Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Half the Fun



she called upon the different parts of herself for help.
if she was going to make it, she needed to accept them all,
unite them all and believe in them all.
it was time for a huddle of tremendous proportions.
it was the making of her giant.

Bone Sigh Arts
a giant

There are times I find my life to be like a snow globe.  Someone comes along and shakes everything up, and I patiently wait for all of the pieces to settle back down. To have everything in place feels so good, but the duration of the swirling can haunt for a long time. 

The same is true when I try to expand my awareness.  I focus on strengthening one skill, but in the process I have neglected a different one.  This is like the child's wooden peg toy.  A person can hammer down the red peg, but then the blue one pops up.  
We can imagine our life like a pie that is sliced into pieces. We have sections for varying needs, wants and desires.  It is interesting to see if our pieces are evenly cut or if some are missing.  We may have given too many pieces away without a return or adjustment.
A car is not  functional without a motor.   So we have the motor, but if there is no gas, well, then the motor doesn't really matter.  The vehicle works on high performance when all of  the parts are in working order.
It is important to embrace the need to be whole.  To cultivate the desire to present our selves without duality and conflict.  We endeavor to become aligned, body, mind and spirit.  To do this we need to stop minimizing our personal strengths and pull them all together.  There is a time to feel our need to stand strong in our own sense of self.  There is a longing to celebrate the good we cultivate within and a calling to stand strong in our own sense of self.
We spend so many years discovering and hiding or neglecting many parts of our lovely selves.  It is challenging to thrive on all of our skills at one time.  Integration of our parts is a process that may take a life time; but as they say, the journey is half the fun. 

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