Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Simple Recipe

"Everything has to evolve
or all else it perishes"
John Knowles, A Separate Peace

The unattended pot boils over and the plant withers without water.  The same can be equated to feeding the soul.  If we do not feed ourselves with wisdom, our minds will not grow.  If we do not tap into our  rich resources our originality quickly fades.

Success is reached by the act of following through, by not dropping the ball.  If we over think creative expression in any form, it turns into over churned pulp.  When our authentic perceptions are joined with additional ideas, we move closer to manifestation.

The simple recipe is to choose one well ripe idea, blend it with accumulated insights, and visualize the end product.  With mindful care, our manifestation will expand as far as our incentive projects. If we add too much heat it will burn, so remain attentive with creative intuition until there is a warm golden brown.

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