Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ignoring Consequences ...


"It is hard to imagine the scope of an individual life
without envisioning some kind of trauma, and it is
hard for most people to know what to do about it."
Mark Epstein 

There is dysfunction in every family, laced with imperfect characters, and traumatic incidents. Too often we have tried to simply 'suck it up' and proceed, ignoring consequential damage. We try to 'rise above' our embedded pain, but in time memories surface.

Most people equate trauma with war heroes or catastrophe survivors, when actually, each one of us has experienced some level of emotional damage. These incidents heal only when given appropriate attention and release.

Suppressing is more painful than gathering courage to face historic disruption. Great freedom is experienced by admitting abuse and allowing appropriate grieving. Our past is unveiled through journaling, energy work or counseling. Be gentle and brave, as it is time.

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