Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Profound Collaboration

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees
on a summer's day, listening to murmur of the water, or watching
the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."
John Lubbock

It is not unusual to walk barefooted through the grass, at least for me. There is some form of pleasure, a tickling of sorts. Even if I stand perfectly still, some motion of cleansing transpires between my toes.

So when time is made to lie down in the grass, I am easily transported out of my worry and fear. My fingers find joy stroking each tender blade of grass. The firm support felt beneath my body, relaxes muscles and firms my soul. 

It is profound to experience the collaboration between the earth, body and sky. The eyes wander through individual tree branches, while the ears devoutly listen to the sweet sounds floating in the wind. The silent messages seemingly arrive from nowhere.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

End of Your Rope ...


"When you come to the end of your rope,
tie a knot and hang on."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

When darkness heavily falls, believe you are just that much closer to reprieve. Just a little longer, and you will turn the corner, see the light, and overcome this thing named fear. No matter the depth, hang on, as resurrection is near.

In spite of not seeing a light at the end of this suffocating tunnel, each step projects you closer to both an ending and a new beginning. Seemingly out of nowhere, you will experience a surge of power right at the cusp of giving up.

Tie a knot at the end of your rope and be determined, not stubborn, to find new understanding. Swing on that rope, being flexible and open to new solutions. See with new eyes that which is directly in front of you. Do not give up, persevere. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Crushing Blow

"Gone, But Not Forgotten"
Phillip Margolin

During Shamanic Breathwork, I spiraled back through battlefields of war. Each segment was of a different time period, and yet the battlefields were the same ... the unnecessary death of men. I wept for the destruction of the human spirit and the senselessness of violence.

I am of the Viet Nam era, (never protested nor marched), and experienced the loss of young men I had called tender hearted friends. It all seemed so senseless to me.  The real horror was how these very soldiers returned home to be unrecognized and often disgraced.

War is the crushing blow to the human spirit.  There are humans on both sides of every  coin. We are all reacting to how we have been treated and no one 'wins' until we find loving words  of resolution meeting everyone with honor and dignity.


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Traveling Companions

"We may need to stop and ask ourselves which inner companions 
we are traveling with and if they are true allies or just dead weight, 
representatives of the old way."
Toko-pa Turner

Even when we keep our feet grounded and chakras aligned, the illumination within our heart may flicker. We may be soaring along in one moment and then find ourselves floundering in the next. 

The space between our healing layers may be filled with deprecating voices and out dated memories of mishaps. With compassion, we need to take out the trash, releasing family shame or societal inadequacies.  

We can choose to be fueled by acceptance, forgiveness, and recognition. By acknowledging what no longer serves us, we make room for a healthier support system. What is beneath our feet and what we hold dear above, needs to be connected with positive energy.  

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Louder Than Words


"Your energy introduces you before you even speak."
Honey Child 

There is an old saying about how impressions speak louder than words and this tends to be true. Certainly you can recall being drawn to someone prior to exchanging greetings. On the other end of the spectrum, you may have been repelled by a presence.

As everyone is made out of energy, it stands to reason you experience vibrations. Just think of joy which can expand a sense of happiness ... uplifting and free.  Now think of personal pain which triggers grieving ... heaviness and isolation.

When you experience someone else's energy, it can be an indicator of his or her personality, a current mood, or an intention which helps us adjust our boundaries.The same is true for you. Your vibes precede the spoken word. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Lingering No More ...

"Daughter, do not linger where you are.
Take up your needle and your thread,
and go see to the mending."
Lisa Wingate

As we move through life, we have choice as to what we will nurture and grow. Input from valued individuals help to guide us, but these opinions must never over ride the truth residing within our hearts.

Life is filled with obstacles not meaning to cause us to falter. They are meant to nudge us towards higher intention. Forward movement, when using a cadence perfect for learning and adapting, becomes imperative in order to avoid being distracted or stuck.

We move forward by reviewing gathered wisdom and welcoming the unknown. It is when we pick up the needle and thread, mending what has been torn apart that we begin to make  a tapestry out of our life. Proceed, lingering no more.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ignoring Consequences ...


"It is hard to imagine the scope of an individual life
without envisioning some kind of trauma, and it is
hard for most people to know what to do about it."
Mark Epstein 

There is dysfunction in every family, laced with imperfect characters, and traumatic incidents. Too often we have tried to simply 'suck it up' and proceed, ignoring consequential damage. We try to 'rise above' our embedded pain, but in time memories surface.

Most people equate trauma with war heroes or catastrophe survivors, when actually, each one of us has experienced some level of emotional damage. These incidents heal only when given appropriate attention and release.

Suppressing is more painful than gathering courage to face historic disruption. Great freedom is experienced by admitting abuse and allowing appropriate grieving. Our past is unveiled through journaling, energy work or counseling. Be gentle and brave, as it is time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Going Astray ...

"Knowing others is wisdom.
Knowing yourself is enlightenment."
Lao Tzu

Longing for wisdom to nourish my body, mind, and spirit, I continuously find myself exploring ancient scribes, spiritual masters, and eclectic wordsmiths. It is not a matter of selecting only those who align with my thought, as I need the challenge of diversity.

New information is slowly processed as often the pertinence is hidden.  There is a need to allow messages to unfold rather than being dismissed. Even when I do not agree, the information has helped to understand the spirit within me.

Accumulating new insight is never enough. I must be able to both learn and apply what is gathered so that I may live by my word. This calling has never led me awry. Granted, there are times I may feel lost, but deep inside I have not gone astray.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023



"Recognize that everyone is playing their own roles
perfectly right now to get you to that 
higher level of consciousness."
Daniel Scranton

There are times we may feel hollow inside, a sense of lack or looming disconnection. Do not fear this as it is an opening to provide space for release and fulfillment. We need to bring personal choice to the forefront, allowing others to find their own way.

If we do not choose to feed our soul on a regular basis, we grow hungry. Without creative input, we begin to starve.  Whether this is about affection, skill or production, the absence of action leads to depravation. Dependency on others does not meet our individual need.

Release resistance and embrace snippets of possibility. In the smallest moment, what can be done to heighten awareness? Repetition of small things like music, momentary dance steps, quick breaths of fresh air, all sustain balance. Glance up to the sky and the heart will follow.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Compassionate Courage

Many want to hang on to their sorrow for it is the last 
that remains in the tapestry of love that once lived."
Mitch Davidowitz

Relationships regrettably end too often without closure.  We may hold space hoping our companions will return and adjustments can breathe life into new beginnings. Existing loneliness may tempt us to return to less than desirable circumstances.

It is imperative to acknowledge our loss and whatever negative part we may have played, but without shame or sense of failure. Our compassionate self-talk eases us into forward movement. We gather insight and courage from these lessons learned through loss.

Healing is a process needing quietude, but there is much to be said for the silent presence of one whom we trust. With gentle acceptance, new vision begins to peak through the darkness and invite us to join life fully once again.


Sunday, May 21, 2023

From the Horse's Mouth!

"When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you 
in every situation, you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval."
Shannon L. Alder

The conversation you have with yourself is one of the most important exchanges within your day. Listening to the voice within, you learn of your heart's desire, how it can be obtained, and what road best meets your needs.

If you miss getting flowers, go out and buy some!  While you are at it, if you crave chocolate, grab some of that as well. If you miss dining out, treat yourself to a meal at your favorite restaurant. When your soul needs feeding, attend a spiritual gathering.

You can be your best companion.  As you take the time to  tune in to your own needs with compassion, you have improved insight. Do not wait for a knight in shinning armor or the winning of a lottery ticket. You are here by granted permission to be fully you, now go!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Facing The Challenge Before You

"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, 
and the less the artist does, the better."
Andre Gide

Obstacles presenting before us do not have to be a negative experience. Problems are an opportunity to reevaluate and assess the boundaries presenting in front of us. It is a time to bring clarity to where we want to explore, at what pace, and at what cost.

Lean in to creative measures, out-of-the-box scenarios, and unexpected presentations. Sit in silence with the Divine, posing insecurities and requesting fresh insights. When we quiet the mind, while dropping imposed expectations, we sit with a fresh pallet awaiting design.

Visualize challenge as not happening to you, but rather for you. Facing a disruption allows us to reclaim our power and realign with our chosen purpose. The task before us may not be comfortable, but choosing a new approach will bring us closer to fulfillment and joy. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Did You Hear That?

"There are times coming when you'll be able to increase
 the amount of spirituality that you carry in your own body."
Steve Rother

Listen carefully and you will hear a magical sound profoundly subtle, but all encompassing. It is the sound of your heart opening, no longer clenched into a tight knot of self-protection. You are experiencing a willingness to give authentic connection another chance.

This renewal allows you to bring more of your true nature into every waking moment of the day. With the eyes, you can scan the beauty that is ever so present before you. As you hear the sounds of nature or uplifting chords of music, your heart overflows with radiant energy.

As your heart swells with loving kindness, this energy is projected out into the space around you. Others begin to feel your compassionate nature and respond with gentle smiles and simple nods of the head. No longer are you limited to forced conversation.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Impact Energy Levels

"Reiki is the higher self's connection to the universal energy 
that breathes life into all living things. We are all born with the 
omniscient wisdom to heal and preserve life."
Garry Malone

The life force within each of us can be utilized to establish balance, strengthen immunity and enhance spiritual growth. This energy when freely flowing through us, dislodges emotional buildup allowing us to feel more vibrant. 

When we are aware of our life force, we can use it to improve our emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Like electricity, our energy stimulates our connection with the self as well as with others, creating an uplifting and harmonious life experience.

Learning the technique of manipulating life force is called Reiki which is a Japanese term. Receiving Reiki opens us to diverse ways to shift personal energy and to transform various aspects of our lives. Visualizing it as light, energy empowers, heals, and transforms. 

***For more information, contact me:
Virginia's Voice Facebook Messenger
(Reiki Master for over 30 years)



Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Recognizing Pure Form

"Life is meant to be lived as you ... not a copy, not what someone
or life has made you. The world needs you in your purest form.
You need you in your purest form."
Florence Witt 

When I look through my mind's eye, there is illusion and when I project myself through my personality, there is distortion. If I choose to experience life as a soul, love abounds. When navigating from the heart, there is increased radiance and beauty.

The steps I take on my pathway are peaceful, overshadowing the chaos seemingly everywhere. Slowing down, life is caressed by incidental wonderment ... the setting sun, the fragrance of flowers, and the sounds of small creatures.

What I invite into my life is carefully chosen.  Relinquishing control becomes easier, allowing energy to be used in creative ways. I may not be able to impact the greater good, but I am blessed to simply be good. 


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Beauty, Not Strife

"Imagine it is possible to shift your focus 
back to what you love."
Sheila Reynolds

Maintain a positive scenario of how you want your life to look. Will you decorate inner landscapes with flowers, streams, and trees or will you choose the ocean with a sandy beach? Envision desired scenarios filled with endless possibilities and magical surprises. 

It is impossible to avoid mishaps, but when you have established a mental picture of peace, it is readily available when challenges arise. Shifting perspectives to be seen through beauty rather than strife, you remain steadfast and healthy.

Introduce tender renderings into your heart that are associated with happiness and joy. Choose relationships and activities supporting your dreams. A creative mental awareness  soothes your soul and silently leads towards bliss.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Lucrative Extensions

"The more you expand your consciousness, the more
radiant and clear you become, the more you can offer."
Sanaya Roman

Spiritual growth enhances our intimate life and our illuminated strength impacts the lives of others.  The stronger our Divine or Universal connection, the greater the impact upon the world. Leaning into our authentic self stimulates purpose with clarification.

Pure intentions surface, accompanied by new thought patterns and possibilities. Remaining in each moment, we begin to experience an empowerment that escorts us out into life itself. When we are aligned with spirit, moving forward is powered by wisdom.

Perhaps we cannot stop climate change or eliminate poverty, but we can lucratively extend a helping hand or tender smiles to those we encounter. The radiance we carry inside vibrates outwards, lifting the spirits of others. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

We are all Daughters of One Mother ...


"For we are each one, after all, 
all Daughters of the One Mother."
Arlene Bailey

We certainly are a daughter to a daughter, who is also a daughter. The chain is expansive and we are all connected from the very beginning to one mother. No matter what story we have heard, there is no separation, unless we choose to believe it. 

Diversity needs to be supported without criticism. Competition becomes unnecessary if we respect each other's unique strengths. Facing each other with curiosity eliminates the urge for discord allowing sisters to genuinely embrace. 

Join with other daughters as they travel to unknown destinations, uncertain as to how the present needs to unfold. Look upon each other with acceptance and wonderment. Gaze into each others eyes with love and acceptance streaming from the beginning of time.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Authentic Essence


"Awakening to one's true nature as pure consciousness 
marks the beginning of a profound healing 
and integration process."
Louise Kay

When the heart is wounded and the mind distorted, we begin to consider the possibility of change. As the belly is churning with discontent, we initiate an inventory as to who we have become and how we can return to our core being.

Our mind is filled with resentment and loss while we groom our personality to meet the expectations of our outer world. Conversely, true healing begins when we journey back into our souls.  We are not our thoughts, nor are we a projected persona.

The calm we seek is within our heart. When we begin to ask what we are feeling, rather than focusing on doing, we begin the road to recovery.  It is when we claim our authentic essence that our life begins to fill with beauty and grace.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Quest for Fulfillment


"Everyone and everything around you is your teacher."
Ken Keyes, Jr.

We choose to project an image of our lovely selves which often is not in alignment with our true nature. Our energy is invested in who we want to be rather than who we truly are.  How we navigate from our heart, determines how we use knowledge received. 

We may fill our minds with information, but if it is not supported by our values, we will not be satisfied. As we reach to qualify for someone else's agenda, we will not experience fulfillment. Our authentic desires must be nurtured, not buried.

This is not to say we aught not be driven towards a goal.  The basis of harmonious living is declaring what is our unique heart's desires, and moving in that direction. Understand the self and feed the soul. Chart a course and be amazed by what follows!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The World Behind The World

"The old cultures used to be in constant conversation with the 
world behind this world, through the sacred practices of 
storytelling, dreaming, ceremony, and song."
Toko-pa Turner

As loneliness settles in, we have choice to turn to personal communication with the 'other side' or fall into depths of despair. The simple gesture of reaching out through prayer or meditation, instantly lessens feelings of isolation.

We are caught in our minds, dwelling on competition, materialism, and status quo. It is when we turn to our true nature of simply being present with peace and opening safe passages with other realms, that the gap is filled.

Through intuition and spiritual awareness, we reclaim our authentic selves. We begin to focus on what is most important to us: values, insights, and intended purpose. Our hearts fill with loving kindness which attracts inspiration, mystery, and intervention with beauty.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Challenged to Understand

"When in doubt, be kind. It doesn't cost anything to be kind."
Joelle Rose Szlosek

It is challenging to understand why people act in certain ways.When there is negative behavior, we wonder what we personally did to activate such a response, rather than holding the person accountable.

Our effort to blame ourselves gives us the false assumption that we can control the upsetting situation. It is best to accept we will never totally understand why anybody chooses to do anything. The best response is kindness.

If someone we love is floundering, they surely do not need our judgment. They will redirect their actions when they acquire a deeper understanding. The best we can do is give them the benefit of the doubt, and love them best that we can.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Exposed Emotion

"Remind yourself that fear is just that - fear.
It does not need to control your destiny."
Sheila Reynolds

As a secondary emotion, fear is a blanket covering up an original emotion.  When we peal it back, the triggering emotion is exposed.  Viewing in the present moment what is hidden, lessens the power it has over us.

We can ask ourselves if this sensation is true and investigate where it is coming from. Has it been instilled in us by someone else or is it a story we have made up, repeating it habitually. Assessing our feelings helps us to move forward and transform.

We can choose a new way to react to old situations. We are not the same person we used to be. Now, we have enhanced knowledge, effective tools and various life experiences allowing us to minimize our fearful reactions. With clarity, we create resolve.


Monday, May 8, 2023

A Place of Silence

"I don't like to think of myself as keeping secrets,
but simply as keeping my silence."
Carla Neggers

At a very young age, classmates would seek me out to share their inner most secrets. The same was true in high school as well as college. Gossip did not hold interest for me, but contemplating the complexity of life's challenges kept me engaged.

A private person by nature, being a good listener and a highly observant bystander enhanced understanding. It was obvious to me how inconsistent emotions required an audience that would be safe and trustworthy.

There is a need to establish a place of silence where a guard can be let down, mask removed, and tears freely flow. There is beauty in the silence of 'knowing' without desire to reveal. It is in my total silence that I speak my loudest.

All Is Not Lost ...

"I reach for the page like I reach for prayer:
to plead, to confess, to commune, to remember
that all is not chaos, all is not lost."
Suleika Jaouad

The simple act of putting pen to page becomes a healing process. Words begin to flow expressing anger or joy.  We experience gnawing resentment or pent up retaliation fading away. The release makes room for comforting words and encouragement.

Life throws challenges when we least expect them.  We can be knocked off our feet, winded and overwhelmed. When there is no resolve in sight, depression slowly enters.  It is when we lift the pen, placing it upon the paper, new perspective and resolve arrive.

When we jot down past resurrections, our endurance strengthens and hope returns. Our confidence builds knowing there is more to living than desperate survival. Deep in thought, creative pathways begin to appear and we know deep within all is not lost.


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Creative Clarity

"In order to live a harmonious and creative life, you need
to have both your inner female and male energies fully 
developed and functioning together."
Shakti Gawain

Every man and woman have female and male energies. These energies are not governed by gender. The female is our higher intuition that is supported by the strength of the male.  Ideally, we vacillate between the two.

Our intuition enlightens and guides us while the male listens, prepared for  passionate action.   When we utilize both of these energies, our body, mind, and spirit are harmonious. We experience clarity as to how to creatively progress.

When our emotions are out of kilter or we are obsessed with control, it is an indication of being out of alignment. Perhaps we need to be more creative or to adjust our boundaries. When we expand our inner awareness, the world outside of us responds with beauty.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Old Souls

"The Old Soul is more inclined to be a lifelong learner, constantly
feeding his thirst for insight through his own persistent efforts."
Aletheia Luna

Encountering an Old Soul can be life changing as he or she becomes a welcoming beacon in the midst of our darkness. They have fed the soul with curiosity, unconventional learning, and magnified intuition.

The connection between an Old Soul and the Universe is blatant. With a depth of perception maintained by an essence of fresh awakening, he or she embraces others with incredible understanding, 

The Old Soul, in spite of wounds from a painful past, genuinely opens to continued lessons. Exchanges with others are uplifting and encouraging, as gathering knowledge is a never ending process. In increments, Old Souls change the world.


Friday, May 5, 2023

Descend and Activate!

"Whatever you think you can do or believe
you can do, begin it ... for action has 
magic grace and power in it."

Descend from the inner chambers of the head and activate both feet! Thoughts alone will never deliver us to where we need to be. While taking the first few steps, we can begin to experience a sense of empowerment.

Momentum builds as we move forward. The excitement we feel can add color and texture to expand our plans. Refrain from moving too quickly, as then we will not hear our inner guidance or creative additions from outside resources.

When we minimize exposure to others who do not share our vision, authentic insights continue to expand and stimulate. With clarity, pieces begin to take shape and form. In time, we will attract the right people who are eager to engage in our project. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Insights Noted

"When we nourish our heart by asking 
what really matters, we awaken clarity."
Mitch Davidowitz 

Right in this very moment, close your eyes and create a pause. Silence will provide peace as it spreads from your soul.  Notice the beating of your heart as chaos fades away. Illuminate this space with desire to be in love with your day.

Bring to mind what really matters to you and decide to nourish these thoughts as though they were freshly planted seeds. Create a clean space for optimal growth, gather ingredients for stimulation, and brilliantly shine your light.

While in this simple state of calm, insights can be noted. Intuition will nudge you into making light hearted decisions in spite of calculated routines. Setting heaviness aside, experience the expansion of breathing in new life.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Bridge Between


"In the vessel of your body, you yourself are the world tree,
deep roots in the earth and a crown of stars. Your
essence bridges dimensions."
Elizabeth Eiler

Grounding is when we extend our energy down through our feet deeply into the earth. We experience the pulsing energy of the land. As we pull this energy back up into our bodies, a strong connection is created.

Centering is when we focus our energy up into the heavens, where we establish a link with the realms above. This energy may be in the form of radiance, rhythm, or bliss. As we pull this energy back into our bodies, it blends with the earth energies.

Our bodies are a bridge between the earth and the heavens.  We are the link to restore, vitalize, and strengthen the oneness of all. The bridge is to be used consistently as a link between nature and spirit as we heighten our presence.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Where You Place Your Feet ...

"I am open to being shown the way
 to travel the path of love."
Sheila Reynolds

The road before you may have been paved by family expectations or social dictation. You may feel like the path is leading nowhere or repeatedly presenting dead ends. Now is the time for you to remember that you have choice as to where you place your feet.

It matters not if you veer off onto a less traveled passage way or choose to add landscape where you already trudge. It is a matter of you slowing down, breaking stride and wandering. It is in the slower pace that you once again begin to hear.

If you want to be shown the way, you must float a question out into nature or to the Divine. Then you must be prepared to embrace the answer. Begin to feel love within and see it in the faces of others. With each new step, you will follow the path of love.


Monday, May 1, 2023

Gestures on May Day

"With the coming of spring, I am calm again."
Gustav Mahler

There may not be a May Pole for you to dance around today, but May Day can be celebrated in numerous and imaginative ways. Whether for your lovely self, best friends, or neighbors, you can choose to extend the celebration of spring.

Little baskets or small glass jars can be filled with flowers. Attach a ribbon for an added splash of color contributing to the festive state. To trigger excitement, leave the flowers on a door step without any indication of its origin.

Write little phrases like: You are loved, or You are seen, or You are worthy, on random pieces of paper. Attach a string and then hang them from lower tree branches in your park or neighborhood. Thoughtful spring gestures bring calm to the soul.