Friday, January 6, 2017

Acolyte or Master

"The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, 
plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds.  If you merely stroll through the garden, 
you are but an acolyte."
Vera Nazarian

Our life is a garden needing to be cared for and protected.  It is not meant to grow wildly without direction, but to be cultivated to reap the best rewards of growth.  The human potential is limitless and cannot be contained by picket fences.  Graceful stretching allows extension as our roots hold us deeply in place.

We are not always the best of gardeners.  Young sprouts are stepped upon before they have had time to flourish.  We over water or under nourish.  We are not mindful of the rabbits nibbling off the extensions of creativity as our ego directs us to stand in an orderly row. We are no more than acolytes.

We evolve into a  Master creatively planting ideas, dreams, and inventions.  We are richly filled with gifts and talents.  In time we learn to temper the wild rains of emotion and to protect our skin from the hot burning sun.  We are capable of harvesting great results if we but only try.

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