping through fearfulness has often times left me frozen in place. I have had a strong desire to be fully living in my own skin and radiating love, only to discover I was cowering  with trepidation. 

Projecting a confident persona, I could still hear myself running away emotionally. Especially when reflecting my personal beliefs, the need to minimize, edit, and hide overwhelmed me.  Standing for my truth, there was a war waging within me to be smaller, less sensitive, or simply stop being 'too much'.

I have learned to hold myself accountable in spite of my self-imposed fears. I have embraced the value of  placing emphasis on who I have been called to be with an open heart while disregarding fright. I have learned to step through my false fears, to bring warmth to my numbness, and to live an authentic life of my choosing. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Churning Waters

"Shifting from resistance to acceptance allows
you to move into a different energetic approach 
from where you are to where you want to be."
Shelley Young

When water is churned, there are waves, and when the water is calm, there is a flow. The same is true of our emotional makeup. As soon as we feel a disruption, resistance can be felt as it stiffens our bodies and freezes our brain. We get trapped in repetitive behavior that will not be productive and lead to dead ends.

Replacing resistance with acceptance, we can use our energy to overcome whatever obstacles that are blocking our way. Without immediately reacting, we can explore options that will escort us in the direction we are wanting to go. Give consideration to choices that will expand and create circumstances that align with your soul.

It is when we give ourselves permission to simply not know which direction to explore, we can figuratively pass the baton to the Divine. We can utilize our faith by believing goodness will come if we trust in the unfolding of circumstances. As we gather additional information, we can break through churning waters, landing back into the flow.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Intuition And Integrity

"If your heart is involved in your interpretation of other
people, other things, you can discern and you can
be in your sovereignty."
Lee Harris

As our intuition grows, we become highly sensitive to the behaviors of others. We begin to pick up on someone's discomfort or ease, anger or joy, and resistance or engagement. Do not be surprised, however, if we mention what we have just picked up on and the person does not relate. They may not be aware of it, as of yet.

When we begin to utilize our strong sense of knowing, we need to be governed by our heart. The insights we gain need to be handled with discretion and tender loving care. Just because we gain information, does not mean it should be openly discussed. We may pick up on feelings that have yet to surface, and addressing them would be premature.

All in good time, revelations unfold. With intuitive information, integrity is required. If we sense a foreboding, we can simply make greater effort to be present rather than redirecting what we sense if unfolding. When we come from our heart center, our intentions will remain for the highest good, not personal gain.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Create With Clarity


"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most
potent form of clarity that you can have. Generating
those feelings is the most powerfully creative thing
you can do with your life."
Danielle Laporte

We may have no control over an event that presents before us, but we do have choice as to how we respond. If we are fear driven, we get caught up in the negative, but if we are curious, we forge forward. Once we determine how we would like to respond, we can calculate measures that will support this decision.

If we want to feel successful, perhaps we need to focus on the small steps we have mastered rather than banking everything on the outcome. If we want to feel loving, we can orchestrate actions that will be supportive of other's needs, regardless of our own personal opinion. Either way, there is a need to recognize how we want to feel.

We can navigate life believing that it is happening to us or we can interact with a sense of power. When we explore how we want to feel, we then can make choices based on that goal. When we do not invest in our personal needs, life can take over demolishing all that we hoped for. It is imperative to define with clarity and to follow up constructively.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Long Distance Reiki

"Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you 
can conquer a world - but only with compassion can you heal and build it."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Long Distance Reiki can be compared to offering up prayers. It is driven by compassion without investment in rigid outcome. It is a gesture to send energy to people for them to use in alignment with their own intentions. It is a simple action to assist others without any need to control, so they can face challenges that seem unsurmountable. 

Energy is sent to others with the intention of allowing the higher self to decide when and how the energy is to be used or even rejected.  It is to assist others with courage to resolve imbalances, traumas, and negativity. Extending energy is a gesture for others to decide how it can best be used.

Globally, collectively, and personally, we experience a sense of overwhelm by occurrences of chaos, violence, and confusion. Sending Long Distance Reiki impacts energy levels, vibrations, and frequencies, offered for the greater good. A Reiki practitioner is simply a conduit for the Universe or Divine to channel empowerment defined by each individual.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Need For Help

"... self-acceptance is truly a heroic act."
Nathaniel Branden

At a very young age, we learn to stop asking for help and learn to minimize personal needs. It is not as though our cravings disappear, we just learn to push forward and grow more independent. We hide our inner longings and falsely believe we are being selfish by wanting simple basic needs to be met.  

Not making requests does not banish our essential necessities. We begin to feel lonely, unsupported and invisible, with the assumption that others do not have the time to help us, Our true nature shrinks and we begin to quiet the inner voice while feeling unworthy. If someone does happen to offer help, we are ill prepared to graciously accept.

Satisfactorily adjusting to self-nurturing, we grow stronger. As we become knowledgable about our wishes, and meet them head on, our self-worth increases. With new found confidence, we become our own hero. In addition to meeting necessities, we also  begin to use our voice to express the need for help. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Offer An Open Heart

"At the heart of the tendency to categorize and 
criticize, we often find insecurity."
Daily Om

It is human nature to observe others, but too often this is followed by judgment. The evaluations we make about these observations are quite often inaccurate. Our assumptions are colored by our own personal experiences which may have nothing to do with the situation presenting in front of us.

When an observation is made about a situation without full knowledge, we may experience a lack of understanding and choose to distance ourselves. This lack of comprehension may trigger fears, creating a need to judge. It would be healthier if we could just observe and accept what is unfolding without a running commentary.

Remaining alert, we can catch ourselves when we are jumping to conclusions. There is a need to apply compassion not only to ourselves, but to those we are judging. When life is  approached with an open heart, we do not dissect the behaviors of others, but simply offer compassion to wherever  his or her life's path has taken them.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Heightened Peaceful Space


"Warm hearts with willing hands makes a happy humanity."
Lailah Gifty Akita

Autumn arrives, bringing many adjustments with it. Physically, we may begin to bundle up and return to our cravings for homemade bread and soup. Mentally, our thoughts may slow down focusing on a deeper level than the energies provided in the spring and summer months. Spiritually, we may gather all of our parts together, creating a warmth.

As leaves change colors and temperatures drop, we are daily reminded of change which we have zero control over. We are prompted to appreciate the fall colors in hopes of moving our connection to all levels of life. Leaves dancing and falling with grace role model to us our needed pace.

Holding the self accountable, we feed our bodies, minds, and souls. Whether we are appreciating comfort foods, diving into wisdom, or reinstating spiritual practices, we experience a greater sense of self. As we nurture ourselves, ripples of goodness are extended out into our relationships and communities creating a heightened peaceful space.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Begin to Question

"Declaring my core desired feelings
uplifted my relationships and the
way I work in the world."
Gabrielle Bernstein

We can be surrounded by people and still experience feelings of isolation. As we gaze into the faces, there may not be a sense of connection whether we wonder who this person is or if they have a sense of who we are. We can begin to question if this circle of people is stimulating us, understanding us, and bringing any sense of personal growth into the equation.

It may be time to check in with our inner sense of belonging. Maybe what we envisioned as our heart's desire is no longer accurate, and attracting what we no longer find pleasure in. It is healthy to step away from those who have been friends in search for new relationships that will align with our new sense of passion and navigation.

When we stop waiting for others to fulfill our empty spaces, and execute the initiative for our inner self, the world around us begins to shift. With new direction, numerous opportunities and synchronicities come into our view. Life becomes exciting again and our rekindled passion ripples out into whatever surrounds us. When we hold ourselves accountable, we generate authentic means to survive. 


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Interior and Exterior Beauty

"Being beautiful has very little to do
with how you look."
Stacie Martin

When I look back over the years, numerous relationships standout. Exploring them individually, I recall times of both joy and sorrow. For some, personality stands out especially those having a hysterically funny sense of humor; whereas others may be remembered for his or her accountability.

I am drawn to people's eyes, noticing if they can maintain eye contact. I watch body language to see if it supports what a person is saying. Shared conversations are best when authentic. If the information is treated with respect without judgment or persuasion, the relationship builds its foundation.

Perhaps it is from valuing a friend for the goodness of his or her heart that I experience personal beauty stemming from within.  I am attracted to their life experiences and the manner in which they treat others. I find a person's application of their learned wisdom to be much more alluring than physical beauty.


Monday, October 16, 2023

Coming Home ...


"The kind of love that bathes you in gentleness when you 
feel the most ashamed, the most frightened, the most lost."
Jeff Foster

Life can be so confusing as we fluctuate between the desire to be seen and the necessity to remain hidden. We long to be observed through loving eyes and yet fear such intimacy. Releasing expectation of perfection, and accepting our current emotional status, we can gather courage to finally come out and show our authentic self.

We grow weary of our projected facades, and ever so slowly, we remove our masks which have become suffocating. We take the risk of showing the self to a trusted friend or professional sounding board. We bravely reveal our brokenness, confusion, and debilitating shame. The risk to be seen becomes greater than the need to hide.

As we allow someone to step inside of our private space, light comes in shining on strengths and weaknesses alike. We run the risk of being loved, opening truly to a sense of intimacy that we deeply crave. Even when we are at our worst, love will gently hold us without any sense of disgrace. To embrace love is to come home to our lovely selves.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Invitation to Explore

"Psychologically, it felt like an invitation
instead of another list of things to do."
Danielle Laporte

It is helpful to make a list of goals that require attention, and it is equally important to check within to chart our internal needs. As we glance at both the inner and the outer expectations, it is important to notice where we feel energized. If our notes feel lack luster, we can choose to go back through the recorded items and add positive feelings to each one.

We can choose to shift our attention from goals to how we want to feel as we process and progress. This brings energy to our tasks and stirs creativity. It is easier to connect our current actions to a desired future outcome. As we process, the awareness of how we want to experience life surfaces.

As time passes, instead of judging our progress based upon a 'to do' list, we can take notice of how we have uplifted our sense of self. When we address our needs, tasks can be accomplished with more ease. Without a sense of drudgery, the invitation to explore creates a greater appreciation for the life that awaits us.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Surrender ...

"It is possible to surrender to having done all you can do."
Sheila Reynolds

You have normalized the shock of the situation, and you make attempts to recalibrate. Stepping back for a wider perspective, you patiently await a favorable new view. You realize you have depleted all tricks from your bag, and ponder where fresh guidance will appear and if you will recognize it as such.

You accept that you cannot change others involved if they have no desire to do so. Closer examination may not reverse the free fall into fear, but there is a need to recognize errors you made that contributed to the chaos. When you hold your lovely self accountable, forward movement becomes more effective.

It is when you finally surrender, giving in to the acknowledgement you have no control that progress begins. The best option is to surrender with courage and faith. When you believe there is a healing plan leading into a brighter future fear subsides. Knowing that you have done all that you can do, you place your faith into the best that is yet to come.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Believe ...

"Your new self is already coming through."
Sophie Gregoire

Whether we make an inventory personally or collectively or globally, discord seems to be running rampant. Every situation appears to be going through change. The goal apparently is to move through chaos, ascending with new drive, purpose and estimated results. One needs to gather courage and bravery to move forward.

When we can make a conscious decision to be willing to change, there must be a willingness to identify and to let go of things that are no longer important or nurturing. By doing this, we create space to refresh and renew. We are called to look within to decipher what resonates and calls us into a forward movement.

With childlike eyes of innocence, look around and decide how a new landscape needs to be. What vibrant colors or subtle hues do we want to use? Shall we pencil in a path of solitude or a busy highway filled with mentors and possibilities? The key is to simply begin even though there may not yet be answers to new questions. With a full heart, believe.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hope For The Future


"During a time of global instability, we can
join others in a commitment to peace."
Mitch Davidowitz

Avoiding the news, our hearts may still feel heavy from the realization of great chaos expanding globally, collectively, and personally. Feeling helpless may only be one of numerous responses we experience. Instead of withdrawing, reaching out for safe connection may be the best choice at hand.

When invested in a sense of peace, we must remain open to the views of others. If we are not threatened by diversity, and choose to be focused on safety and respect for all humans, we create levels of peace. It is when we establish a sense of belonging outside of ourselves, a peaceful community can grow.

Each of us has a gift we can contribute to those who surround us. As we share reflections and truly listen with an open heart, peaceful progress can be established. When we learn to have an appreciation for ourselves, it is easier to embrace the existence of others. The shared wisdom brings greater understanding and triggers a sense of hope for the future. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Nudged to Share

"We don't know when our acts will influence
those who cross our path."
Jeff Crist

Whether professional or personal, our paths cross with others and only later do we receive the full impact of the synchronicity. It may have been a brief exchange or shared knowledge that suddenly becomes prevalent as our story unfolds. Whenever we feel ourselves being nudged to share, more often than not, it is for an unseen valid reason.

If we can maintain an alignment with body, mind, and soul, our exchanges will bear more weight. When we hold ourselves accountable, articulating truth as we know it, our energy field attracts like minded acquaintances and beneficial circumstances. When our word is impeccable, the depth of the experience is enhanced.

Sifting through our memories, we can recall isolated situations that randomly changed the direction of our thoughts or approaches. We may never get to express gratitude to those who shared themselves with us nor may we ever be aware of the lives we impacted. The gift is in the giving and openly receiving. Synchronicity, we learn, is not so random after all!


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gauging Impact

"We are positioned to change the tapestry of indifference
that can envelop our heart."
Mitch Davidowitz

Indifference inhibits our ability to change personally, collectively, and globally. Whether we choose to turn our backs on ourselves or others, the result is the same ... demolition. To be clear, there is a great difference between enabling and simply being present. It is not expected of us to resurrect, but to gauge if, when, and how we can nurture.

Disregarding need or suffering for the self or others can squash elements of worthiness, purpose and will to live. Instead of getting bogged down in drama, we can step back and assess how we want our situation to evolve. When we choose to react with kindness, our heart can truly thrive.

As we learn to take the time to simply be present for someone in need, we make a significant difference. Every one of us longs to be heard and seen. Kindness adjusts the sense of being totally alone in our world. It is when we choose to take pause in the midst of chaos that we can be our most beneficial.


Monday, October 9, 2023

Innocence Disowned

"Shadow is whatever part of you, you have disowned."
Maya Luna

Perhaps we need to alter our desire to rid ourselves entirely of our dark side  Thinking of our shadow as something to be dumped into the trash would be counter productive, as it is not exclusively harmful. When we are brave enough to wander through our darkness, discovery of disowned parts of the self are unearthed.

Since childhood, we have been casting love, courage and honor into our shadows. Whenever we felt judged or unacceptable, we discarded parts of our nature that were intended to make us whole. So it is imperative to reclaim these aspects of the self rather than cast everything into the gutter.

It is when we silently wander through tainted remnants as a glimmering light do we rediscover our innocence. As we reclaim our authentic essence, the sense of wholeness expands. Our inner light brightens and darkness fades. Greater understanding of our misconceptions creates a deeper level of understanding and prosperous perspective.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Eyes Have It

"Your eye is so wise ... "

There are times when my eyes are drawn to an object that perhaps is out of place. They tend to fall upon individuals carrying sorrow and in need of supplemental energy. The eye itself assists me when trying to navigate both internally and externally. They say that the eye is a window to the soul. 

It is a function of the eye to assist and prepare, but the same can be true of the importance of the internal impact. As we hold the eyes open, knowledge, impressions, and beauty can flow through into our body, mind, and soul. The eyes then, can be seen as a passage way that can be entered and exited upon will.

Observing interactions of others, my eyes are a tool to feed information for higher understanding. Emotional nuances and facial expression would be lost if not seen. Then there is the spiritual aspect where my eyes look up into the sky and see what may or may not really be there. My eyes are a portal facilitating diverse depth into my soul.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Don't Break, Bend


"I am no psychiatrist, but I do have a word 
to share with anyone who feels they are 
at a breaking point ... bend."
Steven Charleston

Many of us are experiencing time flying at warp speed creating a rush of challenges. We may feel as though we are at a breaking point, exhausted with little drive to carry through. There may even be a stiffening against any action whether negative or positive. When we feel overwhelmed, we may even believe we are going to break.

If we can shift our thoughts to becoming more flexible, navigating through change becomes more bearable. When we examine what is before us with clarity, we can better assess what is needed to embrace reality. Replacing resistance with flow, we can venture into troubled waters with grace and ease.

When we tighten up with fear, we become brittle and trapped. If we can bend, we move forward without having concrete resolutions. If we remain open to unexpected possibilities, we can embrace what is unfolding before us. We do not always have to have answers prior to stepping into the unknown and surely we do not have to break.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Soul Not Ego

""It is the ego that is impatient and rash. 
The soul is patient and wise."
Shelley Young

We invest time in speculation about the future in terms of what will happen and at what cost. When we remember to trust Divine timing, all of our energy can be invested in the present moment, living fully in the now. The ego likes to keep everything controlled and consistent, whereas, the soul remains open with patience and wisdom.

When we feel ourselves being judgmental, it can be a deliberate signal that we are not opening with a trusting heart. The ego operates from lessons learned while the soul engages with creative design. No matter how hard we try, any sense of control is temporary. Life is going to happen in spite of our efforts to micromanage. 

If we work on inner expansion, deepening faith and trust with a willingness to receive, external expansion unfolds. When we engage with opportunities suddenly presenting, we will be welcoming needed change. As we become willing to embrace and support our authentic self, the soul rather than the ego, leads the way.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sense of Collaboration

"Being challenged in life is inevitable,
being defeated is optional."
Roger Crawford

When we adjust our thinking from viewing challenge alone to perceiving a higher presence, we are more apt to succeed. As a spiritual being having a human experience, we have wisdom residing in our soul waiting to be applied. When we be still and tap into our inner guidance, we can proceed with a greater sense of determination.

Replacing the constraints of doubt with the liberating thoughts of unconditional love, we can maintain a greater sense of positive action. We can choose to embrace the concept that life is not happening to us, but rather it is happening for us. Allowing our physical reality to be woven with Divine love, there is a sense of collaboration.

As we reclaim our power, we are able to stay open to possibility. We no longer settle, as we move forward towards greater clarity and reward. We no longer feel the need to force anything, as we gently give pause for the right thigs to come together. Anxiety is replaced by patience, while trusting amazing things are coming our way!



Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Reclaim Your Dreams

"Have you disconnected from your heart and soul
in order to stay safe? What is the price you paid
for trying to fulfill other people's dreams?"
Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

At an early age, you may have been told to sit still, to be seen, but not heard. There may have been clear indications that very little of value came from a child. Stop your crying! Silence your feelings! Simply put, don't be you. For many, repercussions from this out dated parenting mode continues to minimize full potential. 

Step back and consider how these early experiences created a crimp upon emotional expansion. It is hard for you to breathe in life while you are holding breath in fear of judgment and shame. It is time to unleash repressed desires and impulses that are waiting just beneath the surface.

Reclaim your power and your dreams. Begin to create and expand visions of the life you have always been meant to live. Disregarding caution uttered by others, you can advance into empowerment. With new eyes, view what is in your best interest and decide where you can best meet your personal rewards. You are being called to move forward, now.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Power Of A Triangle Formation


"A triangle is a closed figure with three sides."
University of Illinois 

Slowly over the years, the shape of a triangle grew more prominent in my self-understanding. I began to realize that I had three equal parts: the body, mind, and soul. It became apparent that I was able to function in life in a more balanced way, if I did not place all of my energies into one area, which then neglected the others.

In the midst of a past life regression, I was caught in an emotional hell at which time a triangle came down and filled my awareness with sacred calm. It hovered and waited, and I wondered why. Moments later, a triangle emerged upwards from my being and connected with the shape hovering above, forming a star.

To this day, so many years later, I will beckon a triangle to come down to sustain me as I reach upwards to connect. The star formed is a symbol of a unity found in all things. To experience the shape of a star is powerful and reminiscent of things long passed. It is an image I hold enhancing my abilities to work with love, light, and prayer.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Reiki Energy


"Her image totally shifted in my mind from a
progress-seeking student into a testament
to human resilience."
Reiki Scoop

Prior to giving a Reiki session, I like to listen to a person's history to gain a sense of how his or her energy is flowing. As a personal story is related, I do not focus on the particular situation, but upon the courage and resilience used to advance. As a Reiki Master, I cannot do anything about life circumstances, but I certainly can improve the flow of energy.

Moving from head to toe, negative energy is flushed out and replaced by healthier vibrations. Taking note of the chakras or energy centers, it can be determined where blockages have occurred. Each chakra reflects a particular area of our participation in life. When energy is locked in an area, it causes dis-ease. 

While working with individuals, it is vitally important to not focus on a story line, but to highlight the person's ability to navigate discord or disruptions. As I can reflect a person's worth back to them, they become empowered. The cleansing flow of energy aligns the body, mind, and soul. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

"I can do this!"

"Accept the past as the past and realize that each new day
you are a new person who doesn't need to carry old 
baggage into the new day with you."
Alaric Hutchinson

Reality was distorted by fear. Instead of hearing what was said in the context it was meant, I heard words twisted by association with my past. Rather than staying in the moment, I spiraled back into years of festering old wounds. Thank goodness for the dawning of a new day, leaving guilt and shame behind.

Every step of the way, I have choice as to how I translate my living experience. I can decide if I want to do a physical knee jerk reaction, get stuck in my negative mindset, or spiritually remember why I am really here. Replacing the sense of judgment with recognizing a lesson at hand, I can learn and move forward.

We have the ability to discern how difficult the lesson needs to be.  We can gather courage and face turmoil head on or we can wallow in  engulfing misery. Replacing thoughts of past failures with memories of my courageous survivals new strength unfolds. "I can do this," I tell my warrior self. Thus, I proceed into a new day.