Monday, November 25, 2013

Bookmarks of an Expanding Life

No spring nor summer hath such grace,
As I have seen in one autumnal face.
—John Donne
Colorful leaves have gracefully taken their descending flight and snow has already dusted the ground.  I am not yet ready to let go of autumn with winter waiting to takes its place.  I breathe in the crispness of each day, dreading the hibernation of winter. 
Spring is eager with anticipation to let birth burst through the deep rich earth with innocence and bliss.  Summer is full of its self displaying all  of its lush beauty.  Then fall, in the midst of decay, proudly faces the forthcoming death, releasing buds, flowers, and leaves.  It gracefully brings closure to one season, as we enter the next.
As Autumn comes to a close, it is time for us to be taking inventory of our intentions as to how the seeds we planted in spring, the nurturing of the abundance in summer, and what we harvested this fall.  Did we carry through on our authentic spring plans, tending to them in the summer, letting them flourish grandly in the harvest of fall? 
It is always interesting to put seed ideas into an envelope in the spring.  Lists of ideas we would like to manifest in the growing seasons.  Then the envelope is tucked away until late fall when we can open the envelope and  evaluate how we tended to our personal gardens of growth. 
With winter patiently waiting in the side wings, we are called to recalculate our hearts desires.  Then while we hibernate in the winter, we can be incubating these new ideas so we can get them rooted in early spring.  We can ask Mother Earth to support us in any way she can.
All four seasons have something to offer to us.  Whether we receive each gift or not is completely up to our personal awareness as months pass by.  Simply drifting in and out of these phases of the year, we miss the opportunity to work with the currents of life.  Seemingly unimportant  to some, to others, these cycles are the art filled bookmarks of an expanding life.

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