Saturday, October 28, 2023

Power In The Full Moon

"I don't understand it all, but when Heaven decides 
to invade earth, who are we to argue?"
Rachel Hauck

As the full moon hangs in the sky, the opportunity to see our shadow side increases. The energy penetrating from the sky, disturbs elements of the body, mind, and soul. We may not understand what is prompting feelings of uncertainty, but truth tends to shake loose and demand our attention.

The power of the full moon stirs us to reevaluate our perceptions, goals and relationships. There is a call to bring heightened authenticity into our daily living. There is an opening for us to reach out and receive guidance from all whom we deem holy. Once heard, channeled information can create new pathways to a higher sense of living.

Trusting intuition, we venture forward with a stronger sense of empowerment. Clarity presents redefining both our pathways and destinations. The light shining down from the sky fills us with gratitude for the gifts being sent our way. With thanksgiving, we offer praises for all peoples, places, and things. Amen.

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