Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Interior and Exterior Beauty

"Being beautiful has very little to do
with how you look."
Stacie Martin

When I look back over the years, numerous relationships standout. Exploring them individually, I recall times of both joy and sorrow. For some, personality stands out especially those having a hysterically funny sense of humor; whereas others may be remembered for his or her accountability.

I am drawn to people's eyes, noticing if they can maintain eye contact. I watch body language to see if it supports what a person is saying. Shared conversations are best when authentic. If the information is treated with respect without judgment or persuasion, the relationship builds its foundation.

Perhaps it is from valuing a friend for the goodness of his or her heart that I experience personal beauty stemming from within.  I am attracted to their life experiences and the manner in which they treat others. I find a person's application of their learned wisdom to be much more alluring than physical beauty.


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