Tuesday, May 23, 2023



"Recognize that everyone is playing their own roles
perfectly right now to get you to that 
higher level of consciousness."
Daniel Scranton

There are times we may feel hollow inside, a sense of lack or looming disconnection. Do not fear this as it is an opening to provide space for release and fulfillment. We need to bring personal choice to the forefront, allowing others to find their own way.

If we do not choose to feed our soul on a regular basis, we grow hungry. Without creative input, we begin to starve.  Whether this is about affection, skill or production, the absence of action leads to depravation. Dependency on others does not meet our individual need.

Release resistance and embrace snippets of possibility. In the smallest moment, what can be done to heighten awareness? Repetition of small things like music, momentary dance steps, quick breaths of fresh air, all sustain balance. Glance up to the sky and the heart will follow.

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