Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hope For The Future


"During a time of global instability, we can
join others in a commitment to peace."
Mitch Davidowitz

Avoiding the news, our hearts may still feel heavy from the realization of great chaos expanding globally, collectively, and personally. Feeling helpless may only be one of numerous responses we experience. Instead of withdrawing, reaching out for safe connection may be the best choice at hand.

When invested in a sense of peace, we must remain open to the views of others. If we are not threatened by diversity, and choose to be focused on safety and respect for all humans, we create levels of peace. It is when we establish a sense of belonging outside of ourselves, a peaceful community can grow.

Each of us has a gift we can contribute to those who surround us. As we share reflections and truly listen with an open heart, peaceful progress can be established. When we learn to have an appreciation for ourselves, it is easier to embrace the existence of others. The shared wisdom brings greater understanding and triggers a sense of hope for the future. 

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