Monday, May 22, 2023

Compassionate Courage

Many want to hang on to their sorrow for it is the last 
that remains in the tapestry of love that once lived."
Mitch Davidowitz

Relationships regrettably end too often without closure.  We may hold space hoping our companions will return and adjustments can breathe life into new beginnings. Existing loneliness may tempt us to return to less than desirable circumstances.

It is imperative to acknowledge our loss and whatever negative part we may have played, but without shame or sense of failure. Our compassionate self-talk eases us into forward movement. We gather insight and courage from these lessons learned through loss.

Healing is a process needing quietude, but there is much to be said for the silent presence of one whom we trust. With gentle acceptance, new vision begins to peak through the darkness and invite us to join life fully once again.


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