Sunday, May 31, 2020

To Keep It Crisp,Say Nothing At All

"In a moment, the world came to a stand still."
Lailah Gifty Akita

The world stands still for various reasons ... notification of birth or death ... experience of ecstasy or repulsion.  For some, the world stands still for the remainder of their lives while for others it can be microscoptic making a person question whether it happened at all.

If a person notices the world standing still, does she collapse upon herself or does one become overwhelmed by insight or vision?  Often, as time passes, we convince our lovely selves that it never happened at all. When there is no concrete way to document the extraordinary, we tend to turn to denial, refusing to believe in our own experience.

Whether we are referring to aliens in space or Jesus wrapped in white robes, an unusual presence triggers a mirage of feelings.  If we have nothing to compare it to, a seemingly unbelievable event may appear to be less factual and more like fiction.  Translation into reality is nearly impossible.  Perhaps the best way to keep the perception crisp is to say nothing at all.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

This Time, Flourish!

"A person's greatest limitations are not genetic,
but imposed by self-doubt, insecurities, 
indecision,and timidity."
Kilroy J. Oldster

Let's place our lovely selves in a space of kindness and creativity.  We can open our mind to possibility and allow imagination to fly.  Look beyond the veils where brilliance, radiance, and mysteries await to be found.

We can do this when we are really feeling pumped and positive, but eventually life eats away at our demeanor.  One small directed criticism can pop our dream and internal trash talk reduces securities.  In the shadows, we wallow and without light, we shrink.

Fortunately, life is similar to a spiral and we cycle back into a sense of self. Ego will do its best to remind us of our unfinished projects, but this time we surge from our heart and not the head.  Remaining mindful and present, we explore each moment flowing from spirit into our core. Surely this time we will flourish!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Parallel Lives


"We are responsible. There is nothing being done
to us apart from what we are doing to ourselves."
Lujan Matus
If we maintain a solid core reflecting our stance in life, we open the channels to broader and deeper elements of time. When we are able to extend time as though it were elastic and contract it to a minimal, we begin to discover not only illusions of time, but parallel living.

When we are able to quiet our minds and open to visualization, discoveries are endless.  This does not pertain solely to past and present, but the future of life as well.  By allowing our creativity freedom, clarity of possibilities move us closer to truth.

Parallel lives does not necessarily mean we are the same person in each life.  Although we could be, we may be very deliberately seeking opposite experiences. There is an open ended plan with freedom of choice, driven by the yearning for knowledge.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Blue Birds and the Fat Cat

"One can't teach a cat not to catch birds." 
Albert Einstein

Today was designated as my silent retreat.  Everyone was going to be gone for the entire day and I would be blessed with solitude.  Out on the back deck, I watched the birds come to feed. My most favorite was the strikingly blue bird with an orange belly.  Just yesterday I learned our neighbor had a bird house with blue birds nesting.  All was right within my world.

Sudden movement on my left and  curiosity pulled my eyes to the neighbor's yard.  There hanging on the fence was their fat gray cat, pawing into the bird house.  Two blue birds were frantically dive bombing at the cat to no avail.  I over reacted by slamming my book down which startled the birds away and the cat jumped from the fence.  The blue birds and the sweetness of baby birds nesting had become a symbol of peace and calm in this uncertain world. I felt my heart hurting.

There should not be judgment of the cat's natural instincts, nor should the fallen boundaries of small birds be dismissed.  This seems reflective of the world I live in ... I do not want to judge anyone, but what of the destroyed nests?  The fat cat sits licking his paws and the blue birds are no where to be seen.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Act of Journaling Reveals Connection and Direction

"Journaling can be an excellent way to increase self-awareness,
discover and change habits."
Akiroq Brost

The act of journaling has grown in popularity with adults, young adults, and teens striving for clarity.  Those who track their feelings have many choices of how to do so:  cell phone, tablet, computer, sketch book; art displays; and specialty books in various designs and colors.   Those journaling may have a preference over a pen or pencil as well as a chosen space: indoor coffee shop or outside in nature.  

Topics are just as endless as the motivation or intention of the writer.  There is a freedom to expression when one knows no one else will be reading personal script nor will anyone be grading them.  It can be a sacred space to fully become acquainted with our lovely selves.

The act of journaling displays areas where we are out of alignment, and offers a place to release disappointment, depression, and fear.  It is important to 'harvest' old journals which reflect how much we have changed, forgotten choices, and where higher perspective is needed. If we are too private to reveal our concerns to our trusted friends or cannot afford counseling, a journal can be a catalyst for recognizing the need for an ending or a new beginning. It increases the communication between our inner and outer desires and dreams.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Begin to Bloom

"The more you know who you are, and what you want,
the less you let things upset you."
Stephanie Perkins

We may have clear goals or definite opinions about our lovely selves, but just for the moment, send a quick private message to three trusted friends.  Ask them to list three of the best qualities they see in you, using one word for each.  When they have responded, notice if the qualities mentioned are ones known to the self or are they surprises.

Make a list of the nine submitted qualities, even if there are duplications.  Set ego on a chair, and quiet the monkeys chattering in the head.  Open the heart area and breathe in this list, embracing it as truth.  Own each term and allow the self to expand.  Repeat these words throughout the day.

If we can make a practice of seeing this list throughout our day, we will continue to grow.  Whether we put the words to music, paint them, hang them on the refrigerator or create a simple mantra, our self-criticism will minimize.   As our core grows stronger, the light shines and we begin to bloom.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Afloat in Nothingness

"Doing something that truly touches your soul
puts you at once, in sync with eternal life."
Garry Fitchett

Four days of solitude have been gifted to me so I fast, cleanse, and nurture the thoughts in my soul.  Without distraction, I wander into the deeper parts of myself opening to what I need to pluck or  grow.   Within the crevices are disappointments I didn't mean to stow.

Supportive reading uplifts reminders of where I have been and where I have yet to go.  Deeper breaths transport my visions and with boundless energy I flow.  United again with all there is I am afloat in a nothingness that is neither above nor below.

It is only within this sequence of heart blending with soul that I comprehend that which is lingering behind the mysteries of the world.  Messages arrive with clarity without a word being spoken  while Divinity harmonizes in one  language and that of course is love.  How have I forgotten such bliss, and why must I return...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Go Gently, Sacred Soul

No amount of concealer can cover up a cantankerous heart, 
but all the make-up in the world can’t add a single lumen 
to the brightness of a beautiful soul.” 
                                                                                 Justin Young

Human nature allows us to shade our perspectives; alter our hearing; and disguise our truth.  We can be quite creative using deception.  Falsifying reality usually pushes unaddressed emotions deep inside of our selves.  Through avoidance or denial, we only postpone the resolution.

As we learn to embrace our weaknesses and correct our motivations, we become more tolerant of the actions of others.  With less drama, we have more energy to see and hear right action resulting in truth.  In spite of the challenges we still face, we develop a stronger core to push through what faces us.

If we think of ourselves as being alone, our world will be perceived as being unconnected.  When we begin to catch glimpses of ourselves in other's actions, we will begin to experience a stronger sense of togetherness.  Goals, intentions, and motivations impact all of us ... all the more reason to go gently like a sacred soul.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Either a Splinter or a Sliver

"Even if one glimpses God, there are cuts and
splinters and burns along the way."
Mark Nepo

If we happen to get a large splinter in our hand or leg or foot, we usually attend to it in a timely matter.  If we get a smaller sliver, we may put off removing it until later. So, the small sliver, just might cause us more discomfort or infection.

The same is comparatively true of our response to problems.  If a challenge is huge, it may get our immediate attention; whereas, if the obstacle is a mere inconvenience we may down play it.  In the end, the small sliver may cause us more concern if our response is lapse.

Whether seen or unseen, a splinter or a sliver will interrupt our life.  We will  be held accountable for our actions in responding.  Through our choices, we either invest into situations or avoid challenge, resulting in consequences.    We help shape our lives by embracing appropriate action.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Master or Karma ...

"All beings are vast multidimensional masters.  They may be
exploring divinity or limitation, but they are masters nonetheless."
Ariel Tachi-ren

Two business men walk by a homeless person, each having a different response.  The first suited man says, "Humph, I wonder what he did to get Karma like sitting in filth."  The other suited gentleman states, "I was just admiring him for returning to this earth to spend his life generating compassion in others."

There is no need to judge the experiences of others as we have no idea what their original intention or passion that governed a choice.  If someone is in desperate need of help, it is not necessarily true that he or she has previously done something horrible.  Just as a socially supported guru may not have always had positive intentions.

In some respect, it is none of our business to be passing judgment.  We can be aware to decide if there is some way to help.  If not, let it be.  Sometimes, we need to be more mindful of ourselves, not others.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Perspective Adjusts Motivations

"Nothing matters as much as Love as its
intent materializes and illuminates all matter."
Wald Wassermann

Maintaining a perspective of love, our eyes fall upon splendor rather than wrath.  The element of love softens our vision of the environment and relaxes our brain.  As we welcome the calm, there is less worry and more time for creative impulses or insights.

Our creative juices may need to be stirred.  Our capability might be grand, but perhaps we need to start with smaller projects to get our interests rekindled.  Once unnecessary layers of past emotion are stripped away, the path to reclaiming our desires broadens.

The reward to using love in creativity is not necessarily just the outcome.  As we express our feelings through any form of art, we begin to feel somehow unleashed, a freedom to let go.  We can experience joy, happiness, or a feeling of wholeness.  One has to begin, however.  Feel free to take the first step!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Inner Spirit Sluggish?

"Divine Order says that the perfect solution to any problem is already
selected if you allow yourself to be guided."
Tosha Silver

TOSHA SILVER is the perfect author to spark inner bliss with higher connection through prayer (however you define prayer).  She has written Outrageous Openness as well as Change Me Prayers.  I highly recommend either one or both if the inner spirit has been sluggish.

Our inner connections with the Divine may need to be dusted off or up dated.  Our communication may be too heavy with emotion or worry.  If we clean our personal plate, and open our body, mind and heart to revitalized sharing, our life tends to get  back on track.

It is amazing how quickly we fall out of routine and maybe our communication with the higher Spirit needs not to be routine.  If we can be quiet during our prayer time, perhaps we will hear answers or inspiration or connection.  When we discontinue bombarding the Holy with questions and truly listen for feedback, Oneness tends to flow.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

New Spaces of Calm

"To be detached, is to acknowledge all,
without owning any of it."
Justin K. McFarlane Beau

Detachment is often used as a negative, such as being detached from a family or distanced from a situation; however, detachment can also mean being objective or neutral.  There are numerous scenarios when it is beneficial to draw back from overwhelming emotions to be unbiased.

Detachment allows us to view a larger picture without a tainted perspective.  It is a gesture to see the whole clearly not through just one emotion.  When we choose to be detached, we are available to listen for clarity and broader understanding.

As one develops the ability to detach (not remove or avoid) there is far less drama causing havoc in day to day living.  We can listen without becoming invested as in numerous situations our input may not be needed or wanted.  We have far less to worry about and we can fill the new spaces of calm with uplifting thoughts.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Informed Heart's Desire

"Competence carries within it efficiency, enthusiasm,
flair and flexibility ... the four legs to material success."
Richard Rudd

We may feel like we are at the top of our game, but how did we get there?  Did we invest in someone else's dream or did we follow our passion?  Did we play by the rules for recognition or did we be creative to reflect our personalized vision?

If we find our lovely selves in the middle or at the end of a career which leaves us feeling dull and unfulfilled, there is still time to reach out again.  We must seek other opportunities, not wait for them to come to our door.  We need to express ourselves informing others of our heart's desire. We can shine light upon the path we want to be supported on.

When our children leave the comfort of our nest or when we retire with grace, there is a grand new space awaiting to be created.  Whatever we have not allowed ourselves to experience in the past, can be refashioned to be experienced in the present.  Be flexible and share growing enthusiasm with others.  It is never too late to begin again, and again ... dreams do come true.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Aspects of the Self

"I'll lift you and you lift me,
and we will ascend togeher."
John Greenleaf Whittier

In isolation, we do not have others to reflect our self  back to us.  With limited responses, there is nothing to challenge our statements.  Our journey becomes more intricate when we travel alone, and yet chatting with a companion offers an additional degree of progress.

It is unrealistic to think we can manage total fulfillment without the assistance of another, whether it be spiritual or physical.  Nature can offer us answers if we but listen while opening our hearts to all languages.

I believe authenticity to be vitally important, and both inside and outside insights need to be gathered.  My desire to be whole is sincere, hoping to align authentic aspects of the self.   Life as a spiral, gently swirling us to consistently change for the betterment of all.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Defining Success

"Define success on your own terms,
achieve it by your own rules,
and build a life you're proud to live."
Anne Sweeney

The word success might trigger thoughts of being at the top of the ladder or escalated financially,
but there are thousands of scenarios to apply this grand word.  For some, making it to the bath room on time might be a success or living one more day could be regarded as a success.  

The word success is not a playing card we get to use but once in our lives.  It is a reflection of high regard for anything we may have terminated or initiated during our life in numerous scenarios.  The best accreditation comes from our inner regard for who we are or who we have come to be.

When we explore our lives from top to bottom with this broader view of success, we begin to notice our many contributions, big or small, and our compassion for the self and all humans.  As we strengthen our own self-esteem, our perspective of others lifts as well.  A broader understanding of success, creates a multitude of opportunities for all of us.

Friday, May 15, 2020

There Comes A Time ...

"There comes a time in your life when you have to choose
to turn the page, write another book or simply close it."
Shannon L. Alder

Awareness is necessary to gauge our constant change.  Is having too much of something or not having enough, punishment or is an aspect of the lesson?  Is the decision or judgment based on sudden perception or life time experiences? How do we know when a cycle requires completion or if a pattern needs enhancement?

Will our vision boards and meticulous planners become too fanciful or too rigid? Will there be a map to indicate the difference between being stuck or location where we need to be? When we take the time to self-evaluate, do we have the integrity to accept our truth?

In our hands, we hold a book of our life.  Decisions must be made regarding both past and future chapters.  Our decision to turn the page not knowing what will be written on the other side, must resonate within us.  We need to be wise enough to know when a book needs to end, and when a new story is ready to unfold.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Stillness in the Storm

"Be still in the storm."
Lailah Gifty Akita

When the storm blows in, I immediately retreat to my safe place which resides within me.  It is my spiritual hide out where I can detach from uncertainty, and the unleashing of the world around me.  I have learned that my limitation of control during chaos is best treated with the my strength of silence.

When debris, emotional or physical,  flies around me,  I become perfectly still and wait for calm to return to me.  Going deeply within, I experience areas of pain, and by continuing to delve into my sensitivities, origins surface.  Acknowledging my triggers, clarity returns adjusting my perspectives.

Once ego and fear are silenced, whispers of wisdom can be heard.  As my spirit becomes aligned my focus rekindles trust and faith.  My inner flame warms my heart and soul as I then feel connected rather than isolated.  Be still, and then I know that I am.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

While We Still Have Breath

"How long will you carry the load of possessions on your head.
When will you realize that nothing, no one belongs to you."
Dada J.P. Vaswani

"Sheltered in place" has certainly impacted everyone across the board.  On the one hand, the result can trigger us to be angry, inconvenienced and/or penalized.  On the other hand, a shift can move us to new perspectives in reference to family values or priorities. There are some doing very poorly without a strong sense of control.  Resentment and judgment flair as the days pass.   

"Sheltered in place" can create great anxiety depending on the family or household dynamics.  Not having a support system can  cause hyper tension and clinical depression.  This staying in place may be glueing us deeper into debt or farther from commitment.

We own nothing; nothing is ours free and clear; and no one specifically belongs to us.  This current unwinding of life is pointing us directly towards faith ... whether it is God, Spirit, Mother Earth, etc... The spiritual creator (whatever name one uses) is the only power over us and it is repeatedly stated that we must request intervention.  Pray people! Pray while we still have breath.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Enduring the Storm

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person
who walked in.  That's what this storm's all about."
Haruki Murakami

Thunderous clouds are swiftly skimming the sky.  They seem so close to the ground, but the severe wind distracts me.  Night will be falling soon, I worry, as the rain goes sideways.  I watch the lightening strike and plainly hear the crack hit a large wooden fence as it is flattened to the ground.

The power goes out enhancing the stored fears that I have been harboring for weeks.  Such a helplessness to watch Mother Nature wreak gushing waters and devastating winds.  Holding my lighted candle, the flame dances for my attention.

As I sit in my favorite chair, wrapping my quilt around me, I am painfully aware of having no control over any part of life.  I turn my heart to those who are acting beyond my comprehension, praying for compassion towards them.  My need to have some layer of understanding is let go, and I simply acquiesce to detach through prayer.

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Shooting Star

"Never grow a wishbone, daughter,
where your backbone ought to be."
Clementine Paddleford

On May 11, 1980, my daughter was born to me ... on Mother's Day no less!  I was confident raising my three sons, but what of this girl I now cradled in my arms?  From day one this infant made an imprint upon my heart and we have been exceptionally bonded ever since.

Over the years, I have observed my daughter thrive creating friendships, relationships, and career.  She is powerful in her ability to use all of her skills and follow through the toughest challenges.  I admire her courage to listen to her heart and follow her gut.  She now passes these qualities down to her son and daughter, stars shining in their own light.

Women have not reached equality as of yet, but they are no longer bound by patriarchal projections.  There are opportunities opening and spaces where insight can be born and explored.  Females no longer  are limited to day dreams, wishing upon a star.  They have a backbone and a creative mind to become a shooting star!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Love Still Abounds

"What's important is that you see yourself,
you understand yourself,
and that you value yourself."
C JoyBell C

Raising four children was extremely important to me.  I yearned to sink deep family roots and to   enhance natural gifts and tendencies.  Each one was very different from the other, but in many respects their bond reflected unity.  Today is my second son's birthday, turning 49 which is difficult to believe.  

It is hard to imagine having the needed skills to raise a child during this point in time.  The fears I managed  so many years ago are nothing as challenging as the fears of today.  Thoughts of the future are so questionable now, how would one instill hope and joy to the little ones for the years to come?

Last night a high powered storm blew through collapsing a neighbor's wooden fence. At the first lull, I watched men come out of surrounding homes to shore up the fence together. The power was out and a chain call rang through homes asking if anyone needed support.  This loving and immediate reaction reassured my heart that love still abounds with respect and honor amongst others.  What we learn about mothers gives us guidance as to treat all peoples as we are all family.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Creative Follow Through

"Be not afraid of going slowly, 
be afraid of only standing still."
Chinese Proverb

When we push forward without one hundred per cent certainty, we often regret the pace of the action.  Even with exceptional ideas, if we move too quickly, all may be lost.  The best foundation is built upon stages where choices are made carefully.

If we move too slowly, we may never advance with our plans.  We may lose our insight and passion which impacts our progression.  It may end it all together.  There is an element of thinking too long about a decision which in itself may be an overall negative decision.

The best option when we are struck by a worthy thought, is to give it consideration with an open mind embracing both negative and positive aspects.  What resonates with in?  What is our gut telling us?  If the indecision drags on, perhaps it is best to let it go allowing ourselves to be open to the next inspiring insight.  Otherwise, creatively follow through.

Friday, May 8, 2020


"When night falls, does it make a sound?"
Marty Rubin

When darkness falls upon me, it is more challenging to find my light.  The shadows are more noticeable which triggers negative thoughts, words, and deeds. A shifting is barely noticeable, yet definitely there. There is no sound when the heavy blackness is lowered, but it skews perceptions. 

When darkness falls upon me, the elevation of the day begins to recede, and the hope and calm I gathered  gently drift away.  Gone are the birds who offer songs.  Faded are the rays once warming my face. The whispering wind is no longer in my space.

I dig down into the core of my being where the flame shines brightest.  I find my way out of the dimness recalling affirmations, prayers, and love for the light.  Night time becomes manageable as rays of light return me to alignment.   

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Whisper of Light

"There is a whisper of light, if you can hear
Louder than sound of darkness you never fear."
Munia Khan

Thirty years ago, I experienced the application of light energy.  As it was guided over my body, everything with in me responded ... body, mind and soul.  I yearned to learn how to offer light to others and over the years repeated the Master process with highly respected forerunners in the Reiki arena.

Additional tools were added to the practice of Reiki, such as tuning forks, drumming, chants, and crystals.  My ability to manipulate light into dark areas became a passion. In a non-aggressive way, I was able to work with like minded people to address relationship, community and global suffering. 

To work with a team is a very powerful experience, but one is never forgetful that we are but vessels with Divine Light passing through us.  The focus entirely is for bringing light into dark places, to assist in the release of trapped energy, and to support the return to wholeness.  Sending light out into the world also helps to balance my own energy aligning my emotions and reducing my fears.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Never Ending Coil

"Self-understanding is a lifetime endeavor.  It is not a
weekend seminar.  It does not come in capsule form."
Vironika Tugaleva

Music Score or an artistic painting might transport us into a new world of thought.  If we choose to research  the musician or the artist, we may also enhance our perception of ways to live.  Life is filled with tools for us to learn through communicated expression, but primarily the importance is of how we are personally impacted.

My thoughts turn to the old time "Slinky" toy made of a head and a tail with coiled wire in between.  The head, often a dog, would journey forward as the coil of wire would stretch as far as it could before it would recoil back to the front pulling the tail to catch up.  This may sound random, but isn't this how we sometimes progress?

Whether we deliberately endeavor to follow our inner path or wantonly wander side roads, at some point, we manage to pull ourselves together.  Unfortunately, what we digest is usually released and replaced by a new stretch of road.  It would seem the inner path coils and is never ending.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Related to Life


"All things appear and disappear because of the
concurrence of causes and conditions.  Nothing
ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation
to everything else."
Siddharta Gautama 

The stars or the moon may not appear at night, buy in our hearts, we know they are there, simply above the clouds.  As the sun disappears into the horizon, we have no fear about it appearing once again in the morning.  We know these things to be true through simple observation and life experience.

This confidence, however, is not equally distributed in the expectations of family, career, political or religious matters.  History reveals a pattern which returns over centuries in spite of increased knowledge or explorations.  Even nature changes courses as tornadoes or hurricanes no matter how well predicted, catch us off guard.

It doesn't require chaos to shift our character, principals and practices.  We may intend to remain the same, but as our body, mind, and spirits develop, we shift.  One can say they are still the same as they were in high school or college, but it is a statement of avoidance or denial.  As we have no control over causes or conditions, change is inevitable. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Hidden in Ordinary Moments

""In life. there are no ordinary moments."
Kathleen Magee

Life is rich with experience or opportunities just waiting for a person to pay attention.  Each moment  is like a verb waiting to be activated.  Enhanced thoughts float through the air hoping to be snatched and expanded.  

A simple dream streams an unfolding story perfect for an author's script.  While driving, a glimpse out of the window captures a second of inspiration to carry a loitering idea into reality.  While standing in a long line, bits and pieces of a conversation are over heard and somehow supplies information we didn't know we had been waiting for.

If our minds are over loaded there is not a lot of room for new thought.  If our minds are stagnant,  stimulating ideas may be too overwhelming to pursue.  It is possible, however, to adjust our perspective to anticipate and embrace the gift hidden in ordinary moments.  There can be a nurturing pause, a glimpse of a bird chasing a butterfly, or a returning memory of a tender moment.  If we find our selves to be sullen, perhaps it is time to explore moments before they pass by!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Relationships and Standards

"Every relationship has its own timeline, its own purpose and
its own lessons to teach.  Even the most difficult relationships exist
to help us learn and grow."
Madisyn Taylor

We have the opportunity to be in relationship with unlimited options reaping signifiant rewards whether we are engaging with humans, pets, nature or objects of passion.  If we avoid our relationship with either individual or collective thoughts, we still impact with outcome.

If we simply ignore a situation or avoid a person, a result is still created.  If one does not keep up with a garden or a pet, there will be a reflection of negligence.  We cannot possibly believe that as we move through life, we are not responsible for the energy we create.

Energy generates various frequencies and vibrations.  We trigger movement and need to be accountable.  It is not about being right or wrong, but accepting the reality of our presence on numerous levels.  Every motion causes an effect and the higher our awareness, the more we will hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Spiritual Food Imperative

"We are discouraged, when we fail to nourish
 the soul with its spiritual food."
Lailah Gifty Akita

We diligently monitor the moods of others surrounding us and ready ourselves to be of help if needed.  Why is it, we do not do the same for our lovely selves?  We can be momentarily aware of our own back sliding, but do not choose to put support in place.

Support for some may be a certain wine or hidden stash of chocolate, but those are temporary indulgences avoiding the heart of the matter.  Increased self-criticism wears away what little confidence we might have remaining, leaving us in darkness.  Spiritual support returns us to alignment.

Tosha Silver has an engaging book entitled, "Change Me".  It is filled with passages articulating the need for spiritual connection without being heavily religious.  I may read one entry or several depending upon the support I need.  Toko-pa-Turner wrote the book of "Belonging" which is a flowing gentle journey of discovery.  It too can be digested a chapter at a time or the completed book generates new beginnings.  There are numerous uplifting resources available.  Reach out and choose one.  Have material in place for when the support is imperative. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day Gestures


"Everything is blooming most recklessly;
if it were voices instead of colors,
there wold be an unbelievable shrieking
into the heart of the night."
Rainer Maria Rilke

There was a time I would run to Good Will or Salvation Army and gather random glasses or cups to be used for  impromptu vases.  Then I would swing by the store for brightly colored batches of flowers.  At home, I would make little "May Baskets".  

In the early morn, I would park a block away from various destinations, then sneak to the porch and ring the doorbell leaving the May flowers as a surprise.  A childhood prank, perhaps, but it gave me a wonderful sense of giving.

As human beings, we need to feel loved or some form of significant connection.  We need to also experience the joy in extending random acts of kindness.  By doing so, we feel better and we set great examples. After all, they say, "Actions speak louder than words!"