Sunday, October 31, 2021

Questions and Curiosity


"The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reason for existence."
Albert Einstein 

Noted in ancient history and up to the present time, women have been known as healers.  Through understanding and compassion, ladies tended to all ages and relied a great deal upon nature and its elements.  

The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life are aligned if we bring life into harmony.  If we feed and nurture our surroundings as well as meeting our inner needs, we will slow our life style, experiencing calm and gentle flow.

Our curiosity is best used if we turn it into questions.  Instead of focusing on right or wrong, look instead for motivation.  If we explore the foundation of a thought, and examine the tools being used to circulate information, we can perceive the quality of intention.  Then we can accurately proceed. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Correct Patterns of Past Generations

Our mother may have suffered throughout her life. Our father may have suffered. Perhaps our parents weren’t able to look after the wounded child in themselves.
So when we’re embracing the wounded child in us, we are embracing all the wounded child in our past generations. This practice is not a practice for ourselves alone, but for numberless generations of ancestors and descendants.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

""With practice, we can see that our wounded child
is not only us. Our wounded child may represent
several generations."
Thich Nhat Hanh

Observing trees while walking on the greenway, I began to notice numerous trees that not only had a gnarly root system, but also held additional roots growing up the trunk. This growth seemed to reflect the intertwining and complexity of life.

Using this as a symbol, speculation developed in reference to my ancestors and descendants.  How did their physical, emotional, and spiritual beliefs impact the life of future generations?  If we live what we know to be true, does that not get passed on duplicating behaviors?

It is curious to think I might be healing dysfunction that had occurred in previous family members.  Would this not be history repeating itself?  If this is true, motivation to heal increases.  Not only will my reframe correct family history, but it will also enhance my life and those who are following me.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Observe and Release


"How can you follow the course of your life
if you do not let it flow?"
Lao - Tzu

As a child, when distraught, I would stand at the back door window yearning to find answers.  As I grew older, I sought advice from experienced authors, but often the wisdom found was out of my reach.  In adulthood, I attempted to find a sense of self through my child rearing, career, and the gathering of women.

Exhausting resources outside of my lovely self,  the only place remaining was the inward journey.  Life became symbolized as water ... flowing, current, dams, and distributions.  As I am easily acclimated to water, this symbolism assisted me in learning to stop trying to control.  When I succeeded, I let go and was carried to realms unknown.

Flowing with the tide, it was easier to let go of distorted reality and to be cleansed.  From the middle of the water, I could see the shoreline without becoming too emotionally attached.  Personal lessons did pull me to shore, but I managed to observe and release, consistently get back in the flow.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Resistance or Persistence

"What we resist, persists."
Kristin Neff 

There is much to be learned from a Dandelion.  It is flexible, relentless and prepared to simply float away.  Although the stalk is not necessarily sturdy, it is firm while the footpaths of mankind intrude or wild winds blow.  

How many times have we seen a Dandelion heartily growing between sidewalk cracks? In spite of its conditions, this determined sprout will push through any restrictions.  This gift of nature is also used in teas or herbal medicines while providing children with joy!

We, as well, need to be determined and push through rather than giving up only to face the same situation over and over.  When we avoid reality or discolor perceptions, we become stagnant in denial or misconceptions. PUSH, but be flexible. REACH for the light while willing to trust the flow of life. EMBRACE all that blows our way.   


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

In The Space of Silence


"Stop talking, stop thinking, and
there is no thing you will not understand."
Seng - Ts'an

If we find our lovely selves blocked from sought after destinations, explore into new avenues, pathways or portals. Spiritually, we are all headed in the same direction, and there are various entry ways.  We are nudged to search for what we are best motivated.

It helps to know the pathways of others so we can best customize and create what fits us authentically. The important portion is to simply begin.  We can still the self through meditation, prayer, and being in the midst of nature.  

As we allow our thoughts to drop away, we experience a true sense of being present in the moment.  Just in this space of silence, who am I?  Is my connection with my heart stronger than ego?  What is the distance between who I am in this moment and the mask shown to the outside world? Sit with this for new understanding.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hearts Become Learning Centers

"I am too alone in the world
and not alone enough
to make every moment holy."
Ranier Maria Rilke

If we feel alone in the midst of a gathering or feel isolated when alone, delve deeper into who we are without materialistic or physical expectations.  Sink down into the soul where silence propels us into new understandings.

Instead of racing through life 'doing', slow down and notice the sense of just 'being'.  Dismiss the ego as goal setter and become aware of connections through the heart.  It is in this heart space where we can find purpose and service.

As we shift into a new space, we are asked to leave our earthly interpretations behind, to erase all previous perceptions, and to open our hearts as our learning center.  With cleans slates, being in the moment without past or present, we develop an awareness of who we really are and why we hold space. 


Monday, October 25, 2021

Metronome: Measure, Manage, Lead


"I stand in the fullness of my power.
I stand in the softness of my heart."

A metronome is an ancient Greek word meaning to measure, manage, and lead.  Metronomes are devices  primarily used in music to keep a consistent beat, set and adjusted by the user.  It is a visionary symbol for me to remain aligned while using both my masculine and feminine qualities.

The masculine (right side) is important for accomplishments and events of the brain; while the feminine, (left side) is highly creative or intuitive filtered through our hearts.  My goal is to be assertive in a gentle way.  If I fluently alternate between the left and the right I am better prepared to flow through this life experience.

Strength is developed navigating through the entanglement of life, but does not require aggression or physical force.  Sensitivity frames our strength to be appropriate for each given situation.  Working both sides, we can eloquently communicate our power.  

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Wisdom Penetrates Barriers

"Tragedy stays alive by feeling what's been done to us,
while peace comes alive by living with the result."
Mark Nepo

As human beings, there is no escaping the hard ships of life.  We are all touched, interrupted, or overwhelmed by the incidents presented personally.  Often, we forget to review the choices before us. Automatically, our response can be from ego and emotions, rather than parceling through the heart.

Our reactions frequently stem from harsh emotions which rattle around in our heads.  If we can be strong enough to allow the feelings to drop into our heart, the perspective broadens.  When we discover a place to settle our rage or anger or resentment, we can view it as a segment of alternate events. 

Wisdom has the ability to penetrate the barriers of ego, and can move us to a higher place of understanding. We must be conscious enough to turn to supportive resources to lift our sorrows.  Negative emotions need to be fleeting, not permanent residents.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Endeavors Prior To Succeeding

"Positive thinking dramatically increases your 
chances of success in any endeavor."
Daily Om

If we do not believe we are capable of succeeding, then quite simply, we won't. There is a need to 'try' even if we do not reach completion.  The action of attempting to expand will strengthen our concepts of both inner and outer landscapes.

History reflects accomplishments of scientists, artists, composers, who had made several endeavors prior to succeeding.  The message is clearly, not to give up.  When we hit a wall, we can use new resolve and creativity to be determined to follow through once again.

An artist will paint a beautiful canvas with vivid color and haunting hues.  Details abound as the canvas is complete.  Complete? Is a work of art ever final?  The artist picks up brushes and begins again, painting over what had been earlier created.  Change will not be stimulated unless we apply new applications.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Perception Altered

"Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, 
yet, we can pass our years trapped in the same patterns."
Tara Brach

The childhood fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood was deeply implanted in my subconscious perceptions.  At a young age, I would cling to the impression that a man would come and rescue me.  I longed to feel wanted and protected.  

It wasn't until years later that I became aware of how this story turned into a pattern, repeating itself continuously.  When life reflected back to me that I had worth and value, I began to ponder the credibility of my belief.

My perception was altered, but only partially.  I believed that I did better when I had a mate, that I could soar once I had a male support.  Laughable, I know.  In time, I understood that the love I longed for could be supplied by myself. It is important to gather tools of incentive, creativity and determination which propel us forward into all that we need.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

This Is Not Easy Work!

"Don't let fear win."
Karen White

As a means of coping with fear, one may try to be invisible by hiding every aspect of being. We put up barriers for protection, but these same walls keep the sunshine of life on the outside.  In this created darkness, we begin to disintegrate. 

Personal dreams or words read from a page, may nudge us towards a desire for consciousness.  Our short breaths of hope plead with our entombed persona to stretch, reach, and trust what may lie before us.

This is not easy work and it can be debilitating when there are repeated occurrences.  We can, however, use our emotional muscles that built the walls to remove them, brick by brick.  As fresh air flows into our lungs, we acquire the courage to move forward, to learn once again. 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Presence In Daily Life, Mark Nepo

"I did not survive to be untouched."
Mark Nepo

THE BOOK OF AWAKENING by Mark Nepo offers wisdom accompanied by pertinent questions for personal application.  This is my third streaming through this daily guidance, enjoying the markings I have made during the previous years.  It is interesting how I do not underline the same sentences, as I learn something new from a different perspective.

This is the very way we experience life.  Challenges continuously face us and once conquered, we can observe the connection between the present and the past.  The same challenges return, appearing differently, and we proceed, attempting to learn another way of mastering these lessons of life.

Author, Mark Nepo has had a difficult childhood, troubled relationships, and survived Cancer. He has published numerous books and writings instill the need to be resilient, dismantle protective barriers, and embrace life with our hearts open.  I am grateful for his on going presence in my daily life.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Falling Down The Rabbit Hole


"Mistakes are proof that you are trying."
Jackrabbit Dance

In my list of words to be deleted from the English Language,  failure ranks as one of the top five.  In its place, words are used such as:  breakdown, collapse, decline, deteriorate, or deficiency.  These substituted words reflect omission, misfiring, or neglect which are all amendable. 

Some of us, more than others, have fallen down the rabbit hole secluded in darkness. It is only when we think to look up that we begin to discern light beckoning us to move through what holds us stagnant. Shards of light reveal new insight and perspectives to mend our pathway, enabling us to travel again.  

There is nothing negative about falling into darkness.  When the emphasis is placed on what can be learned, it is a stage of advancement.  Yes, being in the darkness may stain us in one way or another, but marks will remind us of the character we have built through repeated stumbles. We will never be able to avoid varies of defeat, but as long as we recreate our game plan, we will continue to prosper.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Unearth the Plan


"The smallest gesture of valuing your life is to carry out God's work."
Mark Nepo

At birth, we struggle to inhale new breath which seems foreign in the moment, until we realize the newness is moving us forward.  This is a cycle repeated throughout our life.  Shallow breaths may sustain us, but deep breaths propel life forward.

The unknown can be viewed as frightening or adventurous.  We can enter unfamiliar waters, kicking and screaming or diving into the pull of the tide.  This is followed by an adjustment period,  prior to a full understanding of our destination.

God has a plan for each of us, and we are born with gifts to reach the intended fulfillment.  We release Divine Spirit as we step forward with faith and trust.  Outcomes may not be what one anticipated, but in time, we are able to look behind us to discover the amazement of how all things align with each other.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Allow Divine Spirit

"Leaves grow old gracefully, bring such joy in their last
lingering days. How vibrant and bright is their final flurry of life."
Karen Gibbs

There are endless stages in life where we believe we have given our all and have done our best.  As time moves on, we find the draw to give extends.  Regardless of our age, value, or station in life, our mind set becomes: "The loving kindness I extend will be received in the best possible way."

In the woodland, I watch leaves falling from the tree, each beautiful in a hue of the Autumn.  No one cares which branch it is falling from as they all have differing value.  One cannot help but notice how the tree continues to stretch its branches in the midst of dishevelment.

And is this not the lesson of life ... to be aware of what we have to offer in spite of our own dilemmas?  We begin to understand our intentions serve a purpose and there is a need to follow through without judging how they will be received.  We do our part to bring comfort to a life, allowing Divine Spirit to work with the rest.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Key to Balance

"There is a very fine line where you start to enjoy
that world more than the one you are living in."

Lofty by nature, heightened senses of imagination, and an intense striving for awareness of unusual places, primarily keeps me ungrounded. Although I am deeply entrenched in the spiritual world, a portion of me still lives in the physical human world requiring skills and lessons to adapt and enhance.

Holding my lovely self accountable in both worlds, assists me to remain invested in two places.  When I purposefully withdraw from my daily life, I am soothed and enlightened by diversity of perceptions; but as I return to the present, the sense of not belonging can be overwhelming.

If I stop dwelling on individual pieces to my life puzzle, the accumulation falls together providing a healthier certainty. I prefer my self in the collective results rather than being stagnant in segments of individual stagnant lessons. Flexibility to flow between two worlds appears to be the key to balance.


Friday, October 15, 2021

Navigating Our Paths

"We all create the person we become by our choices 
as we go through life.  In a real sense, by the time we are adults,
we are the sum total of the choices we have made."
Eleanor Roosevelt

We can not advert the actions of others, but we can choose our reaction.  We might choose to dwell in emotional pain or we can minimize the drama by embracing aspects we can indeed change.  We are entitled to our feelings, but compassionate action towards our lovely selves and others propels us forward in a powerful way.

If we choose to be accountable for the part we play, no matter how big or small, we can heighten personal accountability.  As we are the only ones we can actually change, the experience of resolving our own actions will accurately develop the needed change for personal growth.

In no way do we allow others to defile us, so we become more attuned in gauging when to walk away or step back to regroup with more insight and information.  As we adjust our focus upon what we can change and release what we can't, we build a strength to navigate our paths more authentically. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Perceptions of Self

"Would you like yourself, if you met yourself?"
Amit Kalantri

During childhood, I unfortunately believed that I was unacceptable to both God and family.  As I began to attend school, I projected an image of my self that might be more acceptable to those around me. Through motherhood, I learned with my children and began to feel an internal change.

In the empty nest, I entered the realm of spirituality.  There were endless times to speculate and sift out perceptions that simply didn't jive.  In my alone time,  discovering spiritual beliefs and rituals, I did not find judgment, but acceptance; no criticism, but encouragement; and no restrictions, but liberation.  These enhanced concepts were then applied to individuals and families in my people oriented career.

Although there will always be bouts of chaos, life becomes increasingly calm by embracing oneness or respecting diversity.  When we hold our lovely selves accountable, we can defuse situations without harming others through word or deed.  In the present moment, I respect and honor myself, but honestly, it has taken years to advance to this grounded level.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Choice of Calm or Storm

"There are some things you learn best in calm,
and some in storm."
Willa Cather

When we create a peaceful setting for our lovely selves, we can visualize or meditate upon thoughts we desire to increase.  We may read a quotation or favorite passage to set our focus and then wait for new aspects to emerge.  Hopefully, this will create fresh insight.

If we find our selves in the midst of an emotional storm, vibrations are more intense and we might be shaken senseless.  Through chaos, we are often faced more directly with things we need to know.  They may be harsh or unexpected or an accumulation of years gone by.

Learning in depth may take years for us to gather all we need to know and more lengthy segments to process the information.  We might have missed opportunities to learn the scripts earlier on, but they will continue to surface until applied (calm) or grasped (storm).

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Perched Upon A Boulder

"May your boulders be your blessings. May you be able to embrace them.
  And may you find what's extraordinary in your self."
Aron Ralston

For as long as I can remember, I have deeply enjoyed sitting upon a boulder.  It offered support being solid while my mind wildly twisted in contemplation.  The rock elevated my view which allowed varying perspectives.  Natures connection with all things provided a sense of security.

For whatever reason, I schooled my self to be in an immediate pensive, but lofty state, perched upon a large rock. Opinions and attitudes fell away as I opened to broader visuals.  As I connected with all things, it was easier to let go of old barriers blocking new passage ways.

While traveling, I would collect a hand held stone to bring energy back to where I lived.  I was able to sit at home meditating with the treasure, feeling vibrations.  I discovered, however, it was imperative to ask permission to remove the object from its home which eventually felt  too selfish an act. Collectively, boulders have assisted in forming the spiritual foundation upon which I stand.

BOULDERS EXPERIENCED:  Maui Ledges; Portaging in Canada; Sedona Vortexes; Chicago "Rocks" at Lake Michigan; Caves in Boulder, CO; Huge Rock Formations in Boulder Junction, WI; 

Monday, October 11, 2021

All Things Autumn

"The leaves are all falling, and they're falling
like they're falling in love with the ground."
Andrea Gibson

If given the option, I would choose Autumn before any of the other seasons.  The chill of the morn offers quiet coffee time bundled out on the deck and the afternoon sun is perfect for comfortable walking on a trail, river walk or parkway.  A fire pit outdoors or activating the fire place offers comfortable times for reflection.

Settled in my favorite chair with a burning candle, journal and peace of mind, I close my eyes and gently recall the beauty of the day.  Beautiful hues of the leaves blend together to create an inspiring scene.  A slight breeze nudges the leaves from the safety of extended branches and they gracefully fall.

Apples dipped in caramel, spiced cider, and favorite soups appear in the kitchen.  All things pumpkin contribute to fall fragrances:  pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, cream cheese iced pumpkin bars!  As I rake the leaves, I am reminded about sisters of my heart who have gently crossed over.  When I ignite the pile and the smoke billows in the air, my loving memories float to the heavens reminding loved ones, they are never forgotten. 


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Before My Spirit Returns Home ...

"Leaves grow old gracefully, bring such joy in their last lingering days.
How vibrant and bright is their final flurry of life."
Karen Gibbs

Nature has been a lifetime friend, offering communication with the elements of air, fire, water, earth. Perfection is reached when lying upon the heart beating ground, listening to the rippling of water, sensing a slight breeze touching the skin, and the sun lighting an inner fire.

Staring up through the branches drenched in gold, yellow and red hues, there is a sense of being home.  Each falling leaf is a reminder, a nugget of past memory, and an example of shedding what needs to be released.  Observing the graceful dance to the ground, one is encouraged to let go with loving kindness.

Trees have role modeled how to stand tall reaching for the light, deep roots for enduring torrential rains, and the ability to house lost souls. In honor of trees blessing me with insight, comfort, and warm hugs, I hope to gently let go and transition with grace, to my physical resting place ... before my spirit returns home.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Depths of My Being ...


"I used to think I was introverted because I really liked being alone, but
it turns out that I just like being at peace, and I am very extroverted
around people who bring me peace."
Myriah Moon

I sit quietly in my space, beckoning kindred spirits to join me on a higher plain.  One by one they enter, forming a sacred circle around candles and flowers.  In silence, we exchange eye contact and bow with loving recognition.

In participating in this gathering with sisters of my heart, I begin to feel strength and appreciation swirling within.  Gently, I am restored as each wise woman reflects parts of my self back to me.  I am reminded of my value and the depths of my being.

Our hands reach towards each other, completing the alignment of our spirits.  Through our eyes we pour our inner light into the middle of the circle kindling the candles to become a giant flame.  We guide this light up and out into the world. One by one, we drop hands, and  the women silently remove themselves from this higher plain.  Truly, I am never really alone.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Calm the Soul

"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may happen.
Keep in the sunlight."
Benjamin Franklin

The act of exertion is pivotally important.  We can float an inspiration out into the vapors, but ideally, we will take measures to create a sound platform.  If we contain our excitement and honestly work towards the goal, our foundation will become sturdy and prosperous.

If we simply release a dream, it may float in the sky like a cloud slowly disappearing.  There is a need for our action.  We can sift through resources, gradually add more dynamics, and expand our wishes, but none of this will transpire on its own.

It is said that we must be the change we want to see in our world.  And this of course requires participation and expansion.  We begin with increments, carefully placing our footprints towards an unfolding path.  Leaving fear and doubt behind, the sun shines upon our face bringing encouragement and the heavenly whispers at night, calm our soul.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Reach Towards the Light

"And that is how change happens.
One gesture. One person.
One moment at a time."
Libba Bray

Change can unfold so slowly, we very well may not even notice.  There may be years or months where we visualize a shift.  We can write, draw or sing in reference to what we yearn to be.  Our inner desires begin to take form within us and grow when nurtured.

We sprinkle loving light upon the sprout as it pushes its way up thru the surface.  The small tight bud eagerly awaits flowering.  And as we begin to blossom, we attract kindred spirits and our transition begins to show outwardly.  

As we grow into our lovely selves, we learn how to be flexible as the wind blows.  We find our thirst quenched by the sweet drops of rain.  We reach up towards the sun, yearning for more light to unfold our delicate petals. When we then take in our personal fragrance or independence, we blossom even more.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

What is in the Sky


"Peace starts within us ... we cannot bring to the world 
what we do not have to offer."
Daily Om

Peace begins within us.  Too often we believe we must go on a vision quest or a spiritual retreat to find peace.  We anticipate the next book we devour or the forthcoming mentor will move us forward into calm, surrender, and joy.

Those who embrace pauses with silence can discern the way to momentary spaces of tranquility.  Do they still experience loss, disappointment, and chaotic life?  Of course they do, there is no way to avoid these elements of life.

The peaceful person plugs into available elements of quiet.  Simply looking up to the sky, sitting against a tree or wading in water diverts our energy away from the chaos of life.  The key is to not sink our energy into what we cannot control.  Streamline energy into the pauses of relief to continue forward, not stuck in dismay.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Decipher the Lesson

"Be willing to see the light in the dark and
observe what needs to be transformed within you."
Kate Spreckley

As darkness approaches us, we often think, "why is this happening to me" or "this is unfair." In reality, however, the best question is "what am I to learn."  If chaos floods our life or challenges unexpectedly rear ugly heads, we will move through the turbulence if we can catch a glimpse at personal meaning.

We do not have control over things outside of our lovely selves, but we do have control over personal perceptions and reactions.  When we stand back and decipher the lesson, it may be a repeat with the same scenario or a new twist to an old tale.  Either way, there is something to be learned.

There is courage to be found when we we face reality and deal with what is present before us.  Choices will surface and we can pause between them to choose what will create higher self awareness and firmer connection with all things wonderful.


Monday, October 4, 2021

Connection in the Forest


"If you go off into the far far forest, and get very quiet,
you'll come to understand that you are connected with everything."
Alan Watts

When we feel that it is a great day, all seems right in our world.  On the other hand, if we come face to face with provocation and opposition, the tendency is to feel alone and without power to move forward. Our chosen responses to either day, are exactly that ... chosen.

We have no control over episodes in our life, so our energy is best spent on proper responses.  Except, there are times we feel like collapsing into disturbance is easier to get by.  Unfortunately, this is not so.  If we use our energy to invest in healthy reactions, we can maintain some sense of power.

Our body, mind and spirit can best support us when we avail the self to nurturing.  Preferably in nature, we can sit in silence recalling how we successfully overcame obstacles and not dwelling on past mishaps.  If we can determine the lesson before us, we can reach out through creative expression, yoga or meditation for strength.  In this way, we become aware of our connection with everything.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Impacting Other Aspects of Life

"Life is full of twists and turns, and 
how you navigate them, determines your happiness."

The best time to evacuate a negative feeling is at the on set.  If a person has criticized us, we can turn within to see if the unkind words are true, partially true, or not true at all.  We can ask if we have provoked a person or what part did we play?  

The choice of course is to determine if we own the negativity or not.  If not, we can simply dismiss it, letting it go.  If it does apply to us even in the smallest way, we can make a mental note of how we could have been mores sensitive.

When we harbor the negative within, it grows and accumulates other feelings to join in.  Darkness can spread throughout our body, mind, and soul.  A negative feeling can turn into a mental block impacting other aspects of life.  If we had originally remained present in positive resolve, there would be none of this now.


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Creative Ways To Cope


"I hovered overhead just below the ceiling.
I held my breath and watched."
Alice Jamieson

The comfort found within the church offered me a sense of safety.  Escaping into the stained glass windows, entering into the flicker of the candle flame or inhaling the aroma of incense, provided me with relief.  Then, I was beckoned to move on.

To be in the midst of trees or wading in water restored my soul to normalcy.   It offered a reprieve from worldly things I could not understand nor control.  In time, writing in a journal offered immediate departure and an outlet for my troubled soul.

Spirit, Nature, and Creativity propelled me forward to trusting other realms.  Instead of hovering just below the ceiling, I was able to fly up into the sky, watching and waiting for the trauma to end.   These experiences offered an awareness of other worldly entities and creative ways to cope.  

Friday, October 1, 2021

One Stone at a Time


"There is nothing in your life that cannot be overcome;
whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution."
Daily Om

Solutions are readily available, but we often don't like them.  The answer can be found in our thoughts, our visions, and readings.  Again, if we do not want to embrace the solution, we will catapult deeper into discord.  The key is to shift our attitude to at least try what is available before us.

We sink deeper into darkness if we do not take action.  Taking one step at a time to enlightenment, even when uncomfortable, brings us closer to resolution.  Regrettably, we project what our outcome could be, but we are not willing to apply necessary steps.

We can hold an image of best case scenario, but what appears before us in the moment can begin our process.  Mantras help to propel us forward ...   "Just for right now," or "In this moment," or "I open myself to possibilities."  The heavy laden boulders before us are best removed one stone at a time.