Sunday, July 31, 2022

Negotiating Negativity


"Healing comes when we choose 
to walk away from darkness and 
move towards a brighter light."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Within minutes, dark thoughts can bear down upon us, seemingly without cause.  We notice negativity, and then a feeling of heaviness spreading throughout our body.  As fear takes a strong grip, our sense of security begins to fade.

If we can acknowledge this as a part of the human cycle, and be prepared to immediately take steps towards constructive application, we do not remain stuck.  Darkness is inevitable, but the length of time lingering there is negotiable.  

With immediate identification of emotional pain, we can initiate predetermined plans for uplifting support.  Choose to turn on uplifting music or an inner chanting; reach out to a friend  or take a quick walk outside.  If we do nothing, we will sink further from the light.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Regarding Love Resources

The four established elements are fire, air, water, and earth; but why not love?  Love can be just like fire: sparks, comforting, heating and destructive.   Love can be just like air: hot, cold, gentle, and harsh. Love can be just like water: fluid, frozen, dammed up and damaging.   Love can be just like earth:  solid, moveable, shifting and monumental.  

As humans, we seek sources for all four elements, and so it is not surprising we also seek out side of our lovely selves for love?  We look for love in music, books, food, and relationships.  As long as it is dependent upon outside resources, will we ever feel secure?

Perhaps a reframe will rest my questioning soul.  Personal fire is passion, breath is air, bodily fluids are water, and are we not made as a developed species of the earth? So love, then, is in the heat of passion, in the air we breathe,  sprinkled in the fluids we drink, and surely resides within the cells we keep. We are the love we seek, so it would seem.

Friday, July 29, 2022

The Human Suit


"Don't you know yet?  It is your light
that lights the worlds."

Become aware of the light in your belly.  We shall call it soul.  Feel its warmth as it expands through you and out into the world.  When you extend your light outside of your lovely self, you are contributing to kindness, calm, and peace.

While you learn to extend your light outside of the self, your vibration joins other frequencies as we feel a connection.  The soul is the common denominator between all of us.   You can tap into this energy for strength while facing decisions, challenges, and the unknown.

If you think of your lovely self as light, you become more buoyant replacing programed thoughts of being a victim or martyr.  As light, you are flexible and without boundaries.  You can join your spiritual self rather than being held in the confines of your human suit.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Action in Stillness


"When you understand you have options,
you take action."

In the quiet realms of our mind, we can explore options without pressure or fear.  We can honestly survey scenarios without commitment.  There is great importance in noticing which options resonate with feelings, intentions, and dreams.

Actions are not singularly physical.  They can be made silently within our minds, instructing our thought patterns, calming our fears, and shedding heaviness. In this way, we experience participation through choices.

As we shift perspective, life does not just happen to us.  If we hold ourself accountable for being present in the midst of overwhelm or anxiety, we begin to feel our power to remove our presence or substitute our preconceived impressions.  When we allow the self to be still, actions begin to surface within the creativity of the mind.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022



"The key to our transformation is simply this:
the better we know ourselves the better equipped
we will be to make our choices wisely."
Gregg Bradden

Why are we surprised when we make poor choices that are detrimental?  It is only when we hold our lovely selves accountable and decipher our deepest needs that thriving becomes the end result.

The inner voice is continuously offering us information, but if we are not paying attention the needed wisdom cannot remove our blinders.  If our emotions are out of control, our mind is littered with distracting debris.

Assistance is available in many shapes and forms, but still, we must be paying attention.  When we engage with open hearts and minds, set aside preconceived ideas, and embrace what resonates, our transformation will accelerate.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Redirect Journey

"I will lead myself to healing."
Lee Harris

When we exclusively follow suggestions from others, our personal journey can be diluted by seeking what others desire.  Walking with another offers a comforting presence, but the directions we choose need come from within.

What I make of this life becomes the gift I offer to the world.  When I reclaim lost power, kindle my inner fire, and utilize my light for healing, healthy opportunities present themselves.  The choices become highly creative and significant.

As I heal my wounded parts, I feel uplifted and my light grows stronger.  It is easier to let go of things that no longer matter, replacing them with heartfelt choices.  The connection between all of us thickens and together we are called forward.


Monday, July 25, 2022

Lift Eyes From Darkness

"And in the same way that you learned to think
badly of yourself, you can learn to think new,
self-loving and accepting thoughts."
Danielle Keopke

As a non-verbal child, we build perceptions by the way life treats us. We do not understand the chaos around us, and seek the reactions of others, yet, still not fully comprehending. The same holds true ... well, forever.

Look at the entry dates of when criticism was cast debilitating self-esteem. How many years ago was that and isn't it time to delete unsubstantiated data? If we invest emotions to support the truth in our heart, we begin to change and heal.

First, identify the negative pulses driving perceptions. Then amend them by implementing positive personal facts. As we begin living with higher self-esteem, new thoughts lift our eyes from darkness towards the joy of living.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Requesting Love

"Ask a friend for love.
Ask him again."

As we mindfully design our lives for privacy, we often send out the silent message that we do not need our friends.  No matter how much we choose to isolate our lovely selves, we will continue to have the need for connection.

Where did the false concept of emotional need being a weakness originate?  Not to be unkind, but what male patriarch declared this to be true?  Connection is pivotal in healthy growth and development.

In early adulthood, I embraced the idea of being an extroverted/hermit, only to reverse it in later years to being a hermit/extroverted.  Either way, friendship has been key in my ability to move forward and emotionally prosper.  No longer am I shy in requesting love.


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Lengthy Labor


"We should not judge people by their peak of excellence;
but by the distance they have traveled 
from the point where they started."
Henry Ward Beecher

When I am attracted to someone, I find I want to hear his or her story.  I certainly have appreciation for current accomplishment, but I want to hear about the journey.  When a person shares his or her life path, a bond forms between the story teller the one who holds the space.

In the same way, it is important for me to remember all of the paths I, too,  have wandered  becoming who I am today.  I don't want to forget the dark or the light passages as both created segments contributing to who I am.

It is only with the passing of time that I have room to turn around and look back.  I do not want to be evaluated in the end as one lump sum nor do I want to be remembered for who I once had been.  I want my existence to be recognized as a lengthy labor of love.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Hanging On

"Do not let yourself be buried by the howling
of what might have been."

I encourage you to move forward in spite of being weighted down with the heaviness of loss.  Whether you are grieving a particular loss or being stuck in disappointment, we can gather what ever strength remaining to begin healing.

The error you make is hanging on to what was even though it is no long is an option.  You cling to what you imagine you have lost rather than venturing forward to what you might gain. Life offers you more options than one.

You can begin by holding a healthy image of what you long for without too many details.  If you can open to possibilities, the Universe can provide a larger grouping of choices.  You must pay attention, however, as to not overlook what is right before you.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

We Save No One


"You cannot save people, only love them."
Anis Nin

We can offer others new opportunities or creative insight, but until others are ready for change, they will neglect to see our suggestions in a healing light.  We may be able to distract them for a bit, but they will remain steadfast to what is held in their heart.

We can stand steadfast with love and make clear our intention of being present.  We can walk along side as they journey, so they do not feel alone.  Criticism and judgment will only isolate and divide. We can only save our selves.

In their own time with their own solutions will they find their way. It is through trial and error that lessons are learned.  Escape and indulging in transgressions may temporarily distract, but through self-discovery we begin to reclaim our freedom to be who we are meant to be.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Thief, Fear

"No power so effectually robs the mind of all its
powers of acting and reasoning as fear."
Edmund Burke

When fear-based, we automatically restrict synchronicty and we are stripped of spontaneous reactions.  With self-projected walls, the light cannot get in and we hover in darkness.  Unable to take any risks, opportunities for empowerment dwindle.

Deliberately, we need to extract false images of the self and embrace who we are capable of being.  Remove old recordings of failure, limitations, and dismay to open space for the kindling of confidence, communication and creativity.

When we take action, we gain momentum to see beyond trauma, abuse, and deprivation.     We are not who we have been told to be. Capacity for peace and love is available to all, but we must begin, not cower in fear.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Earth and Stars


"Be humble for you are made of earth,
be noble for you are made of stars."
Serbian Proverb

We are custodians of the earth so we are called to be accountable. Additionally, we are fueled by star energy with a need to shine.  In our human suit, we find balance between grounding and spiritual flight.

We can recycle, use cloth grocery bags rather than plastic, and monitor use of chemicals.  We can refrain from judgment and aggression.  With this dual approach to life, our attention will be drawn to a higher consciousness.

As we discard false personas, we experience empowerment by simply being our true selves. Without the diversion of unwanted scenarios, our energy flows into significant endeavors to embrace opportunities and deepen all of our senses.

Monday, July 18, 2022

My Son Who Shines


"In my life, you are the sun that never fades 
and the moon that never wanes."
Author Unknown

The third boy showed his gentle disposition from an early age.  He loved to plant seeds in the garden and grow flowers all along the fence to later, joyfully, give away.  He preferred to be shoeless and where ever he roamed, he was deeply connected to the earth.

When I recall his growth and development, I am overwhelmed by his never ending love for all things nature (trees, water, moon and each star in the sky.) He self taught himself how to carve objects out of dead tree limbs, and faithfully attended the sightings of the sinking sun.

This boy, now man, easily engages with children, as they chase after him with screams of delight.  He truly listens to the wisdom of adults, and advances his skill with carpentry and unusual facts about the earth. He reveres elders, leaning into their wisdom to be passed down to his own son one day.  I deeply love this human being, my son who always shines.

Happy Birthday Matthew Carlson ...

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Transports to Freedom

"When ordinary life shackles me,
I escape, one way or another."
Anis Nin

Growing up in Chicago, fire escapes were just as much a part of the landscape as bus stops and subway stations.  All three were opportunities to flee whether a short distance, quick trip or invested travel.

Eventually, I was capable of movement within the space of dwelling.  Books were the most traveled highways to parts of the world, segments of distant lives, and practices of cultures far and wide.

My favorite mode of transportation, however, offered ways to fall through the cracks of time. Freedom to slip from boundaries, shackles, and emotional restraints was readily available through visualizations. It can be the best transport into unknown horizons.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Application of Truth

"Discernment is seeing the truth and then acting on it."
Carolyn Coleridge

We disengage to make room for fresh connections.  Within exchanges, we open to new information.  If we do not utilize novel information, we run the risk of being stagnant and underdeveloped.

Whether we agree or disagree with incoming knowledge is not as important as being able to tap into underlying revelations.  We can differ in opinion, but allow a safe place for diversity.  As we listen, we begin to hear deeper understanding of how to move forward.

If we become more fluid in application of wisdom, we will attract deeper spiritual resources. The true gift, of course, is seeing beyond the human programing and tapping into the soul level projections.  Knowledge educates us, but spiritually based action provides enhancement.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Prepare The Way

"It's a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration.
Those emotions are poison to any living goal."
Steve Maraboli

There is a flow to our thoughts when we speak slowly and use simple language.  When we speak from our heart, using truth as we know it, there is no right nor wrong.  Opposition does not disintegrate authentic experience.

What we learn from our lessons is not up for debate.  Our energy becomes invested in how we will apply the new found knowledge.  We do not need for any one else to agree or grant us permission.  As long as we stand aligned with soul, harming no one, our inner light will propel us towards deeper understanding.

If we compare experiences with others, the overall impact may become diluted.  Whether we are standing with tears streaming down our face or with joy jumping in our heart, we experience the ring of truth preparing our way.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Cannon Ball Splash!!!


"It's a matter of where you choose to place yourself
within the story you tell yourself."
Sheila Reynolds

Gut feelings guide me in numerous situations.  Over time, however, heaviness builds in this precise area.  My solar plexus contains haunting memories of the past, misperceptions of the present and fear of future.

Recently, I have been using Lee Harris ( as a resource and through his Soul Print reflections, my relationship to self and to the world, continuously evolves. Soul expands as light energy and I am propelled into new awareness.

No longer will I apologize for being me.  There is now an end to hiding in the shadows of who I have always been meant to me.  Processing the dynamics of the Super Full Moon, I am catapulted into powerful scenarios where I am proud to be me.  I am making a splash with a full cannon ball into this liquid light I now see.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Pull of the Moon

"The moon will guide you through the night
with her brightness, but she will always
dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen."
Shannon L. Alder 

Since childhood, my communication with the full moon has been extraordinary.  I repeatedly track the phases of this lunar light as it some how aligns with my physical, mental and spiritual cycles. 

I feel her pull in my energy field and learn through her example to shine even in the midst of darkness.  She has been my dream catcher and my gateway to where I swing upon the stars.  The full moon is radiant in my heart, and her lunar phases guide me on my journey.

I identify as a Moon Child and I embrace my relationship with the stars.  Being a light worker, my energy continuously heightens and flows.  I can glow like the radiant full moon and twinkle like the stars. In the nocturnal lunar space is where my magic resides.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Where We Stand

"If we have no peace, it is because we have
forgotten we belong to each other."
Mother Theresa

Incorrectly, we may believe that by remaining silent, peace will prevail.  We, perhaps, do not want to speak up to make waves in a seemingly calm water.  All that we repress will one day take a toll on our physical, emotional and spiritual equilibrium.

To speak our truth does not require raised voices or aggressive behavior.   We need not concern our selves with whether or not people are listening.  What is vitally important is honoring and respecting our personal viewpoints.

As we use our voice, we can be fueled by the power of freedom.  The emphasis is not on being right or wrong, but on the reflection of who we are and where we stand.  When we speak, we are communicating in the present moment and making peace with the inner soul.


Monday, July 11, 2022

Repetition Creating Wholeness


"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us
what we need to know."
Pema Chodron

What happens when we receive a blast from the past?  How do we feel when hands reach out over time and tap us on the shoulder?  Where do we go to sort out the old feelings from the present day emotions?

Rather than searching for a guru or digging through ancient wisdom, we can choose to quietly sit with our lovely self, and tune in to what is going on in our heart more in addition to the chatter in our mind.

In this space in time, what is important to me and how can I best obtain it?  Once I secure stability, how do I sustain it?  How do I best meet my needs without harming others?  As we are quiet, the light within grows stronger, showing us the way.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Wings While Walking

"Choose the area that you feel driven to walk towards
when it comes to bringing consciousness, transformation,
or wellness to people, animals, the planet."
Lee Harris

Exit the chaotic highway, placing feet upon the calm path while listening to what truly is calling our spirit.  Walking under the trees, let the gentle breeze lift what no longer resonates.  Allow the song of the birds to lift our awareness up into the cloudless sky.

Do not be afraid to stumble, as angels are hovering near.  They whisper loving kindness and encourage us to have no fear.  Breathing in innocence, our intentions become clear.  The movement of their wings whisper, "Come this way, my dear."

Sunbeams warm us to the idea of bringing the best part of 'self' out into the world.  We begin to understand the role we play within all of  humanity.  Appreciation and acceptance of personal growth spills out into the community, building peace for the world.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Illuminated Before Me

"Stay open to idea that what you want is happening
in an alternative space and gradually you are aligning with it."
Sheila Reynolds

Life experiences have aligned, forming a collage reflecting layers of connectedness, never before seen.  All that once seemed foreign, now is integrated, reflecting an authenticity.  What once was hidden, stands illuminated.

Rather than perceiving isolated instances, we begin to see there is a webbing, joining all things together. The negative issues are now disclosing a loose structure actually supporting our experience.  They have chiseled the best parts of us into a soulful presence. 

Instead of being limited to extending  light from the palms of our hands, our entire body now  vibrates peace and calm.  We can now magically blend in harmony with the frequencies of others. we have waited so long to be.


Friday, July 8, 2022

Begin, Right Now

"Life isn't just about darkness or light, rather it is about 
finding light within the darkness."
Landon Parham 

If the present moment is all that we have, why do we beat against closed doors or collapse into re-runs of past drama?  Why pick out menus for tomorrow or map out routes to unknown futures?  If 'this' is it, and 'this' is all that we have, what in the world are we doing?

How can we make this immediate space healthy, nurturing, and safe?  What can we do to restore our soul, strengthen our presence and offer kindness?  How can we wake up to the beauty within just waiting to be relished?

When great Masters are held in review, the observer immediately becomes aware of the inner draw, the beautiful pull, and simple revelations.  In a moment of clarity, the listener believes in the possibility awaiting in each passing moment.  Whether standing in imperfection or the depth of darkness, we are called to begin ... right now.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Experiential Pleasures

"The darkness around us might somewhat light up if
we would first practice using the light we 
have in the place we are."
Henry S. Haskins

Sit quietly and in the mind's eye, see  a light within.  Welcome it into awareness, and allow it to expand.  Experience the levels of warmth and the flexibility to stretch and grow. Let it silently seep outside of human boundaries and out into all there is.

The darkness experienced within can be nudged as the inner light expands.  The fear hiding in the dark becomes exposed and uplifting insight lifts our sense of being.  Stronger connections are manifested,  heard, and felt.

The choice is to be lost in the dark or to focus on holding light.  Life's lessons and scars from healing become the back drop when light is fed and welcomed.  Releasing the past and distancing the future, allows light to bathe us in the present moment of experiential pleasures.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

One Month, Please ...

"Hope is being able to see that there is light
despite all of the darkness."
Desmond Tutu 

For one month, allow and foster change.  With intention, juggle habits, and  rearrange time sequences.  In the mind's eye, allow a light to grow so brightly that only the glow of love permeates.

Change is prevalent when we watch for it, make room for it, and warmly welcome its presence.  While holding integrity, open the self to realms of possibilities with the curiosity of a child.  Avoid compulsions to control, determine, and solidify.

Create this atmosphere and the light within strengthens and becomes a way-shower.  Consistently holding this new space will foster uplifting experiences guiding us into deeper understanding of where our feet are planted today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

No Longer Standing In Place

"Often  your thoughts will dictate what you actually see."
Natalie Glasson 

In the midst of a writers gathering, a stranger unexpectedly wandered in.  He was handsome, friendly and inquisitive. After a brief exchange, he left and instructions were given to the writers to jot down impressions.

The writers were amazed by the distinctive assessments, as not one of the eight reports were the same. Each participant experienced the encounter through his or her own bias, perceptions and assumptions.

It is imperative we begin to listen in depth, to see with new clarity, and to embrace understandings dissimilar from our own.  We must stop complaining and hold our lovely selves accountable for reparation and healing.  We must begin right where we are, no longer just standing in place.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Peace and Equality

"Bravery is the choice to show up and listen to another person,
be it a loved one or perceived foe,  even when it is uncomfortable, 
painful or the last thing you want to do."
Alaric Hutchinson

Honor and respect aught to be lavished upon every veteran, especially those who became disabled or health compromised.  Admiration for those who bravely risked personal safety for the good of all needs to be blatant.

What has been learned from the history of devastating war?  What prevention is in place that does not contain oppression and degradation?  Will we ever experience true vision comprehending that we are all human?  Will addiction to power annihilate us all?

In America, we have sex trafficking, violence, and rising mental health issues as well as needed climate control and food shortages.  What of our hungry and poor?  Where is this 'freedom' for all?  There are amazingly brave human beings throughout our land seeking peace and equality, so why are they not being heard and accurately represented?


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Dreams and Desire

"Don't ignore your dreams, in them your soul is awake
and you are your true self." 
Bangambiki Habyarimana

Dreams are a remarkable resource, but like a book, one must open and explore content in order to benefit.  Each of us has a personal dream dictionary filled with authentic symbolism and disclosure. 

We bury authentic fears, inspirations, and wisdom throughout our day, while in dream time, events, thoughts, and sensations surface. They may appear a bit bazaar or extravagant, but our attention is being sought.

Not only do our dreams, appearing drastically different from one to the other, have a common theme, but when a month or year is reviewed, the startling similarities are unavoidable. Dreams are pivotal in opening our minds to our deepest desires.


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Hold Space to Transform

"Hold space for others to transform."
Lee Harris 

Many of us are struggling right now triggered by various disruptions.  When we feel like we have zero control, our fear becomes increasingly intensified.  As we view our challenge, whether personally, collectively or globally, we have choice in regards to a response.

When we hold our selves accountable by channeling our energy in positive ways, we move closer to alignment.  We achieve this by using our energy, and staying present in each moment.

Without concrete measures available, we can extend positive energy out into the world in forms of prayer, light work, or positive affirmations. By creating this space for the self and others, our ability to transform with constructive resolutions increases.