Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Bridge Between


"In the vessel of your body, you yourself are the world tree,
deep roots in the earth and a crown of stars. Your
essence bridges dimensions."
Elizabeth Eiler

Grounding is when we extend our energy down through our feet deeply into the earth. We experience the pulsing energy of the land. As we pull this energy back up into our bodies, a strong connection is created.

Centering is when we focus our energy up into the heavens, where we establish a link with the realms above. This energy may be in the form of radiance, rhythm, or bliss. As we pull this energy back into our bodies, it blends with the earth energies.

Our bodies are a bridge between the earth and the heavens.  We are the link to restore, vitalize, and strengthen the oneness of all. The bridge is to be used consistently as a link between nature and spirit as we heighten our presence.

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