Saturday, January 28, 2017

Crevices Unknown

"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."
George R.R. Martin

Throw on your best walking shoes, grab a healthy snack, and allow your lovely self to be led to an unknown destination.  Trust the prompts surfacing in your random thoughts.  Are you being called to a sacred chapel in the woods or to the housing of an admired mentor?  Let your feet lead you to where you need to be whether it is a well trodden path or crevices unknown.

Settle in without an agenda.  Instead of bombarding the surroundings with endless thoughts, allow questions to arrive on your threshold.  Trust who is speaking whether animal, star or stone. Needless speculation only distracts you from the heart of the matter.

Wisdom surfaces when you are ready to hear.  Answers may not be immediate.  Hold in your mind everything that dances with creativity and curiosity.  These wisps of insight lead you to the next divide where once again you choose to let the lovely self be led.

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