Saturday, November 30, 2013

Both Sides of the Mouth

(Duncan Grant Artist's Study in Charleston)
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters
cannot be trusted with important matters”
Albert Einstein
A simple definition of integrity can be harmony between what one believes and how one behaves.  Simply put, what one holds close to the heart will be reflected in how one acts.  How one acts, reflects the personal belief system.  We all have heard the expression, "Walk your talk and talk your walk."
When we hear the Divine speak to us on the 'inner' or out in nature, through prayer or meditation, but do not heed to the guidance, we are out of balance.  If our words do not reflect our truth, but just say what you think the other wants to hear, integrity is compromised.  If we are false in our presentation to a lover, friend, or boss we are jeopardizing our integrity.  If we hug some one we definitely do not want to hug, we are pushing ourselves out of harmony.  If we go along with someone we feel is wrong, we have abused ourselves by not maintaining integrity.
In no way can we be perfect in every situation, but we can hold our selves accountable for when we neglect to maintain integrity.  When we keep ourselves in harmony, our vibrations increase and we feel good about our selves.  While attracting those practicing intergrity themselves we are in a position to be  more responsible for our thoughts, words and deeds.
There are many perspectives and we are not to judge what is right or wrong, but we do need to trust our personal integrity while we create our daily lives.  We learn to accept opinions of others, but discearn what is or is not truth for ourselves.  We do not talk out of both sides of our mouth.
When we hear ourselves reciting an unauthentic response, we need to pause and say, "Wait.  I don't feel that way at all.  I used to, but now I hold other beliefs."  We then honor ourselves and are in harmony with integrity.  When we express thoughtless remarks, we not only dishonor our selves but we also mislead the person hearing them. 

Be more thoughtful in responses, being more accurate in the image we reflect.  We will feel
more connected to the Divine as well as to ourselves and others when integrity is our intention.

***Reflections from reading Many Were Called by Dr Heather Anne Harder

Friday, November 29, 2013

Go Boldly Into The Night ...

"Begin to tell the truth about where you are hurting,
and confront your pain.
You will gain so much energy, strength, and peace
through your fearless quest
you will become a true master.
You will find that the discomfort
you attempted to escape
contains the key to your healing
when you face it.
Alan Cohen
The duality of life just never stops.  'Tis the season to be merry, and yet unresolved pain and avoided issues bubble up to the top.  When this happens, we need to breathe in all the truth that we hold and carry it like a light into the darkest parts of our self.   Once and for all, let go of the heaviness from the weight of sadness, fear, or loss. 
This concept runs parallel to what Alan Cohen refers to about the discomfort we ignore holding the key to our healing.  When we allow ourselves to finally face and move through our self-imposed limitations, we are immediately strengthened.  It sounds so contrary, this ignoring what hurts even though it is the key to feeling better.  If we allow ourselves to move forward, we not only dismiss the discomfort but we gain release.  We refrain from what will make us stronger.
Again there is the same thread running through the old adage, "If you love some one, set them free."  This sounds so conflicted and yet, how rewarding if who we love returns to us freely by choice. 
In worse case scenarios we avoid what troubles us by getting into more trouble, such as addictions.  Battling addictions might be far greater and more difficult than facing our original problem.  There are many other actions that can truly be innocent play, but when we become obsessive with exercise, social activities, work, we are simply hiding from the truth patiently waiting.
The Universal Laws reflect such simplicity about living, while carrying them out becomes so complicated.  Through the dance between wisdom and application is where we learn our lessons.  Truth is like the ocean washing against the rocks, smoothing sharp edges and creating character.  It is interesting no matter how much the ocean comes to shore, it never loses itself.  So stepping through our fear of being vulnerable, we gain a greater sense of who we are rather than losing what we fear.
Go boldly into the night, and embrace a true sense of the soul.  Feel vulnerable to the power growing within.  Embrace the presence of the Divine all the while, letting your light shine.

Honestly and Gently

"The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look 
at ourselves Honestly and Gently."

(Pema Chödrön)

'The most fundamental aggression to ourselves,
the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves,
is to remain ignorant
by not having the courage and the respect
to look at ourselves
Honestly and Gently."

Pema Chödrön


As the holidays settle in, we may find ourselves being spiritually and emotionally exhausted.  This comes upon us as no surprise as we have been through the hustle and bustle of this season before.  Commitments in all forms multiply at work, school, family and friends to say nothing about our own desires.  Time takes flight and the race is on.

In addition to the building demands, we also strive to keep our best masks on as no one wants to be seen as a scrooge.  So our repressed feelings and frustrations continue to build behind our masks.  We don't want to yell or cry.  We don't want to demand or criticize.  Perhaps, all we need is a little evaluation, honestly and gently.

We can best  serve ourselves by discerning which expectations have been self-imposed and what actions will enhance lives rather than deplete spirit.  Do we really need to bake numerous kinds of  cookies for our neighbors or can we give ourselves permission to bake mini loaves of bread to share?  Will our children remember the crystal chandelier hanging in the dining room or the extra hours their father shared with them?  When we think back to our childhood holidays, do we remember the presence of spirit in our hearts and our homes or do we remember our parents running around like lunatics trying to work in every opportunity of community, work, family or gathering of friends.

When we are children we think when we grow up we will be so happy to be our own boss.  Then we grow up and discover choices are based upon many aspects besides our personal desire.  In spite of some things being out of our control, however, we can make choices that best serve us and relinquish the rest.  Just let go, gently and honestly.  The holiday gift will be peace in our hearts.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Feet Under the Table

Thankful for what has been.
Grateful for what is.
Praise for the Divine in all.
An 80 year old woman once told me that her most fond memories were when she had feet under her table.  At the time I was a young mother with little children, and although I understood her words, the wisdom of her comment did not show itself until later in my life.
As a mother of four adult children with numerous grandchildren, (all involved with  professional jobs and school responsibilities), visits to my home grow farther and farther apart.  I recall the years of setting a beautiful table to express my creative flair.  I used my china, fine glass ware, silver, and tablecloth with matching napkins.  I made certain that everyone attending would find a favorite dish to ensure their sense of connection.  No matter how long the preparations or cleanup took, I loved every minute.
Our society is much more mobile now and families are dotted across a map.  Careers are demanding sometimes with both moms and dads with consideration needed for relatives on the other side of the family.  Schedules can become so challenging the decision to just stay at home grows more popular, especially as the grandchildren increase involvement with their activities. 
So everyone being home at the same time seems to be lost in the shuffle of change.  I still feel a need to decorate my table to my creative liking and I can invited friends and neighbors to be my guests.  As everyone finds their place to sit, once again, I will have feet under the table.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Laughter Fills The Air

"The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.
The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people.
Beautiful, also, is the the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people."
Langston Hughes
There are times when we are very hard on our lovely selves.  The words we speak inside are reckless slurs ... words we would never speak to any other.  Acid burns in our bellies from our out of control negativity and fear blackens our hearts. We then hide our selves, hoping no one will ever catch a glimpse of what is hidden within.  We turn our face from the Divine as our shame becomes unbearable.
After a while, we slowly realize Divine Spirit dwells within each of us and a small flame is shining  in our heart.  We finally begin to see the good within and cleanse the past, while the light grows stronger.
Eventually we no longer fear the dark as we can carry our light into areas that scare us.  Feeling the presence of Divine Spirit we are eager to restore and renovate that which was with that which is.  Once broken, the goodness of the world can enter and enhance our appreciation for ourselves and others.
As our light shines brightly, we attract kindred spirits who value our essence and support us, just as we can uplift them.  Through these exchanges, the world becomes a more loving place to exist. 
A cadence is created by the rhythm of our kind words.  We find our selves dancing to music no one else can hear as their hearts and minds and spirits are filled with a song of their own.  There is beauty reflected in all of the faces and laughter fills the air.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Beauty of the Lesson


"The moments of happiness we enjoy
take us by surprise.
It is not that we seize them,
but that they seize us.

Ashley Montagu
From my childhood, I lovingly remember fragrant peony bushes, lilac bushes, and lily of the valley to mention just a few.  I always loved trees, but as I grew older, I became especially fond of Weeping Willow trees and Weeping Birch trees. 
When I owned my own Country Gift Shop, THE TOWN CRIER, I ordered many baskets from third generation craftsmen.  When a shipment of baskets arrived,  I eagerly unwrapped them and prepared to put them on display.  There were a few very small ones, however, that had white spots on them which I assumed were mold of some sort.  During my attempt to rub these troublesome spots off,  Divine Spirit gently whispered into my ear, "These are Pussy Willow branches!" 
Being embarrassed is one thing, and humiliation is another.  I felt so terribly stupid, (not in front of Divine Spirit as God was quite used to my ways), but I felt as though I had dishonored a beautiful species of nature. 
A few days later I was telling a friend of my error and how awful I still felt.  She laughed and brought me into her back yard where a huge Pussy Willow bush was growing.  She told me I could cut some branches off, root them in water and then plant them in my yard.  I was immediately grateful for her gesture and the opportunity to restore respect.
The branches rooted nicely and I planted them asking for a healthy bush to grow.  Over the years it grew huge.  I would find myself talking to it on many occasions as though it were a dear friend.  It had been a teacher for me and I wanted to reflect my gratitude. 
In different scenarios, I think this happens to all of us.  Divine Spirit plants a gift in front of us and we mistake it for something else and ignore or worse yet destroy it.  When we revere gifts from Mother Earth, we become connected with the living aspect existing in every thing.  Things presented before us are always opportunities for learning and growth. 
To this day, whenever I see a Pussy Willow, I cringe at the memory of diligently scrubbing away the spots off the branches of a handmade basket.  And being angry at the basket maker for sending faulty goods.  What a little fool.  At least I learned ... eventually ... the beauty of the lesson.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Bookmarks of an Expanding Life

No spring nor summer hath such grace,
As I have seen in one autumnal face.
—John Donne
Colorful leaves have gracefully taken their descending flight and snow has already dusted the ground.  I am not yet ready to let go of autumn with winter waiting to takes its place.  I breathe in the crispness of each day, dreading the hibernation of winter. 
Spring is eager with anticipation to let birth burst through the deep rich earth with innocence and bliss.  Summer is full of its self displaying all  of its lush beauty.  Then fall, in the midst of decay, proudly faces the forthcoming death, releasing buds, flowers, and leaves.  It gracefully brings closure to one season, as we enter the next.
As Autumn comes to a close, it is time for us to be taking inventory of our intentions as to how the seeds we planted in spring, the nurturing of the abundance in summer, and what we harvested this fall.  Did we carry through on our authentic spring plans, tending to them in the summer, letting them flourish grandly in the harvest of fall? 
It is always interesting to put seed ideas into an envelope in the spring.  Lists of ideas we would like to manifest in the growing seasons.  Then the envelope is tucked away until late fall when we can open the envelope and  evaluate how we tended to our personal gardens of growth. 
With winter patiently waiting in the side wings, we are called to recalculate our hearts desires.  Then while we hibernate in the winter, we can be incubating these new ideas so we can get them rooted in early spring.  We can ask Mother Earth to support us in any way she can.
All four seasons have something to offer to us.  Whether we receive each gift or not is completely up to our personal awareness as months pass by.  Simply drifting in and out of these phases of the year, we miss the opportunity to work with the currents of life.  Seemingly unimportant  to some, to others, these cycles are the art filled bookmarks of an expanding life.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Which Chair?

The very attitude of resisting
                                in the face of a wrong desire                                
  is the beginning of
good health, vitality, and love.
Eknath Easwaran
Thought for the Day
Although I forget what it is called, there is a technique in therapy using three chairs.  The first chair is the child's chair (tantrum), the second is the teenager's chair (fight or flight) and the last is the adult chair (options).  When experiencing resistance, it is good to equate our feelings with the three chairs.  Identify which chair we are sitting in ... pitching a fit; thinking in black or white without middle ground; or exploring numerous options to resolve the issue.
Personally, I really don't spend much time in the child's chair, but over the last few years I have been reminding myself to 'scoot over' into the adult chair to broaden my scope.  While facing resistance, I often used the either or approach.  Ego seems to prefer this narrow margins of two choices only to insure control.  Ego wants it wants and by narrowing the margins of selection, ego masterminds decisions.
Any scenario can look like this ...
Child chair:  I refuse to do it.  If I have to go then you have to give me _____ in return.
                       It's never what I want to do.  I never get my way! Lots of whining.
                       Emotional attempt to win.
Teenager chair:  Are you in or are you out?  My way or the highway.  No discussion.
                             Limited choice with strong control.   No compromise. Argumentative
                             Win or lose situation.
Adult chair:  I need to explore the options, even if they are not very good.  I realize I have
                       choice and can perhaps adjust behaviors/attitudes to honor both my self
                       and those around me.  Creating a compromise that is in every ones
                       best interest, and being comfortable with my part.  Cooperation.
This technique may seem elementary, but it really comes in quite handy.  In any situation that makes us feel uncomfortable or challenged, just make a quick note as to where we are sitting.  By doing this, life becomes easier by sliding from chair to chair.  Better decisions are made and the incidents of impulsive action are reduced greatly.  Utilizing better choices also increases and strengthens how we regard ourselves.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

First Victoria, Now Joe

 When a man gives his opinion,
he's a man.  
When a woman gives her opinion,
she's a bitch.” 

Bette Davis

My friends would agree that I lean more towards being a liberal than a conservative.  Attendance in high school and college happened to be in the 1960's which is a reflection in itself.  Raising four children, three of whom were boys and obviously one girl, my experiences taught me to be flexible and how to choose which battles to take on.
It is one thing to be bombarded by Christmas advertising before I have even purchased my turkey, but the constant focus on Christmas, by-passing Thanksgiving entirely, is irritating, but it is big business and I say nothing.
Then came the Victoria's Secret commercials.  (This is the very company that when my daughter was younger, she used to cover her eyes as we walked by the scantly dressed mannequins in the window at the mall. The blatant display embarrassed her. ) Night after night these commercials pop up unexpectedly with models displaying themselves up and down a run way.  Each time they appear, especially early evening, I wonder what a 12 year old is thinking.  For girls, personal body image for the future is unrealistically distorted. Most young girls begin false expectations as well as body shame. For boys, the inappropriately dressed models are projecting a particular false image for what a man can expect from their future female body.  I think to myself, is this one of the resources where the seeds of pornography are born? So I sit biting my tongue in the presence of my significant other as these anorexic models appear, for fear he will think I am sounding like an old crone. 
Then to my amazement, I see for the first time a Joe Boxer Christmas commercial.  A line of boxer clad men undulating to the tune of jingle bells.  I hold my breath until I can no more and then burst out laughing!  My thus far Victoria Secret silent man exclaims about the dancing boxers, "That is a horrible commercial!"  I am astounded and ask, "Why?"  His condescending voice spits out, "It is in poor manners!"  My response, "Well if this is poor manners, what about the Victoria Secret commercials?"  There is a pause of course, and a bit of sputtering before he feels obligated to choke out, "Well, yes, they are done in poor manners as well." 
I cannot help  but compare the nakedness, garter belts, and sexual overtones of women in the one commercial to the clothed men gesturing in the other.  Victoria leaves me with irritation whereas Joe ... well, maybe the Joe Boxer Christmas ad can be googled and you can judge for yourself.  Ho,ho,ho!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Cautiously Available

by George Frederich Watts, 1864
(painting of wife, Dame Ellen Terry)

Let the gifts stitch or cut the web,
let what needs to come together or break apart,
come together or break apart.  Let the miracles,
even the ones we don't want or see, unfold.
Mark Nepo

A brilliant idea surfaces and we squelch it through negative thinking before it can even take root.  Almost automatically, our reaction to change, even when it is for the best, turns into resistance.  An opportunity of a life time can appear and we can mentally hear our brakes screeching us to a halt.  We just need to get out of our own way.
It is a wonderment to me as to why we instinctively over ride new thought through negativity rather than affirmation.  Why one over the other and why repeatedly?  What has been ingrained in us to react with fear instead of anticipation?  Even with calculated risks, we tend to drag our feet.
If there is a 50 percent chance of a dream coming true and a 50 percent chance of a dream not coming true, it can be a winning situation either way.  For even when a dream does not unfold as anticipated, there is still reward in the challenge.  We learn through the experience whether it flourishes or withers. 
So the next  time there is resistance in our minds, try to over come the feeling with a willingness to be cautiously available to the experience.  We can try to hold our heart open just a little longer or delve into a creative project more deeply.  No one wants to be blindsided, but we can miss too many opportunities by allowing a premature stop.  Allow the situation to unfold gradually, utilizing a preferred pace. 
When we can embrace changes or random opportunities with an attitude of gratitude, we tend to find a cadence in sync with our desire.  Our talents become better defined and we find our lovely selves no longer withering on the vine.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Stepping Through Resistance


(Painting by Elizabeth Cummings 1965)
"worry looks around
fear looks back
faith looks up
guilt looks down
but I look forward."
Emmanuelle Lambert wrote an article about resistance for Tinybuddha.  She suggested we engage with the fear which is always present under any resistance.  First we must be aware of our hesitation.  We must see how fear is preventing us from the situation.  This behavior of keeping our selves small minimizes our life experiences. 
If we can identify our resistance by how it feels and see how it restricts us, we can begin a conversation with our fear.  Most fears are not factual, and are only illusions based on past behaviors, lack of faith, or unnecessary guilt.   We can be our own coach and build self-confidence to step through the illusion of fear preventing us from life's deeper experiences.
As we take a brave step into our future, we must go with positive intention.  Awaiting is a lesson that can enhance our body, mind, and soul.  If we are truly aligned with both our inner and outer selves, we can gauge how vulnerable we wish to be. 
Life really is a dance of stepping forward, to the side, and sometimes in reverse, but it is rewarding.  Even when we are caught in the shadows, our light can safely show us the way.  We must try.  We must step through the resistance, keeping our eyes looking forward.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Comfort of Silence


Let silence take you to the core of life...

"Let silence take you to the core of life ...
(as seen on Facebook by Tao & Zen)
My friend Nan (Yoga teacher extraordinaire) had this Rumi quote posted on Facebook.  I love all things Rumi and felt the need to share this picture and all. 
Our culture provides us with so much busy work.  We all find ourselves rushing here and there whether it be for our children, families, or over-commitments.  Even when some say they are relaxing, they have the television on or radio or ear plugs.  There is so little quiet in our living.
Many years ago while living in a small town, the downtown businesses would close for one and a half hours so the proprietors could go home for lunch and rest.  From a business standpoint, I thought this was a foolish idea.  At noon, the accountant, attorney, and insurance man would head home while their staff members scurried to the little shops remaining open on the downtown square.  So the downtown received a little extra money, the buyers were happy and returned to well fed and rested men.  As I write this it now seems almost archaic.
On the news the other evening, there was a discussion about some of the retail stores remaining open on Thanksgiving Day to get a jump on Christmas shopping.  It made me sad for the those who would be forced to work away from their families.  Agreed, there are those who would rather not be with their families and who might welcome the idea of work, but creating a new tradition by staying home for a leisurely day might be a better option.
We have such little silence in our days and evenings,  we have grown almost uncomfortable to be in stillness without talking, texting, or listening.  A time for silence in our day or night, has to be deliberately created.   It must be intentional or it will rarely happen. 
To sit in silence, one appears to be withdrawing from the outer world; but, to sit in silence one crosses inward to Divinity and wisdom.  In the presence of the Divine one sheds stress in exchange for calm.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Half the Fun



she called upon the different parts of herself for help.
if she was going to make it, she needed to accept them all,
unite them all and believe in them all.
it was time for a huddle of tremendous proportions.
it was the making of her giant.

Bone Sigh Arts
a giant

There are times I find my life to be like a snow globe.  Someone comes along and shakes everything up, and I patiently wait for all of the pieces to settle back down. To have everything in place feels so good, but the duration of the swirling can haunt for a long time. 

The same is true when I try to expand my awareness.  I focus on strengthening one skill, but in the process I have neglected a different one.  This is like the child's wooden peg toy.  A person can hammer down the red peg, but then the blue one pops up.  
We can imagine our life like a pie that is sliced into pieces. We have sections for varying needs, wants and desires.  It is interesting to see if our pieces are evenly cut or if some are missing.  We may have given too many pieces away without a return or adjustment.
A car is not  functional without a motor.   So we have the motor, but if there is no gas, well, then the motor doesn't really matter.  The vehicle works on high performance when all of  the parts are in working order.
It is important to embrace the need to be whole.  To cultivate the desire to present our selves without duality and conflict.  We endeavor to become aligned, body, mind and spirit.  To do this we need to stop minimizing our personal strengths and pull them all together.  There is a time to feel our need to stand strong in our own sense of self.  There is a longing to celebrate the good we cultivate within and a calling to stand strong in our own sense of self.
We spend so many years discovering and hiding or neglecting many parts of our lovely selves.  It is challenging to thrive on all of our skills at one time.  Integration of our parts is a process that may take a life time; but as they say, the journey is half the fun. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cleanse the Heaviness Away

"The purpose of art is washing the dust
of daily life
off our souls."
Pablo Picasso
We carry so much heaviness in our hearts and soul, our body needs great effort to move.  This doesn't need to be the case.  When we use the art of listening, we do not inhale the negative fumes of the storyteller.  We simply be present in the moment.  When we do not take others actions personally, we can just witness the situation as an observer.   We really do get to choose what we carry around with us.   Especially the debris we are not even aware of.
Cleansing is important for the body, mind and soul.  At the end of a busy day, while taking a leisurely bath or hot shower we can visualize the day being washed away.  When things evoke deep emotion in us, crying helps to cleanse our thoughts.  When life is confusing or we are feeling lost, inspiration from art, nature, or children can make us feel refreshed.
In order to do any of this, we must be aware of how we feel.  When we realize we are dragging ourselves around with the weight of the world, we need to follow through and meet our needs of restoration.  Reading, yard work, taking a walk, or settling in for a nap are all options.  We simply need to give ourselves permission to cleanse the heaviness of the day away.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Expression in Creativity

Artist:  Joseph Diveky
"As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy,
and for some of us that world of make believe
continues into adulthood."
Jim Henson
This picture by artist Joseph Diveky immediately got my attention.  It reminded me of my childhood story books.  In early years, pages in books had borders and there were many artful characters in the picture.  As a person would read the story, the creative mind absorbed as many details from the page as well.   The characters came more alive and the story took on deeper meanings.  
In this piece of art, the child sleeps while the musician plays on.  The book still open offers the words, but who knows where the child's mind has gone.  I feel quite certain while she is dreaming, she continues to hear the music. 
Imagination allows the dreamer to  be the president, artist, musician, writer, poet or the greatest athlete in the world.  Dream time is a space where anyone can run and play.This space of fantasy can offer us great adventure or night time fears.  We are an artist  in dreamland.  It is where we deal with unresolved subjects overflowing from reality or hidden passions and desires.
NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern is a very interesting book of fiction.  It is filled with imagery and fantasy and yet allows the reader to feel as though they are engaging in normal life.  This creative piece of writing is filled with the author's imagination.  I cannot help but wonder how many of the visualizations came from her dreams.
Stephen King gets many of his story ideas from dreams.  Robert Lewis Stevenson's story of  Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde first appeared in dreams.  Mary Shelley's dream was Frankenstein.  So it is safe to say that our creative spirits offer us inventions, insights, stories, and wisdom during our sleeping times.  It is a matter of remembering.  What to do with the content is up to the dreamer.   One can carry inspirations out into the world or express them in a variety of creative ways. 






Saturday, November 16, 2013

Discord with Integrity


"If you can keep your head
while all about you
are losing theirs
and blaming it on you ... "
Rudyard Kipling
It can be very challenging when the tides of opinion change and the giant wave is headed right into our path.  The immediate response may be to question our thoughts as we stand alone against the others.  Taking a moment to reevaluate is beneficial as it will either reinforce what we believe and we can respect diversity or the extra time can enable us to see the need for personal change.  This is not about who is right or wrong.  It is about our personal belief system which needs to be honored and respected.  We can agree to disagree or simply hold our truth close to our hearts and say nothing.
Although we may feel challenged by other opinions, we do not have to acquiesce.  Our truth is more loyal to us than we are to it, as we learn to keep our hearts open in the face of discord.  Alan Cohen in THE DRAGON DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE says: 

"Integrity is like a high rock above which the stormy ocean of worldly troubles cannot rise.  The spiritual path is a razor's edge odyssey, fraught with temptation and pitfalls that become more subtle as the winding mountain road advances toward the summit.  When our hearts and our vision remain fixed on the Light of God, however, we pass unscathed through the mire of delusion and adversity."

So it would seem by avoiding drama and overly dramatic scenarios by not feeding our energy into them, it is somewhat easier to stay on our path as it remains uncluttered by unnecessary debris.  Focused on strengthening our connection with the Divine, it becomes a less challenged route to the spiritual path.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Turn The Light On!


To be broken
is no reason
to see all things
as broken.
Mark Nepo
A few years ago, a friend I admire and respect happened to mention the author Mark Nepo.  I had never heard of him prior to this conversation with Delinda, but her enthusiasm about him triggered my immediate interest.  I now own and covet all of his material. 
On the SUPER SOUL SUNDAY Show, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Mark Nepo and will do so again on this coming Sunday.  This interview was very inspiring and I eagerly await this next one on November 17, 2013.
There were numerous comments made by Mr. Nepo that really resonated with me as well as the viewing audience I am certain.  He encouraged us to "learn to ask what we need and then accept and practice what is given" even if it is not what we requested.  There is so much that happens in our life and "only the logic of the heart can put it together."  He spoke of the importance of knowing of identifying our needs as the reward becomes the opportunity "to be intimate with our own nature."  When we accept our selves, we "become intimate with the nature of life."  This creates connections that embrace us into the wholeness of life.
Mark Nepo explored his own life and how he felt called to be a poet.   He felt that true poems helped him to live.  His heart's desire however turned from being a poet to being a poem.  He encouraged people to stay away from labels and be more interested in the action.  "If you are a singer, sing.  If you are a gardener, then garden.  Follow the aliveness and identity is formed over the years."  He seemed to be saying, don't hide under a label, just be who you are through action."

One of his inspiring messages was:  "Stay close to whatever brings us alive and don't worry about a label.  As spirit grows larger within us, our self-created identity is dropped."   So all of our energy can be focused on what we love to do and do it without fragmenting our energy into areas that will eventually fade anyway.

My favorite book of Mark Nepo is THE BOOK OF AWAKENING which is a daily inspirational writing.  His most recent book is SEVEN THOUSAND WAYS TO LISTEN which is very good as well.  All of his other books and poems create a yearning to turn the light on inside ourselves to discover our amazing self!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Living in the Experience


"I have chosen clay because it is the material which I can best speak;
through which can best explore the philosophical concerns of life ~
the fragility of the human condition."
Christine Boswijk
All humans are born into this world with individual gifts and talents.  These beings carry messages that have been imprinted upon their souls.  As they unfold and hone their specialties their stories unfold.  Through experience they  learn to discern if they  are to be a potter, a baker, or a candlestick maker. 
Creativity abounds within the hearts of all peoples.  Once unleashed. it is very powerful individually and collectively.  There is a strong need for each person to cultivate a way to display personal creativity.  Everyone can find their strength and nurture it accordingly.
Foolishly, creativity is  too often singularly linked with crafts  which is really morphing the expansive portion of individual art.   We must recognize the ingenuity of a business man successfully creating an unheard of business plan.  If we look, we can discover the artist within.  Creativity becomes an art when a person perfects his or her abilities to design, visualize, and produce the magic in their minds.
Life is an adventure and we are personally equipped with the tools we will need.  Unfortunately, there is no instruction manual.  Living in the experience is all hands on!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Brief Kingdom


"Our lives are like quilts ~
bits and pieces,
joy and sorrow,
stitched with love."
Author Unknown
There is such great comfort in wrapping up in an old quilt sitting before a fire.  Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are within reach as well as a nice pot of tea.  I can stay suspended in this day dream indefinitely.  My biggest decision is whether to read or journal.  I definitely foresee a nap in my future as well.
I am happy and contented, delighted to not be of despair.  I feel close to my source of Divine and connected with all there is whether living or holding light.  There is joy in my heart with no room for sadness in spite of knowing this too shall pass.
These passing moments are held close,  as it is so unusual, this feeling of comfort while  being me.  Energy surrounds, breezes through, and escalates up and down my spine.   It  is uplifting and invigorating to have these frequencies dancing within and around my form. 
I am thankful this space holds all of the elements ... fire, air, earth, and water.  I am grateful to have my body, mind, and spirit aligned in support of me.  Spirits dwelling above and below join me.  All is good in this brief kingdom of being me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Autumn Paths

PINTEREST is one of the most entertaining places to visit.  It provides a variety of subjects to explore and wonderful pictures.  A registered guest can share  privately or on facebook.  Entered pins that are your favorite can be re-pinned and saved on to personal boards.   These exchanges remind me of the practice of 'trading cards' when I was young.  A child would collect a card from different decks of playing cards ranging from flowers to ships.  They would be grouped in categories and then traded between friends.
Fall is my most favorite time of the year and I believe it always has been.  So no wonder this season is stirring up memories and foods with particular flavors, especially pumpkin.  I love being outside and viewing all of the vibrant colors.  It amazes me how gracefully leaves fall from trees.
This freedom I feel during the fall and the overwhelming artistry of nature's colors create within me a resistance to winter.  It seems so extreme to carry these autumn landscapes into the hibernation of cold weather.  I am not yet ready to go.  I am really not eager for snow!   

Monday, November 11, 2013

Letter from Heaven

In honor of all souls
who have traveled before us ...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sliding into the Larger Picture


There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. ~ Deepak Chopra

"There are no extra pieces in the universe.
Everyone is here because
he or she has a place to fill and
every piece must fit itself
into the big jigsaw puzzle."

Deepak Chopra

During the last few months, it felt as though my head kept hitting an imaginary wall.  I would recoil in pain, and wait to heal.  Every attempt resulted in me pulling back, and trying to determine why I was feeling so  spiritually confined and disconnected.    I could not help but ask, "Is there nothing more?" 
I was feeling incomplete, with every available resource dead ending without resolve.  I was lacking passion, yet desiring inspiration.  Still nothing.  Sudden bursts of energy would come and I would take off into a direction that led no where.  Emotionally isolated and physically fatigued, the push and pull was discouraging. 
These lapses in creative movement are frustrating.  They are never really appreciated until a person moves through them and into the next phase of where they need to be.  It is with hindsight we can realize we had been in a stage of incubation or labor.  It is only when we finally birth ourselves out of the enclosed darkness and into the bright light that we begin to thrive again. 
I find myself rearranging the pieces to my life, and a more definitive picture is appearing.  Dusting off old parts and integrating them in a new way is doing wonders for my soul.  The landscape of life is shining brightly before me, shifting in wonder and delight.  My sacred journey had needed a shift in  perspective.  It needed to be viewed from a further distance as well as from a more creative approach. 
The pieces to my puzzle are no different than before, but as they are turned into different positions, a better integration is made.  My landscape is reflecting a new interpretation blending the old with the new.  With ease, I can easily reclaim all of my parts and understand the way to gracefully slide into the larger picture as well.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Automatic Pilot and Labor


Sometimes a part of us must die
before another part can come to life.
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om
The Daily Om arrives in my inbox every day and it is included within my morning rituals.  The words for today were about life transitions which is often referred to as death and rebirth.   An example in the writing was about the shift we make often times not even aware.  If our feelings have been hurt or we have experienced an extreme disappointment, we may choose to withdraw into ourselves to heal.  We may pull back from friends or discontinue activities and prefer to be at home watching a movie or reading.  This wall of protection we have made has kept others away and our selves secure.  One day we are healed, however, and we may find confined or restricted.  So we begin to take down the wall of protection and expand ourselves out into the world.  This is a death of who we had become and a rebirth of who we want to be.  Our emotions were triggered and we shifted into a different side of our being.                      
Actually, we do this kind of shifting on a regular basis.  We may shift from who we are at home into the self we project at work or who we become in a relationship.  We are not always aware of these movements into different parts of the self.  Unfortunately, we spend so much time on automatic pilot we are not always aware of these changes in behavior. 
During a discussion, the subject of judgement and how we are all judgemental became the topic.  When we criticize the behaviors of someone else, we too are being judgemental.  Eckhart Tolle in his wonderful book, THE NEW EARTH, mentions how to stay neutral in the presence of judgement.  He says to just listen and not respond, not agreeing or disagreeing.  We can allow a person to vent their feelings without engaging.  This is an excellent suggestion and it works well once remembered to put it to use. 

We have lost the art of listening and we are carelessly forming our response before the speaker has stopped presenting his or her opinion.  These are the times we can slip into neutral, allowing a person to express fully their ideas.  We do not have to expect our selves to have an answer.  The person talking may just need to vent and may not be interested in a solution.
So as we shift in and out of how we need to be, we must slow our selves down, moving more slowly.  When we are giving old parts of our selves up, and creating spaces with new, it definitely can feel like labor.  There can be pain and cravings with unexpected emotions.  It is a process and keep in mind all labors are never the same.