Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet Words of Self-Discovery

It took me a long time
not to judge myself
through someone else's eyes.

Sally Field

The concept of life being a competition is foreign to me.  I much prefer to think of life as a celebration of our individual gifts and talents.  Instead of working against each other, I prefer to think of all peoples coming together in a joint effort with eclectic ideas.

In order to come forth to celebrate, we must understand and honor our unique strengths.  We cannot depend upon others to tell us 'who we are' or what work we could or should be doing.  Yes, we all need helpful direction and guidance from time to time, but what is that saying ... "What other people think of me is none of my business." 

Back in the '70's and 80's Neuro Linguistic Programming received positive attention as an approach to psychotherapy.  NLP assisted a person in developing self-awareness and effective communication that would change patterns of mental and emotional behavior.  Much of NLP was about re-framing and I loved it. 

For example, I had never been an athlete nor had I ever been particularly coordinated, but I found myself married into a family of athletes.  Soon I was saying things like, "I am such a klutz," or "I cannot be a jock!"  It became apparent to me, that the more I made those statements, the more inept I became.  So NLP encouraged me to re-frame my statements which I did do with great success.  The idea was to focus on your strength and not your weakness.  My statements became to sound more like, "My strengths are more in writing skills than sports," or "I am rather challenged by tight rope walking."  I quickly learned to use the word challenged for cannot.  It was a matter of reprogramming myself.

We are our own worst enemies.  More than likely, we are more critical of our own self than any one else.  There is no one who knows us better than our selves and yet we readily embrace the judgments of others more deeply than our own personal assessment.  We may say that we love deeply ... others perhaps, but how deeply do we love our selves?

Therapists frequently say, "Love your self!"  Talk about not relating.  Years ago hearing those words were about as helpful as someone saying, "Fly off this cliff!"  Further along my journey, however, I did learn to love my self and there is no greater feeling. 

I am now of the age where if I want to be something in particular, I best be getting on with it.  Instead of saying, "I want to be a writer" it is much more supportive to say, "I am a writer."  It is much more heart felt to say, "I am your friend," instead of "I want to be your friend."

My daughter set an example for me with one of her friends who was being emotionally challenged.  She said to her friend, "How can I love you better?"  Her friend sadly replied, "I don't need anything."  My daughter said, "I didn't ask you what you needed, I asked how I could love you better!"  Her friend 'felt' the sincerity and the depth of the remark and began to smile.  Words are powerful!

Forget about enlightenment.
Sit down wherever you are
And listen to the wind singing through your veins.

John Welwood

In other words, quit searching and be present with your self.  Spirit is the wind singing through you, waiting for you to hear the sweet words of self-discovery.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prison Walls

Take an axe
and break down
the prison walls.


Some of the walls of my prison have been self-imposed by insecurities and small thinking.  Other areas of my prison have been built subtly but deliberately, brick by brick, through deceit to keep me lesser than.

A fire burns within the pit of my stomach, growing so strong that it becomes the ax to break down the walls, turning the old into ash and rubble.  Relinquishing old ways of thinking, truth is born so simply.

New found light shines in the direction I now must go.  With accurate vision  I gather all that I am as a force to actualize creative expression.  Cleansed of old debris, I am ready to embrace new visions and to work in the flow of all there is and all there ever will be.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Having New Eyes

The real voyage of discovery
consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes.

                                   Marcel Proust

My morning routine consists of coffee, reading both Alan Cohen and Mark Nepo, journaling, and yoga, but rarely in the same order.  This morning as I gathered my books to read, I couldn't find my glasses.  I wear them every day, and keep a 'back up' pair by the computer, bedside, and in the car.

This morning, Alan Cohen refers to a woman reading a metaphysical book about physical challenges stemming from inner decisions we make.  "Vision is related to our willingness (or resistance) to see what is happening in our life."  

Mr. Cohen encourages the reader to ask the question, "When I first began to need glasses, what was happening in my life that I did not want to see?"
He shares that "many people began to wear glasses when their parents were getting divorced, or they were feeling abused by family or friends, or they faced a life trauma. I began to wear eyeglasses when I was bullied by several boys in elementary school, and felt unprotected."

I journaled about my first experience wearing not only glasses but a patch on my eye in elementary about hiding and not wanting to see! The doctor said I had a 'lazy' eye.  Although my memory is vague, I believe I wore those red plaid little glasses (still in my possession safely in their case) for less than a year.  They certainly must represent something to me!  When I turned 40 years old, my perfect 20/20 vision diminished and it was only then that I began to use 'readers'.

Alan Cohen states:
"Our physical body is always sending us messages about what it is happening with our spirit.  Just as we shut down on seeing or hearing when we don't want to see or hear what's happening in our physical world, we can restore our health by making a new decision to see and hear through God's eyes and ears."

Over the years, I have read numerous books on the subject of the connectedness between the body, mind and spirit.  If you feel like exploring this area, here are some books, although there are so many others, that would be helpful:

by Norman Vincent Peale

by Joan Borysekno

by Shakti Gawain

by Shakti Gawain

I do believe that I will experiment by wearing my glasses less, exploring God's perfection that surrounds me.  At the very least, I will further my journaling using questions to trigger my memory of the events surrounding my decisions.  I hope you do too!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Opening of a Rose!

Be comforted by the fact that,
even when you blink,
the sun does not stop shining,
the birds do not stop singing,
and the flowers do not stop opening.

by Mark Nepo

It is a lovely morning and I find myself seated in the old white wicker rocker in the back yard.  The sun is out, and there is an ever so gentle breeze that dances across my face.  I have watered my plants and sit journaling trying to be inspired.  The birds are so loudly chirping, I set my pen down as though my attention is mandated for the songfest happening by the feeders.

Sometimes while trying to pay attention, I defeat my purpose.  My focus is too narrow and I miss the bigger picture, such as the birds singing over by the feeder or the beautiful blue sky with floating white clouds.  Taking conscious note of all of these things connects me to life, rather than separating.

I am reminded that just because my eyes may close, my heart may slam shut, and I neglect to be present does not mean that Spirit isn't surrounding me, that magic is not in the making, and that lessons and gifts aren't patiently waiting.  Just because I choose to feel alone, does not mean that I am alone.
It simply means I have permitted my ego to take control rather than allowing Spirit to guide.

There are moments when Spirit spontaneously becomes present in my life, actually startling me.  One day I was sitting in my room allowing my self to feel alone when an old wooden Madonna music box began to play.  It stopped as suddenly as it began, but it reminded me that even though my eyes were closed
it did not mean that love was not surrounding me.

The Universe wants to please us and to support our desires.  So if you are constantly pessimistic, you will be supplied accordingly.  If we wake up thinking we will have a bad day, that's what we will have.

Whether we process life through observing patterns, cycles, or simply catching glimpses of Divine, we must remain steadfast.  Our awareness must be at all times and not just one morning per week or when we happen to think of it.  We must liken our selves to the gentle opening of the rose, readily prepared to pull the sun shine deeply within at any given moment!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Under Construction

In order to please others,
we loose hold on our
life's purpose.

Stoic, AD 55

It is not easy to define your self while you are transitioning through graduation, marriage, divorce, career or spiritual renewal.  Old identities are gently released, but there is a pause before the new identity is securely affixed. 

This time of 'pause' can be very uncomfortable.  Not having a label when mingling in public can be really quite unnerving.  It seems as though no one really respects the value of just being 'you' without a definite description. 

This is the unfortunate part of our society.  It appears that we our selves are more secure if we can place those around us in an appropriate box.  When we can label others, than we know more clearly where we stand.  In this knowing, we assess how comfortable or competitive we must be. 

There is so much more to personal growth, adding to self-definition and security when we can view all people as unique.  Instead of categorizing, we could use that energy to discover the authenticity of the individual standing before us.  Instead of posing the question, "What do you do," we could ask, "What lesson do you bring to me," or "What can I learn from you today?"  

If society could learn to celebrate each other rather than compete with each other, there would be a gathering of eclectic ideas that might just provide a more peaceful and healthy existence.  By embracing diversity, solutions might shift supporting more prosperous outcomes for all instead of for a few. 

So the next time you are experiencing a transition and a by-stander inquires about your status, just say you are "under construction" ...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Too Far To Turn Back ...

Do not let fear tempt you to return to a condition you have outgrown.  You have come too far to turn back now.  Keep moving step by step and day by day, and miracles will meet you to take you to the other side.


The discovery of how to contain fear would be worthy of praise.  Could fear be contained in a jar on the counter or a special wallet attached to a belt or in a wall safe securing fear inside?  How different life would be with the absence of fear.

Fear is not factual, of course.  It is nothing but an emotion to be stepped through, to discover what awaits on the other side.  I knew a woman who visualized a special vacuum with an attached hose that sucked all of the fear out of her home.  The practice of using the imaginary vacuum hose calmed her spirits.  She claimed that the hose would not only remove fear, but would also eliminate disappointments, anxieties, and worries lounging in the air.   hmmmm...if Dyson only knew!

To move forward in life without being hampered by fear, build a foundation combining strengths with dreams.  Focus on desired aspects in life being both thankful and grateful even before arrival.  Recite affirmations throughout the day to balance any negativity.  Tend to the body by using some method of exercise or stretching that releases stress regularly. Support aspirations through reading, researching, and meeting with like minded people.  Be artistic using painting, photography, sketching or journaling. 

When all of these ideas are drawn together, there is very little room for fear of moving forward.  Life remains more balanced and the pathway to a fuller life unfolds, one step at a time.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ho'oponopono Method

The Island of Maui

EXCERPTED FROM the article:
Ho’oponopo: Healing by Restoring Balance
by Alan Cohen

The ho’oponopono method is quite simple, and you can gain its benefits from even a simple understanding of it: The world you see is nothing more or less than the projection of your thoughts about it. No one outside you is doing anything to you, for you, or against you other than what you are doing to yourself. Shift your vision of that person or situation, and the person or situation will shift in accordance with your vision of them or it.

Take the person or situation into mind and heart, and say, for example: “I accept responsibility for creating my experience of you by way of how I have thought about you. I now wish to change my experience by changing the version of you I am holding in my mind. I now choose to see you as loving, wise, healthy, and kind. I recognize your higher, better, and whole self. I see this situation as working out to everyone’s well being and benefit.”

The words you use are less important than the intention you hold. When you accept one hundred percent responsibility for setting the situation up as it has been, you gain one hundred percent of the power to create an outcome that works for you and everyone involved. It’s as simple as that. As Dr. Hew Len said in his lecture, “I wish I could make it more complicated. But that’s just how simple it is.”

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


All the tragedy in the world,
in the individual and in the
multitude, comes from lack
of harmony.  And harmony
is best given by producing
harmony in one's own life.


So many scenarios come to mind when viewing the word harmony.  I can hear a Bartender Quartet in perfect harmony or a church choir.   I can view the harmony of hues in a painting or the sun setting in the sky.  While walking, there is a harmony communing with nature ... the birds, the trees, the flowers, and the wind.  Chicken and noodles, fresh baked bread, and pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting bring sensations of harmony as I breathe in my kitchen.  And let's not forget the taste of the perfect harmony of spices in the best chili ever!

Friendships have harmony as well although they may ebb and flow.  Most lessons are learned through relationships, so there must be challenges experienced within the harmony.  Communication, boundaries, respect and compatability all figure in while creating a balance for meeting the needs of all folks involved.  So then that would mean compromise, give and take, sharing, and speaking truth.  There seems to be a lot of opportunity for discord while maintaining harmony in relationship!

Perhaps we could best establish harmony in any individual relationship just as we find harmony in a sunset.  Maybe if we sat still and observed the other person, noticing the light shining from them, seeing the gracefulness in behavior, reserving judgment, and by being still and present, we could develop harmony. 

It is best to develop harmony within our self, so we can better see harmony in all that surrounds us.  When we carry peace and calm within us, we actually bring it out into the world for others to experience.  If we could all establish a personal balance with peace and calm, communities could come together and begin to harmonize.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To Be A Warrior

To be a warrior is to learn
to be genuine in
every moment
of your life.


When ego leads, I have only my self to depend upon.  I grow fearful recalling all of my errors from the past and become overwhelmed trying to project into the future.

When I bring awareness to all of the Spiritual support surrounding me, I do not feel alone.  I am more inclined to stand in the present, opening my heart to the experiences that are brought to me. 

Recognizing the sacred in all people, I observe acts of kindness.  Embracing all challenges with an open heart,  I see a greater picture that entails lessons for all, and not just me.  When I truly listen through my open heart, I can hear guidance from all that surrounds me.

Being a Spiritual Warrior is not about physical strength.
It is about courage and bravery to be fully your self.
A Spiritual Warrior is connected and respects all of God's creations.
Wisdom, miracles, compassion and an open heart are your tools.
There is no sword.

You are invited to grow fully into your true self!
Become a Spiritual Warrior!
On your mark, get set, go!

Monday, August 22, 2011

You Don't Know ...

I have no special talents.
I am only passionately curious.

Albert Einstein

You don't know ... how you touch the lives of others whether intentionally or unintentionally.  When you snip a small bouquet of flowers from your garden as a last minute act before you depart for a friendly visit, the gesture remains in the friend's thoughts for days afterwards, long after you have forgotten.  When you gently smile and tell the elderly woman how lovely she looks in the color she has chosen for the day, she beams with the recognition, shining her joy throughout the day, long after you have forgotten.

You don't know ... how special your gifts are even if you use them every day.  We all have been gifted with a special talent, but we seem to minimize it and take it for granted.  Extending a compliment on a personal gift, such as gardening or floral arrangements, the person usually responds by saying something like, "Oh, anyone can do this!" 

You don't know ... how important your contributions are until many years have passed.  Albert Einstein humbly says of himself, "I have no special talents.  I am only passionately curious," even though he was a recipient of a Nobel Prize in Physics,  credited with the Theory of Relativity, and created the basis for Quantum Physics.  He developed the formula that eventually led to the Atom Bomb, but he was clearly opposed to that discovery.  He also worked with another researcher in discovering the refrigerator.  It is also notable that he created a mental image of the Universe and used it as a basis for his theories.  Many of his ideas stemmed from fantasies and dreams.  What would have happened to Albert Einstein if he had simply given up when he initially could not find a job as a teacher?   

You don't know ... where your life can lead if you maintain the courage to see your dreams through; if you pay attention to the guidance within;  if you sustain desires with the support of friends, relatives, and co-workers; and if you carry courage in your heart rather than fear.

God has blessed each individual with a unique gift or talent.  For many of us, our gifts and talents will be blended into the nature of our being  ... character, honesty, integrity, and creativity ... rather than a brilliant discovery.  Either way, we will have to account for what we accomplished with those gifts and talents. 

Do you have an incomplete list of dreams that went unrealized or simply faded with time?  Have you simply never become all that you wanted to be?  With courage, simply begin again, so that you can joyfully account for the passion in your heart and where it led you throughout your years!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hiding Stories ...

The Healing Began

feeling dirty, ashamed and damaged,
she hid her story.
not knowing that the woman
next to her
also hid hers.
and the next woman,
and the next.
finally someone whispered the truth.
and their eyes met,
and their tears came,
their heads nodded softly,
and their arms reached out.
holding each other gently,
telling their stories,
the healing began.

terri st. cloud

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Beautiful Summer Morning

Nature poets cannot walk
across the backyard
without tripping over
an epiphany.

Christian Winman

Years ago, I gave my old white wicker rocker to my daughter.  Both of us had spent countless hours in the chair, reading, day dreaming, and contemplating.  So I easily find comfort in sitting on its soft cushion once again. 

It is a beautiful summer morning, cool and comfortable although I know the temperatures will eventually soar.  My eyes drift over the flowers in this lovely backyard realizing how desperately the ivy needs to be trimmed.  I listen to the birds chirping away at the feeders, perhaps planning their day.  I ignore the busy squirrels modeling way too much energy.

There is no sense that I need to write or be inspired.  To just sit in this little patch of nature calms my 'monkey brain'.  I feel connected to all that is  alive and growing.  All that surrounds me reflects the patterns and the cycles that life seems to follow.

Just this morning, I was reading a message about watching a stone gently tossed into a pool of water.   The writing mentioned how some ripples in the water represented the past while others reflected the future.  We must be steadfast as the stone sinks to the bottom, waiting for life to enter.  To be still in the present ... not chasing here nor yonder ...  allowing life to enter into the deeper parts of self.

I am now better prepared for my day, filled with a rainbow of colors from the flowers, and a sense of strength from the trees.  The birds have placed a song in my heart and my 'monkey brain' has been lulled by the motion of the gentle breeze.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Honoring the Angels

 Help me to respect children
as whole and wise beings.
Through them I will remember
my own innocence.

Alan Cohen

Excerpt from A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE by Alan Cohen:

When a child is born in Bali, its feet are not allowed to touch the earth for the first 105 days of life.  The Balinese regard their children as angels from heaven, and they do not want them to be shocked by contact with the heaviness of the world.  Every Balinese child is constantly held until almost four months of age.  Then, a colorful ceremony is held at which the child's feet are placed upon the earth, with prayers and blessings.

In our culture, we need to remember to honor our children as spiritual beings.  We all come from heaven, and the transition to earth is not easy for anyone.  We must give our children the opportunity to retain their spiritual identity for as long as possible.

Many children are extremely psychic and spiritual, as you may have been.  They voice the wisdom of old and wise souls; some report memories of past lives, talk to invisible friends, play with nature spirits, have premonitions, and recount contact with departed relatives.  Many are quite sensitive to the energies in their environment, feeling touched and healed by loving people and events, and jarred by violence in thought or deed.

We must give our children the best possible atmosphere in which to start their journey.  Let them be spiritual beings for as long as they choose; do not force them to trade their heritage for our cultural idea of education.  The best gift we can give our children is to draw forth that which they already are. 

 (All above content from A BREATH OF LIFE by Alan Cohen)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Utilizing Discernment ...

Wisdom is your perspective on life,
your sense of balance,
your understanding
of how various parts and principles
apply and relate to the other.

Stephen R. Covey

In any pursuit of truth, the heart as well as the mind is open.  In hopes of mind expansion, the seeker explores information that is new and challenging.  While personal boundaries of the belief system may be yielding, the explorer heeds what information resonates and which information does not seem to apply.

While exploring Esoteric Philosophies years ago, I always sensed an element of fear fluttering about me.  I didn't want to be misled or delve into Ancient Scripts that would consume me. 

Only if we grant power to something
can it have power over us.

Jean Gebser

I readily learned to set fear aside and trust my intuition.  Exploring what resonated within me led to discoveries that enhanced and expanded my spiritual awareness.  Many concepts required me to sit and ponder or hold the thoughts carefully in my mind before I could decide whether or not to embrace or reject them. 

It was interesting that information being termed "New Age" was really rooted in belief systems dating back to the 16th and 18th Centuries B.C. 
I followed a path leading through Ancient Greek, Esoteric Philosophies, Paganism, Archetypes, Monotheism, Essene Traditions, Indigenous Shamanism, and Native American Spirit Worlds.  Later, I explored information about yogis from India, Tibetan Buddhism, and other Asian or Eastern practices. 

This morning, I came across the suggestion to sit with an imaginary box next to me while exploring spiritual traditions.   When coming across information that does not blend with a personal belief system, the information can be discarded into the box.  Just because I read something doesn't require it to be permanently recorded nor does it mean that all exploration needs to be diverted.  

It has always been important for me to seek and explore many cultures as I want to make an educated decision before I discard one thing or another.  I want to embrace diversity in order to stretch and grow.  The key is utilizing discernment.

In this place in time, my spiritual journey leads inward carrying the knowledge that has been gathered from my readings, writings, and experiences.  I always select what resonates within me, but this does not necessarily mean that what I share should be embraced by others without discernment.

We are all spiritual individuals learning in our own way and in our own time.  It is through our life challenges and lessons that we find our way, build our strength, and expand our awareness ... all by utilizing discernment!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Recluse in the Sky

They say that God is everywhere
and yet we always think of him
as somewhat of a recluse.

Emily Dickenson

No longer do I think of God as a man like a great grandfather up in the sky nor do I think of God exclusively as a woman.   I do not feel the need to use only one particular word or to hold just one image for the description of the Divine for it is in all things. 

It matters not to me what term you use to hold God near and dear ... Allah, Yahweh, Great Spirit, Universe, etc...  Many years ago, I personally felt that the term God as well as the term christian had been mis-used and differing definitions had been applied.  So I tended to use the word Spirit which encompassed the Divine in all things.  I also described myself as spiritual as it did not feel quite as confining.  Religion felt like a noun, something secured in one place like a church; whereas Spirituality felt like a verb that could be moved in and out of a variety of situations.  I longed to be a verb, to be used by God/Spirit.

In my heart, I see Spirit in all things and all people and therefore try to respect everything and everyone.  I sense the presence of all that is holy when I am in the midst of nature feeling totally accepted and embraced.  I see the spark of Divine in each face presented before me.  I search to find the message that each person brings.  When people are gathered together, I truly listen to hear the lessons that are presented through the many dialogues.

If I find God or Spirit in all things, I must move through life a little more slowly and be much more careful while assessing people or situations.  By slowing my self down, it is easier to catch sight of Divine presence and to witness the magic in life. 

Life becomes more meaningful when Spirit is found to be in all things, taking on many forms, shapes, and identities.  God can be seen and or felt in an animal, a flower, a goddess, a painting or a book.  God can be all things, but for me Divine is a verb reverently working through all of us and all situations. 

We just need to be aware that God is not just some recluse sitting up in the sky! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Way of Speaking ...

Maybe that's why
I want to touch people so often --
it's only another way of talking.

Georgia O'Keeffe

While experiencing the lessons of life there are a multitude of emotional stages.  There are instances when we try to talk our way around the problem or sit in denial.  Other times we may be harsh and aggressive or accusing and judgmental.  When tired of talking and losing sight of healthy options, we may withdraw into isolation dissolving into tears and exhaustion.

By sitting in silence the shell of protection grows stronger around us encircling our spirit with sadness and loss.  Asking for help seems impossible as we fear yet another rejection.  It is difficult to admit we have needs so we remain stuck within our shell.

Then the miracle happens!  A friend or stranger steps forward and wraps our wounded self safely into her or his arms.  This simple gesture of communication breaks through our defenses and the pent up emotions are released.  Once again we can feel as though we have returned to a place of love or comfort where we can begin to feel worthy and accepted.

A hug is such a simple gesture and yet it silently speaks a world of healing words.  It is a form of communication without any language barrier that everyone can embrace and understand whether giving or receiving.

So when we, as loving human beings, have the sense that we are ill prepared to find the perfect words to assist a friend in need, remember the hug.  It is frequently more potent than well intentioned phrases, and it melts down the self-imposed isolation.  It is a language we are all capable of speaking!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Looking through the Window ...

Written by a fourth grader
Cameron Penny
Detroit, Michigan

If you are lucky in this life,
a window will appear between
two armies on a battlefield.
Instead of seeing their enemies
in the window,
the soldiers see themselves as children.
They stop fighting
and go home and sleep.
When they wake up,
the land is well again.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Overcoming Challenge ...

Keep your faith in beautiful things;
in the sun when it is hidden,
in the Spring when it is gone.

Roy R. Gibson

In his book, A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE, Alan Cohen discusses how to turn an unfortunate
situation into a tool to be used for better opportunity.  He states, "Consider the possibility that even though someone may seem to mean an act for evil, God means it for good."

Alan Cohen reminds us of the biblical story of Joseph, the favored son, who was left in a desert to die by his jealous brothers.  A caravan rescues Joseph and brings him to Egypt where he becomes a spiritual advisor to the Pharaoh.

As the story unfolds, the brothers are thrown at the mercy of their successful brother begging for forgiveness.  Joseph replied, "Not necessary.  You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."  If he had remained at home with his family, he too would be begging as a result of the famine.

"When life hands us challenges or abuses," writes Alan Cohen, "it may actually be moving us into a position where we gain greater good than if the incidents had not happened."

During a presentation at a seminar, I asked participants to draw a line horizontally across a piece of paper.  Then I requested lines to be drawn down from that line like diagramming a sentence.  On these lines hanging down from the original line, the audience was instructed to record difficult challenges in their life. 

When completed, they were asked to draw lines upwards or vertically from the original line for recording the happy events in their life. 

The last instruction was to review the incidents both above and below the line.   Then a star was to be placed by every event that became a turning point or a dramatic change in life.

It was always interesting to discover the majority of stars were recorded beneath the line amongst the challenges.  We tend to learn more through challenges than through happy events.

Mr. Cohen reports, "In a Gallup Poll, 87 percent of those questioned stated that their most challenging experiences turned out to be among the most helpful."

So consider, if you will, the challenge you are facing ... whether it be not getting in the college of your choice, or not being offered the job of your choosing, or breaking an engagement, or forced into retirement ... might be a stepping stone to something much more rewarding.  Perhaps, only in hindsight will the benefit stand out clearly. 

Discover how to shift your misfortune into an opportunity that will enrich your life.  You must do your part.   

Alan Cohen's prayer for the day:

     "I pray to use Your vision today.  Remove
     any sense of smallness and victimization
     from my heart, and help me make my
     experiences work on my behalf."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

a dot ...

I did at that moment
believe the world around me
to be unreal.
I felt myself as a very fine,
still point,
a dot without dimension.

Gaspara Stampa
ideas of heaven
by Joan Silber

         There are times I feel this way, to be a dot without dimension. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Visionaries and Intuition ...

And it seemed in the sixth year, after
I had been troubled for five years with
marvelous and true visions.  In these
visions a true view of the everlasting
light had shown me - a totally
uneducated human being - the
diversity of many ways of life ... I
trembled over my whole body and
began to feel ill because of my bodily
weakness.  For seven years I wrote
about this vision but could scarcely
complete the task ... I saw under
(the influence of) heavenly mysteries
while my body was fully awake and
while I was in my right mind.  I saw it
with the inner eye of my spirit and
grasped it with my inner ear ...
And once again I heard a voice from
heaven instructing me.  And it said,
"Write down what I tell you!"

Hildegard Von Bingen
Medieval German prophet, healer, composer
1098 - 1179

In reading Greek Mythology or viewing the movie BURN TIME (persecution of witches), it is no wonder why women are hesitant to express their intuitive nature.  There is the fear of not being believed or greater yet, the fear of being labeled mentally ill.  Highly intuitive women tend to be more introverted or private and have no inclination to take on the accusations of more aggressive or judgmental people.  Women who are highly perceptive frequently experience rejection, betrayal or constant misunderstanding.

A visionary unconsciously receives information through dreams, images, inner voices, and bodily sensations which can inspire ecstasy. The visionary can bring peace, calm, and balance to a surrounding, but unfortunately, those who are present or witness may become threatened.  Joan of Arc was a visionary who became a scapegoat even though she brought hope to a culture.  She became an icon and symbol of salvation.

Intuition is a quality that we all have.  Some people can develop this quality to a very high level; whereas others may have flashes of insight from time to time.  People who live a fast pace life with very little time for solitude or meditation may not be aware of intuition.  Those who live perhaps a more private life, experiencing solitude and meditation might be more apt to delve more deeply into personal intuition.  Visions frequently will be triggered by a near death experience, car accident, abuse or some other form of trauma. 

Intuition is very present in children, but they are usually talked out of their 'wild imaginations' and too soon begin to disregard their visions and insights.  They learn to doubt what they see and know, not willing to risk being humiliated by family and friends. 

We are all intuitive and the more we honor and respect this quality, the stronger it can become.  Be aware of when you just 'feel' you should check on a child or a parent.  Pay attention when you feel 'nudged' to go a different route home.  When you have the 'sense' that you should reach out to a friend at this very moment, follow through. 

"Trust your gut" is another way of saying you need to pay attention to  intuition.  I read that you should value gut instincts as they have not yet had time to reach your brain and talk you out of the information! Sometimes what we learn through intuition is pretty minor, but as you learn to trust and build this ability, wisdom is often imparted.

There are those, of course, who would tell you that intuition is the work of the devil.  I find this attitude/judgment difficult to understand as religions as well as the bible are filled with God's people receiving intuition and visions.  Many of us being raised with strong religious influence may still carry this 'fear' about intuition inside of us without realizing that fear has been used as a form of control ... well, forever.

In a much broader sense, I view intuition as communication between myself and Divine.  I think of answers to prayers coming through intuition, just as I feel intuition connects us through nature to all that is Divine.  Intuition is an awareness of Spirit/God or a connection or communication with higher knowledge that simply is not provided on this earthly plain.

I encourage you to become aware of the gift of intuition.  Learn to value and appreciate this human quality.  Use it with honor and responsibility, enjoying your 'ahh ha' moments!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Criticism and Compliments ...

When a man spends his time
giving his wife criticism and advice
instead of compliments,
he forgets that it was not his good judgment,
but his charming manners that
won her heart.

Helen Rowland

Why are we so critical of those whom we love dearly, or particularly judgmental to our self?  The terrible mind-chatter that is endlessly repeated in our heads can be extremely destructive and demeaning.

When we become aware of a negative conversation running non-stop  in our mind, stop and ask, "Would I talk this way to a friend?"  Probably not, so why are we saying these mean things to our self?  And why are we believing them?

I can take criticisms
but not compliments.

James Taylor

I frequently find my self rushing through a compliment, but acting the opposite during criticism.  Upon receiving negative assessments of my self, I might even extend and expand the conversation.   This is self-sabotage at its best.

Four female friends can meet for a social lunch lingering over food for hours.  The conversations can be very random and peppered by endless compliments, and maybe just one small careless remark.   When the lunch has ended, each woman walks away remembering the one negative comment while the multitude of compliments are long forgotten. 

While making presentations at spiritual gatherings, I would frequently ask women in attendance to number a paper from one to twenty.  Then I would request them to jot down their negative qualities or weaknesses.  Words would fly out of their pens, quickly filling in the blanks and sometimes even adding more.  Next, I would ask them to  once again number from one to twenty down the page.  This time, however, they were to list their good points or the positive qualities that they recognized within themselves.  Perhaps three might be listed before pens would pause gripped in the hands across the room.  Women would be challenged to complete their list of positive attributes;  whereas, their list of negatives overflowed.   What does this say about our personal belief system?

During one of my many reads, there was a suggestion as to how to handle criticism.  The article said to truly be open and listen carefully to the comments.  Then take a few minutes to evaluate if any of the remarks resonate inside of you.  What does not honestly apply, let go of immediately.  What may have some truth to it, graciously accept and become determined to improve. 

There was a time in my life when in any situation receiving service, if the person providing the service had a negative attitude, I would respond with the same level of negativity.  Eventually, I learned to not take others behaviors quite so personally.   So if a person providing service presents in a very negative manner, I am much more apt to recognize that they are having a bad day and it has nothing to do with me.  It is easier, then, to reply in kindness.  I don't know how many times I have said, "Boy! Sounds like you are really having a bad day!"  Immediately, you can observe a shift in their attitude as well as their body language.  Just acknowledging their apparent frustration, releases some stress.

My Reiki friend Joyce always ends her emails with this wise reminder:

 Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle.