Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Autumn Paths

PINTEREST is one of the most entertaining places to visit.  It provides a variety of subjects to explore and wonderful pictures.  A registered guest can share  privately or on facebook.  Entered pins that are your favorite can be re-pinned and saved on to personal boards.   These exchanges remind me of the practice of 'trading cards' when I was young.  A child would collect a card from different decks of playing cards ranging from flowers to ships.  They would be grouped in categories and then traded between friends.
Fall is my most favorite time of the year and I believe it always has been.  So no wonder this season is stirring up memories and foods with particular flavors, especially pumpkin.  I love being outside and viewing all of the vibrant colors.  It amazes me how gracefully leaves fall from trees.
This freedom I feel during the fall and the overwhelming artistry of nature's colors create within me a resistance to winter.  It seems so extreme to carry these autumn landscapes into the hibernation of cold weather.  I am not yet ready to go.  I am really not eager for snow!   

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