Friday, November 29, 2013

Go Boldly Into The Night ...

"Begin to tell the truth about where you are hurting,
and confront your pain.
You will gain so much energy, strength, and peace
through your fearless quest
you will become a true master.
You will find that the discomfort
you attempted to escape
contains the key to your healing
when you face it.
Alan Cohen
The duality of life just never stops.  'Tis the season to be merry, and yet unresolved pain and avoided issues bubble up to the top.  When this happens, we need to breathe in all the truth that we hold and carry it like a light into the darkest parts of our self.   Once and for all, let go of the heaviness from the weight of sadness, fear, or loss. 
This concept runs parallel to what Alan Cohen refers to about the discomfort we ignore holding the key to our healing.  When we allow ourselves to finally face and move through our self-imposed limitations, we are immediately strengthened.  It sounds so contrary, this ignoring what hurts even though it is the key to feeling better.  If we allow ourselves to move forward, we not only dismiss the discomfort but we gain release.  We refrain from what will make us stronger.
Again there is the same thread running through the old adage, "If you love some one, set them free."  This sounds so conflicted and yet, how rewarding if who we love returns to us freely by choice. 
In worse case scenarios we avoid what troubles us by getting into more trouble, such as addictions.  Battling addictions might be far greater and more difficult than facing our original problem.  There are many other actions that can truly be innocent play, but when we become obsessive with exercise, social activities, work, we are simply hiding from the truth patiently waiting.
The Universal Laws reflect such simplicity about living, while carrying them out becomes so complicated.  Through the dance between wisdom and application is where we learn our lessons.  Truth is like the ocean washing against the rocks, smoothing sharp edges and creating character.  It is interesting no matter how much the ocean comes to shore, it never loses itself.  So stepping through our fear of being vulnerable, we gain a greater sense of who we are rather than losing what we fear.
Go boldly into the night, and embrace a true sense of the soul.  Feel vulnerable to the power growing within.  Embrace the presence of the Divine all the while, letting your light shine.

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