Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tangible Outcomes

"People say nothing is impossible,
but I do nothing every day."
A.A. Milne

We strive to produce tangible outcomes, hoping to build personal value.  The greater the outcome, the more recognition, so we think, we will receive.  We physically demonstrate and mentally create with intention to become recognized.

With age, we begin to realize it is not what we 'do' in this world, but how we invest our essence into the greater scape of life.  We grow comfortable with 'being' and stretching our inner beauty to make this world a better place for all peoples.  

It is a challenge to discover 'who' we are authentically meant to be and it takes numerous attempts to blend our originality into the main stream.  The blessing is that we do not have to strive for tangible outcomes, as we simply need to discover ways to express our goodness.

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