Monday, October 23, 2023

Create With Clarity


"Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most
potent form of clarity that you can have. Generating
those feelings is the most powerfully creative thing
you can do with your life."
Danielle Laporte

We may have no control over an event that presents before us, but we do have choice as to how we respond. If we are fear driven, we get caught up in the negative, but if we are curious, we forge forward. Once we determine how we would like to respond, we can calculate measures that will support this decision.

If we want to feel successful, perhaps we need to focus on the small steps we have mastered rather than banking everything on the outcome. If we want to feel loving, we can orchestrate actions that will be supportive of other's needs, regardless of our own personal opinion. Either way, there is a need to recognize how we want to feel.

We can navigate life believing that it is happening to us or we can interact with a sense of power. When we explore how we want to feel, we then can make choices based on that goal. When we do not invest in our personal needs, life can take over demolishing all that we hoped for. It is imperative to define with clarity and to follow up constructively.

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