Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hot Coals of Life

"Never judge someone 
By the way he looks
Or a book by the way it's covered;
For inside those tattered pages,
There's a lot to be discovered." 
Stephen Cosgrove

If we open ourselves to possibility, minimize expectations, and open our minds to revelations, we will evolve beyond our wildest imaginations.  Love does not wear one cloak nor does success present in singular definition.  Nothing is the same ... not music, painting, poetry nor dance.  

Every thing is subject to change and interpretation.  Beauty is genuinely in the eyes of the beholder, and even then it may shift with differing hues.  We may feel knowledge from a discarded shell by the sea or hear wisdom from a boulder high on a mountain.  The touch of a feathered wing, may bring tears to the eyes of one while giving a sense of flight to one other.

Look deeply my friend, into the deterioration of the human body and there one finds a fire burning brightly fueled by greater understanding accumulated through the hot coals of life.   Resilience pushes in a less physical way as the veils are gently blown aside by the wonders of life.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Song Bursts From The Heart

"Oh God, the terrible tyranny of the majority.
We all have our harps to play.  And it's up to
you to know with which ear you'll listen."
Ray Bradbury

It is grand to view life as an orchestra playing symphonies under the leadership of a great master.   We can be lulled into fantasy or realms unknown to daily living, forgetting the significance of each individual instrument.  We can overlook the years of practice for perfection and the struggles forsaking attachments to life outside the great concert hall.

Lives are filled with harmony as well as discord.  Our minds are strengthened and expanded by the music of others.  We sift through wisdom, discerning the significance of the beat pertaining to our challenges, accomplishments, and worthiness of living.

The unfortunate are deaf to any kind of creative score,  They do not hear the story within the folk lore nor the rapture of a hymn.  The upswing of jazz or the drama of opera are lost to those who do not feel the rhythm in the soul.  The song does not burst from the heart of those who never listen.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Our Soul Waits

"I never knew anybody ... who found life simple.
I think a life or a time looks simple when you leave
out the details."
Ursula K. LeGuin  

The castle might look like a royal fest, but the chaos within the velvet lined corridors is not seen. The queenly smiling face might be hiding desperate fears and the curtsy may shade wounds beyond repair. To wish to be a princess deprives us from the path our soul is waiting to take.

Guidance can be a blessing unless it arrives with dominion.  To take pause, to notice how knowledge aligns with our destination, determines how many detours our life will take.  Our choices determine whether or not life will be a simple walk in the park or a treacherous climb through debris.

Avoid the criticism of others and clearly compose authentic choice.  Create a perspective that initiates personal growth enhancing the power of the self and others.  To fully extend our life experience, we step through illusions of separation and remove the barriers falsely presenting as threats.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Crevices Unknown

"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."
George R.R. Martin

Throw on your best walking shoes, grab a healthy snack, and allow your lovely self to be led to an unknown destination.  Trust the prompts surfacing in your random thoughts.  Are you being called to a sacred chapel in the woods or to the housing of an admired mentor?  Let your feet lead you to where you need to be whether it is a well trodden path or crevices unknown.

Settle in without an agenda.  Instead of bombarding the surroundings with endless thoughts, allow questions to arrive on your threshold.  Trust who is speaking whether animal, star or stone. Needless speculation only distracts you from the heart of the matter.

Wisdom surfaces when you are ready to hear.  Answers may not be immediate.  Hold in your mind everything that dances with creativity and curiosity.  These wisps of insight lead you to the next divide where once again you choose to let the lovely self be led.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Decipher the Difference

"When you are aware of who you are and why you are here experiencing the perceived chaos,
you honor yourself as the true change agent of all that is transpiring.  It is a simple shift in your 
focus that allows you know and clearly understand that your energy vibrations, thoughts and
emotional projections are influencing the field of possibilities.
Peggy Black

Overwhelmed by life situations or filled with fear by actions out of our control, we immediately strike a pose to best align ourselves inside and become grounded on the outside.  Whether we use prayer or meditation, we decipher the difference between listening to ego or being advised by the Divine.  If we place our naked feet upon the earth and breathe in all of nature, we stabilize.

We are not here to be soldiers to fight the good fight.  We are holding space to extend higher understanding of the need for compassion for all.  Each of us has the right to be the best we can be without harming one other.  

When we hear the calling of the Divine, our hearts will awaken to our  truth of equality, allowing our thoughts, words, and deeds to be shared through hands of love.  If we are not called to march or demonstrate in public arenas, we are led to ways for positive action in our lives to be examples of loving possibilities.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Midst of Emotional Risk

LL"Life requires taking emotional risks and when you do, the pay off can be big.  
At the end of the day it's about becoming fiercely strong in yourself, 
unwavering in your desire to build upon your tender base, 
and remembering that it is your sweet, vulnerable essence, 
that becomes your ultimate strength."  Kristin Fontana

When we tone down the ego, we recognize an inner voice that links us with our authentic self.  Ego no longer distracts us with negative chaos, and wisdom is released from our soul, cultivating our spiritual essence.

Our energies begin to vibrate and radiate out into the world.  Our extended goodness is well received by those around us.  This frequency generating sincere care for others is a transmitter to assist others in reaching spiritual connection.

To stand alone with our inner strength is a challenge in our materialistic world of chaos.  It is through example, however, of maintaining a sense of calm in the midst of emotional risk, that we can best display our strength.  By reflecting peace discovered within, we attract others moving forward for the good of all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Heighten the Divine

"Bowing has the quality of consciously evoking spirit
and conveys a sense of reverence for the people involved."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

I have been known to refuse to bow before a man, no matter what his professional title might be, as I would see this act of bowing as surrender or admittance to being lesser than.  Perhaps this is driven by ego or shaped by past experiences, but I choose to bow only to the essence of the Divine.

I will hastily remark that when I stand before individuals who radiate endless love and  unlimited acceptance, I eagerly lower my head.  In the presence of a misplaced person, I willing bend to show respect, hopefully  awakening his or her spirit.

I would lower my entire body to honor the sacred appearing in physical or non-physical ways.  All of nature I would bow before as it heightens the Divine within me.  Bowing is a reverent act provoking a spiritual connection, and recognizing the inner spirit residing in all whom God has made.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Masked In Physical Body Suit

"I had a sparkle that morning,
sparkle that originated somewhere deep inside me
and spread outward to my cheeks and eyes,
even it seemed, to the gleam of my hair." 
Irene Hunt

It is within the awkward moment of realization people are actually experiencing the radiant beam within our very being, that our energy ignites double fold.  We have grown our inner gleam, but in the privacy or our personal awareness, not in plain view of those surrounding us.

There are those who may back away, feeling our energy as harsh or unpredictable while others recognize our inner brilliance as they too are radiant beings.  Masked in our physical body suits, our inner beauty shines through as a gift of warm love towards all of mankind.

The small flame within is fueled over time by a deep spiritual connection with all there is and all there will ever be.  It is this beautiful light of timelessness and divinity that endures the human experience with intention to be present for those who may lose the way, the truth or the light.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Unexpected Guest

"Must you go?  I was rather hoping
you'd stay and be a ministering angel." 
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel 

Unexpectedly, a person enters our life stripping nonsense and materialism from our consciousness.  The very presence of the unexpected guest shifts our destinations and deepens our intentions.  They are like a good luck charm bringing a boost of confidence and inspiration.

The unexpected guest takes form as a mentor streamlining our focus or as an angelic presence stretching awareness.  Totems such as hawks or bears connect us with nature and reflects lessons spoken in unseen ways.  Spiritual guides arrive in dream time or prayer to lead us to higher consciousness.  

Challenges, whether brutal or uplifting, are roadsigns redirecting us in non anticipated directions.  The arrows encourage our feet to keep moving forward as time loses its meaning in the greater scope of understanding.   It is within this timelessness we grasp eternity. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Unquestionable Connection

"Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star.
It's dazzling, but the light is from tens of thousands of years ago.
Maybe the star doesn't even exist any more.  Yet sometimes that
light seems more real to me than anything."
Haruki Murakami

The windows to our souls divulge volumes of information when an other person is being fully present to the experience.  If we feel surrounded by trust and acceptance, our eyes reflect deep levels of connection while words are being shared.

To the more than casual observer, one sees beyond the mindless chatter streaming from the lips  and into the volumes piled beyond the eyes.  One might see a tiny flame barely moving or a brilliant light totally encompassing passion, wisdom, and holiness.

We are connected beyond time, experience, and consciousness.  We are stars reflecting all of the past, parts of the future, and meaning of the present.  Our eyes are portals of connection where we can fall deeply into understanding, unspoken conversations, and unquestionable connection.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tangible Outcomes

"People say nothing is impossible,
but I do nothing every day."
A.A. Milne

We strive to produce tangible outcomes, hoping to build personal value.  The greater the outcome, the more recognition, so we think, we will receive.  We physically demonstrate and mentally create with intention to become recognized.

With age, we begin to realize it is not what we 'do' in this world, but how we invest our essence into the greater scape of life.  We grow comfortable with 'being' and stretching our inner beauty to make this world a better place for all peoples.  

It is a challenge to discover 'who' we are authentically meant to be and it takes numerous attempts to blend our originality into the main stream.  The blessing is that we do not have to strive for tangible outcomes, as we simply need to discover ways to express our goodness.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The True Grit

"I don't care, you can't make me!"

What happens to the spunk of a child, the dare devil attitude and the freedom to be?  Does it get smothered in learning, defined by culture, and buried eternally?  I tend to believe our inner fortitude simply rests, waiting to be revived.

With determination, we can strengthen our backbone after years of suppression.  Our 'moxie' can once again flourish with creative expression.  Just extend the tip of the toe into unearthed magnetism and the jolt sparks ideas in the head!

Reclaim personal 'gumption' and with resolution wander off the beaten path.  Inhale the fresh air and be inspired to transform stagnant thoughts into magical visions.  Let nature reawaken the true grit of the soul and pave a new way of experiencing the world.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Swaddled With The Love of The Divine

"Melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night."
Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room

The rawness of the winter night drove me under an old quilt while the fireplace projected images of dancing flames.   The flicker of my candle light shifted form, reflecting upon my blank  journal page. The wind out side blew against the iced branches tapping upon my window pane.

The ice cold stillness brushed against my warm heart, stimulating a sense of loneliness.  Ill at ease, I put pen to paper and randomly sketched until I felt a connection with the page.  Words began to flow, releasing emotions out into the winter night.

Hibernation can be good for me, once I sweep careless thoughts from the stairway of my mind. Reaching higher levels calms my sparking nerves into bursts of imagination.  In the upstairs of my  mind, there is no room for melancholy, as I am swaddled with the love of the Divine. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Simple Recipe

"Everything has to evolve
or all else it perishes"
John Knowles, A Separate Peace

The unattended pot boils over and the plant withers without water.  The same can be equated to feeding the soul.  If we do not feed ourselves with wisdom, our minds will not grow.  If we do not tap into our  rich resources our originality quickly fades.

Success is reached by the act of following through, by not dropping the ball.  If we over think creative expression in any form, it turns into over churned pulp.  When our authentic perceptions are joined with additional ideas, we move closer to manifestation.

The simple recipe is to choose one well ripe idea, blend it with accumulated insights, and visualize the end product.  With mindful care, our manifestation will expand as far as our incentive projects. If we add too much heat it will burn, so remain attentive with creative intuition until there is a warm golden brown.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Authentic Creative Expression

"A creative man s motivated by the desire to achieve,
not by the desire to beat others."
Ayn Rand

It is wise to use energy in creating new landscapes. Although more difficult to depend upon inner ingenuity, we will discover a plethora of ideas boiling inside.  We can quietly sit with our original ideas and let nature, literature, or imagination carry us to an authentic creative expression.

Knowledge printed upon a page comes alive when we apply our personal understanding.  When we hear wisdom, it will resonate as it aligns with our inner belief system. As our thoughts become triggered by the words of others, we create new impressions to improve our thoughts, dreams, and goals.

When our efforts are for the good of all, we raise the hopes of humanity.  If our achievement is at the expense of another, our strides turn into steps of dwindling glory. When we knowingly harm others,   we circumvent our own progress.  Life is meant to be a gathered celebration of humans supporting each other during  personal journey.  

Monday, January 16, 2017

Thrive Again

"Let the world kiss you, sister.  Let the moment kiss
the most raw and tender spot in your heart until you
cannot help but surrender, open." 
Chameli Ardagh

Life can grind us into soft sand or pound us into grain.  It will take from us when we are most vulnerable and withdraw what little we have saved.  We can be stripped of honor and treated with disrespect until we are numbed down to the bone.

The purpose of endurance appears to be minuscule and strength disappears in the rain.  The sun turns the skin  into parchment and pain.  The cramped hand can no longer hold the pen, thoughts no longer thread together, and we barely remember our name.

When we turn our face one last time,  a simple kiss can bring change.   Hard crust is washed away by tears of joy, and our raw and tender spots are no longer inflamed.  The light of love shines through deep creases and heals our shame.  Open to love, and thrive again.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Glisten of Light

"Love glistens and blooms towards
the light of acceptance."

We will thrive if we fill our body, mind and spirit with acceptance.  We are humans guaranteed to make mistakes and disappoint.  It is part of the learning process, but so is love.  There is no need to do something special, although that is nice, to generate affection.  

Compliments are difficult as we mentally say, "If they only knew what I have done or said."  We harshly criticize our personal errors tainting what unexpected goodness comes our way.  We color love darkly with our hidden agendas and false beliefs.

If we allow ourselves to become flexible like trees bowing to the sun, we will become more generous towards our lovely selves.  With the slightest glisten of light, we are able to turn to one other and  offer the goodness to them.  Acceptance is the fuel for sparks to ignite.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Truth Untainted

"Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you.
They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help
you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion."
Jack Kornfield

Just for today, I am going to look at my past and view those who have hurt me with new eyes.  What profound lessons will I learn?  I will try to determine how I was responsible for allowing hearts to be broken and apply compassion accordingly.

Just for today, I am going to look at my future and visualize what dreams may come true.  What knowledge will I seek and how will it play out in my life?  I will position myself to be open and patient.

Just for today, I am going to focus on my present and zero in on each passing moment.  What adjustments do I need to make to see truth untainted by my perspectives?  I will capture nature's kisses as they flutter in the air like butterflies, dropping wisdom gently into my open heart.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy Ending

"You turned the page,
I burned the book."

One can visualize life as being one big book, but when life is lived to its fullest, volumes accumulate.   An individual might write a book about his or her childhood while another might write endless segments.   A person's life might be gathered in a few chapters, but a divorce or a death could fill volumes.

Around the New Year, many people create resolutions to live life more intentionally.  They turn a new page and "Voila!" ... all is fresh and new.  The idea of turning just one page simply does not convince me  of a thorough ending.   For me, there must be more in order to make room for the new.
While some may simply turn a delicate page, I find myself prompted to burn the book. I know all of my stories by heart, and it is time to let them go up in smoke.  It is only when my mind is once again pristine, I can author my happy ending!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Create the Way

"One thing:  you have to walk and create the way
by your walking you will not find a ready-made path."

When we follow a ready made path, life appears to be easier; but in fact, we may be following a lengthy detour.  Authenticity awaits our foot print upon the untrodden soil.  We will wander in numerous directions, acquiring the skills and insights to propel us further down our singular pathway.

Distractions appear as beautiful garden paths, and we may wander astray.  Boulders may temporarily block our progress until we discover a way to proceed.  In the midst of density, we hear our calling and feel our yearning.

The direction we travel is not important.  The length of our path is not pertinent nor the winding curves.  The importance is in how we gently place our foot upon the ground leaving our mark.  Will we crush the beauty around us or carry its fragrance to the end?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Rising and Setting

"For a seed to achieve its greatest expression,
it must come completely undone.  The shell
cracks, its insides come out and everything
changes. To someone who doesn't understand
growth, it would look like complete destruction."  
Cynthia Occelli

It is truly painful to have our hearts broken open repeatedly.  The pain can be debilitating and prevent us from our natural growth.  With deep roots, we seek the sun in spite of the rain.  We weather storms and find strength in survival.

Life wasn't meant to be hard and I don't believe in a punishing Lord.  Our reaction to challenge is driven by our perception ... victim, survivor, creator.  If we can maintain the resilience of a child, we prosper in finding the silver lining.

Every night is followed by day, while the moon floats and the sun rises.  We too pass through a cycle of rising and setting.  When we remove all fallacies of punishment, we create new healthy  beginnings and desires to succeed in spite of what befalls.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gift or Invasion

"To you, it was just picking flowers.
To them, it was a massacre."
please find this, I Wrote This For You

When I learned how to let energy flow through me, I also learned respect for privacy.  I was shown how well intended acts of my own were not necessarily welcomed.  My energy may have felt more like an invasion when not carefully offered.

Ego tricks us into thinking we know what is best for one other, but this is not true.  Our good intentions may interfere with a path a person needs to follow.  It is best to develop a sense of 'gifting' a person with positive energy and they can use it or decide to store it.

I do not know what is best, so it is not right for me to interfere.  This, however, does not give me permission to just sit back and ignore the hardships of life.  I can address your heart, saying, " Here is this gift of energy, use it as you may!"

Monday, January 9, 2017

Positive Vibration


"It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth,
how much money you have gathered or how much attention
you have received.  It is the amount of positive vibration you
have radiated in life that matters."
Amit Ray

Energy gathers matter and forms a physical body.  The body extends a vibration out into the world and everything in the world can feel our energy.  Our attitudes, perspectives, and judgments also carry an energy which can be positive or negative.

When our energy feels uplifting, we are welcomed by others.  If our energy is dark and heavy, others may not wish to embrace us.  We know that energy attracts like energy, so it is vitally important for us to remain positive and draw in beneficial aspects of life.

Every moment of the day we choose to feel good or depressed.  We choose what we feed into our minds ... good thoughts or negative remarks.  We choose who influences our minds ... inspiring friends or drama queens.  We must accept responsibility for our perspective of the world.  Life doesn't happen to us creating victimization.  We are willing components, choosing reactions to the challenges life bestows.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lead from the Heart

"Whenever you are self-conscious
you are simply showing that you 
are not conscious of the self at all.
You don't know who you are.

Life grooms us into a certain suit, and it is not always a good fit.  At first we may be eager to appease those around us, but eventually the suit becomes too tight and confining.  It is then we have choice to either burst out at the seams or shrink into the ill fit clothing.

Life is experiential and filled with possibilities.  We may have to try numerous articles of clothing  on before we decide on the best fit.  We may have to mix and match, borrow and redesign before we feel comfortable in our authentic style.  As we expand our service or life purpose, we may find ourselves wearing numerous outfits and a variety of hats.

When we are confident in who we truly are our focus is not upon what we wear or what others may have to say.  As we allow ourselves to be vulnerable in our birth suit, the opinions of others no longer penetrate our emotions or detour endeavors.  Ego is silenced and we lead from the heart.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Spark of God

"Through my love for you, I want to express 
my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of
humanity, and all beings." 
Thich Nhat Hanh

Within each one of us, we carry the Universe and the Divine.  These are reasons enough to completely love ourselves and then recognize the same in others.  Just as we love the ocean or the animals upon this earth, we begin to see the spark of God everywhere.

Think of the reflection we could create if in unison we viewed the brilliance in every living thing or if we viewed each object as alive and living.  If we allowed our predominant thought to search in recognition of love in each other, would our lives not be altered?

What if we took all of our efforts we use in protecting ourselves, and applied that energy to embracing others?  Would quality of living not increase for all and the impact flow out to everything existing around us?  Could we not try to replace negativity and fear with positive action and love? Can we alter or change, and if not why?

Friday, January 6, 2017

Acolyte or Master

"The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, 
plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds.  If you merely stroll through the garden, 
you are but an acolyte."
Vera Nazarian

Our life is a garden needing to be cared for and protected.  It is not meant to grow wildly without direction, but to be cultivated to reap the best rewards of growth.  The human potential is limitless and cannot be contained by picket fences.  Graceful stretching allows extension as our roots hold us deeply in place.

We are not always the best of gardeners.  Young sprouts are stepped upon before they have had time to flourish.  We over water or under nourish.  We are not mindful of the rabbits nibbling off the extensions of creativity as our ego directs us to stand in an orderly row. We are no more than acolytes.

We evolve into a  Master creatively planting ideas, dreams, and inventions.  We are richly filled with gifts and talents.  In time we learn to temper the wild rains of emotion and to protect our skin from the hot burning sun.  We are capable of harvesting great results if we but only try.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Bring Nature Inward

"To understand the immeasurable,
the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

The winter snow encourages me to bring nature inward, inside of me.  I don't want the connection  with trees, birds and clouds in the sky to be broken.  So silently, I sit in front of my fireplace, comfortable with candle flames dancing,  pen tucked in my journal, and my age worn quilt wrapped around me. 

Gently, I close my eyes and withdraw into silence beckoning nature inside.  Imagination takes over, creating beautiful birds, swaying trees and soft white clouds gently floating across the sky.  My spirit asks to fly with the bird, to perch upon a tree branch and to ride the breeze in the sky.

Creative exercises designed within our body, mind, and spirit offers the opportunity to remain connected with wisdom circles, spiritual guides, and offer open spaces for God to fill.  It is within these isolated moments we engage with the Divine strengthening our  connection on a cold winter's day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Magical Transformation

"Well now that we have seen each other,"
said the Unicorn, "if you'll believe in me
I'll believe in you."
Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass

In the UNIVERSE OF UNICORNS by Presley Love,  unicorns are described as magical beings, offering the power to believe that anything is possible.  They cross realms to assist in seeing the bounty of opportunities surrounding us.  These beautiful mystical animals not only make us aware of
events around us, but also encourage the wisdom in utilizing synchronicity.  

Unicorns encourage us to pursue our dreams.  They are known to facilitate information between the individual and the Universe.  Questions are asked and answers are received.  Seeing through our illusions, the Unicorn helps to discern our truth.

Whether an animal totem or a spiritual guide, the unicorn supports manifestation of our dreams into reality.  Inspired by the unicorn influence, we can surpass the ordinary and transition into the extraordinary.

***A glass Unicorn has been lovingly gifted to me.  I look forward to experimenting with this mystical creature to expand beyond my limitations and fears.  "The energy of a magical Unicorn  is similar to taking a wild ride upon a falling star. "

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Saturate Yearnings

"Live to learn to love.
Learn to love to live.
Love to live to learn
so that you may live 
the life that you yearn."
Rico Dasheem

Learning to love my self became possible after jumping hurdles and long distance running.   To live life fully required blood, sweat and tears.  Learning the art of letting things be, surrendering all  attachments and allowing life to unfold, nudged me to higher ground.

Every step of surrender teaches me how to love life without bitterness, regret, and sabotage.  The more I accept myself, the less critical I am with others.  Discovering value in my passions and dreams allows me to respect and honor what I have to offer out into the world.

The journey inward strengthens my spirit and heightens my vision of the deep beauty in life.  Nature and kindred spirits connect me with the power of being me.  Respecting and honoring who I am attracts the love I need and saturates my yearnings.

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Farmer Takes A Wife

"Don't look at me in that tone of voice!"
Dorothy Parker

Once there was a farmer who fell under the spell of a city woman's style.  He was mesmerized by her out spoken ways and tendency towards flair.  Intrigued is the best word to be used when he referenced her unusual ways of life.

So the farmer took the city woman to be his lawful wife and planted her in a field just like he did his corn.  Bit by bit, neighboring farmers began to complain about the wild weed and the tight knit family turned on their son.

The city woman's heart was disassembled out in the old barn.    She was told not to speak about her gifts and talents and her deeply embedded beliefs. She was instructed to stop being herself and to become like the rest.  Like the other weeds in the field, she withered and died.  

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Warmth of the Heart

"God is good to give us new day and New Years
since He knows we need so many times
to start over."  
Lacey Sturm

This year I have been blessed early with new beginnings.  My beautiful grandson entered the world and a new relationship unfolded.  I carry both of these loving beings into 2017 with hopes and dreams.

As I start over, I remind myself constantly, change must take place in order to avoid repeating the same errors.  Flexibility, respect for myself, and trust empower the previously wounded soul.  With every passing day, I feel healing and sense better tomorrows.

I encourage everyone to move forward with a new set of guidelines, reasonable expectations and no attachments.  Release what no longer serves, and welcome new ways and authentic people into the warmth of the heart.