Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Greatest Sadness

"The ego is a prison you have built around yourself,
and now it holds you captive within its walls."
Deepak Chopra

The Universe floods us with opportunities and many of them either go unnoticed or our ego puts the fear of God into the thought of change.  As our body, mind, and soul is not always in alignment, our advances in our creative persona might begin in one area where the ego curtails it from any sense of advancement.  When we take strides to quiet our ego, momentum builds opening all levels of desires, ideas, or synchronicities.

When we are able to discern the difference between self-esteem and ego, we can expand our understanding of purpose, growth, and fulfillment.  Recognition of blessings impact both our personal and professional world and increase our self-esteem where ego squelches the offering of an exciting life.

The greatest sadness in not reaching our potential is that we in truth have control.  We can fabricate stories that impede our progress, but when we rekindle our passion it can override the ego.  If we are held captive in a prison of our own making, we are sitting with the key or perhaps the door is not even locked.  Pledge allegiance to the goodness within, and experience positive vibrations occurring in an advancing life.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Never Apologize

"Never apologize for showing feeling.
When you do so, you apologize for the truth."
Benjamin Disraeli

We cannot help how we feel. If we swallow our emotions, our bodies store them in darkness, squeezing them together until they inappropriately erupt.  And of course our first response is, "Oh, I am so sorry!"  

Emotions portray our truth and although we are  not always able to immediately display our feelings, they must be addressed within a matter of time.  We can share how we feel with friends, creative expression, counseling or by screaming into a pillow.  

Feelings that we ignore on the mental level shift to the physical level to the point of creating disease within the body.  If we continue to ignore our emotions, they eventually present themselves in our dreams, often times as nightmares.  Never apologize for displaying despair, ecstasy, or empathy as it is an honest reflection of our beautiful self.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Options Become Limitless

"The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is love:
When love renounces all limits, it reaches truth."

We wear masks or create barriers in an effort to protect our hearts and to hide our vulnerability.  We may even pretend our feelings have not been hurt or act as though our world was unfolding in precision to our plan even though it is not.   

We cannot avoid pain in its entirety, but by responding with love we move through challenges with the least amount of devastation. We have the options to acknowledge and forgive or deceive ourselves losing integrity and self-respect.  

When we respond with love we have the awareness of the other person acting out based on what is happening in his or her life.  We do not take judgments to heart nor do we react with anger.  It is with love that the clarity of truth allows us to respond with understanding.  Through love, we see the bigger picture and our options become limitless.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Moving On Into The Light Of Freedom

"Every woman that finally figured out her worth, 
has picked up her suitcases of pride and
boarded a flight to freedom,
which landed in the valley of change."
Shannon L. Alder

When the desire to have something more challenging, in better alignment with our skills or lifestyle, we can be distracted by attachments to what we have already created ... dwelling, friendships, convenience, status-quo.  Fear of change has the ability to hold us in place.

When we make an adjustment in our lives, it does not mean we no longer love our current life.  It is not a judgment against the wonderful people with whom we associate.  Moving on pertains to evolving, serving, and becoming  more vibrant and purposeful.  It is forward action towards fulfillment.

When we gather the courage to create our heart's desire, we begin a journey of discovery.  To let go of the past makes room for a new future.  We move forward to be purposeful in using our abilities in a greater way to impact ourselves, others, and our world.  The frequencies of our energy lead us through the darkness and into the light of freedom.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Allow The Inner Muse To Play

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal 
and give strength to body and soul."
John Muir
The Yosemite

Whether our playground is a library, art gallery or movie theater, the result of the visit needs to nurture our soul.   We need to feel an excitement from the moment our toes cross the threshold continuing until the dread of leaving becomes reality.  Within our play, time is suspended and we become lost into other realms.  Our inner muse awakens us deeper into the creative crevices of the imagination.

Our playground might change from season to season.  We may wander inside or outside, focusing on the beauty surrounding us.  If the view from an apartment is stunted, open a window and let the wind carry messages into the heart.  If we travel by airplanes, buses, or trains, we can allow our eyes to gently blur the outside scenery to distract our overly active brains, while allowing  our subconscious dreams and fears to rise to the surface.

The concept of a personal playground trumps the actual physical space.  Do not wait for a trip to Maui or a get away weekend for a play date.  All one needs is the ability to gently close both eyes while allowing distractions to fall away.  There is no need to force an inner landscape or a particular mindset.  Just be still and allow the inner muse to play which will revive the body, mind, and soul.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Without Conflict

"Takes Two to Tango"
Song by Hoffman and Manning 1952

Life leads us to engage in numerous groups, and the gatherings may become the highlight of our calendar or a dreaded engagement.  A solution for replacing negativity with positive energy, without conflict can be easier than one might think.

Madisyn Taylor of THE DAILY OM suggests we choose a similar minded person from within the group and work together to continually shift conversations to a higher level.  When two people join forces for the positive, it is surprisingly more powerful than the actions of one.

When two people are united in lifting the energy of a group, conversation is easily led away from idle gossip or criticism.  The group shifts into more positive attitudes and unites the group; whereas,  negative focus separates and divides.  So do not give up or resign just yet!  Tag one other to be on the team of light and try to shape shift the atmosphere from dark to light.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sprinkle Encouragement

"Encouragement is like water to the soul,
it makes everything grow."
Chris Burkmenn

On the tenth day of rain, it is difficult to keep my heart from drowning.  I can muster praise for quenching the thirst of newly formed buds, but when is enough, enough?  When can this mud magically return to rich brown soil from the hot beams of the sun?

With a desire to eliminate the nausea from my swinging emotions, I agree to meet with friends.  No, not just friends, these are kindred spirits who ignore my edgy moods, and sprinkle encouragement generously upon my soul.  They administer warm hugs I want to last forever, squeeze my cold hands, and never  ever break eye contact mid-stream.  They comfort me until the churning has subsided.

Upon coming home, my cadence has returned and I am pulled forward by insight and desire.  There are countless reasons to be alive and numerous mysteries to be solved.  Passion returns and after hours of stringing fresh new words, the rains have ended.  Hopeful, I wait for the sun to appear!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Author Unknown

"It is strange how a scrap of poetry works in the mind."
Virginia Woolf

The ability to memorize words has always eluded me, especially if there were expectations of reciting them out loud.  To speak spontaneously was my strength, doing impromptu on any stage.  I was at ease speaking to a few, many or crowds.

A very rigid English Literature professor assigned his students to memorize a poem to be shared in front of the class, then followed by his interpretation.  He was well known for his insistence upon students understanding literature through his eyes and never one's own.  The author's reference was artfully overlooked.

It was a dark time for me, and I found myself unwilling to be made a target for the professor's folly. I knew I would not be able to memorize lengthy rhymes, speak with appropriate cadence, nor maintain composure under scrutiny.   So I chose a poem, easy to memorize, and not needing lengthy dialogue to be understood.  As I recall, it is the only piece of work I was able to memorize and recite from heart.  It went like this:

"Come, help flatten a raindrop."  
Author Unknown

Friday, April 22, 2016

Not Knowing Until We Forget

"The artist is no other than he who unlearns what he has learned,
in order to know himself."
e.e. cummings 

The heavily armored guard blocked the prestigious entry way, to the hallways of all knowing. Gruffly, he shouted, "Identify yourself!"  Hesitantly, I muttered my birth name.  "A name tells me nothing. Identify yourself," the muscled man barked.  Fact bearing information streamed through my mind, but I could not speak.  Confused, and threatened by the darkness of the night, I wandered away.

I hastened to the top of a large boulder.  I watched the moon sail across the sky and patiently awaited the rising of the sun.   I ventured to a near by stream sifting through my nocturnal contemplations.  Dipping my feet into the water's edge, I realized I knew even less about myself than when I first arrived. To calm myself, I listened to the birds singing their songs and felt the wind rippling through the thick branches of the trees. All concrete thoughts were gently blown away.

When I returned once again seeking safe passage into the hallways of all knowing, the burly man was no where to be seen.  I settled in to await my fate.  As the sun was setting, the guard returned and unlocked the gate.  His penetrating gaze fell upon my face and he broke into a great toothy grin!  "Now you really don't know who you are! Welcome, and come in!"

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Walk This Human Path

"Many Christians today are rediscovering prayer beads, prayer of quiet,
icons, contemplative sits, Taize chants, charismatic prayer, walking meditation
Zen chores, extended silence, solitude, and spiritual direction."
Richard Rohr

As a child, my prayers were read from prayer books or recited in groups during Sunday school.  Although I do not recall being instructed, I knew not to approach God one on one.  A priest, minister, nun or patron saint presented our prayer requests.  They had been cleansed and free from sin.  Such were my childhood beliefs.

As an adult, my spiritual discipline grew into diverse philosophies, cultures, and practises.  My faith burst from a confining position on my knees to a liberation of exploring the greater realms.  Rituals were  celebrated at gatherings with a reverence never before experienced.

While perpetuating union with the Divine, I have been able to bring spirituality into all aspects of my life no matter who is with me or where I might be.  My sacred bliss is not confined to Sunday services as it flows throughout my week.  My prayers have become one on one discussions or whispers of delight or chants during celebration or simply one with nature.  My life blends with Spirit as I walk this human path.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Owning Both Spiritual and Human

"When we become so abstract in our experience that the physical realm
becomes secondary, we dangerously dismiss and detach from our earth,
our ecosystems, our fellow humans, ourselves."  Sarah Smarsh 

We are drawn to spiritual realms to explore intimacy with the Divine; however, it is necessary for our daily lives to create a balance with enriched human experiences.   If we become withdrawn spiritually, we are escaping the reason for being present on earth ... to embrace the human experience.

The bliss offered to us through deep meditation allows us to temporarily escape the stresses of our reality.  Through serious contemplation or specific prayer, we are lifted from our immediate situation.  The spiritual realm is not meant to be an encompassing escape from daily life.

Ideally, we will discover and implement our spiritual beliefs into our human activities.  As we interact with the daily grind, we will strive to display spiritual behavior and conversations.  To be spiritual allows us to bring compassion and respect into a diverse world of humans, all created by the Divine Spirit, Universe, or Source we deem as our God.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Facing A Blank Page ...

"It's not things in themselves that trouble us,
but our opinion of things."

Requested to submit an article about a specific opinion, a pivotal awareness emerged within me. I was unable to respond with any sense of enthusiasm or commitment. My sentences would not link together and my words sounded conflicted. 

It was a subject matter that did not engage me emotionally, physically, or spiritually. I realized my opinion was not necessary. My opinion would boil down to gossip on a subject someone else was interested in.

If I can intelligently support a subject improving the life of one other, my passion summons perfect words.  If my work is requested to simply bolster a false sense of ego or to emphasize an unfortunate error, no one needs my input. Gossip harms all people involved.  I choose  strive to use my words carefully to uphold hope, recognize personal worth, and enhance life for all of us.  

Monday, April 18, 2016

Spiritual Weaving Into Secular

"The first prerequisite to Spirituality is ability to be connected
to mysteries without having to explain them."
Thomas Moore
A Personal Spirituality: Finding Your Own Way to a Meaningful Life

Thomas Moore's new book, A PERSONAL SPIRITUALITY: FINDING YOUR OWN WAY TO A MEANINGFUL LIFE shares thoughts about the mysteries of spirituality.   He refers to our culture as having a neurosis to explaining everything with fact finding research.  Also explored is our culture embracing mindfulness or meditation, but wanting to downplay the spirituality that accompanies it.

Our personal spirituality, borrows from other practises and traditions while remaining faithful to one's core beliefs.  The beauty of spirituality is the connection we feel to the mysterious realms without having to explain them.  The secular wants documentation, while spirituality focuses on connection.

Thomas Moore discusses how our world would be if would weave spirituality into the secular.  Not through force or specific religion, but by blending the spiritual with the secular:  business, money, medicine, sex and education.  As the physical body evolves, so does the spiritual.  Along with learning human development, aspects of the soul and spirit  could also be shared.  Perhaps this joined effort would establish deeper meaning in our lives from early on.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Gypsy, Hippie or Fairy ...

"She had the soul of a gypsy,
the heart of a hippie,
the spirit of a fairy."

She had the soul of a gypsy ...  I love to wander with all peoples, the more creative and unique the better.  I am intrigued by questioning minds and eclectic souls.  I am drawn to thoughts unlike my own to continue to capture the mystical aspects of life. 

the heart of a hippie ... I have the ability to feel comfortable with less, even after having more.  My connection with nature has been secured since childhood so bring on the flowers and let my naked feet dance.  Flowing garments of rich color conceal my body, so through my eyes is the way to see my soul.  

the spirit of a fairy ... I have a slight impish side to me, loving tiny tricks of delight and illusion.  My spirit can take flight on a tiny whim that expands and contracts all element of time.  Working behind the scenes where others might only catch a glimpse of me is where I am at my best.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Swing of Religion

"Some of the most exciting and fruitful theology today
is being described as the 'turn toward participation.'"
Richard Rohr

Exploring theology to become knowledgeable of varying belief systems is the first step. The second step is to take this gathered information and apply a belief system which deeply connects us to whom we label God.  The third step is the swing step, where we whirl our way back into a community to engage others in a sacred way.

Strengthening our belief system and actually putting it to use is the best possible action we can take.  We break the shell of original dogma and reclaim our oneness with the Divine, and it doesn't end there.  We share this oneness with all others through participation in supportive living.

The supply of loving kindness is for all of God's children.  It is to be used for all peoples no matter where they come from or what language they speak.  We are the caregivers of this earth and every creative aspect connected to it.  When we get the swing of it, we will participate with compassion in all of our thoughts, actions, and deeds.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Almighty Word

"Words are events, they do things, change things."
Ursula K. Le Guin

A loving word can save a person from emotional death, while a careless word can break a heart. A printed word can trigger a life changing experience, either in a detrimental way or in an enhanced realization.  Words have the power to elevate our spirit or to disassemble a life's dream.

The absence of the spoken word can create a suffocating silence or a sense of being invisible.  Retreat within leads down hallways of darkness in search of light.  There is time to sort through advice, memories and reprimands.  

Affirmations float into consciousness, bringing a minuscule stirring of hope.  Sifting through passages and deciphering desire from mandate, the craving to articulate expands.  Creative words begin to flow onto paper, into music, and the painter's canvas.  The new words may never be spoken, but they originate in the heart and are filled with compassion.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Resistance, The Common Barrier


"When we are at our most powerful  moment
we no longer need to be powerful."
Eric Micha'el Leventhal

As a spiritual warrior, intention is to empower others peacefully.  When we acknowledge and accept the gifts we have been born with, we no longer focus on the expectations of others.  Competition falls to the background as we begin to appreciate and encourage the abilities of others, as well as ourselves.  

Resistance is a common barrier.  As our own worst critic, we are hesitant to believe in our own strength.  It is difficult to step through the illusion of fear, but when we do we experience exhilarating aspects of freedom.  Freedom to gravitate towards who we were always meant to be.  

When we put an end to our external search of purpose, and excavate the brilliance within, we will be powerfully living an authentic life impacting the lives of others.  As we welcome the Divine to be present in every moment of our lives, there is no longer room for smallness.  We are empowered by the sense of being one with all things, breathing in compassion and exhaling love.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Magnolia Tree

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful;
for beauty is God's handwriting ~ a wayside sacrament."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Magnolia Tree is known for its numerous flowers and height.  The enclosed petals are layered with pink variegated colors and the tight buds resemble a tulip.  As the bud opens, more variation of color is displayed.  The flower turns into a gentle layering of beauty.  While the blossoms remain on the multitude of branches, the petals begin to change into delicate colors.  As the expired petals fall to the ground, they resemble gently falling snow.  As the beauty falls from the tree with elegance, the ground below is covered in a blanket of beauty and grace.

The Magnolia Tree is a symbol of strength and delicacy.  It is deeply rooted, graciously bends with the wind, and stretches towards the sky.  It beholds an abundance of beautiful flowers that gently fall as gifts to the earth.

The Magnolia Tree gives me hope that I, too, can be both strong and tender.  My roots run deeply into the earth and my branches also reach for the stars. Perhaps my gifts will sprout layers of color and gracefulness to bring inspiration and gratitude to any who happen by.  As I age, maybe I will leave an elegant, yet gauzy trail upon the hearts of others.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sacredness of Living

"Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it.  Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him."  Rumi

Until we slow down, our life is such a blur we do not see the messengers surrounding us.    At first glance, these may be small things, but when our hearts open to what was once transparent, we begin to see, feel, touch, and hear Divine Spirit.

Divine Spirit speaks to us through others, the written word, dreams, and simple knowings.  We can feel spiritual presence and observe angels working amongst us.  Until we unburden our hearts, emotional turbulence distracts us from these images.

When our hearts glisten with compassion, we begin to recognize the miracles in life. At times we can witness the unseen.  The beauty of loving unconditionally lifts us into a higher perspective where we can embrace the sacredness of living.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Unlatching The Gate

"I have accepted fear as part of life -
specifically the fear of change ...
I have gone ahead despite the pounding 
in the heart that says:  turn back ...
Erica Jong

If we do not allow change to enter our lives, we will remain gated in a dark garden. Without a breath of fresh air, we become stagnant, bored, and misdirected.  Fear is usually our barrier from moving forward.  When we bravely step through the illusion of fear, unlatching the gate, we are led to inspiring paths.

New insight brightens the paths that had been hidden in darkness or fear.  We discover options that will break the chains previously holding us in repetitive mistakes.  Clarity of thought allows us to have new perspective and a more positive attitude to proceed deeper into the garden of life.  

Steps we viewed with fear become massive imprints towards enhancement. The small thinking controlled by darkness transforms into a bigger picture offering hope, desire, and passion.  Dare to wander into the light of the garden, discovering amazing choices of how to courageously live life.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Turning Point

"Defensiveness is usually someone silently screaming that they need you 
to value and respect them in disguise.  When you look for deeper meanings
behind someone's pain you can then begin to heal not only yourself, but others."
Shannon L. Alder

When we ignore our emotional stress, it settles into parts of our body and produces pain. If we still do not address our growing dis-ease, the emotional and physical aspects can create havoc disrupting the natural course of our body.  When we become exceptionally defensive with others, it is a clear sign of our avoidance and denial.  Defensiveness is a flag, alerting both ourselves and others to our need for attention.

If we choose to have supportive friends and environments, we will be able to share our debilitating feelings without fear of judgment.  We honor ourselves by sharing our deepest fears and initiate healing.  By reaching for medication or addictive behaviors (sleep, alcohol, exercise, shopping, obsessive involvement), we may temporarily numb our pain, but it will not heal it until we address it full on.

It is normal to feel sad when we experience loss of any kind.  Depression is natures way of slowing us down to have time to readjust to changing circumstances.   When we dishonor ourselves by forging ahead without appropriate resolve, clinical depression can settle in.  When we take the time to explore deeper meanings behind our emotional and physical pain, we will find ourselves approaching a turning point in our journey.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Falling Apart

"Never be afraid to fall apart, because it is an opportunity to
rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along."
Rae Smith

Lessons continue to reoccur which we accept as part of living this human experience.  When the lesson is successfully dealt with, the learner would expect it to have been mastered and removed from the list.  The challenge, however, returns and misleads us using a different format and unfamiliar fonts.

Emotionally falling apart can be a cleansing.  We release numerous emotions from a variety of situations, and we crawl out of the debris stronger.  Our load has been lightened and with clarity we can create once again.  

If we only focus on the challenge itself, we can be extremely critical and regress into a sense of never propelling forward.  Instead, we need to look at the advanced knowledge we accumulate after the lesson.  We become more aware of sharpening our skills, making better choices, and prepare to embrace what lesson will next come. Recycling can be discouraging, but the finished product is worth the spin!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Amazing Energy

"You are amazing as you let yourself be.
Let me repeat.  
You are as amazing as you let yourself be."
Elizabeth Alraune

Let us pretend we are buzzing down a six lane interstate in our car with hands tightly gripped around the steering wheel as crazy drivers dodge in and out, risking the lives of others.  Together, we will take a deep breath, flip our turn signal on, and exit onto a random less traveled highway.  

As our speed reduces, our shoulders sink back down to where they belong and our neck becomes flexible again.  Our mind relaxes and it begins to notice the wind in the trees up and down the country road.   High above us birds are leisurely in flight, and the clouds are gently moving across the sky.  In the pasture to our left we notice a handsome horse stretching its mighty limbs while galloping with a sense of freedom.  

At the end of the road, we exit the car to sit in the meadow dotted with wild flowers.  The sun shines on our faces and as we sit upon the sacred ground, we begin to feel connected to all things.  Breathing in the pristine air, our body releases all stress and tension.  As we close our eyes, we begin to remember who we really are ... amazing energy capable of authentic contributions to our complicated world.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dream A Little Dream

"If you don't build your dream
someone else will hire you
to help build theirs."
Dhirubhai Ambani

When listening to the elders, we often hear about a life that may have prospered, but not in the direction of original dreams.  As the span of life shifts, allowing healthy years after retirement, we find numerous people revisiting and accomplishing their dreams.  

Our personal dream may change as we move through stages of life or it may survive the responsibilities and challenges we are called to face.  We might disregard the foolish whim or decide we were not capable of such a feat; but when the idea is sheltered, nurtured, and fed, it becomes real.

If a personal dream was recreated today, could it come to life? Would we lovingly tend to it, draw boundaries for necessary space, and follow it to fruition?  A dream such as: a small flower garden, community vegetable plot; learning a new art; or utilizing untapped resources within.  It is spring, time to dream a little dream ... and then make it come true!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Not Everything Is About Us

"What if people are doing the best they can?"
Brene Brown

We become annoyed with our family, friends or co-workers when they do not live up to our expectations.  At times we may believe they are irritating us deliberately which creates angst within ourselves.  Dr. Brene Brown is a researcher, speaker and author who thoroughly explores this topic.

While discussing empathy, compassion, and boundaries, Brene Brown inquires, "What if people are doing the best they can?"  We don't need to make their situation about us, taking it too personally.  The present moment is shedding light about them, offering us an opportunity to respond with understanding.  

When we replace judgement with kindness,  we actually feel better about ourselves.  We do not digest misplaced anger which distances us from others.  When we do not personalize the situation, we are able to be a witness the life in someone else's shoes.  Not everything is about us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mastering Transformation with Love

"When you live in this state of love, at the level of communion
where you let the Life get in and you let the Life flow out of you to others,
you are experiencing pure transformation."
Richard Rohr

To live in isolation might cultivate a sense of pure love, but to live in the world with the intent to exchange love heightens our daily experience.  It is astonishing to experience Divine Spirit on the inner plains of our being, but even more empowering when we share it with others.

If we shelter ourselves from the challenges of the world, we do not fully experience the expansive transformation which happens in union with others.  When we give what we have received, our joy is doubled.  Through this love exchange, we are all brought closer together dissolving barriers.

The challenge at hand is to fully develop an authentic sense of self filled with love while allowing others to do the same.  When everyone thrives in this state of love, there will be no profit in harming any other.  With acceptance and respect, we forge together aiming for the internal and external transformation that only love can master.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Instead of Hiding

"They knew as fully as they were known."
1 Corinthians 13:12

Our communication with the Divine is usually geared towards requesting guidance or favors.  We contemplate the magnitude of God and how this never ending energy permeates life.  Our focus is centered upon forming concepts and understanding all that is sacred.

It is additionally important for each of us to show the Divine how we are wielding our authenticity.  The Divine might appreciate a conversation reflecting how we are blending aspects of our lovely selves together.  It is powerful to stand before God in contemplation and say, "This is me!"

By allowing God to view us as we perceive ourselves to be can be very powerful.  Instead of hiding ourselves in shame or fearing God's disappointment, we can honestly present a clear presentation and experience acceptance.  The power of  'knowing' and being 'known' advances our spiritual journey.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Three Nice Things

"Three things in human life are important:
the first is to be kind;
the second is to be kind;
and the third is to be kind."
Henry James

Disrespectful comments take more energy, than just expressing goodness.  We are not helping any one when we  reiterate their wrong doing, driving home once again the error of their way.  Allowing our own anger to be triggered just fuels the flames for further damage.

What if we had to say three nice things about a person before allowed one criticism?  How would attitudes shift and self esteem prosper?  There are times we need to honor ourselves by voicing a complaint, but when we express ourselves, how much better will we be heard if we choose kind words?

Correction can be more effective when we involve others:  I need assistance, will you help me? Can you show me a better way?  What strategy can we create together to meet both of our needs?  These questions reflect respect for the other person which will enable them to respond favorably.  When we choose kindness, we feel better about others, and also about our lovely selves as well.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Straight To The Heart

"Women instinctually know how to nourish each other,
and just being with each other is restorative."
Tanja Taaljard

If a woman allows herself to be vulnerable, she can experience deep rooted relationships.  When a woman allows others to be openly authentic with her, relationships are enhanced.  Together, women experience exceptional bonds, unbreakable by challenge, time, and death.

The feminine side of a woman is compassionate and endearing.  Her thoughtful words and self-less actions can wrap a defeated person in a blanket of emotional warmth.  Her masculine side is easily displayed in the midst of chaos or harm to a loved one.  She will move mountains, engage additional support, and orchestrate security.

A woman cares about others by holding them in respect and loving them without judgment.  Her open arms extend comfort and the generous hugs drain stress away.   She is capable of creating a connectedness with others that is felt rather than seen.  "I see you," she says.  And indeed, she penetrates beyond masks, denial, and fear, straight to the heart and into the core of all that matters.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Worthy of Thought

   "Millions of women, dead and gone,
are speaking through us today."
Matilda Joslyn Gage, 1880

Words of our grandmothers or mothers linger in our memories.  They register within us because we either strongly supported them or were on the opposite side of the fence.  The women who surround us impact our lives, and if there were no women gathering near us, that too impacts our lives. 

Women of today have been breaking the mold.  Some have chosen a career over starting a family, and some have started their family later in life or in addition to dedicated careers.  Changes like wearing business casual replaced nylon stockings, dresses, and hats.  We have entered fields of study where no woman dared, before.  Not only have we found our voice, we have mastered the use of it. 

Women of today have a greater sense of their purpose which is not servitude.  We are recognizing choice in spite of preconditioned expectations.   Changes are still forthcoming in respect of equal wages or opportunities, age limitations, and support to suffering women in other countries.  The momentum is moving forward.  How does this apply to our own life?  What personal steps are we implementing to enhance ourselves? What message have we chosen to reflect to children or sisters of the world?  Worthy of some thought, I'd say.