Thursday, May 18, 2023

Impact Energy Levels

"Reiki is the higher self's connection to the universal energy 
that breathes life into all living things. We are all born with the 
omniscient wisdom to heal and preserve life."
Garry Malone

The life force within each of us can be utilized to establish balance, strengthen immunity and enhance spiritual growth. This energy when freely flowing through us, dislodges emotional buildup allowing us to feel more vibrant. 

When we are aware of our life force, we can use it to improve our emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Like electricity, our energy stimulates our connection with the self as well as with others, creating an uplifting and harmonious life experience.

Learning the technique of manipulating life force is called Reiki which is a Japanese term. Receiving Reiki opens us to diverse ways to shift personal energy and to transform various aspects of our lives. Visualizing it as light, energy empowers, heals, and transforms. 

***For more information, contact me:
Virginia's Voice Facebook Messenger
(Reiki Master for over 30 years)



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