Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sliding into the Larger Picture


There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. ~ Deepak Chopra

"There are no extra pieces in the universe.
Everyone is here because
he or she has a place to fill and
every piece must fit itself
into the big jigsaw puzzle."

Deepak Chopra

During the last few months, it felt as though my head kept hitting an imaginary wall.  I would recoil in pain, and wait to heal.  Every attempt resulted in me pulling back, and trying to determine why I was feeling so  spiritually confined and disconnected.    I could not help but ask, "Is there nothing more?" 
I was feeling incomplete, with every available resource dead ending without resolve.  I was lacking passion, yet desiring inspiration.  Still nothing.  Sudden bursts of energy would come and I would take off into a direction that led no where.  Emotionally isolated and physically fatigued, the push and pull was discouraging. 
These lapses in creative movement are frustrating.  They are never really appreciated until a person moves through them and into the next phase of where they need to be.  It is with hindsight we can realize we had been in a stage of incubation or labor.  It is only when we finally birth ourselves out of the enclosed darkness and into the bright light that we begin to thrive again. 
I find myself rearranging the pieces to my life, and a more definitive picture is appearing.  Dusting off old parts and integrating them in a new way is doing wonders for my soul.  The landscape of life is shining brightly before me, shifting in wonder and delight.  My sacred journey had needed a shift in  perspective.  It needed to be viewed from a further distance as well as from a more creative approach. 
The pieces to my puzzle are no different than before, but as they are turned into different positions, a better integration is made.  My landscape is reflecting a new interpretation blending the old with the new.  With ease, I can easily reclaim all of my parts and understand the way to gracefully slide into the larger picture as well.


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